Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 104 Hidden Box Operation, Scale Shrink

Early the next morning, Shen Shiyan got up and cleaned the whole room. After Xue Miaomiao got up, Shen Shiyan immediately bought breakfast and took Xue Miaomiao to a nearby mid-range supermarket to buy two sets of autumn clothes. In the process of buying clothes, Xue Miaoming naturally continued to accuse Shen Shiyan of spending money too quickly. Shen Shiyan immediately gave the bank card to Xue Miaomiao, who saw that the card really had more than 90,000 yuan in the ATM. At this time, Xue Miao finally believed that his brother Shen Shiyan had made a little famous in the game. Seeing that Xue Miaomiao was so happy, Shen Shiyan was about to laugh loudly, but Xue Miaomiao, who didn't want to be cunning, immediately took this card and went to the nearby decoration store to buy himself colorful scarves crazily. Xue Miaomiao's violent walk only stared at Shen Shiyan and stayed in the center of the street for more than a minute.

Until Xue Miaomiao came over with two bags and comforted Shen Shiyan's injured heart, while pulling out a light gray scarf. When Shen Shiyan was about to take over the scarf with a little joy, he didn't expect Xue Miaomiao to say with a funny look, "... Well, that Shen Shiyan, you know, my sister and I have always been very generous. I bought this scarf for you this time. Maybe it will take a few days. Sister, I will buy you something else as soon as I am in a good mood. Remember, you must be obedient these days and please my sister!" After saying these words, no matter how Shen Shiyan was treated by the people around him, Xue Miaomiao himself trotted back first. In this way, only Shen Shiyan was left, and he quickly walked back awkwardly in the strange look of the people around him.

After this episode, Shen Shiyan took Xue Miaomiao's luggage and took Xue Miaomiao on the long-distance bus to Changsha. After a few hours of driving, Shen Xue and his wife returned to Shen Shiyan's university at noon. Through Lou's learning relationship, Xue Miaomiao can already enter No. 1 Middle School as a transfer student. Moreover, due to the strength of the Lou Haoxue family, those teachers and students also dare not say anything bad about Xue Miaomiao. After sending Xue Miaomiao to No.1 Middle School, which is only a few kilometers away from the university, Shen Shiyan gave Xue Miaomiao another 1,000 yuan for the first month's living expenses. Unexpectedly, Xue Miao returned this thousand yuan. At the same time, Xue Miaomiao said with a small mouth and a small face, "Brother Shiyan despises people. I can live there for 300 yuan a month. Now, you give me a thousand and a thousand. It's clear that you can't see me! Humph! It's the most annoying. Brother Shiyan, you also come to look down on me so much!"

Seeing this situation, Shen Shiyan had no choice but to take back this thousand yuan. At the same time, he came forward and sorted out the hat behind Xue Miaomiao's new clothes. Then Shen Shiyan told him to get into the taxi at ease. More than ten minutes later, Shen Shiyan, who returned to the dormitory, immediately contacted the light helmet 0310 and connected to the game world. In the game world, Shen Shiyan first went to Cao Xu's place and looked at the green ** that occupied more than half of a farm house in the west, and then recovered the last antique 7,000 taels of silver. Seeing Cao Xu work so hard, Shen Shiyan naturally paid him 30 taels of benefits. According to the ratio of the current game silver to the real RMB, these 30 taels of silver are equivalent to 6,000 yuan. For Cao Xu's credit, this 6,000 yuan was not too much, and after selling this antique, even if he paid 70% of the heavy tax to the system, Shen Shiyan now has 420,000 deposits on his bank card. However, Cao Xu, who was ashamed, did not dare to tell Shen Shiyan his current position on the one hand, and on the other hand, he had to take an intermediary fee of 6,000 yuan.

Shen Shiyan, who has no knowledge, can only receive one-tenth of 500,000 green** because of his economic strength is not enough now. After receiving this batch of 50,000 green **, Shen Shiyan immediately rented a carriage from the nearby system carriage store and transported all these materials to the back yard of Lu Sanqi's pharmacy. Before leaving, Shen Shiyan learned from Cao Xu that the limited date of Yu Zhongjian, who fell with a sword, was handed over 800 bottles of primary elixir before November 2015. Shen Shiyan thought about it for a while. With 1,000 bottles of primary elixir that had not been sold last time, plus 1,800 bottles that could be extracted from these 50,000 green **, he had 1,800 bottles of primary elixir. Therefore, Shen Shiyan readily agreed to Cao Xu's request and told the latter that he could provide 800 bottles, not to mention 1,800 bottles.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the news, a rapid light flashed in Cao Xu's eyes. Just when Shen Shiyan was unaware of it, Cao Xu hid this light very well, and then said something else: "Well, Brother Shen, the other thing is that there is another family. I don't know how to know the deal between you and Yijian Qingcheng. Therefore, he found me through my friend and hoped that I would be with you..." While saying this, Cao Xu was thinking about whether he needed to tell Shen Shiyan that in the past two or three days, after the secret operation of the top ten families, the RMB exchanged for silver in the game has shrunk significantly. However, on the other hand, Liu Qiming's warnings sounded in Cao Xu's mind. Therefore, Cao Xu did not tell Shen Shiyan the news until the end.

At this time, Shen Shiyan is calculating how much RMB can be converted after selling these 800 bottles of primary elixir. After hearing Cao Xu's proposal, Shen Shiyan immediately asked which family was interested in it. In his opinion, there are still 2,000 bottles left over, and he can't use too much. Moreover, the primary elixir is only very effective in the novice period. After that, after the monster's damage value increases, this primary elixir alone cannot guarantee the continuous combat effectiveness of players. Unexpectedly, Cao Xu trembled slightly and said the name of the family - the Yanhuang Dynasty! After hearing these four words, Shen Shiyan's first reaction was not joy or anger, let alone suspicion of Cao Xu. At this time, after experiencing the incident of Changde, he hoped that he could meet his enemies as soon as possible. Under such a psychological state, after being slightly stunned, Shen Shiyan suppressed his unbearable hatred and asked Cao Xu indifferently, "When do they want to trade?" Then Cao Xu told the date and place.

Remembering this date and place, Shen Shiyan quickly left here and went to Lu Sanqi's pharmacy. At this time, his hatred gradually filled him, and he had to think of all kinds of enmity between his previous life and the Yanhuang Dynasty. It was not until he met Lu Sanqi that the latter saw that something was wrong with him and stopped him that Shen Shiyan woke up from such a nightmare. After handing over this green ** to Lu Sanqi, Shen Shiyan took the opportunity to ask about the current situation in the city. Since Lu Shen had been open and honest and talked about the task of avenge Ma Wuzhi's father and daughter, Lu Sanqi now took Shen Shiyan to the secret room while opening the map he collected. There is nothing else painted on the map. It is the five directions in the east, west, north and south of Dali City, and the forces in all directions. After Lu Sanqi's detailed explanation, Shen Shiyan initially understood the basic situation and respective positions of various forces in Dali City.

Among them, the Duan family of Dali is naturally the most powerful among the major forces. Those attached or standing on its side are naturally Tianlongmen south of the infinite mountain and the major small commercial groups in Dali City. Under the Duan family, it is a large faction of Majia Villa. Under the management of Ma Wude, Ma Jiashanzhuang has a strong economic strength and a very strong military strength. Such a strong strength makes the Duan family afraid of him. The third place is Li Dabai's infinite building. Because it has been operating for many years and has many relationships in the Song Dynasty, the brewing business of the infinite building has always been a major hegemon in the southwest, and even threatened several brewing families in the Song Dynasty. And the fourth place is the people's square. There are many people's workshops, and there are officials* in Dali, so their strength is also quite good.

"...the above are the four major forces in the city, and as for the fifth-ranked..." Speaking of this, Lu Sanqi's tone showed three points of helplessness, three points of emotion, three points of sympathy, and one point of light irony. "This fifth place is the sect that the Shen brothers joined - the Lingbodong Xiaoyao faction..." After saying that, Shen Shiyan, who was puzzled, immediately asked, "Isn't it? Elder Lu, our Xiaoyao School has been passed down for thousands of years, and the ancestors of the Kai faction can be traced back to Zhuangzi in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Why do you say so now? Is it possible that our free school is not even as good as a people's workshop? Speaking of this, Shen Shiyan, as a disciple of the Xiaoyao School, inevitably had some dissatisfaction in his tone. When he finished speaking, he found that Lu Sanqi's face had slightly cold. Shen Shiyan knew that he was a little impulsive and immediately apologized.

After reluctantly accepting Shen Shiyan's apology, Lu Sanqi seemed to remember something. At this time, he recalled the past while telling Shen Shiyan the fact: "Brother Shen, you are right. It is true that the Xiaoyao faction passed down to Zhuangzi, and there have been several peerless masters in the past dynasties. Unfortunately, nowadays, the contemporary leader Wu Yazi has lost sight of him. His disciple Su Xinghe has outstanding moral character but lacks martial arts skills. Therefore, the current Xiaoyao faction has essentially reached a more difficult step after being defected by Ding Chunqiu. You know, after you change your job, even if you can enter the free school, I'm afraid it will be difficult to improve your strength quickly because most of the martial arts of the sect have been lost. Now I can tell you this, firstly because our relationship is unusual, and secondly, because I was also a free man. This involves the ancestor of this school, who is at the same level as Xiaoyaozi, the leader of the previous generation of the Xiaoyao faction..." Hearing this, Shen Shiyan immediately calmed down and listened to Lu Sanqi's story.