Gods Command

Chapter 305 subdued

"When you enter the space door, you can still be forcibly dragged out?" Purgatory was shocked and immediately stopped.

The dark prison is also panicked. The space door is a kind of spatial channel. There is no extremely powerful power. Who can directly drag out a person who enters the space door through the spiritual power? Even the old master who has reached the realm of ontology can't do it.

"How can it be so strong?"

I saw with my own eyes that the sacrificial prison was dragged out. The two demons of Purgatory and Black Prison all opened their eyes wide and stared at the gift in front of them. The faint pressure emanated from him, making the gift look more horrible.

Not human beings, even the old venerable in Hell's Nether City seems to have the high natural king's momentum like him.

"Dog thief, I'll fight with you." The sacrificial prison knew that he could not easily escape the palm of the God-given palm, but he was determined to be cruel and decided to die together.

"Purgatory, black prison, what are you still doing? If you don't work hard today, none of us can leave alive." Shout out and wake up the purgatory and the dark prison.

The two demons also secretly gritted their teeth and emitted a huge demon spirit.

"Do you two really want to die? For the sake of helping me practice and improve my strength twice, I can spare your life. However, once you dare to act rashly, I will not mind absorbing the skills of your two emperor-level strong people and let yourself go to the next level.

Tianci's cold voice exploded in the ears of Black Prison and Purgatory. As soon as the two demons were about to resist desperately, they immediately shook their whole body. Then, the magic spirit of heaven and earth also fell down.

The momentum has completely convercated a lot.

Although they will not believe the words of God-given like this, they can't resist the evil killing on Tianci's body at all. Even if they try their best, they can only die without a place to die.

Instead of dying anyway, it's better to listen to the words of human beings in front of you and get a trace of psychological security.

"Purgatory, black prison, you two big fools, idiots, do it quickly! It's too late if you don't do it. The sacrificial prison was very anxious. Seeing the appearance of the two companions in the Nether City, he immediately knew that they were scared by the human beings in front of them, and they didn't even have the intention to resist.

"Okay, I'll fight." Anyway, it's all death, but the ideas of sacrificial prison and purgatory are completely opposite. They quickly carry all their skills, roar again, and suddenly split into the gift of heaven.


With a heavy snorting, I only saw a nihilistic airflow rushing out. The large amount of magic energy emitted by the prison was swept away when it was close to the body of God. And it was just a cold hum, which not only turned all the magic attacks into nothingness, but even the huge sound wave energy, instantly hit the brain of the sacrificial prison.


The prison did not see any action of the other party, so he felt a shock in his mind. All the aura rolled and was completely out of his control. Even if all the spiritual forces were gathered, it was all in vain. The powerful bombardment, and the mind suddenly exploded, as if a volcano erupted, and the flying lava destroyed the surrounding trees and mountains. Lin is ordinary.

The whole spirit of the sacrificial prison was destroyed at once.

Peng. His head also exploded in an instant, and the red and yellow things splashed all over the sky, which made the black prison and purgatory next to him completely stunned and even more afraid to act.

"What are you shaking?" Tianci glanced coldly, and the two demons immediately restrained the trembling of their whole body, but they were more afraid in their hearts, as if the situation when they met the old venerable person was exactly the same.

"Big, my lord, spare your life!"

"Your Excellency, we are willing to submit to you and let the whole Nether City be a subsidiary of human beings. Please let us go."

Purgatory and Black Prison immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy loudly. Especially when they saw Tianci kill the sacrificial prison of the same strength as them with a gentle wave of his hand, the fear in the bottom of his heart reached the extreme.

"Wow." When the two demons knelt down, Tianci ignored them, but opened his mouth and sucked into the void. A large amount of energy from the prison explosion, all like a long dragon absorbing water, into the mouth.


It seemed that he deliberately made a sound of swallowing, and appeared in front of the two demons with incomparable enjoyment. He killed the prison and then devoured the whole body energy of the prison. In the blink of an eye, an emperor-level strong man did not even give a chance to reincarnation.

Whether it is a means of killing or cutting off the way out, it makes purgatory and the black prison feel extremely chilled.

"Attach to me? Hahaha, are you kidding that we humans can pipe hell and the city of the underworld? Tianci laughed and didn't pay attention to the other party's words at all. "Even if it belongs to me, aren't you afraid of that old man?"

The strength of the old man is much better than that of God. In hell, it is originally a clan whose strength is respected. Today, it can be temporarily attached to the human God. Maybe tomorrow will return to the control of the old man.

"No, my lord, our conscience is sincerely attached to you. As long as you don't kill us, I can tell you about the old man's hiding place."

"Yes! I can also lead the adults to enter and get the most precious treasure of our Nether City.

Purgatory and Black Prison kowtowed repeatedly, begging for mercy while tempting them to let them go. The hiding place of the old man Leon... There is also the most precious treasure in the Underworld, which is really attractive.

However, these are not important to God-given.

"Do you still want to tell me the old man's hiding place? Hahaha, when I fought with Leon, I found his hiding place. As soon as Tianci's words opened, the purgatory immediately declined, and at the same time, his face changed sharply and gradually began to become crazy.

Anyway, it's all death. Since it's not soft, there's no need to compromise. It's not as good as learning to sacrifice in prison. This idea also rises in the heart of the dark prison at the same time.

Tianci sneered and said to himself, "As for the dark prison, the most precious treasure of the underworld you mentioned should be the array base of the giant array arranged by the old man, right? Then you don't have to tell me."

Of course, there is no need to tell the black prison, because it is impossible to know the black prison. God knows very well that the giant array of the underworld is actually Leon's three-series sacred rune, which is playing a role.

How could Leon let a few little characters in Nether City know such an important thing? Relatively speaking, even if purgatory, black prison and sacrificial prison have reached the beginning of the imperial level, in the eyes of the ontological realm, it is still just a small role.

Although Paiyun Moshi has reached the middle of the imperial level, he is just a handyman who summons and runs errands.

In the realm of ontology, if half a foot steps into the plane strength, it will be detached from the three universe planes. In the eyes of such a strong person, there is no room for people under any strength.

Tianci is now the peak of the emperor level, and a similar idea has been vaguely born in the bottom of my heart, not to mention that Leon and Hardy are themselves people in the divine world.

It has reached the peak of the emperor level and absorbed all the energy power of the sacrificial prison. The power in the God-given body has reached a height that is difficult to look up. Everything in the eyes is clearer, and even with a slight thought, you can see outside the three worlds of the universe.

"Well, it's gone... Leon and Hardy, no fight?"


"Your Excellency, are you really not going to let us go?" Purgatory and black prison were all gloomy. Although they knelt on the ground and were respectful, there was a feeling of death in their hearts.

Tianci didn't really want to kill them. He accidentally helped him improve his strength twice, thanks to both of them. He just wanted to scare the black prison and purgatory, because after his spiritual consciousness increased greatly, he found that he could use his own spiritual power to influence other people's ideas.

is also a puppet-like control technique, but it is more powerful than the puppet technique.

At the time of killing Paiyun Moshi, God found this subtle effect. The spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful. It can not only easily enter other people's minds, but also affect or change their thoughts invisibly.

"As long as they wear out the deep-rooted natural thoughts in their minds, it is basically equivalent to controlling a person." Tianci nodded secretly, looking at Purgatory and Black Prison, still full of indifference.

The two demons of the Underworld can not kill them, but they must not leave a disaster for human beings. Sooner or later, God will fly up to the plane universe. Once they leave, the two demons will fight back against human beings, and they will regret it...

Of course, there is another possibility that he was killed by Leon or Hardy. After he died, he could not let go of the two emperor-level demons. At that time, the disaster to human beings will only be even greater.

Purgatory and Black Prison looked at each other and saw that Tianci was nodding slightly. Finally, they seemed to have made up their minds and roared one after another, and then they came to Tianci like a mad demon.

"With your suicidal behavior, do you think you can kill the net?" Tianci did not move at all. His eyes swept, and there was a cold snorting in his nostrils again, and a large amount of breath rushed to the two demons.

Purgatory and black prison immediately stagnated, and the whole body seemed to be stiff. Before he understood what had happened, his mind was numb, as if he had suffered a strong electric shock.


A large amount of demon gas was erased, and some of the evil energy fluctuations that existed in my mind for hundreds of years immediately dissipated invisibly. All the magic power that originally filled my mind was also washed by a powerful invisible force.

Buzzing~~ Pure spiritual power replaces the original magic power, and the whole body is like the two demons of Purgatory and Black Prison, which are attacked by strong electric currents, constantly shaking and trembling.

In just a moment, the two fell to the ground completely depressed.

I don't know how long it took. Purgatory woke up and looked at the scene in front of him, full of doubts and puzzles. After a while, the black prison also woke up, and his eyes were also full of confusion and emptiness.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the gift standing not far away, the two spoke at the same time.

"I am your master, God-given. Your names are Fire Dog and Black Dog. From now on, you will be responsible for the Guardian Pavilion in the human world, okay? Tianci's powerful voice was instilled in the two people's minds over and over again.

Countless powerful spiritual fluctuations have gradually calmed down the originally chaotic spiritual power in the minds of Purgatory and Black Prison.