Gods Command

Chapter 383 Kill the chicken as a monkey

"Okay, good! Very good! You, you... brothers, since there is no room for negotiation, do we really want to be so free to get rid of this guy? Do we really want this guy to waste his whole body and become a useless person? |

The wind drill's face suddenly changed, and he completely changed his face. Just now, he became arrogant and rampant in a blink of an eye, and he stood up and roared loudly, "Brothers, what are you waiting for? Let's fight with this boy."

"Yes, it's spelled. Kill this boy, and we can do whatever we want in the future. We still need to be dictated by others!"

"Kill! Kill him."

"What the hell is it? I've been crawling and rolling for more than 300 years. I haven't seen anything bloody, and I haven't encountered any danger. It's just for a bullshit. If I say that if I lose my skills, I will waste my skills, I won't accept you. Kill it!"

Suddenly, all the robbers who knelt on the ground stood up and pulled out their weapons one after another. They looked at God with resentment. From this moment on, they were no longer members of the Divine Pavilion, but became a real robber again.

God-given just looked at all this quietly.

The strong wind said urgently, "Brothers, don't... don't do this. Brother Feng, stop for me quickly, immediately kneel down and apologize to God, and then give up your skills..."

"Hahaha, Lie Feng, don't talk too much nonsense. If we had worked together before, we would have won the void four-level inner elixir long ago and gone far away. At that time, the sky would be high and the bird would fly, and the strength would have been improved to nearly the third level of the void. Who else should we be afraid within thousands of miles? The strong wind, it's all you, it's all you. The wind drill was completely crazy, and his eyes stared at the gale with red eyes, and his unwilling eyes emitted bursts of shocking and fierceness.

He roared loudly, "God-given thief, die!"


The other seven robbers also roared and rushed up desperately, and also took out their most powerful attack moves.

"Alas!" Tianci sighed, and the reaction of Fengdiaan and others had already been expected. Although some people felt that they were sometimes cruel, there was nothing they could do.

As a strong man, if you want to set up a divine pavilion, you must have a cold side, otherwise you will not succeed. This time, the wind drills them is one of God-given means to deter people's hearts.

The so-called killing chickens to warn monkeys, they are naturally chickens.

"I didn't want to treat you, but I've been watching you in the back jungle. I just wished you wouldn't take the lead in coaxing. I didn't expect, I really didn't expect..."

Tianci didn't want to treat the wind drills as chickens to set an example. He originally wanted to deter and completely subdue the hearts of these robbers through other methods, but fate was arranged like this, and he could only be cruel once.

"Less waste, look at the knife." Under the ferocious face of the wind, he raised the big knife in his hand and suddenly split it down. At the same time, the weapons of the other seven robbers also came to the top of the God-given head and around the body.

Seeing that Tianci was motionless, whether it was Zhou Ba and Lie Feng, or the flash wings lying on the ground, they all looked at all this nervously.

"Open your heart." God suddenly roared out.

All the attack forces attacked his body, and the wind drill showed a proud smile, while Zhou Ba and the others changed their faces and were shocked.

"God, God-given brother..." Shan Yi also shouted eagerly.

Tianci turned around easily, his eyes gently glanced over everyone's faces, a faint smile appeared, and then turned around and looked at the wind drill and others indifferently.

"What? You, I... Why can't I take back my big knife?" Before the smile on the wind drill's face was closed, his face suddenly changed, as if he had touched something incredible. Even if he had already exhausted his strength, he could not pull back the big knife in his hand.

The same is true of the other seven robbers. The knives, guns and sticks are tightly attached to the body of Tianci and can't be pulled out at all.

"Since it can't be pulled out, it must be this boy's vicious skill... Well, even if I am unarmed, I can fight you to death and give up the big knife. The wind drilled his head for a moment, quickly thought of a solution, and loudly reminded the other robbers, "Brothers, give up your weapons and let's fight with him. I don't believe he won't get hurt. Even if we are killed by him, we will tear off a piece of his meat."

"Well, the wind... the wind is in charge... me, me."

In fact, the wind drill doesn't know at all. When the weapon in his hand is hit out, the wind drill is not the first person who wants to give up the weapon. A few robbers immediately let go and want to discard the weapon. However, although their idea is good, in fact, no matter how they relax, they want to discard the weapon in their hand and act. But it is completely out of control.

It seemed to be pulled by a huge attraction, and I couldn't pull out my arm.

If you can't do it with one hand, just use your hands. Even if both hands are out, you still can't pull it out, and not only the hands can't move, but the power in the body is also rapidly passing out along the hands and arms.

"Oh, my God! How could this happen? My strength... Ah, my power is disappearing... Whoo-hoo... How could this happen?"

"| Ah! Mine is the same, and my strength is also passing.

With the exclamation of the two robbers, the wind drill's face suddenly changed greatly. At this moment, the power in his body also rushed out of his arms in an instant, which made him feel fear, really afraid.

"God... Great, my lord, God-given, please spare my life! I was wrong. It's really wrong. Give us a break!" The wind drill immediately changed his face and begged for mercy loudly, and so did the other robbers. At the same time, he shouted desperately for mercy.

Tianci didn't have any expression. If he really had the idea of giving them a break before, it's completely gone, especially the wind drill. The face changed faster than a woman. Just now, he begged for mercy, and his nature was revealed in a blink of an eye. When he didn't have the ability to fight, he begged for mercy again in an instant.

Such a villain's heart, if Tianci still has the idea of smiting them, then he is a little too stupid. How can such a person entrust a heavy responsibility? What's more, is it still the senior figure of his own divine pavilion power?

"It's too late to beg for mercy now!" Tianci didn't have any expression, and his tone became more cold. "Three-hearted, disobeying orders, shamelessly grabbing their inner elixir, each of which is enough to kill you several times. You will be reincarnated in your next life. I hope you can change your character."

As soon as the voice fell, the gift of heaven was no longer retained. The open-minded move was launched to the maximum extent in an instant. A large amount of physical power seemed to be a turbulent tide, which was instantly absorbed into the body and turned into its own strength.

And the wind drills, they all turned pale and fell to the ground weakly. Several robbers even fell into a coma on the spot.


A bright light appeared out of thin air. After swinging around several times, the wind drilled their eight rebels, and a blood thread was exposed on each person's neck.

Tianci's hand was exactly a pair of black monster's claws. Under the wave just now, the wind drilled their necks in the blink of an eye, and it was completely cut off.

Peng, Peng, Peng, Dong Dong Dong!

The sound of falling continuously sounded. Before the flash wings and others could see what the light was, they suddenly saw heads falling to the ground, blood splashed out, and the people around them made bursts of exclamation.

He looked at everything in front of him in a daze and didn't dare to make a sound at all, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

Speed, terrible speed, only one bright light appears in the air, and eight heads fall down in a blink of an eye. This strength is simply shocking and horrible.

Of course, if everyone knows that it is a sharp treasure in Tianci's hand, the villagers may feel a little more relaxed.

"The physical strength of human practitioners is far worse than that of Warcraft." After cleaning up his unhappy mood, Tianci also slightly explored his current physical strength.

After absorbing the physical strength of the eight void strong men, my strength improvement was not particularly great. It was only a small level. At the beginning, the absorption of the big storm beast improved three small levels, and there was only a small level here. Compared with Warcraft, human beings are really too bad.

"In the early stage of Void Level 4, my current physical strength is at the initial level of Void Level 4... If the strength of the human practitioners absorbed is relatively high, maybe my own strength will be greatly improved!"

After all, the original big storm was also a powerful warcraft of Void Level 4, and although there were eight people, the highest strength was only the beginning of Void Level 2, and the other seven resistors were only Void Level 1.

Such a power gap is the most important reason.

Of course, Tianci will not feel happy to improve such a small level. On the contrary, his heart is actually very heavy. If possible, he will never hope to improve his strength in this way in the future. Even if he can improve his strength against the sky at one time, he will never want it.

This is equivalent to a lesson and deterrence for these people! I believe that after experiencing this incident, the rest of the people will never mess up again.

The scene was silent, and everyone was shocked and shocked. Even the head of the village with shining wings could only look at Lord God quietly. In his heart, the Lord God had always been amiable and well-behaved, but today, he finally saw the other side of Lord God.

"Well, that's right! Without such means and scheming, Lord Tianci would not have subdued the White Wolf Gang and the Liefeng Gang at the same time and form a divine pavilion. The flashing wing thought to himself.

"Well, all the members of the Divine Pavilion listen to me. If there is something like them again in the future, then they will be your end. I hope you can take care of yourself."