Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 116 Small Expansion

Shen Shiyan, standing at the registration office of Dali Palace, encountered the problem at this time is that if you want to participate in this Wanhuagang battlefield map, you must form a team and get a certain ranking in the Dali City ring. However, today's Shen Shiyan doesn't have any team, let alone form his own family*. In desperation, Shen Shiyan had to create a plan to pick the star building in advance. And this first step is naturally to choose the right person to enter your new family. After careful consideration, Shen Shiyan sent an invitation to the three brothers of the Tie family. Secondly, it is these more reliable brothers who have been sent by Lou Haoxue. It was also at this time that the people sent by Lou Haoxue had been managing his specialty stores in the east market for Shen Shiyan. At this time, after receiving the news from Shen Shiyan, several people immediately agreed. As for the three brothers of the Tie family, they joined Shen Shiyan's Star Picking Building after some discussion.

After joining these seven or eight people, Shen Shiyan took the only few hundred taels of silver to an office of the Palace of Dali. After spending 300 taels of silver, he finally set up the Star Picking Building. However, there are less than ten people in the star-picking building at this time. However, Shen Shiyan can finally enter the ring north of Dali City and participate in the selection of the team. Shen Shiyan, who intended to enter Wanhuagang this time, also knew that in addition to himself, only the three brothers of the Tie family barely had some strength. As for those guys who are easy to learn, they can only do business or deal with people. In addition, Cao Xu already has part of his own industry at this time, so it is impossible to be a subordinate of Shen Shiyan as before.

After meeting the three brothers of the Tie family, Shen Shiyan and his party immediately went to the ring north of Dali City. When passing by the central city, Shen Shiyan seemed to catch a glimpse of a familiar figure. Looking at his back, it seems that the legendary player Xiong Chou'er has been mentioned by the three brothers of the Tie family. But after all, he didn't see clearly, so Shen Shiyan had to continue north. At this time, the Beicheng District was already a sea of people, gathering tens of thousands of families. Since Wanhuagang's family selection competition, the first condition is to evaluate the overall strength of the family, so similar to Shen Shiyan, a family assessed as having an overall strength of 500 points or more can participate in this competition. That is to say, the tens of thousands of people in front of us are elite figures from various participating families. According to the overall strength of the family from 10,000 to 500 points, families below the top ten families can send up to 100 players to participate in the competition, while the smallest family such as Shen Shiyan can only send up to five players.

After the four people signed up, the NPC in charge of signing up took a few glances at the four people, and his tone was full of disdain: "Oh! How dare a family like you send someone to participate in such a large-scale competition? Ha ha, I still advise you to leave knowingly and not waste the registration fee of 50 taels per person, otherwise it will be like the Xiong Chouer who was beaten down before. That's quite miserable..." After hearing the name of "Xiong Chou'er" after the old NPC finished speaking, Shen Shiyan immediately asked about Xiong Chou'er's deeds.

Unexpectedly, the NPC said sarcastically: "When it comes to this Xiong Chou'er, he was also a famous figure at the beginning. Unexpectedly, after more than a month, his level is still about 10, but he resolutely joined a family and became one of the runners. Originally, we still have a lot of expectations for such a legend. Unexpectedly, Xiong Chou'er, who hasn't seen us for a month, has greatly disappointed us and that family. And why? His own skills did not go backwards, but he met several players with good full-level equipment, so he was embarrassed and left Beicheng District. ......”

Hearing this, Shen Shiyan can be sure that the burly and rough-looking young man he just met should be this ugly bear. But now he is also inseparable from looking for this character. So, after sending a message to Ping Pong, he told him that he would find Xiong Chou'er within three days. Subsequently, Shen Shiyan took the three brothers of the Tie family into the waiting area of the ring. The whole waiting area has an area of tens of thousands of square meters due to the use of virtual technology similar to copies. In this area, according to the registration number of their own family, there are more than 2,500 sub-districts. In other words, every time you sign up, you will enter more than 2,500 family teams. The virtual hall with a height of 20 meters is directly in front of 50 channels connecting 50 platforms. The wall on the back of the hall is divided into two displays: the first one, which occupies more than half of the area, is naturally the respective battle situation of the 50 arenas; while the other display plate, which is much smaller, refreshes the teams that have obtained the qualification of Wanhuagang battlefield.

Browsing from the screen, Shen Shiyan found many of the families he had heard of in his previous life. For example, the three families of Zhujian Villa, Tieyimen and Xueshan School have fought with them in their own star picking tower in their previous life, but they have lagged far behind these families in this life. Continuing to watch, Shen Shiyan actually found the name of Yuanmeng Company, which also appeared on it. However, due to the strong blow of the snow family and many good players leaving one after another, although Yuanmeng Company at this time finally passed this competition, Liu Yan was the only ten players who qualified. After seeing the captain's name, Shen Shiyan couldn't help thinking of Zhang Bin, who had lost the news, and Du Chong, who had lost his profound and powerful means. Shen Shiyan is still a little grateful for the former. For the latter, after the incident of Yiren Bar, Shen Shiyan did not dare to underestimate Du Chong.

A few minutes later, Shen Shiyan diverted his attention to dozens of popular teams in the competition. Among these dozens of popular teams, four are the most dazzling. The first is Nie Yan, who once killed Wang Qiang's subordinates. Nie Yan's team information shows his identity and family information. After reading this information, Shen Shiyan couldn't help recalling that one of the twelve hidden weapon masters who were once compared with Lin Yiqing in his previous life was this Nie Yan. When the three brothers of the Tie family were discussing how powerful the female player was, Shen Shiyan fell into meditation: Nie Yan's brotherhood was a very famous hidden weapon family in his previous life and present life, and their information was extremely mysterious. Someone once investigated this, but concluded that the fraternity was full of disciples of the Nie family in Sichuan.

This Nie family is almost equivalent to Tangmen in martial arts novels in reality. Among them, the players who compete with Nie Yan in the fraternity are his brothers and sisters, such as Nie Yan, Nie Xing, Nie Jin and so on. Of course, Nie Yan's skills are the most agile and the strongest. As for the president of the fraternity, the legendary character "Ne Wuji" who killed his opponent with a knife did not participate in this competition. According to the current situation, the Brotherhood has steadily obtained the qualification of Wanhuagang, among which Nie Yan has the best results, with a total of five consecutive victories. Nie Xing's results are second, with a total of four wins and one draw. Next is Nie Yan, whose score is four wins and one loss. At the end of the ranking is Nie Jin, whose score is three wins, one draw and one loss. However, such achievements are enough to make most of the family teams take a breath of cold air. On average, the four-person result of the fraternity is four wins, which is almost comparable to the middle-level players in the top ten families.

In addition, Shen Shiyan also found two other familiar characters and a relatively strange female family. One of the two familiar figures is Cao Xu, who already has his own small business. After listening to Shen Shiyan's advice, Cao Xu borrowed a million yuan from reality to enter the game with the help of a mysterious person. In addition, with the help of his former owner, who ranked fourth among the top ten families, Cao Xu's Treasure Island became famous in less than ten days. Now, three of the ten-person team recruited with relatively strong economic strength and generous welfare benefits have passed the competition.

Looking at the competition of these three people, Shen Shiyan also had to admire Cao Xu's vision and plan. Simply from the perspective of combat effectiveness, all three of them have won two victories, one draw and one defeat. However, including the cooperation of the three sect, the three people's mastery of the sect is first-class. If they cooperate, their combat ability is likely to be several times better than the single combat power of the three. And another family team is the pure Ming religion family that has been worshipped for a long time in the previous life and is about to face in this life: the bloody alliance founded by Shandong people. Among the 15 players of the Blood Alliance, there are also four left that have not played, among which the alliance leader is eternal sorrow.

Looking at this family that had been worshipped for a long time in the previous life, the seven players who have passed now have passed the level with three wins and two draws. Shen Shiyan couldn't help but be excited and swallowed a mouthful of saliva secretly: OK! In a few minutes, we will be face to face. I don't know if the unparalleled ten thousand brothers in his previous life can reproduce the grandeur in this life? After calming down a little, Shen Shiyan returned to his position and slowly adjusted his state. As for the fourth popular family, although it is a pure female player and has a very loud name "Daughterland", it is not very attractive to Shen Shiyan at this time. At this time, Shen Shiyan devoted himself to analyzing the enemy's strength.