Gods Command

Chapter 425 Fire Dragon Flying

"Wow." Although I couldn't see the situation in Tianci's body, the energy breath was connected, and the sand dunes immediately sensed that the two fire needles connected to it were fading little by little.

"It's not good! Almost half of my energy is concentrated in the two fire needles. Once all of them are worn out by the boy, I'm afraid my strength will fall to a big level... No, absolutely not by him..."

The sand dune took two deep breaths, the throat bulged, the wings quickly stirred, and the countless empty energy around him converged towards him in an instant, and the sand dune, which was extremely huge, became more and more powerful.

It's just a monster hill.

"Try the third stage of Laozi, and the final kill is 'Fire Dragon Flying Dance'." In the roar of the sand dunes, there was a trace of angry voice, and it could be seen that he was already very angry.

There is only one power of Warcraft in the Void City House. After all Warcrafts enter the Void City House, they all belong to the forces of the Valley of Beasts. As the only messenger of the Valley of Beasts, Dune is the supreme leader of Warcraft on the four continents.

So he has three times more secrets from the Void City than other human messengers.

Although they are all related to flame energy, in fact, the three stages of the sand dune are three powerful attack moves. Even in the empty city, his three moves can only be taught by super monsters above the level of gods.

The first stage: flame ball attack, the maximum number of flame balls gathered can reach a total of 72, just because it was seen that the flame ball had no effect on God's gift, so the sand dunes did not use the highest number of ground flame ball attacks.

The second stage: fire needle killing; this move is equivalent to the sum of the energy of a whole hundred flame balls. The real qi that needs to be consumed has also reached about four layers of the true qi of the whole body. As soon as the fire needle comes out, there are basically no humans or monsters that can resist on the four continents.

The real god will attack power at the level, and the attack power can be imagined; and because the consumption of true qi requires such a terrible amount of four layers of true qi, sand dunes will generally not be used unless necessary.

It can be said that with this move, the sand dunes are enough to sweep the top human practitioners on the whole continent. Of course, in the face of the major power messengers who also have the secrets of the empty city, the result is different.

The third stage: the fire dragon is flying; the attack moves of the god general at the peak... The attack moves of the god general in the Void City at the peak, even if other power messengers, there is only the end of physical damage.

Because with the physical quality of human messengers, they can't withstand the huge energy of the peak of God's generals, and no human messengers can learn to attack moves at the peak of God's generals.

Sweeping and sweeping all the masters on the mainland can be said to be no exaggeration for the sand dunes. If it hadn't been for the power of the Beast Valley in the Void City Mansion, it would have been curbed by all human practitioners, the four continents outside the Void City Mansion might have been do whatever they want.

"Conceed, refine." At the moment when the sand dunes sent out the 'fire dragon flying', Tianci also stimulated the greatest energy. In the blink of an eye, the two fire needles in the body were completely refined and worn out; the fire needles in the brain were directly swallowed up by the 'tiger', and the fire needles in Dantian were worn out.


The huge fire dragon appeared out of thin air and swept the whole jungle with a thunderous momentum. If the fire needle just now is composed of highly condensed energy, then the fire dragon at this time is completely thick and surging energy.

Compared with the flame ball in the first stage, the flame ball is completely the difference between water droplets and the sea in front of the fire dragon.

As soon as the thick and dignified fire dragon was produced, a large area of dense forest was burned clean, and all living things died, covering hundreds of miles. Even the space had the illusion of being torn apart by tyrannical energy.


Tianci's body began to crack inch by inch in the face of great pressure, and the flame energy in the cell tissue could not stop this huge fire dragon power at all.

"Open your heart."

God gave a cold shout, and an instant operation of a move that could absorb attack energy was launched. However, after opening his heart, it did not produce absorption power as before. It had no effect at all. The fire dragon hovered overhead, pressed slightly, and a large amount of explosive force rushed into the veins.

Tear, destroy, and instantly carry out the most horrible killing in the body of God.

"Ye-huh." Tianci clenched his teeth and ran the power of divine consciousness with all his strength. All the true energy was like ice water, and it was quickly extinguished on the turbulent flame energy.

But the flame energy is too huge and extremely thick. The amount of true energy is relatively too small. It is like a drop of water poured into the blazing fire. Not only can it not extinguish the fire, but it is evaporated by the gale in an instant.

"Wow, ow." Seeing the painful struggle and embarrassed appearance of God-given, a tired smile also appeared on the pale face of the sand dunes.

"God's peak move, under this move, no one on the four continents can resist, but... this boy can let me perform the 'fire dragon flying', and his strength is really extremely strong."

The sand dunes breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the God-given, who had been struggling for a long time, they felt more and more afraid of the potential of the God-given. The murderous spirit in the bottom of their hearts was no longer reserved. They gritted their teeth fiercely and hummed viciously, "Only the strength of the sixth level of the void can exert the defense equivalent of the divine envoy, and even in the face of my divine generals. The best way to kill at the peak can also persist for so long. Once this human practitioners enter the empty city, it will be..."

"Kill! Such a human genius, even if it can't be met for thousands of years, must be killed in the cradle.

The whole jungle has long been filled with a huge sea of fire. In the face of the repeated attacks and erosion of flame dragons, although the God-given true strength is comparable to that of ants moving mountains, it has been persisting.

The tendons and veins in the body are blown up, but it won't be long before it will be repaired again. In the face of the magnificent flame energy, the repair speed can't keep up with the speed of destruction at all, and the repaired tendons and veins are torn again.

The original intact veins of the whole body lasted for more than an hour, only the last trace was not completely torn. Once this vein wall was also torn, it would completely lose the ability to counterattack, only to face the fall.

Even if you have spiritual consciousness, it is in vain. Without the strength of muscles and Dantian, all efforts are in vain.

Struggle, work hard, God-given to defend the last line of defense again and again, and the spiritual power has also expanded to the extreme. As long as you control and transform a trace of real energy, you will immediately devote yourself to the muscles and veins to defend it.

It's better than not having it at all.

"Why don't you die!" The sand dunes were shocked. How long did it take? The empty fire dragon attacked for two hours, but the human practitioners in front of him were still struggling to death. Going on like this, even he thought of the scene when he attacked with a flame ball before...

"Kill, kill, kill!" Three consecutive roars.

The sand dune finally exerted its last strength to control the huge flying dragon under the air pressure. The flying dragon has been hovering above Tianci's head and did not directly crush him, just because the true strength has been resisting the huge pressure.

At the same time, because the sand dunes were displaying fire needles, after consuming nearly four layers of void real qi, they did not get a moment of rest. They successively displayed more consuming fire dragon flying dance. Only the fire dragon flying moves with a little more than five layers of true qi strength are also much weaker than the strength of the fire dragon at the peak.

But at this time, the sand dunes were desperate, and the real qi power was completely put into the fire dragon in the air. He made a last fight. He was afraid and was shocked by the invinciful and indestructible state.

If this move of fire dragon flying can't kill the other party, then the next person who dies will definitely be the sand dune itself.


The fire dragon roared wail, as if it was imprisoned by irresistible forces. It wanted to die with the small human beings below. In the blink of an eye, the whole fire dragon seemed to have suddenly increased its gravity by dozens of times, and suddenly rushed to the human head.

At this moment when it could no longer resist the ravages of the fire dragon, the spiritual power in God-given's mind suddenly shook, like a bound silkworm cocoon, suddenly burst, and thousands of dazzling lights burst out in an instant.

The dark brain space was suddenly illuminated by the light on the earth. The light filled every inch of space, and the warm and comfortable feeling spread all over the body in an instant. Even if it was still deep in the suffering of the fire at this time, all this seemed to disappear in an instant. Only the refreshing feeling rose out and permeated the whole body.

With the soaring of spiritual light, the open mind could not absorb the power of the semi-ignition dragon at all, but suddenly, an unimaginable 'black hole' appeared in the body.

The fire dragon energy that rushed into the muscles and veins of the body, as soon as it extended to the vicinity of this 'black hole', it was immediately swallowed up, and the swallowed fire dragon energy, like a fuse, detonated a large gunpowder barrel.

The devouring power of the black hole suddenly rose sharply, and a pulling force unexpectedly penetrated through the void in the mind and directly appeared in the veins of the body. All the flame energy encountered the biggest nemesis and was swallowed up by the black hole power that had just appeared in the body.

The more the suction force is swallowed, the faster it spreads, and the suction power is getting bigger and bigger. In just a moment, all parts of the body, the most subtle body structure, such as tendons and veins, Dantian, pitch, tissue cells, etc., are filled with this horrible suction force.

The carbonized and destroyed cells have recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye; the inner prone tissue, tendons and veins and Dantian parts have also become extremely intact in an instant.