Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 140 Ji Chengfang's thoughts

After more than an hour on the top of the mountain, Shen Shiyan and Xue Miaomiao returned. When I arrived at Ji Chengfang's apartment, it was past 11 a.m. When Xue Miaomiao went to wash her face after entering the apartment, Ji Chengfang called Shen Shiyan aside. He looked at Shen Shiyan with an ambiguous look, but Ji Chengfang whispered, "Classmate Shiyan, why don't you tell me that you have any ideas about Xue Miao?" After listening to Ji Chengfang's question, Shen Shiyan asked strangely, "Isn't it? How did you see it? Besides, I just have brother and sister feelings for her..." Before Shen Shiyan finished speaking, Ji Chengfang glanced at the direction of the bathroom and whispered, "You are still pretending to be stupid. Do you know that most of the topics she mentioned here are about you? How dare you make such an ignorant expression?

At this time, seeing Ji Chengfang's expression so seriously, Shen Shiyan also sighed in his heart, and then explained, "Fangfang, really, I'm just the kind of care for her brother and sister. If I really like someone, I'd rather be this person..." At this point, Shen Shiyan stared at Ji Chengfang's eyes, and his tone was full of infinite tenderness, as if he had changed into another person. This situation made Ji Chengfang's heart flutter, but her face was slightly flushed. After slightly touching Ji Chengfang's hands, Shen Shiyan gently confessed, "If I really like someone, I hope this person will be..."

It was at this time that Xue Miaomiao came out of the bathroom and immediately walked into the village kitchen to cook lunch for her brother Shiyan. Ji Chengfang, who had mixed feelings in her heart, wanted to help, but she had an inexplicable power and left her in place hoping to listen to Shen Shiyan's unfinished words. Shen Shiyan, who saw Ji Chengfang's psychological, didn't know where to summon up his courage and immediately listened to the other party's ear. After saying a few words, it has made Ji Chengfang's face blush and has always reached the milky white neck. At this time, Shen Shiyan stared at Ji Chengfang's beautiful eyes with tender eyes and whispered these words: "... I hope that person must be Fangfang..."

Ji Chengfang, who was in a mess, immediately retreated a few steps in shock by this sentence. Shen Shiyan calmed her down for a while, but he went to the living room to turn on the TV to watch the news. Ji Chengfang, who came to the kitchen to help Xue Miaomiao, warned herself very much that she was a teacher-student relationship with Shen Shiyan, and on the other hand, it seemed that another voice was saying: Fangfang, your impression of this student is no longer the same as that of an ordinary student. Do you want to deny your affection for this student? Can you really deny that with him these days, you feel that he has progressed step by step and matured, and gradually has more and more common topics with you? Didn't you have a trace of sweetness in your heart when he said your nickname "Fangfang" just now?

Does these three make Ji Chengfang's heart even more chaotic? At the subsequent dinner table, Shen Shiyan was calm, but Ji Chengfang was obviously absent-minded. Only Xue Miaomiao is the most normal. After looking at Shen Shiyan for a while and Ji Chengfang for a while, she didn't say anything on her face, but there was already a trace of doubt in her heart, and other doubts: What's going on? Haven't Brother Shiyan and Sister Fang known each other for a long time? Why are they still so shy to get along with each other? No, they talked and laughed a few days ago and almost put me, the third person aside! Could it be that there will be no other feelings between their teachers and students?

Thinking of this, even though Xue Miaomiao has a good relationship with Ji Chengfang, he can't help but feel some acid and inferiority: No wonder Brother Shiyan has been refusing to face me head-on. It turns out that he has always regarded me as an immature child, and it turns out that the ideal in his mind Girlfriend should be such a mature and generous type as Sister Fang. I said, on the night of Changde, why did he refuse to kiss my forehead? It turned out that it was all because of these reasons. A growing jealousy gradually emerged from the bottom of the 16-year-old girl's heart. Therefore, after dinner, the first person to leave the scene silently was not Shen Shiyan or Ji Chengfang, but Xue Miaomiao, who had contradictory ideas in his heart.

Shen Shiyan and Ji Chengfang looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to Xue Miaomiao, who walked into the kitchen. The two asked each other puzzledly, "Why is Miaomiao abnormal with us?" Subsequently, Ji Chengfang quickly remembered that Xue Miaomiao mentioned Shen Shiyan in her dream every night, which only then did she understand the reason why Xue Miaomiao was so cold. More panicked, Ji Chengfang had to speed up the meal in front of her. At the same time, she also came to Shen Shiyan's side and discussed with him in a low voice: "...Ten words, no matter what you just said or done, now I hope you can comfort him..." Ji Chengfang's intimate action was seen by Xue Miaomiao in the kitchen and hurt in her heart. Before Shen Shiyan came in later, Xue Miaomiao, who was simple and kind, couldn't help crying: Brother Shiyan, you will remember Miaomiao's words for the rest of your life. You like Sister Fang, which is also a human affair. Wonderful here, I wish you two love each other until you grow old.

In the next time, Xue Miaou finished packing up the dishes and chopsticks. Before Shen Shiyan wanted to comfort her, she had gone out to clean the apartment. Shen Ji had no choice but to help Xue Miaomiao sweep the floor and mop the floor together. After finishing these housework, the three returned to their usual state. In the room, after playing several games, the three of them watched several hot programs together, such as "If You Are the One", "You Are the One" and so on. Among them, about the appearance and eloquence of a male guest, the three were divided into their respective camps. Shen Shiyan directly commented that although a male guest's appearance is ordinary, the highlight of his eloquence is enough to make up for his shortcomings. However, Ji Chengfang believes from her own experience that appearance is not a big problem, but this population is too talkative, which makes people feel that they are too boastful.

The most emotional is naturally Xue Miaomiao. While the two were not paying attention, Xue Miaomiao gathered Shen Ji at both ends of the sofa together, and then she expressed her opinion: "You, Brother Shiyan, still missed a place. When the male guest spoke, his eyes flashed, and he was clearly an extremely shrewd guy. Although he is not good-looking on the surface, he is scheming in his heart. Just looking around and paying attention to the expressions of the female guests is enough to show that this person is good at saying different words according to different people. That is to say, this person is suspected of being slippery. As for Sister Fangfang, she also pays too much attention to the man's endless bringing. Just imagine, if a male guest came on the stage and spoke hesitantly, I'm afraid that without waiting for his complete expression, those female guests would have turned off the lights. So, according to Miaomiao, it's better to combine the views of the two of you into one, which is quite perfect! Oh, too!"

Shen Ji, who were forced to get together, clearly heard the meaning of Xue Miao's words. The relationship between the three soon became embarrassing again. Until dinner, with the broadcast of an entertainment program in the evening, the three talked about this very hot entertainment program in China. It was also at this time that Shen Ji and the two took the initiative to sit less than ten centimeters apart for the first time. Xue Miaomiao, who was sad and smiled on her face, was far away on another single sofa. After playing for two or three hours, it was already 10:30. Xue Miaomiao, who was simple and naive, saw that the topic between Shen Ji kept talking and laughing. Consciously, she also entered the bedroom sensiblely.

Leave her dearest brother Shiyan in the living room and her favorite sister Fangfang, where she laughed and talked in a low voice. After calming down the contradictions in his heart, Xue Miaomiao finally fell asleep. In my dream, looking at the brother and sister Fangfang who got married in the church, as a bridesmaid, she immediately wanted to say her heart to Brother Shiyan: Brother Shiyan, I like you. I really really like you. Not only my sister's attachment to my brother, but in fact, she has long trusted you, relied on you, acted coquettish you, cared about you, and my heart. Do you know the kind of love that hurts you? However, at this time, Shen Shiyan had already exchanged rings with Ji Chengfang. The kind Xue Miaomiao buried his words deeper, so he had to change his festive tone and said, "Miaomiao is here. I wish Shiyan brother and Fangfang sister a white head to raise the case."

In fact, at this time, Shen Shiyan and Ji Chengfang were blowing the cool breeze at night on the balcony and talking about some adult public topics. After this cool breeze, Shen Ji and his feelings were much calmer. At this time, Shen Shiyan said seriously, "I know that the teacher still has a teacher- student estrangement from me. This is the first reason why you exclude me. And in fact, I don't know much about your personality and personality. Therefore, it makes sense for you to refuse me like this, teacher. Unexpectedly, after talking about the brother-sister relationship between Ji Guanzhong at this time, Ji Chengfang said almost jokingly, "Since you want to pursue me, why are you still using the name teacher? Ha ha."

After hearing Ji Chengfang's words, Shen Shiyan also woke up immediately. Understanding Ji Chengfang also had a good impression on herself, Shen Shiyan simply got up and boldly leaned over and said directly, "In this case, I will officially pursue Ji from 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. No, it's yours Fangfang. Are you scared? I still want to test me many times, and I Shen Shiyan is willing to accept these!" Like a rabbit in her heart, Ji Chengfang couldn't resist Shen Shiyan's offensive after all. He had to get up immediately and run to the bedroom, leaving a few words of timidity and expectation, "That's good! If you have the ability, you can try it!" Seeing Ji Chengfang hide in the bedroom, Shen Shiyan felt cold in his heart: Ji Guanzhong, flying on the snow, I didn't expect that you had hurt my beloved Fangfang. Do you think I should give you a little pain next time we meet?