Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 95 To remove evil is to do good

In the boy's toilet on the second floor of Juyun Building, Shen Shiyan faced the three boys with a sneer. At this time, the three boys fought into a triangle, which just surrounded Shen Shiyan in the toilet. Just now, under Zou Mao's order, the three boys immediately except the classroom. After seeing Shen Shiyan, they immediately called him to this place. Unexpectedly, Shen Shiyan not only followed here without fear, but also faced the siege of the three boys calmly. At present, the three boys can't help but be a little confused. Isn't this boy really afraid of the three of us? However, although the boy is tall, he is very thin and weak, which is not strong and powerful. So, after the three boys looked at each other, one of them immediately sneered and said, "Bad boy, what are you laughing at? The three of us are standing in front of you, aren't you afraid at all?

While saying these words, two of the three boys immediately attacked Shen Shiyan, and the other guarded the door of the toilet. Looking at the simultaneous actions of the two of them, they all cooperated with Shen Shiyan. It seems that the two of them have cooperated in this way many times. One of them quickly kicked Shen Shiyan's calf, which made Shen Shiyan have to lift his leg and retreat at the same time. Otherwise, his right leg will inevitably not be kicked by the other party. With the man's strong foot strength, if he kicks Shen Shiyan's right leg, it is likely to hurt his mobility. However, the second person immediately punched and attacked Shen Shiyan, obviously forcing Shen Shiyan to confront him head-on or retreat. However, if there is a head-on confrontation, Shen Shiyan's fist may not reach the strength of the other party. If you retreat, you must retreat to the urine pit on one side. Unless Shen Shiyan wants to stain his new shoes with urine, he can only come up with a third way.

As for the third person, he couldn't wait at the door of the toilet at this time, so he simply took two or three steps, took out a low-quality cigarette, lit a fire and smoked it. It was also because of this that the man did not see the tragic scene of his two brothers being beaten by Shen Shiyan. At this time, in the face of the joint attack of the two, Shen Shiyan did not panic. Although it is good for the two to work together, Shen Shiyan himself has a foundation in martial arts, and his physical fitness has improved a lot these days. At this critical moment, Shen Shiyan smiled coldly, and then raised his right foot. Instead of waiting for the first person to kick his calf, he followed the other party's way and quickly kicked the man's ankle with his right foot. Shen Shiyan's foot was just the unstable gap when he pinched the man's foot. This kick immediately kicked the man's ankle.

For a while, the first person hit Shen Shiyan's ankle and immediately felt a pain in his heart. With his unstable standing, there is no chance for him to continue to come forward to deal with Shen Shiyan. The man immediately stepped back a few steps, on the battlefield with one foot, leaning against the wall and humming with his ankles in his hands. And Shen Shiyan naturally has no time to manage this person's situation. Seeing the second person's fists, he was about to attack him. With a sarcastic smile on his face, Shen Shiyan's body was slightly sideways, and he immediately let go of these fists. The man was also more responsive and had no success when he saw his first punch. Therefore, he immediately took the first half of the step, withdrew half of his fists and hit it again. This time, he saw that Shen Shiyan had avoided the first attack, and his defensive psychology must have declined a lot. Therefore, he is 90% sure of this attack.

Sure enough, Shen Shiyan, who retreated to the edge of the urine pit, naturally could not retreat again. And the road ahead was completely blocked by this man. At this time, Shen Shiyan had to take a step forward. He punched and quickly confronted the man head-on. Although it temporarily eased the opponent's attack, it also made Shen Shiyan retreat again. The faint pain from the fists made Shen Shiyan dare not look down on this seemingly harmless high school student. However, it was this boy who was more shocked. He was originally a subordinate of Zou Mao's cousin. He also learned a little martial arts and was also responsible for protecting Zou Mao's safety here. At this time, after fighting with Shen Shiyan, Shen Shiyan retreated, but he was also repelled two or three steps. Surprised by his surprise, he immediately became very wary when he saw his companion who hugged his legs and cried in pain.

I don't want to. At this time, the frontal punch was actually Shen Shiyan himself to prepare for the next move. It was at this time that when the second person cared about the first person, Shen Shiyan immediately kicked his left leg on the wall above the pit. With this backlash, Shen Shiyan's speed suddenly increased and suddenly attacked the second person. His feet imitated the gossip footwork in the game, and his fists turned into two palms. When attacking the second person, Shen Shiyan's palms pinched into tiger claws. When the claws touched the second person's wrist, he immediately clasped his wrist in reverse. Feeling that his wrist was tightly fastened, the second person was immediately shocked and immediately reacted. However, when the second person wanted to withdraw his fist and kicked Shen Shiyan at the same time, Shen Shiyan took the opportunity to turn to his right. With this impulse, the tiger claw pulled out several blood stains on the second person's wrist. At this time, the second man's kung fu was too panicked to use.

On Shen Shiyan's side, who had just come out of danger, his claws moved together, turned his claws into fists, and hit the second person's chest while the first person was still holding his calf. After receiving this heavy blow, the second person was naturally repelled a few steps and quickly covered his chest and rubbed the pain for his ROU. Seeing this, the first person immediately put down his calf and suppressed the severe pain to support the second person. However, his level is even less his opponent. When he came in just now, there was also an unfamiliar environment, which made Shen Shiyan surrounded by three people and could not occupy a favorable position. Later, the man went out, and the two joined hands to attack at the same time, which also made the unprepared Shen Shiyan almost show defeat.

Fortunately, Shen Shiyan has moved back to his advantage in more than ten seconds. Moving back to the advantage, he stood on the third angle of the first and second. The footwork quickly passed, and Shen Shiyan instantly bullied the first person. Before the man reacted, Shen Shiyan had already painted the gourd in his own way. He used the tiger's claws and soon subdued the man. Just after the uniform, without waiting for the man to shout pain, Shen Shiyan turned his claws into fists and gave him five or six fists on his chest, making the weaker guy retreat to the wall and fall to the ground while shouting in pain. This shout soon called the person outside in. Seeing this, the third person was immediately shocked. At the same time, he also immediately dealt with Shen Shiyan.

In addition, the second person who has been punched by Shen Shiyan has at least a certain physical quality. At this time, one of his companions was repelled to the ground, but the other companion came in at the right time. With the severe pain, the second person gave the third person a wink, and the two jointly attacked Shen Shiyan. After seeing the two join hands, Shen Shiyan secretly shouted in his heart, but his face was fearless. Step forward towards the two, Shen Shiyan's footwork changed rapidly. When he didn't realize it, he also used the gossip footwork in the game. At the same time, his hands sometimes changed into palms, sometimes into fists, sometimes into tiger claws, and the leopard claws attacked the two. For a while, the three had a fight. However, at this time, Shen Shiyan was winning, and the two had no choice but to be beaten.

In less than three or four minutes, these two were also knocked to the ground by Shen Shiyan. Shen Shiyan wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and watched the three boys fall to the ground with a sneer. He hummed and was still unable to stand up. Facing such a situation, the three naturally did not dare to fight back and scold, but Shen Shiyan said coldly, "Ha ha, weren't you still very powerful just now! What's the matter? I can't move on the ground now. Humph! I heard that your boss is a big villain who is afraid of everyone! Humph, today I will punish you three dog legs first, and then I will go to Zou Mao, your lawless boss! The ancients said: To eliminate evil is to do good. Today, I hit the three of you, and I am not afraid to tell you that I am Shen Shiyan from Changsha. In the future, if you want to avenge me again, you might as well come to Changsha!"

When he said this, Shen Shiyan suddenly thought of the scar on Xue Miaomiao's face. Rebirth of anger, he immediately pulled the three boys together to the side of the urine pit, and took advantage of their soreness and couldn't move, he brought their heads close to the stinky urine pit. Immediately, he left the toilet quickly and went to the door of Class 2 to wait for Xue Miaomiao, who was about to finish class. More than 30 minutes later, the students who finished class came to the toilet and found that the three were so embarrassed. Naturally, the students did not dare to sarcastically, but only dare to laugh secretly. Out of the toilet, the news has spread all over Changde No.1 Middle School. However, Shen Shiyan naturally knew nothing about these. However, even if he knows this, I'm afraid he will only ignore it and ridicule him.

At this time, most of the students gradually came out after class. Among them, Xue Miaomiao is naturally the fastest. She was eager to see her brother-in-law. As soon as the bell rang, she immediately ran out of the classroom and jumped into Shen Shiyan's arms and sobbed secretly. Shen Shiyan hadn't heard what had happened to her just now, so he thought she was worried that something had happened to her. Holding Xue Miaomiao's hand, Shen Shiyan walked around the campus and told her how he had repaired the three guys just now. In the end, Xue Miaomiao began to study by herself on campus. Seeing this, Shen Shiyan took her out of school and invited her to have a delicious meal. As for the school teacher's self-study attendance, anyway, tomorrow is the parent-teacher meeting, and Shen Shiyan happened to meet those unreasonable teachers and students for a while.