Rebirth of Star Picker

(reprint) Once you enter the "online article" as deep as the sea, you can never get out

Once you enter the "online text" is as deep as the sea, it will never come out

Source:abobao Date: 2011/10/58:31:50

Phase 1 (zero-50,000 words): hot-blooded input

After reading the online article for a period of time, I began to brew one or several stories in my mind. One day, a flash of inspiration, a hot-blooded idea came out. I want to write online articles! This idea spreads rapidly like cancer cells. Finally, the hot-blooded young man plunged into the torrent of original online articles. With excitement, I wrote a few chapters and uploaded them in a hurry! Then the black and white turned upside down and threw himself into it. At this stage, the writing is like a tide, and the writing is like divine help. Originally, when writing a composition, they had to cut through their scalp and make dandruff on the ground, they actually came up with a story of 10,000 words a day. He was secretly happy and even shouted slogans: new books, 10,000 new books a day, break out every day!

Phase 2 (50,000- 200,000 words): Data madman

No one cares about the bleak results of the online articles written by myself who stayed up late. Hot-blooded writers incarnate into fanatical madmen. Advertising everywhere, sending links, asking for recommendations and collections. Looking at the changing clicks, collections, and red (black) tickets, I couldn't sleep all night. The ** of my writing is controlled by these data, and my mentality has changed. The speed of writing has begun to fluctuate with these data, with more vicissitudes and less investment; more impetuousness and less clarity. At this stage, writers generally have a sigh: reading is easy, but writing is difficult. It is even more difficult to write an online article that readers are satisfied with. Many people have begun to waver, and some have stopped moving forward.

The third stage (two-500,000 words): historical dust

The most painful thing is not the reader's scolding, but that there is no reader to scold (book review, * stream). After experiencing hot-blooded investment and crazy data flow, most writers broke the update. They realized that although the threshold of online articles is low, not everyone can earn a bucket of gold. At this stage, some people turned into a green smoke and disappeared without a trace to find a suitable way for themselves; some people became so-called old people and began to spread experience around, pointing out the country for those latecomers, spitting tirelessly; some people chose to open a new book and tried to have a new beginning, with the same defects and no Foot, the fantasy is amazing; some people take their own works to transform the war and try to find their own Bole; there are also some people who continue to rack their brains to pile up their own words, and the data has become a floating cloud.

Phase 4 (50-million words): Introduction to online writers

At this stage, the writers who have been fighting on the front line have found the trick and have their own writing style and work spirit. They touched the edge of online literature and stepped into the door of online literature with one foot. However, how many people can get to this point?

Almost everyone has a literary dream. Since the development of online literature from the BBS forum to the original website, a group of hot-blooded teenagers have silently contributed to this. With the dream of panning for gold, they gave up most of their time and devoted all their thoughts. Finally, there are only a few aunts who can stand on the top of Mount Hua and be proud of the world. In this article, I would like to commemorate those seniors, my generation and the continuous stream of juniors who have made stepping stones to the prosperous online literature.