Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 86 Another Attack

This sound is "Please...!" After that, Shen Shiyan had sent a message to the three brothers of the Tie family. When the three brothers of the Tie family, who were training in the field, were also receiving this message, they were also being severely tortured by the three heads of the Tie family. In the temporary station of a player belonging to Tiejiabao, the three leaders of the Tiejia in Guanzhong are ruthless, hateful and impermanent, dressed in blue, which is the color of Mingjiao's level 15 equipment. At this time, the iron eleven, iron twelve and iron thirteen brothers who were being questioned were arranged on the three stools below. After hearing the story of the three brothers of the Tie family about Shen Shiyan, Tie Wu, as the second leader, had already taken the lead in scolding angrily: "The three of you have hidden it from us for half a month!" Do we still have three old guys who exist in this iron castle? The three of you have been avoiding the game arrangement of the three of us for an irrelevant outsider. Hey, it's all right now. You have worked hard and it's only less than level 7. Are you three really good at doing things?

Hearing that the second brother was so angry, Tie Wuchang immediately persuaded him politely, and then scolded the three brothers of the Tie family and said, "You are too bold. I really don't know what to say about you! Alas, you should know that among the top ten families, our Tiejiabao ranks 10th. All this, just because the quality of recruiting disciples in Guanzhong Tiejiabao has been getting worse year by year. The three of you are good. You don't do it with your own dignified position, but you secretly entered the game to practice. Is it all right now? The level is so low that there are few pieces of equipment. The most ridiculous thing is... to give pocket money to Shen Shiyan's players... Do you really think that Shen Shiyan's ability is so great that he can return your 50,000 to 60,000 yuan soon? It's ridiculous. If it's ten years, with my temper, I will immediately waste the martial arts of the three of you and let you start practicing martial arts again. Humph!"

These words are more harsh than Tie Wuheng, but Tie Wuchang's statement is actually for the benefit of the three brothers of the Tie family. Just because after Tie Wuyu and he criticized the three brothers of the Tie family so severely, the biological father of the three brothers, that is, the iron and ruthless head of the Tiejiabao, will not burn the tar again. Sure enough, after the second brother and the third brother finished speaking, the boss also smiled secretly in his heart, and then the indifferent look on his face melted more than half of it. The three brothers of the Tie family respectfully waited for their father's scolding, and they didn't expect that Tie ruthlessly didn't say half a cruel word. I glanced at my second brother and third brother, and his eyes conveyed the meaning of the past. It seemed that the two of you were very good at acting in front of the children, hehe. If it hadn't been for the fact that you two have used this move too many times, I'm afraid that I would be ruthlessly infected by your harsh words and finally let go of these three unpopular things. Alas! That's all. I think that my iron family has inherited it for hundreds of years, but in the past few decades now, it is inferior to one generation. By their three generation, the fifth disciple of "ben lei quan fa" has been blessed by their ancestors and loved by God.

Seeing that his eldest brother looked so gloomy and sad, Tie Wuchang immediately changed his words to the three brothers of the Tie family and said, "Look, you three disappointing things actually made your father angry like this? Why don't you kowtow and plead? Your father has worked hard to cultivate you for 18 years. How about now? You actually united, broke his heart and failed him. Hey! As the saying goes, it's not my father's fault. In fact, why are our two uncles not at all wrong? It's only strange that the two of us are not strict enough to discipline you, and now we have made you make such a mistake. He almost let the people who fell with a sword know the secret of Tiejiabao. You said, if you are really punished now, I'm afraid that everyone will hit a hundred boards, and they can't compensate for this loss..."

Unexpectedly, Tie Wuheng and Tie Wuchang's words were not finished, and they could no longer stand the ruthlessness of the two of them blatantly pgging for their three sons. At this time, they immediately interrupted their rhetoric. After a few simple and powerful scolds, Tie ruthlessly reprimanded his three sons, and then officially talked to his second brother and third brother about Shen Shiyan and Yu Zhongjian. At this time, the heart-wrave iron ruthless, in the face of iron hatred and iron impermanence, but told a major secret related to Tiejiabao. Tie Wuqing said helplessly, "Second brother and third brother, I'm afraid you can't maintain those three unclimatic things like this in the future. Because I have some shocking news to tell you. That is, in another half a year, that is, in early March 2016, the West Kunlun faction will send people to buy the industry around Tiejiabao in Guanzhong..."

Back to Shen Shiyan, the technical PK between Shen Shiyan and Han Bao has gone through the fifth move. Shen Shiyan, who was sweating profusely, although his strength has been reduced by most of his strength, he still persisted. Relying on this transformed white iron sword, Shen Shiyan and Han Bao had five frontal confrontations in just a few hours. Unfortunately, except for the second time he took an opportunity to pick out a blood hole in Han Bao's shoulder, the other four rounds ended with him spitting a mouthful of blood. Shen Shiyan, who was fierce in his heart, followed this pause and quickly recovered his health and true qi. But in his eyes, he did not leave Han Bao in front of him for a moment. I thought about it several times: This Han Bao is indeed an extremely brave swordsman. If you compare him with Xu Yong, who once killed me, the latter is simply an insignificant worm. And Han Bao, who is good at the ghost-headed knife, is a first-class swordsman in the true sense.

You should know that in the five rounds just now, Shen Shiyan used all his strength, as well as all the techniques and PKI skills, but the results of each round made Shen Shiyan quite disappointed. In the first round, Han Bao directly launched a fast and powerful attack with the help of the knife spirit of the ghost-headed knife. In response to such a hard-resistant way of playing, Shen Shiyan immediately used it in a skillful way. Under his feet, the gossip footwork was carried out, and the internal body protection skills were activated. Shen Shiyan was doing a circular movement ahead of Han Bao, so that the distance between him and Han Bao was always maintained four meters away. In this way, no matter how frighten Han Bao's knife spirit is and how fast the knife force is, he will never be able to attack Shen Shi. On the body of words. However, Shen Shiyan himself can have the advantage of light power. Every five seconds, he can launch a powerful internal attack.

In this way, although every internal attack can't kill too much health value of Han Bao, it can also guarantee that it threatens a critical part of Han Bao every time. In this process, Han Bao will never be able to avoid it every time. In the end, he was hit by three or four sword gas damage, but the provoked damage value was very low. Looking at "2!" floating over Han Bao's head 5!" Shen Shiyan couldn't help smiling bitterly and said: Although I guessed that Han Bao's level was much higher than me early, I didn't expect that now my internal power attack exceeded 1,000, and with this white iron sword, which has greatly increased in power, is a total of 1,500 points of internal power attacks, but it can only scratch others. Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan accidentally revealed a flaw for half a second. However, for Han Bao, who often lives on a knife, this half-second of flawed time is enough for him to seize the great opportunity to launch more than 2.5 attacks.

After seeing a violent green knife, the ghost knife in Han Bao's hand immediately turned into a false and real killing weapon. Just when Shen Shiyan was alert and wanted to retreat, Han Bao had already charged his place with knives. At this time, I only saw a strong wind blowing from the side of Shen Shiyan. By the time Shen Shiyan reacted, he was already hit by this strong wind in an open space of seven or eight meters away from other places. Sitting up slowly, Shen Shiyan glanced at the mouthful of red blood on the ground next to him, and then looked at his attribute value. He immediately knew that Han Bao's move "Changhong Guanri" just now was actually going to his 350 health points. Seeing the last ten health points, Shen Shiyan didn't know that he should be lucky. Han Bao didn't be able to kill him with one knife? Or should he complain that Han Bao did not kill him with a knife, so that although he did not die on the spot, he had to get up and play the next round with Han Bao?

And in the remaining four rounds, except for the second time Shen Shiyan's repeated injury to Han Bao's shoulder, each of the rest of the rounds was ended with Shen Shiyan being hit hard and stood up with blood. At the end of the last sentence, it goes without saying that Shen Shiyan was depressed, and even Han Bao could no longer stand it. He, who is fond of martial arts, will finally carry out Du Ziteng's orders at this time. The ghost-headed knife was full of green light. Within 25 seconds, Han Bao united again and gathered a terrible knife wind, sweeping away to Shen Shiyan like a tornado. At this time, Han Bao actually still maintained seven or eight points of power, so if this attack comes to Shen Shiyan again, then the second record after the latter's rebirth will be born.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, Han Bao suddenly had another idea in his mind: If he didn't kill this boy this time and bring him back to the people's workshop with serious injury, wouldn't he be able to often discuss this martial arts of sword fighting with him in the future? Thinking of this, the ghost knife near Shen Shiyan's chest was pulled back by Han Bao. All of a sudden, Han Bao was shocked by his internal strength. What's more, Shen Shiyan, who seized this opportunity, quickly stabbed eight sword flowers on Han Bao's right chest. After separating their figures, Han Bao, who covered the wound, turned around and went back.