Gods Command

Chapter 285 Cheer up

"The tone of the destruction of the ancestors is indeed not small. I'd like to see it." The huge fighting spirit broke out. In the face of the powerful joint strength of the Nether Baibao, Tianci also wanted to really fight viciously to prove his current strength.

The energy channel was scattered, and the whole hall was completely blocked by a large amount of golden light. The heavy pressure was infinitely aggravated, and even the original flight became extremely difficult.

On the top of the head, the golden light flashed, and the purest energy gathered into a huge axe, and the place standing under its feet was full of black poisonous water, as if stepping on the abyss of hell. Even if the gods and demons go deep into it, it is difficult to extricate themselves and their souls dissipate.


The huge axe became clearer and clearer. In just a moment, it condensed into a substantial golden axe. The whole hall was impacted by energy and faintly on the edge of the collapse. Suddenly, God only felt a softness and huge suction under his feet, as if it had pulled itself into the bottomless abyss.

At the same time, the golden axe above the head was also split like lightning, with wind and clouds moving and thunder in all directions.

"The cross sickle is broken."

Boom, two huge forces collided with each other, and the hall was suddenly collapsed, just like a mushroom cloud rising, and all the creatures around it were swept away.

Except for the golden light, all other places are swept away by energy storms. The weak little demons outside the three-inch castle hall and the demons screamed in an instant, killing and hurting a blockbuster, and the powerful demons also vomited blood.

Peer, pedal, pedal.

Tianci retreated repeatedly, and his throat was sweet. He also spit out a big mouthful of blood. It was powerful and really very strong. The array of destroying the ancestor is worthy of being a super strong man who killed the ancestor. At the peak level of the ninth level of the divine realm, the actual combat power has reached the initial standard of the imperial level. In addition, the death sickle has been promoted, which is equivalent to an assistant close to the ancestral level. But even so, he is still injured.

The array of destroying ancestors can't be said to be tough.

At the peak of the ninth level of the eight divine realms, they joined hands to strike. After the special bonus of the array, they actually evolved into the fantasy of golden light axe and Jiuyou black water. The tenth level of the divine realm, even the real emperor-level master, will be injured.

"Don't let him recover and continue to attack." Li Wufeng shouted loudly and immediately urged the formation, and a circle of energy light appeared again in the blink of an eye.

However, compared with the first time, the obvious amplitude of the energy light wave has weakened a lot.

And the eight level 9 strong men in the divine realm were also uncomfortable at this time. They were bathed in blood and their hair was scattered. In addition to the cancer demon, almost everyone else hung blood on the corners of their mouths. The hard impact just now, both sides suffered great damage.

However, the gift of heaven is borne by one person, while Li Wufeng and others share the damage among the eight demons.

"Ky, I must pull out your skin and refine it into the soul skin of my weapon after drying. You can kneel down and die." The owner of the castle couldn't help shouting and scolding. His blood-red eyes emitted fierce light, and his whole body began to fluctuate.

"Pull my skin. You are a little weaker. There are many people who have said such words to me before, but they are all dead. Today you are the same. You are destined to be killed by me."

A mouthful of blood was swallowed hard, and the light and dark energy on the body rotated rapidly, and the energy shook. With God-given as the center, the ripples were stimulated, and the waste of the originally collapsed hall also instantly turned into fragments or nothingness.


The golden axe appeared again, and the Jiuyou black poisonous water is like a poisonous python, wrapped around the God-given foot and pulling. The huge force can break the peak of the mountain and pull him into the abyss of the poisonous tumor.

"Burning in the scorching sun, fire dragon arrows."

With a big hand wave, the death sickle shines with an incomparable bright light. Tens of thousands of fiery red yang energy rushing to fly high in the sky, facing the big axe above the head. At the moment when it is about to hit, all the fiery sun energy converges together to form a cluster of extremely condensed dragon arrows.

Fire can beat gold, and at the same time, the legs are also kicked very fast, and the speed has reached the extreme. Every time you kick, there will be a magnificent and heavy gray breath under your feet.

The speed of light and dark balls is getting faster and faster, and only faint light and shadow can be seen in my mind. Suddenly, the energy flies and pours into the hands and feet. In less than ten thousandth of a second, a thick and huge loess appeared in the step.

"The heavy back soil, the earth wall is cut."

The momentum of the sacred rune has been maximized, one fire and one earth, but the scattered attacks have radiated horrible characteristic energy, which is really comparable to the power of divine brilliance.

"How could this happen? Why do I feel that my body can't move? What's going on?" Although Heiyou is also a troll at the peak of level 9 of the divine realm, compared with the seven castle owners, his strength is weaker after all. Under great pressure, he seems to be stuck in a quagmire and can't extricate himself.

The same is true for Li Wufeng and others. Not only is it difficult to move all over, but the golden axe at the top of the head also seems to be suppressed to death. A fire melts the body-like pain, spreading all over the nerves of the brain.

"Quickly, burn your own blood. If we don't work hard, we will all die."

The cancer demon master roared, took the lead in spitting out a mouthful of blood, and quickly integrated into his own energy light. Suddenly, the energy was stimulated, and a dazzling aurora burst out. Other castle owners and Heiyou also spewed out a mouthful of blood one after another and burned into life energy.

In an instant, whether it is the golden axe above the head or the black poisonous water under the feet, they all become brighter. The golden light is shining, and ordinary people can't look at it. Even the emperor-level master has to hide their eyes, and the black poisonous water has a dark blue color, cold and penetrating through the bone marrow.

Four incredible horrible energies, colliding with each other and rubbing against each other, no one can do anything about it.


A series of bursting sounds resounded through the void, and the thick clouds in the sky were torn in an instant. Dark lightning was pulled into the black poisonous water. After turning into nothingness, there was no residue left. If you can't fight, it depends on which side's strength and energy is more durable and deeper. The two sides are forced to force you and me to die. The strength of living spiritual power is hard to fight.

Once anyone is defeated, it will definitely cause extreme damage.

Although only eight level nine-level demons of the divine realm wave together, their strength is no less than that of ordinary emperor-level masters. Even the Paiyun Moshi of the Flying Demon Sect was accidentally injured by its array when he invented this array.

You should know that the strength of Paiyun Moshi is a super strong troll in the whole underworld. Even he was accidentally injured by his own formation, and you can imagine the power of destroying the ancestor array.

Destroying the ancestor is not enough to describe its power. If the people who control this array are eight level 10 masters of the divine realm, even the most powerful emperor-level demons will be killed into scum.

Paiyun Moshi, no one knows his real strength. However, in terms of the invention of the ancestor destruction array, if he is an an ancestor, it is impossible to invent this kind of anti-sky super array.

Rumble, sneer, sneer.

The energy collided with each other, and the void was already dark. The three-inch castle was completely turned into a waste land in the continuous attack and consumption of both sides. Within a hundred miles, all creatures were destroyed. Even those powerful demons, who reached the eighth level of the divine realm, also flew away and retreated at least a few hundred miles away. .

The blood evaporated, the bones turned into powder, and there were countless seven-level demons in the divine realm of death. Tens of thousands of demons in the three-inch castle completely fell under the collision of these two moves.

"Although it is extremely powerful, it can be said to be one of the best super killing moves I have ever seen, but compared with Alice's material transformation attack method, it is less than half the power, very good, very good." I don't dare to relax at the bottom of my heart, but I'm really relaxed.

You should know that the last time I encountered Alice's material attack, I had no ability to resist at all and could only be forced to escape, but now this set of ancestor destruction array, which is equivalent to half the strength of the material attack, can actually compete with it.

Moreover, this is still in the absence of all your strength.


The sky suddenly lit up, and huge and thick clouds gathered quickly above the hell. In the blink of an eye, a super cloud vortex storm was formed. Lightning exploded in it, thunder clouds swept wantonly, and the space seemed to be torn apart.

Originally, there was a little relaxation from God. After the formation of this thunderstorm, the pressure increased countless times, the matter shattered, and the space turned into nothingness. The eyes of the God gave me cold, staring at the sky and cheered up the greatest spirit.