Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 84 Another Attack

With Du Ziteng's order, Jingyang still didn't know what to do. Jingyang took the opportunity to say, "Boss Du, to be honest, Shen Shiyan still has a certain standard. Therefore, if I go alone, or even with the two bodyguards last time, I'm afraid it's not easy to take him down. Therefore, my suggestion is that if possible, I don't know if I can borrow your personal bodyguard. Ha ha, of course, if Boss Du has other uses, I dare not ask you to give up. But, isn't this just delaying your business? Hey..." Jing Yang's words were nominally for the sake of Du Ziteng's affairs, but he was secretly a little unconfident and not confident to confront Shen Shiyan head-on. On the other hand, Jingyang talked about doing things for Du Ziteng, which was nothing more than hoping that he would get a lot of rewards after doing things well.

As for Du Ziteng, who has inherited the family business of the people's workshop for many years, has been struggling in the social circle at home and abroad in Dali for decades, and there is no place to hear anything in Jingyang dialect. However, with his deep intentions, he did not directly break Jingyang's intentions. Instead, he turned around and looked at Jingyang two or three eyes with deep intentions. Then, he patted Jingyang on the shoulder and secretly added some strength. Du Ziteng said, "Brother Jingyang, since you joined me a while ago, I really haven't tried your skills and skills? Ha ha, I didn't expect that today, just this sentence will make me see your loyalty to me and your quick mind. Hey hey, in that case, I shouldn't give in, right? Okay, here I will make a promise to you: as long as you can successfully pass through Shen Shiyan and learn the secret between Yu Zhongjian and him, I will give you the position of shopkeeper in the lobby on the first floor of the People's Square.

The position of "lobby shopkeeper" immediately caused Jingyang's blood to surge. You should know that the People's Square is the first inn in Dali, and it is also backed by many senior officials in the court of Dali. Otherwise, how can the People's Square attend the major meeting of the ten families as one of the six NPCs? As for this lobby shopkeeper, although it is not a big position, the oil and water in it are also quite rich. If Jingyang can take down this position, he won't have to go out to practice monsters every month, and he doesn't have to be busy inside and outside. He just sits in the store and waits for 30 taels of silver to be distributed once a month. That is to say, Jingyang, who used to do nothing, can now receive a full salary of 6,000 RMB per month. Thinking of this, Jingyang quickly received Du Ziteng's order and immediately chased to Shen Shiyan's lane with two 25-level personal bodyguards.

At the same time, Shen Shiyan, who was walking in the lane at this time, saw the poor people in this alley, and now he is watching Shen Shiyan's every move. Seeing these poor people, Shen Shiyan can't help but think of those people with low incomes in China in reality. At this time, there were more than 100 families in the whole lane. Most of them are very ordinary people, depending on the size of their families and their clothes. As for the other more than a dozen families, although the door is relatively wide and there is a small door, their children are still children of other families and are also playing together. Seeing this situation, it is naturally not difficult for Shen Shiyan to know that the living standards of these more than ten families are just slightly higher. According to the historical records of China and the modified design of the Tianmen game, Shen Shiyan estimated that the average monthly income of people in Dali City should be between two and five taels. As for the people in this lane, I'm afraid there will be a discount. If they can reach one or two to three taels, it is already a relatively rich life.

And those children who are playing are also chasing while paying attention to Shen Shiyan passing by. Until Shen Shiyan walked to the center of the street, a bold boy inside became interested and came to Shen Shiyan to know who he was. I saw a boy who was only ten years old with a lot of dirt on his face. At this time, the boy ran to Shen Shiyan and boldly asked, "Hey! Are you also the kind of person sent by the Duan family to monitor us? After asking this, the boy immediately retreated five or six meters quickly, followed by other friends. When there were enough partners around him, the boy asked Shen Shiyan again, "Hey, that man, are you the second prince of the Duan family, the kind of person sent by Duan Yi to monitor us? Tell me, be careful what you don't say..."

Unexpectedly, after listening to the boy's question, Shen Shiyan was stunned, and then saw that there was a hidden situation in the boy's words and his expression. What does this mean? Am I the person sent by the Duan family to monitor them? It also involves the second prince of the Duan family. What is Duan Yi? No, you are just the poorest class in Dali City. How can there be royals to monitor you? Besides, I'm just a passer-by. How can I listen to the instructions of the second prince of the Duan family and Duan Yi to do these things? However, listening to them say this and the serious expressions of these children, is there really any plot in it? Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan first smiled gently, and then asked these questions with a smile.

After hearing Shen Shiyan's question, the boy's face was clearly distrustful, but he was afraid of the other party and did not dare to say it directly. After a while, inspired by other friends, the boy summoned up his courage again and came to a place with a pillar in front of Shen Shiyan. And his friends grabbed stones, bricks and half a piece of wood and came behind the boy together to confront Shen Shiyan, who was shining with the white iron sword in his hand. With the help of the protection of the pillar, the boy told the truth, but there was still a lot of distrust in his tone: "... Don't lie to us. Don't think we are all children. In fact, we have seen people like you many times. Also, don't act rashly. More than 20 children here are besieged together. Even if you are a master of Dali, you can't easily break through our encirclement. Of course, if you are really not the person sent by Duan Yi, our children in Ping'an Lane will not hit you as an unaffable person by mistake!"

This speech only made Shen Shiyan laugh and cry. He was depressed, but he was also paying attention to the children's expressions. Thinking may involve various disputes between the royal family of Dali and these poor people, and Shen Shiyan can't help but think of various situations in reality. Is it possible that there are also dark phenomena such as urban management beating people, forced demolition and so on in Dali in the game? Otherwise, why are these children full of strong resentment for Duan Yi and others in their tone, and also very afraid? It seems that most of them are like this. I can't have any conflict with these innocent children later. Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan immediately showed his identity as a passer-by again, and even took back the white iron sword into the package for the sake of peace.

It was not until Shen Shiyan acted like this that the nervous look of the group of children decreased a little. The boy's tone was also much bolder: "Is that right? Are you really not the person sent by Duan Yi's son? Oh, if it's really not, then we don't have to worry too much. You don't know that these days, in order to demolish our street, celebrate the emperor's birthday, and build a 'longevity street', Duan Yi's son has sent several groups of spies to scare us here. Since you are not his subordinate, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible, so as not to know when Duan Yi's spy will be suspicious of you if he finds you with us after coming here. All right, let's not say much. Our children still don't trust you very much, so I'm sorry, so I have to ask you to turn to the exit of the street and get out quickly!" While saying these words, more than 20 children led by the boy immediately picked up the "weapon" in their hands, shifted their positions step by step, and finally came to four or five meters behind Shen Shiyan.

Looking at the childish but resolute look of these children, seeing the stones, wood blocks and so on in their hands, Shen Shiyan had to obediently turn to the exit of the roadway. With the countdown of the children, Shen Shiyan gradually accelerated his pace and gradually disappeared in front of their eyes. When Shen Shiyan was already at the far end of the alleyway, the boy lost courage and immediately fell to the ground with half of the wooden stick in his hand. When the other children saw this situation, they said dissatisfiedly to the boy, "Di Xiaoxing, are you also so afraid of those adults? Ha ha, don't you often talk about it? Did your uncle Di Xiaodao teach you martial arts? Now, how can you meet a player who doesn't look good and behaves like such a combat effectiveness? Humph, let's go. We will never believe this brag boy again.

After saying this, the other children immediately made a few faces at Di Xiaoxing, and then left here one after another and returned to their home. As for Di Xiaoxing, who was despised and abandoned by his partners, he picked up the half of the wooden stick on the ground. Thinking of the experience of Uncle Di Xiaodao, my heart is even colder. Facing the back of Shen Shiyan's departure, Di Xiaoxing couldn't help comparing him with his uncle: "... They are all very mature and calm men. Unfortunately, you are not my uncle... And my uncle is now imprisoned by the emperor's men. Otherwise, it would be Duan Yi's spies to make trouble in Ping'an Lane. At the same time, my friends, how can they treat me like this..." Speaking of the last half of the sentence, Di Xiaoxing knelt on the ground powerlessly. After several times of pain, he had to stay alone in the alleyway alone for more than an hour. Until dusk, he finally dragged his hopeless body and mind and walked back to the home where only his grandmother was accompanied.