Gods Command

Chapter 362 Not a Thief

If it hadn't been for Tianci's need to absorb more of their body energy, this ordinary hook was enough to fly the bobcats more than ten meters away.


With a series of falls, all the fifteen practitioners who participated in the eight-way six-in-one formation in the rear fell to the ground. They almost sat down at the same time as the bobcat and lost most of their physical energy. Even if they flashed their wings in the middle of the first level of void, they didn't have much strength.

Unfortunately, there is no loss of the void in the body of their five void first-class strong people.

But without physical strength, no matter how powerful the void is, no action ability, just like a strong man can't breathe, without air, even if his physical strength is very strong, he can only be suffoed to death.


"How is this possible?"

Huge movement, all the villagers in Shanyi Village have already rushed over. At this time, when they saw such a scene, the most powerful eight-way six-in-one array was also cracked by the other party, which was terrible.

The other party is still a 'robber', the leader of the heinous Heili gang.

"It's over. Our flash wing village is over."

"Escape, everyone, run away!"

The crowd surged one after another, and all looked at the "evil thief" on the opposite side. The villagers wanted to run for their lives quickly, but in the face of such a strong thief, they could not move in any case. The image of the evil thief was instantly strong in the bottom of everyone's heart, and in an instant it became an irresistible evil god.

In the whole flash wing village, the most powerful group of people, including five void first-class strong men, in addition, there is also a void first-class bobcat guard. With the eight-way six-in-one formation that can exert the initial attack power of the third level of the void, such a powerful lineup is still defeated by a thief.

Although Shanyi Village is not as good as those powerful villas and castles, at least in the past 50 years, all practitioners within a radius of thousands of miles have not dared to easily take action against Shanyi Village.

Then, more than 50 years of power, but in the end, it can't defeat a thief. The other party is a powerful Heili gang, and only one person in the Heili gang has destroyed the whole of Shanyi Village.

"Givate, spare my life..."

"A good man, spare his life!"

Can't resist, can't resist and defeat, and even lose the courage to escape. In the face of powerful thieves, these ordinary villagers who have no backbone can only kneel and beg for mercy.

Tianci's eyes swept and took a few steps forward.

"Hight! Thief, whether you want revenge or not, you have a debt. The last time I killed a leader of your black gang was me. If you have the guts, you can come to me..." Flash wings shouted and glared at Tianci.

"Yes! Dog thief, last time there was me. If you are a character, don't do anything to these ordinary villagers. Erhai also gritted his teeth and stared.

Although most of their physical strength has been extracted, their thinking consciousness is still extremely clear. The fifteen practitioners are only out of strength. At this time, everyone looks at the gift of heaven with resentment.

The only person who really falls down is the Bobcat guard.

Tianci has the intention to teach the bobcat a lesson, so he didn't retain much power when he used the hook. Although the temporary attack was a little hasty, the physical attack force equivalent to the third level of void rushed into the bobcat's mind and shook his brain nerves in an instant.

If you fall into a coma, even if the bobcat wakes up again, it will only become a useless fool or idiot.

I was born from fighting in the third-level small universe. What kind of situation has never been encountered? That's what God-given person is like. If people don't offend me, I won't offend people. If people offend me, I will kill people.

"If my power also contains void and true qi, this punch just now can definitely kill the bobcat in an instant."

Pure physical strength is not enough to kill a strong man with void and true qi. It only hurts some of the other party's veins or physical tissues. After this practical battle, Tianci also understands that his strength seems to be strong, but in fact, it is not as powerful as the real void true qi.

After all the practitioners came to the Void Universe, they all practiced hard step by step. First, they practiced to improve their physical fitness, and then accumulated void crystals to cultivate the void true qi, but the God-given suddenly became so powerful, which was really too unpowerful.

"The ultimate purpose of improving physical strength is to cultivate the void and true qi." Tianci secretly guessed.

The void true qi also has a limit of endurance. The stronger the physical strength and physical quality, the more the void true qi will naturally be, and the stronger the strength will be?

When you do not practice the void true qi, your physical strength is equivalent to the strength of the strong in the early stage of the third level of void, that is to say, your physical quality at this time has basically reached the level of the third level of void.

How powerful should this kind of physical quality be, once it is cultivated and the true strength cultivated after refining the void crystal?

"I hope my guess is not wrong... I'm looking forward to it." Void crystals, the void crystals that they originally had were also given to Zhou Ba and Liefeng, and there is no void crystal left on Tianci now.

Hunt and obtain void crystals.

The only problem that needs to be solved now is how to refine those 'powerful void crystals'...

Although I found that I could not refine the void crystals after the last time I got them, I felt the subtle changes in my consciousness at that time. The tendons and veins could not absorb the energy of the void crystals, but my consciousness has changed, maybe...

If you want to truly refine the void and true qi, you must start with your own divine consciousness.

In the flash of my mind, Tianci's eyes fell on the flash wings and other people again.

Just now, when I took a step forward, I didn't want to be unfavorable to the villagers in Shanyi Village, but I wanted to help them up and show their friendship. Although the other party misunderstood me, God-given was not a real thief.

He approached step by step and suddenly stretched out his hands.

In everyone's frightened eyes, the village head of the flash wing was suddenly helped up by the "robber" in front of him. Tianci held the flash wings with a beard on his face tightly. Because there was no strength at all, the wing could only be supported by the other party.

The flashing wings are not afraid, but look at God fiercely.

"Village chief, don't you understand?" Tianci also looked at the flash wing and said, "If I were really a thief, I would have killed all of you, and then robbed all your belongings and empty crystals."

The flashing wings suddenly stunned.

"Also, I'm not the leader of the Heili gang. This time, I just come to your village casually, and I don't take revenge for the Heili gang."