Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 157 There is an appointment tonight Next

After more than ten minutes, the department secretary and Hao Liping left the department secretary for a while. At this time, Shen Shiyan immediately went over and took his mobile phone. After returning to the dormitory, Shen Shiyan listened to the recording three times while it was still early. After that, he got the information he wanted. While contacting Hao Liping's family background in her previous life, Shen Shiyan thought so: In this way, Hao Liping is not only the manager of the Xueshang family, but also the deputy patriarch. No wonder, even the department secretary has to respect her as "Miss". Just because the department secretary comes from the Hao family, he has to respect her, Miss Hao family. Listening to those two people, they seem to have paid attention to me for a long time, but they have been paying more attention to me since the other two days.

Thinking of the scene of saving Hao Liping the day before yesterday, Shen Shiyan also had to be vigilant: at the last 30-person conference, it was no wonder that Hao Liping deliberately said those words to me. At that time, she thought it was her personality improved. Now it seems that she also knows my achievements in the game, so she wants to win me in. Listening to her tone, it seems that the Xueshang family has lost a lot of benefits in this copy of the Wanhuagang battlefield. How can the snow family, which is the ninth of the top ten families, be so easily hit? According to the information from the previous life, those about the rapid rise and decline of the snow family seem to explain some situations of the internal struggle of the snow family. Now it seems that Hao Liping, the deputy patriarch of the Xueshang family, must have caused another clan member.

After analyzing this information, Shen Shiyan's interest in Hao Liping's family life has greatly increased. Although there are some lucky elements of such a family, it is naturally not easy to be able to enter the list of the top ten families at the beginning of Tianmen. Based on Hao Liping's usual food, housing and transportation, as well as her dialogue with the department secretary today, Shen Shiyan speculated a rough idea: First, Hao Liping's father must have a certain industry and not weak economic strength. Otherwise, they can't attract so many masters to squeeze the snow family into the ninth place of the top ten families. Second, if the Hao family does not have their own hardcore players, it is impossible for them to become such a powerful family just by relying on the players recruited from outside.

After thinking about these things clearly, Shen Shiyan also went to the forum on the Internet. With the opening of the first small expansion pack, various posts on the forum have also increased. In addition to the original wild monster experience posts, many other posts have been added. For example, the battle between the ten most popular family corps and several king-level bosses under the ten-flower poisonous spider king. Six of the top ten posts are all about this matter. Shen Shiyan clicked in and looked at the posts with hundreds of replies per second. After only looking at the original poster, he finally finished reading all the information. Combined with those memories from his previous life, it is not difficult for Shen Shiyan to see that the current war situation is in a very sticky state.

Among them, the three most powerful families are the most powerful. Three families, including Huanhai Qingtian Pavilion, have become the first main force in the fight against the enemy in Wanhuagang. Secondly, it is the three families led by a sword. Secondly, it is the rest of the medium-sized families. As for the Feixian Palace, the Medical Palace, and the Immortal Residence, which were originally ranked among the top ten families, they did not become one of the main forces because of the relatively small number of master players. The most unreliable is the snow family. Even with the unique support of flying on the snow, it is also a lack of overall strength. Until now, the performance of the Xueshang family is not even as good as that of the emerging gangs, such as Nie Wuji's fraternity, such as Long Jinxiu's daughter country.

Looking at the comments of these people, although there are many insights, they are too far from the truth. Only Shen Shiyan clearly knew that the destruction of the poisonous spider king in his previous life happened after the team of players accidentally hit and entered the secret path of the temple. According to his memory, combined with the encounter of the giant bee cave, it is not difficult for Shen Shiyan to speculate that if the Wanhua poisonous spider king had not had the mysterious blue candlelight, he would not have been able to resist the fierce attack of the players. In the previous life, it was the player who accidentally destroyed the array of the blue candlelight, and finally damaged the strength of the Wanhua poisonous spider king, and finally lost his army.

When I finished reading these posts, it was already past 12 noon. After lunch, Shen Shiyan continued to come back to read the post. Until 6 p.m., Shen Shiyan happened to go to the department office to pick up Ji Chengfang. Since the relationship between the two has not been made public, Shen Shiyan is just waiting for Ji Chengfang under the teaching building. After Ji Chengfang got on the motorcycle, Shen Shiyan said complaintfully, "Fangfang, you said that we are officially in love. Why do you still disclose our relationship? Look, it's like I want to pick you up for dinner now, but I have to find other reasons. Alas! What is my life, Shen Shiyan! It's hard to catch up with Fangfang, but she has to be so sneaky. It's really..."

Before Shen Shiyan finished his grief and saw the motorcycle leave the school, Ji Chengfang changed the teacher's face and returned to the slightly delicate girlfriend. After pinching Shen Shiyan from behind, Ji Chengfang said coquettishly, "Come on! You boy, you have to be cheap and sell well! Now that you haven't graduated yet, I will always be your teacher. You said that our fair appearance in front of everyone must lead to those unnecessary rumors. So, hey, hey, just listen to me and put up with it for a few more months. When you graduate and can be on an equal footing with me, I will immediately announce you - Shen Shiyan, my boyfriend..." Speaking of the last three words, Ji Chengfang's voice immediately became smaller, as thin as a mosquito.

On the contrary, Shen Shiyan, who was driving a motorcycle, did not care about these little things at all. While driving the car, Shen Shiyan made all kinds of jokes with Ji Chengfang. It was not until in front of Qinyuanchun Restaurant that Shen Shiyan regained his serious look. After listening to the motorcycle, the two immediately walked into the restaurant hand in hand and entered Shen Shiyan's small room under the leadership of the waiter. At this time, the whole room is decorated as a dreamy place like a snow country. Looking at Ji Chengfang's surprised expression, Shen Shiyan, who stood at the door, immediately said, "How about it? Is this scene suitable for my Fangfang's wishes? Haha, I have found out for a long time that my Fangfang has always liked such snow scenes and the dreamy and romantic mood. That's why I asked the waiter to decorate this place like Christmas. Let's see if your boyfriend is doing well.

While saying this, Shen Shiyan closed the door, lit the 26 candles on the table, and immediately turned off the lights in the whole room. At this time, the dream color of the whole room is stronger. Shen Shiyan waited quietly at the table, looking back and forth at the heroine tonight with Ji Chengfang's steps. Ji Chengfang was dressed in a long, pure white winter dress, just like a fairy tale princess. Seeing Ji Chengfang looking back and forth at the layout, Shen Shiyan also thought drunkenly: Fangfang, you were a beautiful teacher in your previous life, and I was just a boy who was too obsessed and didn't appreciate it. In this life, since I met you, I will definitely live up to your love in this life.

A few minutes later, after watching these arrangements, Ji Chengfang returned to the chair with her eyes affectionately. Although she will not be as moved when she sees these gorgeous and romantic scenes like little girls, she can't help but be moved by Shen Shiyan's careful preparation. For many years, I haven't seen such a scene for many years since my brother left other and the division disbanded. One year? Two years? Or five years? This time you told me that you finally met Bole and worked for the Hao family in Jiangxi. I didn't know that Fangfang was also happy for your brother? Thinking of her brother, Ji Chengfang couldn't help recalling the interesting childhood stories between the former eight brothers and sisters.

Reminiscent that she has now found Shen Shiyan as her boyfriend, a corner of Ji Chengfang's heart can't help but show strange emotions: Brother, you have been so good to me for ten years, but unfortunately, Fangfang has never promised you. Otherwise, you must be able to find someone to talk about the past at this time, right? However, Fangfang has found a man who can have a common topic. Although he is still my student, he will not disappoint you too much. Brother, when you know that you have a boyfriend, you can find a shoulder to rely on, will you also bless me? Just like when I was a child, whenever the master was angry, you always came to make me happy. Now, if you are unhappy, I will not hesitate to make you happy.

Before Ji Chengfang's thoughts were recalled more, Shen Shiyan had seized the opportunity and kissed Ji Chengfang's forehead quickly. Without waiting for Ji Chengfang's face to blush, Shen Shiyan has already picked up Ji Chengfang's favorite song. At the same time, when Mei Yanfang's "Intimate Lover" was played, Shen Shiyan was already holding Ji Chengfang's hand, and the two immediately danced in the room several times. After a song, Shen Shiyan waited for the opportunity to hold Ji Chengfang's waist in one hand and around her other side in the other. At the same time, he kissed her affectionately. He was so shy that Ji Chengfang almost fell into his arms. At this time, Shen Shiyan felt that Ji Chengfang was so generous and shy outside. Unexpectedly, when he really kissed Ji Chengfang's white and tender neck, Ji Chengfang soaked two tears from his eyes: Brother, I already have someone I can trust, and I hope you can find the other half of your confidants!