Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 150 Breakthrough

Xiong Chouer walked over and took over the iron box. Shen Shiyan also happened to get up and picked up the twelve spiritual iron arrows one by one. Xiong Chouer handed over the iron box, which contained a thin "Monster Secret Record". What's more strange is that there is a cyan candle lamp in the corner of the book. Shen Shiyan was shocked, but his face carefully paid attention to the small words on the base of the cyan candlelight. More than ten seconds later, Shen Shiyan was sure that this blue candle lamp and the purple candlelight obtained from the previous Baili Xi cave seemed to be of a type. The text on the base of the two candlelight is exactly the same. Is there any connection between them?

Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan planned to give the monster's secret to Xiong Chou'er, and he himself wanted this blue candlelight. Although the monster's secret record is also very precious, I have the memory of my previous life, and even without this book, it will not have much impact. Therefore, Shen Shiyan put the cyan candlelight back into the package and handed the "Monster Secret Record" to Xiong Chouer hoping that he would make good use of it. Unexpectedly, Xiong Chou'er waved her hand. Unexpectedly, she didn't even want this "Monster Secret Record", saying that she was not very interested in brushing monsters anyway, and it was better to let Shen Shiyan take it to upgrade quickly. Hearing Xiong Chou'er's statement, Shen Shiyan immediately asked in surprise, "Big Bear, this is not an ordinary thing. And, aren't you really going to use it for your purposes?

Unexpectedly, Xiong Chou'er smiled brightly and then replied, "You also know my reputation in this game. I have always liked to practice and prefer PK. Otherwise, I wouldn't be equipped with such equipment now. Besides, there is no need to say those lies between you and me. In reality, I am a descendant of national art, and I have a foundation of national art that is not weak. Entering the game is nothing more than seeking some breakthroughs. For these fame and fortune, fighting is no longer my intention. Moreover, let's make effective use of this "Monster Secret Record". I think that with Brother Shen's skills and mind, you can make better use of it. Therefore, I'll leave it to you. One day, when the Shen brothers become famous, you can invite Lao Xiong to drink a glass of thin wine, which will be very good.

After hearing Xiong Chou'er's explanation, Shen Shiyan did not make more excuses. While putting the "Monster Secret Record" back in the package, Shen Shiyan also mentioned his idea that he could learn Chinese martial arts from his teacher. Hearing this, Xiong Chou'er agreed without hesitation. The two packed up their things and saw that the stone door had not been closed, and they immediately went out. As for the Black Ape King on the side, they didn't pay attention to it. Until later, when Shen Shiyan rode alone to the secret road of Wanhuagang Temple, he also met this blessed black ape king. At this time, several forks outside rushed over thousands of giant bees. Behind the many giant bee monsters, it was the giant bee king who recovered a lot from his injuries, the giant bee leader monster under him, and the last two giant bee leaders.

At this time, Shen Shiyan and Xiong Chou'er immediately focused 200 percent and chose a fork in the road with the least giant bee monsters to rush over. With all their efforts, the giant bee monsters were immediately chopped aside. Then, Shen Xiong immediately ran in and quickly disappeared into the eyes of the giant queen bee. Unexpectedly, the giant bee king did not look nervous at this time, but sneered a few times: "The three of you are responsible for leading your own people to block the three main forks of our family. As for the other brothers, a group of your 20 brothers immediately rushed into the fork in the road and set up a guard post every 100 meters. Humph! I don't believe it. In this way, I'm afraid that I can't catch these two troubled kids.

The three masters of the giant bee king naturally led 200 giant bees to leave. And hundreds of other giant bees and monsters were also immediately scattered into 156 groups and scattered to various forks. Finally, the giant bee king remembered that the black ape king had not been dealt with in the stone gate. Leading the remaining hundreds of giant bees and monsters in, he was furious to see that the iron box was taken away and the stone platform was empty. When he saw the seriously injured Black Ape King on the ground, he also disappeared. In anger, the giant bee king shot a terrible true breath with a deadly soul needle, which immediately smashed the stone platform. Then, the giant bee king, who gradually calmed down, ordered with great interest, "You should put this place under martial law immediately. Since these three little bugs dare to offend me so much, I will have a good time to play with you!"

After saying these words, the giant bee king immediately turned into his original form, a giant bee monster the size of a domestic cat. Then, he immediately flew out of the hall and headed in the direction of Shen Xiong's disappearance. At the same time, Shen Shiyan and Xiong Chou'er, who didn't wait for the Great Bee King to find the two, just fled to these forks. Along the way, I ran over and met countless giant bees and monsters. The two of them are not bad, but after being injured by iron arrows, their actions have been reduced a lot. At this time, when they encounter so many enemies, they can only fight quickly. After killing and repelring the other party, they immediately choose another fork in. Unexpectedly, although there are no giant bee monsters in this fork in the road, there is a giant bee family. Although these giant bee monsters, as giant bees, are not as good as fighting, are enough to stop Shen Xiong, who are scarred.

Faced with such a situation, Shen Shiyan and Xiong Chou'er are not thinking more. Each of them carried long knives and killed them all the way. I don't know whether the enemy's blood stained him red, or his blood stained him red. After drinking hundreds of giant bees, the flame knives and bronze knives have lost their original color and are stained with a layer of blood. At this time, Shen Xiong and the other two panicked and ran into a special place. This place is not very large, but more than 100 square meters, but it contains a jar of fragrant honey. And there are dozens of such places in several places nearby. And the honey in these places is obviously collected by the giant bees from all over the infinite mountains.

Shen Xiong touched one of the jars of honey and tasted it in their mouths, but there was really some fragrance and sweetness of honey. The two immediately rejoiced. If they take out these honeys, I'm afraid they can immediately attract the favor of many players. However, before the two planned how to bring out the honey, the fork road outside was already full of dozens of giant bees and monsters. They looked at each other, and then Shen Shiyan said, "How's it going? Boss Xiong, go out and see who has fewer wounds? After saying these words, Shen Shiyan was already holding a flame knife and turned into a fast figure, rushing towards the smaller end. Later, Xiong Chou'er shouted loudly, and the bronze knife quickly waved pieces of knife light, closely following Shen Shiyan's route and fighting all the way.

Five or six minutes later, Shen Shiyan and Xiong Chou'er had already killed those giant bee monsters screaming and retreated. After killing more than a dozen giant bee monsters, the remaining giant bee monsters were immediately scared off. After pausing, Shen Shiyan cleaned up the elixir in the package and found that in half an hour of escape, the two had consumed no less than three bottles of primary blood elixir. This speed was almost as fast as brushing the second martial artist fantasy twice. After resting for half a minute, Shen Xiong heard footsteps from all directions. It was clear that a new batch of giant bee monsters were killed. Then, a cold shout came from somewhere in the passage, which was clearly the powerful giant queen bee.

After his complexion changed greatly, Shen Shiyan had to try his best to collect a few bottles of honey, and then fled desperately to the other end with Xiong Chou'er. Imagine that if the giant bee king caught up, the two would not dare to say that they would be his opponent in their heyday. What's more, now the two of them have dozens of wounds, making them face the enemy of the King of the Great Bee, which is tantamount to making them die. After Shen Xiong laughed at each other, they fled from the scene. When the Giant Bee King arrived at the honey room, he saw the honey in several large jars. Although it was not taken away by Shen Shiyan and Xiong Chou'er, it was quite embarrassing to stir them together with some stones and soil. The angry anger in the heart of the giant queen bee is even higher.

After ordering dozens of giant bees to stay here, the giant bee king himself turned into a human form and quickly chased Shen Xiong. At the same time, he shouted coldly, "You two guys, don't want to take out the giant bee hole of my own clan! You should know that the giant bee cave covers an area of more than hundreds of mu, with tens of thousands of its own people, and thousands of its own bee soldiers guard everywhere. I advise both of you to come out immediately. In this way, the death penalty can be avoided, but it is still very fair and just! Otherwise, when I catch you, I will definitely cramp your muscles, skin you, and let you suffer some living sins!" While saying these words, the momentum of the giant queen bee gradually spread out, and Shen Xiong, who was only dozens of meters ahead, were stunned.

When the giant queen bee is less than ten meters away from them, the two of them are not as fast as the giant queen bee. It's better to return to attack him together. Maybe there will be some chances of winning. Thinking of this, Shen Xiong and the other two immediately stayed in place. Until the giant queen bee's body was just exposed three meters away, the two immediately attacked one front, one back, one left and one right. I saw two knives and quickly attacked the giant bee king! Unexpectedly, at this time, the giant queen bee was not afraid of tension, but showed great joy. The giant queen bee immediately became crazy, his eyes became red, and the deadly hook needle in his hand also became 1.8 meters long. Before Shen Shiyan and Xiong Chou'er's knife spirit attacked, he had already performed a wonderful needlework and quickly hit their knives. Shen Xiong and the two were immediately terrmented and only felt that more than ten forces attacked them step by step. The two of them were strong, but they were also immediately repulsed five or six steps, and spit out a small mouthful of blood when they paused!