Gods Command

Chapter 303 The Three Demons' Strongest Alliance

Paiyun Mo's empty body fell to the ground and immediately fell to pieces, losing the aura and spiritual strength of his whole body, just like blue and white porcelain.

Killing the emperor's middle-level demon in one fell swoop, which completely stunned the big demons such as Purgatory.

The four people came to the human world with confidence. They only grabbed a few relatives of human beings, but they didn't expect that the most powerful emperor-level middle-aged demon was the first to die.

Shocking, even in purgatory, the strength of black prison and sacrificial prison is also the early stage of the emperor, second only to the god king Hardy and the old Venerable Leon, but in the face of such a result, it was not expected from the bottom of my heart.

"No... Paiyun old ghost, you, you really have so much strength..."

The black prison can't believe everything in front of you. How can the strong human beings have such a powerful power? For hundreds of years, they have never heard of a strong man who has reached the eighth level of the divine realm, but now all this is in the middle of the emperor level... I can't imagine it.

"Do you want to threaten my relatives? Want to catch them and give them to the fallen angel Leon? Humph." In the cold hum, Tianci slowly flew up, absorbing all the aura power of the mid-level demon of the emperor, and the murderous spirit that he broke out has also been completely materialized.

It seems that the emptiness in front of you has a feeling of disappearing in the face of this murderous atmosphere.

If it hadn't been for the discovery of the special role of your own spiritual consciousness in the previous perception, it would not have been possible to easily kill the demon demons at this time, and even whether they could block the four demons in the Nether City could only be five or five.

The divine consciousness suddenly unfolded, and Dingyun Fairyland was completely shrouded in a large amount of evil, wrapped into a strict black barrier space. Even if the strong man reached the imperial level, he could not break through.

Even Hardy and Leon, the god king, can't find the power of God-given divine consciousness, and you can imagine how strong the spiritual power in his mind is.

Cut off the causal relationship and cut off the past self, and the strength of divine consciousness is at least among the strong people in the plane.

The surging momentum, purgatory, sacrificial prison and black prison all feel great pressure, and it is more and more difficult to breathe. At their level of strength, they will not feel this way when they meet the strong in the field.

"Purgatory Mangxing~" Purgatory decisively used its own unique move at the bottom of the box. Countless stars were like the god of death who harvested his life, and flew to the approaching gift of heaven.


It seemed that the moth was fighting against the fire. As soon as the starlight flew less than ten meters away, it was resisted by a pressure. It was difficult to move an inch. It collapsed in the blink of an eye. Countless fragments burst out, but they were firmly controlled by an invisible big hand.

Wow~ All the strength was instantly absorbed into the God-given body and turned into his own strength again.

The black prison and the sacrificial prison did not stand stupidly. While the purgatory issued a killing method, the two demons shouted quickly. In an in an all-stant, the whole world had a trend of collapse, thick clouds and energy rolling.

"Black Prison Cage~" The black prison waved its big hand, and a large amount of magic came out. In an instant, a round pot-shaped solid cover was formed, and the head cover fell down.

"Soul sacrifice~" The mouth of the sacrificial prison immediately began to chant words. With the slight movement of the lips, the aura storm around the surrounding aura began to fluctuate violently. The ruins on the Dingyun fairyland, whether it was the wall of the divine pavilion or the land forest, all appeared white, and the earth shook, as if the doomsday was coming.

The power of death sacrifice gathered turbulently from all directions. In less than a moment, a huge axe composed entirely of energy suddenly formed, and countless lightning was mixed above the energy axe, sending out electric snakes.


The black prison cage locks the body of the God-given body, and the giant axe of the sky is stable, and it suddenly hits its body with the power of opening the sky and splitting the earth.

With a violent roar, even Xiao Yin and others at the end of the human world can hear the terrible power of the whole human world to the extreme.

At the exit of the space door of the divine world, both the old man Xuanxuan and Mr. Caesar all showed a solemn look and looked up at the sky. That direction is the direction of the divine pavilion of the human world and the direction of the God-given sitting array.


Under the huge axe, the God-given can't move at all. All the spiritual power in the body gathers, and it can't break free from the black prison cage sent by the black prison. This is an extreme restraint method. Although the attack power is equal to zero, it is unimaginable for restraining the movement of the human body, especially the space skill of cutting off teleportation. Effect.

"God consciousness, open it for me." The substantial spiritual power rushed out like a tide, but the power of the black prison cage shrouded in the body was not damaged at all. In addition to violent shaking, it still emitted its unique effect.

And the huge axe above the head has come to the top of the forehead.


Finally, it was unavoidable. The huge axe fell on the top of the God-given head. A terrible erosion force rolled up countless unique death forces in the underworld of hell and poured into the God-given body crazily.

Countless veins, inch by inch, all kinds of aura are chaotic, and even the spirit of the mind is attacked by this huge axe, which has been hit by unprecedented earthquakes and devastatingly.

"Die!" At the critical moment, the black prison and the sacrificial prison seemed to see hope. The original demon was killed, and the lost confidence burned again.

"Human God-given, killing Paiyun Mosha has already been his extraordinary performance. It has long been the end of the strong crossbow. Black prison, let's join hands again, and we must kill him completely this time."

"Good! Black Prison Cage~" The effect of this method of imprisoning people in Black Prison is very significant. With a wave of his hand, he once again used a more powerful demonic atmosphere.

And the sacrificial prison did not hesitate. Under the stimulation of all the energy, a more eye-catching and more gloomy axe appeared above the land of Dingyun Fairyland.

"If three people work together, I don't believe that I can't kill him." At this moment, the purgatory, which had been reacted, roared crazily, and countless gestures changed into a shadow of nothingness.

A large amount of starlight energy converges, and the whole sky has a tendency to completely become the underworld of hell.

The more pure magic starlight energy has formed countless sharp arrows. The sharp arrows are like the 'blazing angel' arrows' that Alice shot at the beginning, each of which is enough to kill the emperor-level strongman.

Countless sharp arrows, each of which is enough to destroy the heaven and the earth, and all of them are pierced like lightning and can't move at all.

Black prison confinement, the starlight energy of purgatory, the huge axe of the sacrificial prison, and the attack of every old demon is enough to kill the emperor-level strong man of the same level.

The three demons work together, and even the middle or peak strong may fall.

"Do you think you can kill me by teaming up?" Tianci gritted his teeth and roared, and all the spiritual forces were concentrated to the maximum limit. Countless spiritual forces rotated crazily in their minds, and the breath of light and dark balls gradually came closer, and there was even a tendency to merge again.

Once merged, it will turn into two flowers again, which no one wants to see.

"It's not good! The old venerable man told the demon that he must not let human spiritual power merge, but now he is beginning to integrate all spiritual forces... What to do? What should we do?"

The black prison was shocked, and the black prison cage in his hand also slowed down a little.

"Black prison, don't be fooled. What time is it now? You are still worried about whether his spiritual power will be integrated. If we don't do our best, we will even die. What if he integrates spiritual power? Let's talk about the old man later. The most urgent thing now is to kill him with all his strength.

"That's right, don't let go of the black prison. Can't you see the situation clearly?"

Purgatory and sacrificial prison have reminded one after another that if it hadn't been for the need for the means of black prison to imprison the other party at this moment, I guess they would have cursed and lost their lives. What's the use of having two flowers and his spiritual strength?

Compared with Paiyun Mosha, although the three demons have reached the beginning of the emperor level, after all, Paiyun Mosha is the strength of the middle of the emperor level, and the gap in strength cannot tolerate a little kindness.

"Kill, kill!"

Three roars in a row, the three demons completely strengthen their confidence, and the joint attack is more powerful to send out stronger earth energy, close at hand. We must not let the strong human beings have another chance to resist.

"Go to hell."

The three major forces completely bombarded the black prison cage, destroying all the breath of the earth and breaking through the sky. A large area of energy storms completely tore the heaven and earth, and the mountains and rivers were annihilated one after another, and the Dingyun fairyland turned into infinite ruins.

When standing empty, each demon gasped slightly, with a pale face, quietly staring at the thick black smoke in the central area of the attack. The strong man, is he dead?

chi wa~~

Hundreds of feet of electric snakes flew out one after another, around the middle of the thick smoke mass, which made people unable to despise. Even the three demons opened all the remaining power of divine consciousness and could not find anything.

"Wow." Purgatory and the other three demons looked at each other, worried and uneasy, and did not stop at all.

Suddenly, in the thick smoke in the center, there was a dazzling light, which shone through the thick fog, and in a moment, all the tyrannical atmosphere around it was completely shrouded in a transparent light mask.

Countless energies are like tornadoes, which are pulled into the transparent light mask.

Whether it is material or immaterial energy, whether it is aura, magic, or murderous, or even the scattered spiritual power around it, they have all turned into black dragons, blinking into the mask.


Tianci took a deep breath, and the long dragons were all controlled and entered their own body; the aura, magic and murderous gas, after entering the body, emanated from the surface of the body, more intense.

And the material energy and non-material energy have also been transformed into the purest aura power, and entered the tendons and veins. The original full of the tendons and veins aura has expanded rapidly, rapidly increasing at least double the amount.

The scattered spiritual energy flashed into the dark ball in the mind like lightning, and the power of the dark ball became more solid and thicker.

Step by step out of the thick fog cloud, a new atmosphere spread out, as if the real king of the world, the supreme.

"You, you are... Are you human or not? The black prison was shocked.

After seeing the purgatory and the sacrificial prison clearly, I can't believe all this in front of me. The human strong man in front of him is not only intact, but even his strength has improved a lot. It seems that the war attack just now has no impact on him at all.

The demons in the early days of the three emperors joined hands to attack, and it turned out to be such an effect? How is that possible?

"Human? Of course I'm a human!" Tianci responded to the words of the black prison indifferently, shook his head, and then said, "I am not only a human being, but also an ordinary human being, right! It's the most ordinary human."

Killing the past, the current gift of God is completely himself, not affected by the previous life of the king of the dark night. Living in the present, he is really an ordinary human being, and he is also a homeless child with a broken family.

It is also because of this that under the joint attack of the three emperor-level strong men just now, it can really break the meaning of killing the cause and effect of the past.

After killing the past, the continuous spiritual power has made a qualitative leap, and even the material power has finally awakened.