Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 128 Single Channel

The two-person channel passed smoothly, and it took a total of 18 minutes. Shen Shiyan and Lin Chong rested for two or three minutes, and then got up and went to the front of the passage. After walking for less than a minute or two, the two immediately walked out of the cylindrical passage. And what appeared in front of us was a double fork in the road. The two intersections are no less than ten miles long and about ten meters wide. Each of them is white, and there seems to be a white fog blocking the view in front of them. However, the two also heard the roar of monsters from the white fog, which seemed to hide the three fierce monsters. After the battle just now, to be honest, Shen Shiyan didn't want to fight in groups. At this time, his skills are scarce, and he has basically no advantages in group combat except gossip footwork. Fortunately, this second-stage clearance task is only to deal with three bosses with different strengths.

Just when Shen Shiyan thought so, Lin Chong's virtual body summarized the battle just now and continued to explain: "Brother Shen, I really shouldn't have told you so much just now that I almost let you go crazy. However, your performance also surprised me a lot. You know, the last time you fought side by side, you even had a hard time dealing with a murderous gray cloud monster. I didn't expect that when I see you again this time, your strength will really make great progress. However, you have to pay close attention to the single channel in this second stage. These three boss monsters range from level 12 to level 18, and there are both the leader level and the leader level. Moreover, these three monsters are not refreshed after one dies, but refreshes one every five minutes and is one of the three randomly refreshed. Therefore, after you and I are separated, we must destroy the enemies we encounter as soon as possible along the way, and don't fight with each other.

After listening to Lin Chong's serious reminder, Shen Shiyan naturally focused on 12 points. After a mysterious smile, Shen Shiyan said, "Although Elder Lin is relieved, the boy's own strength is not bad, and he has another secret treasure on his body. Even if he meets an enemy that is difficult to deal with, he will not be beaten by the enemy." While saying this, Shen Shiyan released Xiaohei. Unexpectedly, Xiaohei opened his teeth and claws everywhere as soon as he came out. It is clear that he has been locked up for a long time, and his temperament has regained his violent personality. Lin Chong looked at Shen Shiyan, the little black, and his surprised look was very obvious on his face. After a few casual questions, Lin Chongxu knew that the little black, who was not amazing, also had a lot of time.

Then, the two chose a branch road and began the 20-minute solo road journey. Just after the two entered their respective branch roads, the two-person passage in the first stage was immediately shrouded by a white fog and was quickly shrouded in the final condensed wall. At this time, if Shen Shiyan came back and touched the wall, he would find that the white wall was actually a white jade-like color and material. Unfortunately, it was not until Lin Chong broke through the third martial artist's fantasy that Shen Shiyan remembered this white jade wall, which seemed to be the infinite jade of the legendary infinite sword school. It's just that how can the legendary infinite jade that can live and die enter such a martial artist's fantasy?

It was not until a long time later that Shen Shiyan's star picking building became more and more powerful, and he also became part of the dynasty of the Song Dynasty that he finally understood the cause and effect of the matter. At that time, as a national teacher of several players in the Song Dynasty, after learning such a shocking secret, he finally understood the kindness and resentment between the eight sects for a hundred years. Finally, after using this infinite jade, Shen Shiyan finally returned its fragments to the broken infinite sword sect. After that, Shen Shiyan spent a lot of manpower and material resources in reality to find the infinite jade in reality. As a result, the infinite jade in martial arts novels was secretly resold by unknowns to a thousand-year-old nobleman in Europe as the private treasure of the latter during the foreign invasion of China more than 100 years ago.

It is also under such circumstances that Shen Shiyan, who is already a master of the Chinese national art world, went to Europe to find this national treasure in person. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, even Shen Shiyan, who is a master at the master level, has encountered many difficulties and obstacles along the way. Just as he was about to break through the obstacle set by the nobleman and touch the infinite jade, a figure behind him that he could never think of. This man has always been a brotherly relationship with him. But at that critical moment, he resolutely took away the meteorite box that was about to reach Shen Shiyan's hand, and then went away.

At this time, Shen Shiyan naturally did not think that his future fate and his son Shen Potian's fate would be connected with this illusory and realistic infinite jade. At this time, he carefully walked into the single passage on the left, but half a minute he found that in the white fog, a leopard-like monster suddenly rushed out. Shen Shiyan was also ready. Without waiting for the white leopard opposite him to jump on him, he immediately avoided to the right, and he could pass by the extremely fast leopard. Then, Xiaohei, who flew over the sky, was immediately furious when he saw Shen Shiyan's left arm caught a blood stain by the white leopard. Without waiting for Shen Shiyan to issue an order, Xiaohei himself launched a level 3 ultrasonic attack.

Unfortunately, the white leopard was too fast to wait for Xiaohei to release an ultrasonic attack. It just turned back and rushed to Xiaohei in mid-air. Fortunately, Xiaohei is not a fool waiting to be attacked by the other party. An ultrasonic attack has not yet been released, and the remnants of the white leopard have pounced on him, and Xiaohei also immediately spewed out a level 4 fog. In the face of such a corrosive fog, the white leopard was also sensitive. He immediately stopped his figure, kicked his front legs backwards, and grabbed his back legs back. Without waiting for the small dark fog to attack its face, it had already retreated three or four meters. Then, the white leopard, who had temporarily stabilized his body, made a deep roar in his mouth, and his beard was like a sword finger, flying to both sides, and four strong and powerful claws dug up pieces on the ground.

It was not until this time that Shen Shiyan turned around and saw the white leopard clearly. And Xiaohei also flew back to Shen Shiyan's side and stared coldly at the white leopard not far ahead. A exploration technique was lost, and the basic information of the white leopard was displayed: monster name, white leopard; monster level, level 16 boss monster. Shen Shiyan looked up again and saw that the white leopard was actually like a real person, with cold eyes, paying attention to Shen Shiyan's every move. As soon as he came into contact with the cold eyes of the white leopard, Shen Shiyan also took a deep breath in his heart: such eyes were almost the same as Huo Yundao, who had no expression before his death.

It was also at this time that the white leopard gradually moved, and the four claws gradually showed a forward trend. Shen Shiyan saw that the white leopard wanted to do something, so he naturally dared not let it be like just now. If he doesn't stop it, he is afraid that at the speed of the white leopard, even Shen Shiyan dares not easily deal with it easily. Therefore, before the white leopard pounced on him for the second time, Shen Shiyan immediately started the gossip footwork, and his speed suddenly increased by 25%. After giving the order to Xiaohei, Shen Shiyan immediately turned into a shadow and quickly rushed to the white leopard not far away. At this time, Xiaolin's flying knife is no longer suitable for dealing with extremely fast monsters such as white leopards. Therefore, Shen Shiyan temporarily withdrew the Xiaolin flying knife, but with the flame knife in his right hand, he drew a piece of lavender light and swept towards the white leopard.

Unexpectedly, the white leopard opposite showed contemptuous expression in the face of such a fierce knife spirit. Then, just as Shen Shiyan's knife gas was about to attack him, the white leopard's four claws suddenly exerted force, and his whole body jumped into the open space to one side, intending to avoid Shen Shiyan's attack. Unfortunately, Shen Shiyan is also good at temporary recruitment. Moreover, these days, Shen Shiyan has also challenged a lot of BOSS-level monsters in the infinite mountain. In the process of fighting with them, Shen Shiyan has a further grasp of the other party's next action. At this time, after seeing the white leopard's dodge action, Shen Shiyan's knife immediately turned away and split to the side of the white leopard.

Shen Shiyan and the white leopard, after one after another, dismantled two or three moves again. After that, the white leopard could avoid Shen Shiyan's knife spirit and fell into the open space beside him. At this time, the white leopard's white hair was cut off by Shen Shiyan. After landing, the white leopard's eyes showed a trace of surprise, as if it was because he was extremely confident in his speed before, but now he was hurt by Shen Shiyan's knife spirit, so he had a puzzled look. Subsequently, the astute white leopard also learned the lesson that it was easy to be hurt by knives at close range. In the following few minutes, the white leopard first stepped back a few steps and separated the distance to five or six meters away, then suddenly exerted its strength, turned into a white shadow, and rushed to Shen Shiyan.

Unexpectedly, Shen Shiyan learned the lesson of the previous raid. Seeing the white fog behind him, Shen Shiyan had a wonderful plan in his heart. At this time, Shen Shiyan not only did not attack forward, but retreated sharply and kept retreating into the vast white fog. Xiaohei, who obeyed the order, immediately retreated into the white fog, waiting for Shen Shiyan's order, and it could launch a three-level ultrasonic attack that could stunned the white leopard. At this time, the empty white leopard became the most confusing on the court. However, as a leader, it also felt a strong murderous atmosphere from the white fog in front of it. While increasing vigilance, the white leopard immediately wanted to retreat, and did not dare to continue to attack until Shen Shiyan came out.