Gods Command

Chapter 219 Unknown Feeling

As the saying goes, people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants. That's the truth. Originally, if Xiao Yin and others left, they were still at peace. However, he was biased by greed and stole the core of the God-given earth. In the end, it came to an ashes and smoke. However, when God killed more than 20 elites of Xiao Yin, the huge roar in the sky was also seen by Xiao Yin. The horrible knife was really too terrible. After the war, I don't know why Xiao Yin still had an impulse to go to see the one who killed Xuanyi. Who is the person? I always have a hunch that the person seems to have a mysterious relationship with me. Of course, this is just a feeling. No one in his negotiation circle has such terrible strength~

"Eteran Xiao, let's go quickly~" Seeing the huge explosion in the sky, the guards around Xiao Yin were also sweating~ Obviously, they were scared~

"No~ I don't know what's going on with Elder Xuanyi~ How can we, as the Hall of the King of hell, ignore things~" Xiao Yin immediately refused the idea of escaping~

"But Elder Xuanyi is likely to have... It has been sacrificed~"

"Hm? Even so, we can't escape~" Xiao Yin didn't care what the guard behind him said. He also flew to the hole. The guards behind him looked at each other. In the end, he had no choice but to follow Xiao Yin~

~After Tianci killed Xuanyi, he took out the core of his own earth from the latter's space ring~ and included it into his own space ring with the remaining core of the earth in the cave. Just as Tianci was about to leave, the mind found that someone was coming to him, and it was the person of the Hall of the King of Yan~

"Has the movement been found here? It doesn't matter, it's just death~" There was an evil smile on the corners of Tianci's mouth~Stand quietly waiting for the person to come~

After half a sound, Xiao Yin and his men came to the mouth of the cave where Tianci was located ~ looking at Tianci. Xiao Yin's heart suddenly trembled for some reason. There was an inexplicable feeling. But why? I can't think of it myself~ On the other side, Tianci also has the same feeling~ This person seems to have known each other~ But in terms of racking my brain, I can't think of any result~

"Just now, you killed Elder Xuanyi in the Hall of the King of the Emperor?" Knowing that the strength of the other party must be very strong~ But killing the elders of the Hall of the King of the Dead like this is a heoous crime~ I also have the responsibility to seek justice~

"That's right. It's me who stole my things. Must die~"

"At a young age, it's so vicious~"

"Huh~ The huge King of the Red Hall actually did the thing of roosters and dog thieves~ How dare you teach me a lesson?"

"Take it for me~" Xiao Yin also ordered~ However, none of the people behind him dared to do it~ They knew that this was no different from suicide~

"Ah ha ha~~" God gave the sky a long smile ~ Seeing the timid appearance of the Hall of the King of Evil, I feel extremely happy ~ What I want is this effect to make these so-called evil creatures afraid of themselves ~

"Doesn't anyone dare to do it? I'll come in person~" said with a flash of his figure. That is, he rushed up. His subordinates did not obey the instructions. No wonder. Xiao Yin was usually very kind to his subordinates. Due to the loss of strict discipline, these people did not obey his orders in a critical moment.

"Hm? It's up to you~" A pair of black chains burst out of Xiao Yin's body ~ quickly attacked Tianci ~ and Tianci did hold a game mentality ~ stood still ~ knew that the black chain tied himself up ~ looking at those chains ~ Tianci was very helpless, the power of these chains is simply too small for me~ You can break it just by using brute force~

"Jior~ You have been tied by my soul chain~ Beobediently and be captured~" He took action, and God did not resist~~ It's also very strange~

"You can be captured~ Old man, you are confused~ Do you want to trap me with this broken copper and iron? It's too much of a joke~" With a little force, with a bang, the soul lock burst open. This scene also suffered a great blow to Xiao Yin. How strong his soul lock is, and he is clear. But in the eyes of the young man in front of him, it is a pile of broken copper and iron. What has the latter cultivated? The realm of??? It's too strange~ I'm afraid that the deputy lord of the Hall of the King of Hell has such power~

"Death's sickle~" attacked with a knife ~ A huge scarlet knife light flashed ~ Xiao Yin is in a hurry ~ The power above the knife light is very strong, and you must not peep ~

"Millennium Sky Lock~" The figure began to crack rapidly, and countless figures changed in an instant~ A black chain popped out of each person's body~ It hit the blade of the God-given death sickle~

Boom~~ Rumble~~ Another mushroom cloud flashed out of the sky~~ The nearby mountains turned into dust~ When the dust dispersed, God-given still stood in place ~ On the ground not far away ~ Xiao Yin's figure fell to the ground ~ His forehead was full of sweat ~ It seemed extremely embarrassed, God-given A hit~ It's unbearable for me. At this moment, I have exhausted all the energy on my body~ If there is nothing I can do, then I'm the only one who is dead~

"Esbytery Xiao~" The 20 guards behind him were also panicked~ Should I help or not? But if you help, it is no different from suicide~ But you can't watch the elder being killed like this~~ For a while, I struggled in my heart~~

"Do you also want to die?"

"Fight ~ Elder ~" Twenty guards also rushed up and blocked in front of Xiao Yin at this moment ~ started the posture of fighting ~

"A bunch of waste ~ looking for death ~" waved casually ~ 20 guards were all hit far away by an invisible force~~ Everyone's face is pale~~

"Elevantages~~~~" are actually dead ~ It's better to die more tragically ~ Suddenly all the guards looked at each other ~ They nodded and rushed to God's gift ~ Everyone's figure slowly grew bigger ~

Do you want to blow yourself up? Waste is waste~~ It's just a meaningless sacrifice~" Tianci quietly walked to Xiao Yin's side. At this time, a shocking explosion sounded~~ The mountains and peaks collapsed. And a black boundary appeared within ten feet of Tianci~~ Not only Tianci is Tianci intact, but also Xiao Yin on the ground is at peace with each other~~ Just when Tianci wants to kill Xiao Yin's pain, I don't know why, there is a feeling of uncomfortable in my heart~ Therefore, a boundary is set up to protect Xiao Yin~

"You~~" I don't know why God didn't kill himself, but saved himself~

"Don't ask~ I don't want to kill you now~ You go back~" He said that his figure went straight to the sky ~ only left Xiao Yin, who was seriously injured. At this moment, a mysterious smile appeared on Xiao Yin's face~