Gods Command

Chapter 293 Surprise Changes

The energy offsets each other and does not give an inch. Even if God gives her maximum strength, he can only defend the two flowers with all his strength. Moreover, in Alice's continuous improvement of strength, the breath of destruction is getting closer and closer to her.

Most of the clothes are transformed into death and nothingness. The protective shield energy on the surface of the body is also faintly transformed, and even the skin can feel a burning pain.

It has reached the most critical moment.

But suddenly, Alice suddenly looked up, and a blue light permeated her whole body, as if she had eaten a stimulant, full of great energy. Even the energy she had just lost was instantly replenished.


The surging power suddenly more than doubled.

At the back of her shoulder, a pair of wings slowly stretched out. In just a moment, sixteen pairs of wings were all presented. After the divine angel reached the imperial level, they could close and hide their wings. Alice reached the imperial level and had always been hiding her own wings. But now, all these wings have been revealed.

However, compared with the wings of other angels, the sixteen pairs of wings are all faint shadows, not real entities.

"Holy sacrifice, material omnipotent killing." Alice roared again, but her voice did not change, and even her expression seemed to be insensitive.


It wears out all the energy of death. Seeing that it is close to the God-given shield, it suddenly becomes extremely violent. In the blink of an eye, it sweeps the energy of the shield with the situation of destroying the dead.

The flood bursts and is unstoppable;

Derve, death... The skin on the surface of Tianci's body was instantly carbonized and turned into ashes. The ashes were swept by flood-like energy and disappeared, painful, and painful.

"The five elements are sacred, and the jade is burned."

God-given with charcoal black all over his body gritted his teeth tremblingly and persisted. At the last moment, he suddenly roared, and the two flowers in his mind suddenly exploded, and a condensed extremely destructive energy spread out, breaking through all blockades, and hitting Alice's death energy like lightning.

There is a huge sound, and the vacuum zone is roaring. The death energy was hit by the two petals of flowers on the earth and completely turned into nothingness. However, in nothingness, a wisp of vitality quickly escaped and quickly disappeared into the surface of the God-given body.

The skin on the surface has been carbonized, and it will be repaired immediately and rejuvenated.

Fortunately, my material transformation is not complete, but can only be transformed into vitality. If the transformation is also death and destruction, in the case of a tough confrontation, it will definitely be killed immediately by the powerful Jedi Alice.

The vitality can be absorbed more or less, helping to consume some energy and supplement the loss.

After the two petals of flowers completely burst, the spiritual power in her mind suddenly declined and withered. Although Alice's offensive power was temporarily blocked, she adjusted it slightly and began to launch a more violent attack.

The vacuum zone, also in a brief explosion, rushed out of a blocked line. God did not hesitate, grabbed the other party to adjust the gap, and immediately flashed and disappeared in place.

"Go? Can you escape? I'm mentally depressed. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth this time, you can't escape the palm of my hand. Alice looked coldly ahead and quickly followed the chase.

The teleportation has been exerted to the limit by God. The sky flashes light spots one by one in a row, and the distance across the whole hell sky in the blink of an eye. The two flowers are completely blown up. Now the spiritual energy in my mind has once again become scattered rune energy.

Extremely weak.

Even the light and dark balls cannot condense. Although the strength of the realm has not fallen, it is still the peak of the tenth level of the divine realm, but at this time, there is no doubt that the spiritual energy has dropped by at least three levels.

"I didn't expect that Alice's strength was so strong. I thought I could easily defeat her, but I was forced to escape and be chased by her."

Tianci is indescribably uncomfortable and depressed, but there is nothing he can do. His strength is like this, and it is futile to complain. It is not certain whether he can escape his life now. In the direction of escape, the human world certainly can't go. In case of involving relatives and friends, even death is unforgivable, and the divine world is even more afraid to go. Once she goes to the divine world, Alice is more like a fish in water, and her strength will be more fully exerted.

Only continue to return to the underworld.

"Nether City, I have felt before that there are at least three or four magic spirits in Nether City that are no less than Alice. These are peerless old demons, and their strength will not be much worse or even stronger than Alice. If you attract her into the territory of these peerless old devils, there may be a first-line turning point."

Although the Hell King of Hell Hall is extremely far from the Underworld City, it is at the peak level of the tenth level of the Divine Realm. It only takes a short time for a few consecutive teleports. The two teleports are one after the other, chasing after, and enters the scope of the Underworld City again after a moment.


As soon as he entered the Nether City, Tianci's whole body was shocked and found that the originally scattered rune breath in his mind was actually condensed little by little and repaired quickly.

"Hm?" God gives me a great joy. This is a good omen. Although it is restored to the realm of two flowers, it is impossible to resist Alice, but with more strength, you can also have more vitality.

In the area of the underworld, it is not clear why the crazy rune atmosphere can be repaired quickly.

In just a moment, the energy of the rune condensed into the prototype of the sacred rune. The deeper you go into the Nether City, the clearer the prototype becomes. Try to resynthesize them into the appearance of a 'light and dark ball'. However, no matter how hard you try, you can't converge into a ball here.

In spite of this, the four sacred runes of earth system, fire system, light system and dark system have completely become the original appearance of the earth. The four sacred runes, each emit a huge sacred atmosphere, floating in the void of the mind.

The pressure and momentum are also faintly emitted.

An extremely weak pulling force faintly attracts itself to teleport in one direction, as if there are very important things there that can make critical changes to yourself.

"Oh, how can it be? I can still... Teleporting out of such a long distance?"

A teleportation is a distance of nearly a thousand miles. God is slightly shocked. There is a special huge formation in the Nether City. Everyone's strength will be imprisoned and suppressed. Even if the emperor-level master, the teleportation distance will not exceed a hundred miles.

I just entered the Nether City and haven't explored it carefully, but now when I look closely, it is exactly the same distance as my teleportation in hell. Has the giant formation of the Nether City disappeared? Why is it like this?

The suppression power of the giant array has not disappeared, because at this time, Alice, who had been tightly biting behind her, had already been thrown away. At a speed of more than ten times, from the moment she stepped into the Underworld, it was impossible for Alice to catch up with the back of God.

The deeper you go, the more violently the four sacred runes in your mind beat, as if they are of great attraction, and you have to pull them out at any time.

"Is it... that getting rid of the power of confinement is the reason for the power of the sacred text in my mind?"

I entered the Nether City twice. For the first time, the sacred rune in my mind was not the state of the light and dark ball. At this time, it was the shape of the body. When I entered the Nether City twice, there was no other difference in myself, only this slight change in my mind.

Is there such a big difference between the ontology and the condensed light and dark balls?

Tianci slowly understands that the attraction of the sacred text in his mind also attracts some breaths from afar, and as the distance shortens, this kind of invisible attraction becomes more and more intense.

Even through the divine text, I can clearly see the silk threads winding and extending to a mysterious area in the depths of the underworld.

"There, there is definitely a sacred rune... I just don't know if it's gold? Or the water system?"

If this is really the reason, it is certain that the giant array of the Nether City must have something to do with the sacred runes and imprison the strength. So as long as you don't condense the sacred runes in your mind, the giant array of the Nether City will not work for you?

The divine consciousness expanded, extended back, and began to look for the traces of Alice.

"Alice, although you are strong, in this underworld, part of your strength is imprisoned, and I can exert all my strength. Let's see what else you can do with me... Once combined with the crown, it is equivalent to two levels higher than you, hum."

A strong murderous event emerged, and he chased himself into the Underworld twice. Such a thing is no longer allowed to happen.

The divine consciousness is like a dense spider silk, with a fluctuation in the void, quickly extending to the back of the boundless sky, a thousand miles, two thousand miles, three thousand miles... God gives a sense of relaxation like a fish in water, and the vast earth divine consciousness easily penetrates the whole area of the Nether City.

Four thousand miles away, a small figure slowly jumped and moved forward, moving forward dozens of miles each time. This figure was Alice. With her unique sense, she persistently teleported in the direction of God.

Yes, it's teleportation. A distance of more than ten miles at a time, compared with the thousand-thousand-mile teleportation given by God, is simply a race between a turtle and a rabbit.

"Human beings, you can't escape, kill, you will definitely die..." There was no response to Alice's muttering words, but only observed with divine consciousness.

At this time, he was completely shocked by his divine consciousness.

"Four thousand miles? No, it's definitely more than four thousand miles, my divine consciousness... Is this really my own divine consciousness? Why... Why is there such a horrible exploration? Why....."

There are tens of thousands of miles of divine exploration. Compared with the first time I entered the Nether City, the range of divine exploration is only a few dozen miles or more than a hundred miles, which is simply far apart, one in the sky and one underground.

This is definitely a surprise, a big surprise.