Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 142 The Eight Kings of the Temple

At the same time as the secret discussion of the three families, the hall of Wanhuagang Temple is also holding a mixed discussion. Among them, the one sitting above the throne is the 25th-level poisonous spider king. At this moment, as the first king-level monster of the infinite mountain, he has acquired the skills to transform into human beings. Dressed in a green robe, he was 1.9 meters tall. His tragic green sword was different from his waist, showing the hegemonic momentum like a real emperor. And the throne sitting under him is a three-meter-wide pure gold throne, which weighs 278 kilograms. Not to mention, from the bottom of the throne to the gate of the temple, this thick green carpet with gold embroidery and silver edges about 248 meters long.

This thick green blanket stands on both sides of the eight king-level bosses under the Wanhua poisonous spider king. At this time, the position on the left is from top to bottom, the 24th level wolf king, 18th level reed grass king, 14th level lightning leopard king, and level 10 black ape king. From top to bottom, the positions on the left are Level 20 Bear King, Level 16 White Thatch King, and Level 8 White Ape King. Among the eight king-level bosses, only the 12-level giant queen bee is missing. At present, among the seven king-level bosses, the Wolf King and the Bear King are naturally the most powerful. However, at present, when the giant bee king is not participating in the meeting, the Wanhua poisonous spider king is already very angry. Even the wolf king and the bear king dare not explain too much.

At this time, the poisonous spider king finally calmed down the excitement just now and asked the seven kings under him, "Everyone, at present, my great enemy in Wanhuagang is at the critical moment of life and death. Unexpectedly, his giant bee king dares not to come to the meeting! Everyone, give me a plan on how to deal with this guy who has repeatedly disobeyed the king's orders. The big premise is that I must not tolerate his attitude of sitting on the shore and watching the fire like this. After this speech, the seven kings in the palace began to think about it and then discussed with each other: on the one hand, they naturally could not tolerate such a thing as the Giant Bee King, and on the other hand, they had to ensure that they were strong enough to deal with the players.

After a few minutes, the seven kings came up with a way. The Wolf King is the oldest, so he stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the war in the temple is tight at present, and it is really not appropriate to send too many troops. But if you want to deal with the giant queen bee king, you must send enough strength. Therefore, the seven of us can only discuss such a way, that is, to send one of the seven of us, with carefully selected temple guards, to test the giant queen bee with your will. If he is dedicated to sending troops to support the temple, that's fine. If he not only does not send troops, but also has the idea of continuing to be neutral, he will take this opportunity to kill him. Then, the people sent out can just grab his military power and mobilize 8,000 giant bees in the giant bee cave to come back to support the temple war.

After listening to the wolf king, the poisonous spider king first thought slightly, then glanced at the seven big hands below, and finally positioned it at the black ape king. The Black Ape King was swept away by this look and already knew what he should do. Taking a step, the Black Ape King immediately said, "Don't worry, the king, this mission will do his best to do it well." After seeing the Black Ape King's obedient self-recommendation, the Wanhua Poison Spider King was also very happy, and then clapped his hands and recruited six temple guards at level 18. Then he continued, "On the way to the Giant Bee Cave, there is more than a hundred miles away. These six guards are just the attendants of your trip. After arriving at the Giant Bee Cave, these six people can help you explore the situation of the Giant Bee King and deal with all kinds of unexpected situations for you. Black Ape King, I am so important to you, but don't let me down!"

After saying these words, the poisonous spider king's expression remained unchanged, but there was already a lot of prestige in his tone. The Black Ape King has been under the account of the poisonous spider king for many years. How could he not know these etiquette? He immediately worshipped three times, and then the Black Ape King got up and walked out of the temple with a sheepskin scroll edict written by the King of Venomous Spiders and the six temple guards. When the seven people disappeared from everyone's sight, the other kings didn't know what they thought, but the white thatched king and the reed grass king secretly looked at each other and clearly conveyed some kind of message. Until the poisonous spider king on the throne snorted coldly, he attracted all the hearts of the remaining six kings. During this period, the white thatched king and the reed grass king have quickly exchanged their minds.

After solving the problem of the King of the Giant Bee, the Poisonous Spider King brought the defense of the temple to the topic. Coldly swept by the six kings below, the poisonous spider king's tone was extremely cold: "Don't think that I don't know anything. The last time the second line of defense was broken was obviously caused by someone secretly connecting with those players. You know, on the first line of defense, I sent no small number of monsters to fight fiercely with those players. By the time they passed the first line of defense, at least 30,000 of the 50,000 horses had been hanged more than twice. On the second line of defense, I personally ordered the leaders of all ethnic groups as generals and combined an elite soldier of 40,000 horses. Normally, even if such a strong military horse can't beat those ten families, it won't be too miserable.

Speaking of this, Wanhu poisonous spider king turned around and continued to say, "I don't expect that such an elite coalition was defeated by the other party after less than five days of resistance. Don't tell me that they are too cunning. I also received a report that there was a traitor among your six kings. Although I still don't know who the traitor is, now in front of you, I declare a rule: if the king finds out the identity of a traitor, I will punish him severely and kill him immediately! Can you understand?!" Hearing these words, the six kings were secretly shocked. At this time, hearing the harsh tone of the poisonous spider king of Wanhua, the six kings answered in unison, "I have heard it! I'm not a traitor! We are deeply grateful to the king! We must work together to repay the king!"

The sound of the six kings, the sound shook the hall, and the sound was stirring, which has satisfied the Wanhua poisonous spider king on the throne. However, before he found out who the traitor was, he dared not be completely relieved of these six people. Of course, he won't say anything to his face. After the six kings showed their determination, the topic shifted to how to deal with the hundreds of thousands of players. At this time, the Bear King, who was responsible for the unified dispatch of soldiers and horses, took a step forward and announced his own data: "At present, we have lost a total of 90,000 horses on the first and second floor of Wanhuagang, and 120,000 people were slightly injured and seriously injured. More than 18,000 people were skinned and cramped by players on the spot, and finally returned to the temple intact There are less than 10,000 horses.

After the release of the data of the bear king, the other five kings were shocked. After the shock turned into a contradictory look, the white thatched king and the reed grass king. But the two are so good at covering up that no one else has noticed their strangeness. As for the rest of the wolf king, the lightning leopard king, and the white ape king, they were really shocked. Especially the latter two, after all, are at a low level and do not often participate in the most important decisions. At this time, the lightning leopard king and the white ape king were shocked: you know, the whole Wanhuagang has accumulated for many years, and the total strength of the nine races is no less than one million, but only about 600,000 can fight. Now, not to mention that the first layer of defense has been broken, and 200,000 people have been lost, which can be said to be quite a heavy blow. I just don't know what kind of way the next few kings who are more capable than us will solve the current difficult situation.

At this time, the six kings offered advice one after another, but most of them were useless. In particular, the White Ape King is not only the lowest level and weak in strength, but also the thinking is too simple, and the idea is also ridiculous. At this time, the poisonous spider king was suspicious by nature. He not only did not let go of the mistake of the white ape king, but continued to ask a few questions. When the other party's answer was more flustered, the Wanhua poisonous spider king was already wary of him in his heart: Could it be that the traitor is this guy with developed limbs and a simple mind? Maybe it was because of his simple thinking that he was deceived by a few words? Because of this, until the end of the meeting, everyone dispersed one after another, and the Wanhua poisonous spider king only left the bear king.

You should know that the Bear King has been following the Wanhua Poisonous Spider King for 20 years, and his own strength is also quite strong. Otherwise, the Wanhua Poisonous Spider King will not be so valued by him. At this time, the other five kings had left the scene and returned to their respective temple habitats. The poisonous spider king's heart was very heavy. He pulled out his long sword and cut off the decorations somewhere in the temple with one sword. Seeing that the other party was in such a mood, Xiong Wangshi came forward and said, "Your Majesty, are you still worried about the war in the temple?" After receiving the question from the Bear King, Wanhua Poison Spider King's mood immediately improved by one-third. After taking back the sword, Wanhua Poisonous Spider King finally told his thoughts to this old comrade-in-arms for many years.

It turns out that the Wanhua Poison Spider King not only doubts the White Ape King, but also has certain doubts about the other four kings. For example, the Wolf King, as the first master other than him, may also be that he wants to usurp power and seize the throne. And the lightning leopard king, who has always had a close relationship with Cao Zheng of Gun King Valley. Maybe Cao Zheng intends to get the treasures in the secret room of the temple? There are also the white thatched king and the reed grass king. The two have recently broken through the realm and become king-level masters. It is inevitable that they have been bribed, so they want to subvert the political pattern in the Wanhuagang Temple. Seeing so many thoughts of the poisonous spider king, the bear king can only comfort the king who is about to fall as much as possible. At the same time, thinking of the experience of the other kings, the bear king helped the Wanhua poisonous spider king to check the treasures in the secret room, while thinking to himself: If you doubt, why didn't you think that maybe it was not just one or two of them who betrayed you? Perhaps, because of you for many years*, most of the eight kings are rebellious? What's more, will you even think that there will be a traitor among them?