Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 93 Yimei Xue Miaomiao

When I saw the old dean look like this, it was clear that it was sweet and sour, and bitter in sour. It should be known that for more than ten years, the old dean has never received any financial assistance with these children alone. The children also know that every time the old dean goes to the government for help, those red-faced and fat guys not only do their duty at all, but also said in a mocking tone, "Yes! Old gentleman, you are so benevolent and righteous, how can there be no one to help you? As for our place, there is really no funds! Haha, look, even my director has to save some public gas bills when I go out.

When the old dean argued, the director became even worse: "You dead old man, speak carefully! Who didn't fulfill his duties as an official? I'll go to you thirty-three! Even if you ask for ten days and a half months of steamed bread for those children, I won't pay attention to you. Get out, get out, get out! Get out of here. This is the economic era, the era of competition, and the era of the rise of the strong and the decline of the weak. In the end, the old dean had to come out and face more than a dozen orphans, pretending to be indifferent and saying, "My children! Now people don't care about us, but please remember this, but we have to take care of ourselves. So, if you are ambitious now, go to the construction site with me for a day's work. After finishing the work, we can all have a full meal. Do you want to go?" After saying that, the old dean took the lead, and the children who did not want to give up immediately followed. Some fell, their faces were covered with mud, and they immediately got up and forward. Some of his feet are short, and others take him forward. For more than a decade, it has not been the old deans who have inspired them so much that they can grow and mature step by step.

patted the old dean on the shoulder. Although Shen Shiyan was still relatively introverted at this time, he also said comfortingly, "Old dean, don't worry, we will definitely fight. I, I am a freshman in high school now. In the future, in less than three or six years, I can come out to earn you money to repay you. Wait, look, ten words will not be lost to others. After hearing Shen Shiyan's plausible comfort, the old dean grinned and smiled. Then he scraped his head and held him in his arms, but he muttered to himself, "Alas! These silly girls, where do you know what's wrong with me? Now I'm nearly 60 years old, but I don't know if my son has grown up happily like you. Alas!"

Shen Shiyan came to his senses and saw the bus arrive at the station. He immediately got out of the car and boarded the bus to Changde No. 1 Middle School. At this time, it was past 3 p.m., and there were fewer people on the bus. Moreover, after arriving at Changde No. 1 Middle School, there were still 20 minutes left. Shen Shiyan simply took a nap in his seat and took a nap. In my sleep, I seem to recall the childhood I spent with Xue Miaomiao. I only remember that Xue Miaomiao, who was also thin and bullied at that time, only had one or two girls to play with her. Later, as she became more and more silent and bullied by others more and more frequently, the two girls also left her knowingly. It was not until one day that Shen Shiyan assembled a shabby robot for her that Xue Miaomiao and Shen Shiyan established a different relationship from outsiders. And this is also the knot that has troubled Shen Shiyan for many years in his previous life and present life.

On the surface, Xue Miaomiao is Shen Shiyan's sister-in-law, who is protected and cared for by the latter all the time, and Xue Miaomiao has always cared about her brother. In the eyes of outsiders, their own closeness is as close as their own brothers and sisters. When there is a good thing, Shen Xue and the two share it together; when there is a difficult problem, Shen Xue and the two share it together. But in my heart, not to mention Shen Shiyan's strange feelings for Xue Miaomiao, but only about Xue Miaomiao's subtle feelings for her brother. As he grew older and became more and more psychologically mature, Xue Miaomiao involuntarily had feelings for Shen Shiyan beyond friends and more than his adoptive brother and sister. As a girl, she soon realized that she was not so much attached to Shen Shiyan as that Shen Shiyan was the closest, trusted and caring person in her life. And this "three most" is exactly the two words that people often say, love.

On the contrary, Shen Shiyan, who is psychologically late and mature, and has never paid much attention to these details. When he was a sophomore in high school, he found that Xue Miaomiao's concern for himself was indeed something similar to that between young girls in puppy love. At this time, he didn't know how to deal with it. If he is talking about Xue Miaomiao as a simple brother-in-law relationship, he also knows that he is not such a pure idea in his heart. If he is Xue Miaomiao as his girlfriend, he clearly knows that his ideal girlfriend is not Xue Miaomiao. Perhaps as the truth says, there can be no so-called heterosexual friendship between men and women, especially at such an eager age. Unfortunately, Shen Shiyan, who can't express or deal with emotional problems, has always dragged this non-loved relationship in his previous life. Until now after rebirth, he doesn't know how to face Xue Miaomiao's love. Can I ignore her? Obviously not; can I accept her? It doesn't seem to have reached that level.

After a few minutes, he woke up from the break, and Shen Shiyan still had no definite answer. After getting out of the car and coming to the gate of Changde No.1 Middle School, Shen Shiyan took a few deep breaths of cold air, which threw away all the thoughts just now. Now the most important thing in my heart is not how to face Xue Miaomiao's love, but to see this sister-in-law as soon as possible. After walking to the doorman's office and registering his name, Shen Shiyan sat here waiting for the doorman's notice. Changde No.1 Middle School is the only provincial key middle school in the region, so the doorman management is very strict. Generally speaking, during the class, if outsiders want to visit students, they must check their ID cards and register their names as a memo record.

However, Shen Shiyan came to the doorman's office, but simply went through the registration procedures, and then he could go into Xue Miaomiao's classroom by himself. First, Shen Shiyan once studied in Changde No.1 Middle School, and he was one of the two students in those years, so the doorman had some impression of him. Second, it is because the doorman has replaced a director, who himself comes from the underworld class. Therefore, under the regulations of this director, the visit registration of outsiders has been relaxed a lot. Therefore, now Shen Shiyan passed the doorman's pass very easily and quickly came to the four teaching buildings.

Changde No.1 Middle School has a long history, so the four teaching buildings are also new and old. Among them, the Lingzhi Building, located in the east, was newly established in 2013 and is specially used for junior and senior high school students. The fifth and fourth floor in the west is naturally the oldest teaching building. The fifth floor was built in 1958 when Changde No. 1 Middle School was founded. After decades of ups and downs, today's fifth and fourth floor,

The back of the building is already full of mountain tigers, and the front of the building is also old and mottled with many moss. In his three years of high school in his previous life, Shen Shiyan spent two years in the fifth and fourth floor, and the following year in the Juyun Tower in the south. As for the peak building in the north, it is the administrative building of the whole school. The five-story peak building has been renovated and decorated more than 50 times from 1967 to 2015. From classical style to modern style, from modern style to abstract style, from abstract style to classical style, the reason is naturally the different preferences of principals. It is estimated that the renovation and decoration costs of the peak building over the years have been less than eight digits.

This time is about 3:30 p.m., which is also the end time of the first class in the afternoon of Changde No. 1 Middle School. Taking advantage of this ten-minute break, Shen Shiyan came to Class 2015 (2) on the second floor of Juyun Building in a few steps. At this time, students of all grades, after a busy class, came out to the corridor to breathe fresh breath. Chatting, flirting and flirting. What's more, he even ran to the playground below and trotted. Shen Shiyan saw it seriously. Most of the people who trotted on the playground were the most stressed senior students. 2015(2) Outside the class, there are also more than a dozen male and female students playing, watching their mutual jokes, as well as their ambiguous faces and various movements on their limbs, but Shen Shiyan knows that the physiological age of these people is far greater than their psychological age. When Shen Shiyan looked at them, these first-year high school students also kept paying attention to Shen Shiyan.

When Shen Shiyan found a slightly serious student and asked him to call Xue Miaomiao, the boys and girls with yellow hair nearby muttered behind him and pointed out. One of the tall girls, with a scar on her face and a cheap cigarette, seemed to be their boss, so her voice was also the loudest: "Yo, haha! Look, which class of boys are you in? Come to our excellent class to find Ma Zi? What? Haven't you seen him? How can it be! There are 18 classes in our school. Which class have we never seen? Oh, it turns out that he is not a senior in high school. Is it the second year of high school, the third year of high school and the third year of junior high school? Isn't it the second day of the first lunar month? Yo ha ha..."

When the scar girl said this, she couldn't help laughing freely, while the other little brothers naturally laughed with her. Shen Shiyan frowned slightly and did not intend to pay attention to these pretentious young people. However, after a while, when Xue Miaomiao came out of the classroom, his heart suddenly tightened, as if his favorite thing had been scratched by someone else. Because he clearly saw Xue Miaomiao, who had always been beautiful, at this time, she slowly walked out sideways, but still let Shen Shiyan find that there was a scar about half an inch long on her face!