Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 126 Second Warrior Fantasy

With the help of Cao Zheng, Shen Shiyan entered this martial arts fantasy for the second time. A few seconds of transmission time had passed, and Shen Shiyan immediately appeared in this warrior fantasy. It is still the wide gray space of hundreds of square meters, and the center is still the ring. And the eight-foot-long leopard-headed figure sitting on the ring is not Lin Chong's virtual body. Who would that be? Shen Shiyan strolled over and saw that Lin Chong was still as calm as the previous days. Sitting firmly on the ring, Lin Chong is determined to practice himself. Shen Shiyan naturally knew that this way of meditation practice most consumes a person's spiritual power, and it is also the most taboo to be disturbed by others. Therefore, Shen Shiyan walked over gently and has been walking on the ring without making a sound.

I caught a glimpse of the eight-foot snake spear of Lin Chong's virtual body, which was quietly placed beside its owner. Shen Shiyan simply sat down with his legs crossed and began to sit down. It was not until ten minutes later that Lin Chong's virtual body gradually woke up from meditation. Slowly opening my eyes, I only felt that my skills seemed to have taken another step forward. It was not until Lin Chongshi got up that he realized the existence of Shen Shiyan beside him. Shen Shiyan naturally greeted the other party first. Lin Chong held him up and looked up and down at his current equipment and so on. Then, Lin Chong praised with a bright smile, "Ha ha, I didn't expect to see you for a month. Brother Shen, your martial arts has improved so much. Uh-huh, not bad. If I hadn't fought side by side with you before, I'm afraid I won't recognize you at this time! Sure enough, it's a three-day farewell, and we will treat each other with new eyes!"

Hearing the praise of Lin Chong's virtual master, Shen Shiyan naturally had a lot of joy in his heart, but on the surface, he said modestly, "Elder Lin, you are too false. How dare you dare to claim that you have made a lot of progress. Ha ha, but the boy came to you this time. In addition to helping you break through the second martial arts fantasy, there is another puzzled thing that I want to ask you. I don't know if Elder Lin is willing to solve the puzzle for the boy? Then, with the permission of Lin Chong's virtual body, Shen Shiyan talked about Zhao Tianshi and Huo Yundao in detail. Naturally, the reason for this is that Shen Shiyan has a lot of doubts about Zhao and Huo, and among the NPCs he knows now, only Lu Sanqi is the most trustworthy. Unfortunately, Lu Sanqi is a descendant of Tianshan and doesn't know much about Zhao Huo. Therefore, Shen Shiyan took this question to ask Lin Chong, who had lived in the Central Plains for a long time.

After listening to Shen Shiyan's question, Lin Chongxu was also thinking carefully for a few minutes before sorting out some fragments. Looking at Shen Shiyan's very curious eyes, Lin Chong replied, "To be honest, now I have lost a lot of memories from the past, so I'm afraid I may not be able to give you a good answer. However, as far as I know, among the various masters of Central Plains martial arts in the past hundred years, there is indeed a ranking of Huo Yundao. You know, Xixia National Yipintang is a gathering place for domestic martial arts masters in Western Xia, which attracts more than 70% of domestic martial arts masters in Western Xia. However, I only heard a little about Huo Yundao's impersonation of the holy disciple. Legend has it that Huo Yundao was not valued in his teacher's family, even if his original talent was quite high and he had always been filial to his master..."

Speaking of this, Lin Chong paused, saw Shen Shiyan listening attentively, and then continued to say, "... However, I am not familiar with this character about the identity of Zhao Tianshi in Dali over the years. However, listening to what you said, Zhao Tianshi's name seems to be quite big, and his person* is also quite complicated. On the one hand, he was Huo Yundao's brother, but he betrayed his master more than ten years ago. On the other hand, Zhao Tianshi is actually one of the three senior monks of Chongsheng Temple in Dali, and also shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting the three relics of Chongsheng. However, on the third side, this person still seems to have a discordant relationship with Duan Yi, the second prince of the Duan family in Dali. In this way, based on my years of experience, I can only come to this conclusion: either this person is a person with a peerless mission, or this person must be a person who seeks vanity and pursues wealth.

After listening to Lin Chong's analysis, Shen Shiyan digested these contents while putting forward a bold hypothesis: "Senior Lin, will there still be such a possibility? That is to say, Zhao Tianshi betrayed the master in those years and also had a certain secret feelings. On the other hand, Zhao Tianshi came to Dali far away from Xixia and became one of the three high monks of Chongsheng Temple. Maybe not necessarily for glory and wealth, nor for any peerless mission, but simply because he saw through the world and lost his mind. Do you have to rely on Buddhist scriptures to get rid of the previous painful experience? After hearing Shen Shiyan's analysis, Lin Chong, who had a life-and-death relationship with Shen Shiyan, would not speak around the corner. After a period of analysis, while affirming Shen Shiyan, he also raised some questions.

After talking for a few more minutes, Shen Shiyan's question could only draw three similar conclusions. Finally, Shen Shiyan also hid this problem in his heart and put it aside for the time being. Later, Shen Shiyan asked about the details of the mission. Lin Chong's introduction was only heard: "This task is divided into three stages. The first stage is that you and I go to the double channel not far away and eliminate 300 murderous blue cloud monsters. At this stage, although the strength of these 300 murderous blue cloud monsters is a little more than the previous murderous black cloud monsters, I see that your current strength has also increased greatly. It is not too difficult to deal with two or three of them once. Moreover, you should know that each of these murderous blue cloud monsters will contribute two points to you.

After listening to Lin Chong's explanation, Shen Shiyan was immediately overjoyed: "That means that if the first stage passes, the boy can get a full 600 points of murderous martial arts? In this way, only 400 points away from the murderous point of the warrior can make my flame knife improve for the second time. The younger generation is here, thank you for Elder Lin!" After saying this, Shen Shiyan immediately sent his flaming knife to Lin Chong for inspection. Unexpectedly, Lin Chong took it over and checked it carefully, but he smiled faintly and said, "Brother Shen, your flame knife is a good knife. However, do you just want to use 1,200 points to transform this flaming knife? In my opinion, it's really a waste of those warriors to do this.

After listening to Lin Chong's comment, Shen Shiyan immediately asked how to treat this flaming knife. Lin Chongxu tried to input his innocence into the flame knife. After carefully groping for a while, Lin Chongxu replied, "Well, um, it's not bad. Pu Liang, a famous weapons master in Dali City, did it himself, which was indeed extraordinary. Among them, in addition to two high-quality bronze knives as the main materials, five primary red crystals and five primary magic gems are also mixed. Finally, Pu Liang must have added other good materials. It's just... Forget it, it's still too early to say those now. I'll explain to you in detail the great use of your knife after I get out of the customs.

After cutting off that paragraph, Lin Chonghu continued to say, "... Now, what I want to tell you is that instead of wasting 1,200 murderous points to transform it, it is better to wait until you are stronger, find other good materials, and let Pu Liang polish your flame knife for you and improve it. After its basic attributes, modify it. In this way, the murderous points of the warriors you have worked hard to brush up will not be wasted. Subsequently, Lin Chongxu also told Shen Shiyan that after he successfully broke through the third martial artist's fantasy, Shen Shiyan still had ten opportunities to enter this copy to get the warrior's murderous point. Of course, in other places, it is possible to find similar warrior fantasy.

Next, Lin Chong told the task introduction of the second stage and the third stage. Among them, after passing through the two-person channel in the first stage, Shen Shiyan's bad news that Lin Chong must be divided into two ways and enter a single channel. In the single channel, Shen Lin and the two will face three levels of BOSS challenges. After challenging the three bosses, the two met on a round platform in the third stage. However, the third stage has nothing to do with Shen Shiyan. Lin Chong did not fully tell Shen Shiyan about the details. Lin Chong's virtual body just said that in the third stage, Shen Shiyan only needed to stay on the round platform and wait, and half an hour later, Lin Chong's virtual body would come out of the mysterious space in front of the round platform.

Shen Shiyan, who was inconvenient to ask in detail, had to secretly guess what happened in that mysterious space needed Lin Chong to face by himself. Is that Lu Yuhou, Lin Chong's first enemy? Or, when you get there, the system will give Lin Chong a chance to challenge the stronger boss? However, these are not reasonable! First, Lu Yuhou is naturally the biggest enemy in Lin Chong's life, but he should appear in the third martial arts fantasy, right? Second, even if there is a super powerful boss waiting there, he should not be excluded! Although his strength is far inferior to Lin Chong's, he can also help when he gets there.

But in the end, Shen Shiyan still followed Lin Chongxu, one to deal with the front, and one person paid attention to the rear and entered the double channel. After discussing their cooperation, Shen Lin and the two gradually disappeared into the first martial arts fantasy. The gray space of the first martial artist's fantasy has gradually faded. Until Shen Lin completely walked into the two-person passage in front of him, the first martial artist's fantasy was a little brighter, which seemed to indicate that Lin Chong's virtual body would definitely pass through the second fantasy. However, the subsequent events made Shen Shiyan regret it.