Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 164 Above the Temple

At this time, I only heard Xiong Wang pointing to the map and said in detail, "Our Wanhuagang Temple is divided into six areas. In the north area where the palace is located, there are the strongest people under the king to defend. In addition, the south area, which is the exit of the secret road of the temple, will assign you and two people to take 30 temple guards to guard it. Speaking of this, the bear king pointed to the two cronies captains of the Wanhua poisonous spider king. Subsequently, the two captains immediately took 60 temple guards out of the palace and went to the exit of the temple's secret path. With the strength of their 60 bodyguards, even if Duan San rushed in again with people, it would not be so easy. After the two captains left, Xiong Wang deliberately glanced at the eyes of Wanhua Poison Spider King.

Seeing that the Wanhua poisonous spider king had shown some satisfaction, Xiong Wang continued: "As for the northeast direction, it is one of the core of our Wanhuagang array. And the northwest is also the core of our Wanhuagang array. Therefore, both places are very important. Then, the two of you, the three of you, plus you and the six of you will lead 180 temple guards to closely defend these two places. While saying these words, the Bear King first nodded two cronies of the Wanhua Poison Spider King, and then one of the three cronies of the Wolf King. Finally, Xiong Wang points out three captains of his cronies. When he left, King Bear handed over the leadership of the 180 guards to the two cronies of the Wanhua Poison Spider King. Naturally, the purpose of doing this is to reduce the suspicion of the poisonous spider king.

Sure enough, after seeing the distribution of the Bear King so, the look on the face of the Wanhua poisonous spider king was also much better. In Shen Shiyan's eyes, he happened to be a little annoyed: in this way, it is mostly difficult to expect the scene of the infighting between the two kings. I'm afraid it's quite difficult for me to rush into the two core areas of the northeast and northwest under such a heavy siege. At this time, Shen Shiyan, who stood at the end of the team, was naturally not the attention of the poisonous spider king or the bear king. Instead, he can clearly see the eyes between the two kings from this angle. Subsequently, Xiong Wang also told the deployment of the remaining troops. Among them, Shen Shiyan's team is responsible for defending the southwest area. In the southeast region, Xiongwang sent his three loyal captains and 60 temple guards. Finally, the remaining 150 temple guards were specially patrolled in various areas.

After receiving the order, Shen Shiyan had to follow his captain and dozens of temple guards to the southwest of the temple. Along the way, dozens of temple guards looked serious. Only Shen Shiyan, who was in the penultimate row, followed the currents and secretly wrote down the direction of these passages so that he could return soon. Fortunately, although there are many passages in this temple, they are also much more neat and regular than the giant bee cave. Along the way, the most forks are only four branch channels, and the least is only two. With Shen Shiyan's memory ability, it is not too difficult to remember that there are only 70 or 80 channels in total. Therefore, until the time of the southwest region, Shen Shiyan had kept these 86 channels in mind one by one.

At this time, after hundreds of temple guards had left, the Wanhua poisonous spider king asked coldly, "King Xiong, it was very unexpected for you to arrange it like this! You know, this map was also handed over to you by the king yesterday. At present, it only took you five or six minutes to arrange hundreds of temple guards. Ha ha, it seems that the Wolf King and others have a good evaluation. You are really a good material for the natural march! Maybe when I get old, I can be relieved and hand over such a huge flower to you. In this way, isn't it the blessing of my nine clans? Speaking of this, the poisonous spider king deliberately got up and walked down the steps to the side of the bear king. However, the abnormal tone of the poisonous spider king and his expression made the bear king dare not bear to accept such a big gift.

Countless ideas flashed in his heart, but the bear king immediately fell to the ground, kowtowed a few times to the poisonous spider king, and then cleverly refused these good words: "The king laughed, how can Xiao Wang He De dare to bear the love of the king so much! The king is wise and intelligent, and leads the nine clans, which is exactly the right that the king is born to get. Xiao Wang is still young. Thanks to the care and support of the king over the years, he can achieve the position of chief bodyguard of the temple. He has long been grateful. How can he expect more? Between you and me, please return to the upper seat and don't kill Xiao Wang! Here, Xiao Wang, on behalf of the bear clan, expressed his greatest loyalty to the king and was willing to be the right-hand man of the poisonous spider family for generations. Long live the king!"

Speaking of this, the bear king slightly glanced up at the back of the poisonous spider king returning to the throne. It was not until he saw the relaxed look on the faces of the masters of the poisonous spider family beside the latter that he was half relieved: Well, you are the wolf king, you must have secretly told the poisonous spider king about those things about me, otherwise, today's big Wang will not doubt me so repeatedly. Damn it! Since I inherited my father's business, no one has dared to treat me like this. You, a wolf king of the previous generation, dared to compete with me for power and profit, and want to use Duan San to kill me? Humph! You don't even think about it. Nowadays, half of the 500 guards in the temple are my cronies. If the king really wants to rebel, it is not easy.

Subsequently, the poisonous spider king let the bear king flat and immediately restored his usual intimate relationship with him. The two discussed the next military plan, among which the Wanhua poisonous spider king relied heavily on the bear king. Until the Wolf King came back, he saw such a scene. The Wolf King, who was slightly worried in his heart, stared at the Bear King fiercely on his face, and then flattered in front of the poisonous spider king of Wanhua: "Congratulations, King, King Hexi! After a bit of torture just now, the third paragraph finally loosened and took the initiative to make an account of the relationship between some spies. However, in order to save his life, this cunning Duan San asked us to let him go first, and then he would say the name of the spy. I just don't know, what do you mean, king?

Speaking of this, the Wolf King deliberately glanced at the Bear King. The latter's heart was empty, but his face was calm. The most resourceful is the Wanhua Poison Spider King. Even if he hears the Wolf King's report, he is not allowed to say anything about the overall situation. After putting this question aside, Wanhua Poison Spider King's expression remained unchanged, and he still looked modest, asking King Bear and Wolf King for advice on the next big plan. Such a old plan only made the wolf king seven up and eight times, and wanted to pursue the spy, right? Seeing the Wanhua Poisonous Spider King again, his interest has shifted. Do you want to pause here? However, he was unwilling. Seeing that there was such a great opportunity to bring down the Bear King, he could only delay it again.

Different from the tangled mood of the Wolf King, the Bear King secretly has his own idea: the king's performance is very strange today, otherwise he already believes the Wolf King's words? If this is true, I have to prepare for rebellion in advance. He glanced at the Wanhua poisonous spider king a few times, but the bear king saw his meaningful eyes. His heart jumped wildly, and then the bear king forcibly calmed down: this old guy should have doubted me for a long time. Looking at his gentle and fierce eyes, it seems that he has really doubted me for a long time? Thinking of this, Xiong Wang had the intention to retreat. While stating his defense plan, the Bear King looked for various reasons and hoped to take this opportunity to leave the palace.

No, the poisonous spider king seemed to have expected this in his heart. Seeing that the Bear King panicked and wanted to retreat. He also agreed immediately. Subsequently, when talking about many matters with the Wolf King, the Wanhua Poison Spider King showed the concentration and steady quality that a king should have. In this way, when the Wolf King left, he also showed a worried look. It was not until there was only the Wanhua poisonous spider king and his master in the palace that he said lightly, "Whether it is you, the bear king or your wolf king, as long as you can solve the current enemy for me, I can endure other things. As for how to deal with you two after the victory of the war, hehe, I am not as stupid as you think!" Subsequently, the Wanhua poisonous spider king walked out of the palace by himself, followed by two masters of his own clan, leaving only four masters hidden in all corners of the palace.

On the other hand, Shen Shiyan was about to reach his destination, but he encountered a small twist on the way. Just as Shen Shiyan passed by a passage, there was a charming female bodyguard on the opposite side. Seeing the female bodyguard coming over, the other fellow bodyguards showed great desire and expectation. However, the female bodyguard didn't pay attention to those temple guards at all. He walked straight to Shen Shiyan's side, put his right hand around Shen Shiyan's waist, and gently stroked Shen Shiyan's face with his left hand. Such gentle and ** movements only make other temple guards drool. Unfortunately, Shen Shiyan was full of heart at this time. This female bodyguard is none other than Amei, the unlucky Ajiu's lover.

Facing this woman who had just had a skin relationship, Shen Shiyan knew that the other party was just a female NPC, but he couldn't help but feel strange. I only heard A Mei blowing hot air on Shen Shiyan's face, and then said desolately, "Ninety-eight, you must tell me who killed my Ajiu? If you can tell me the enemy, Amei will belong to you at this time tomorrow night. Well, okay?" After asking this question, A Mei hugged Shen Shiyan's neck and passed on the strange warmth at his armored neck.