Gods Command

Chapter 452 Holy Gathering

The strength has definitely reached a terrible situation.


In the Valley of Beasts, the most powerful Warcrafts in all universes in the world are all concentrated in the Valley of Beasts. The strength of Warcrafts is several times stronger than that of human practitioners at the same level, and there are a large number of powerful Warcrafts in the whole Valley of Beasts, no less than hundreds of millions.

Moreover, there are also particularly powerful and horrible existences among the warcrafts. The sacred level of warcraft has ten heads.

In the huge Warcraft hall, after hearing the summons of the fire deer beast land, tens of thousands of powerful monsters have gathered in an instant. Their strength is not the level of the god or the level of the god general, but all of them are above the god level. Each warcraft is the existence of the boss in the empty city.

Even a few seats at the top of the hall sat several human-like old men.

"Children." Five old men sat on it. Among them, the old man's hair in the center was purple-red, and his eyebrows and beards were almost hung on the ground more than ten meters. "You all know the summons of the little fire deer beast! For hundreds of millions of years, although we occasionally have frictions with evil human practitioners, it is just to improve our strength and practice. All conflicts are within control. But now, those arrogant human practitioners, regardless of their original vows, have broken into the core of our Warcraft and want to swallow us. The source of life, what do you think we should do?

As soon as the words came out, tens of thousands of god-level monsters in the hall roared one after another, all grinning and murderous.

"Okay, very good!" Seeing the reaction of the monsters below, the old man nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hand to stop the roar of the monsters. He said in a low voice, "Human practitioners, these foreign forces do not belong to our empty city. They are foreign robbers. Although they also have nine sacred strongmen, under the same level of strength, how It can't be better than our noble magic beasts.

"The oath was destroyed. Since you can't coexist peacefully, then fight! Drive out the evil outsiders." The old man's voice seemed to have great power.

All the monsters suddenly roared even more, "Battle! War! War!"

"Get out, get rid of outsiders."

"Kill! Kill it!"

The sound is endless for a long time, and tens of thousands of gods of monsters roar in unison. In this way, the breath can't be imagined at all. The slightly weaker monsters do not even dare to approach the distance within ten thousand miles of the Longevity Hall. Otherwise, just this roaring sound can destroy them in an instant.

The Valley of Beasts has ten sacred-level strongmen. As long as they reach the sacred level, whether they are human practitioners or magic beasts, they can freely change their appearance. At this time, the three old men above the hall are obviously the three sacred-level magic beasts in the Valley of Beasts.

In addition to these three sacred magic beasts, in the depths of the hall not far from them, there are also six human-like people in the secret room, or middle-aged or old people. These sacred magic beasts all consciously extend to the hall, forming a high-level void image, appearing in the sky of the monsters.

All the ten sacred monsters appeared in an instant, and the momentum in the Hall of Beasts rose to the extreme in an instant. The top ten sacred magic beasts are actually the nine old men in front of them, and the other sacred magic beast, which is the powerful fire deer beast killed by Wuhe hundreds of millions of years ago.

The fighting spirit is surging, straight to the nines!


At the same time, in the imperial palace of the empty city, a large number of human practitioners have converged to the imperial hall one after another. The strength is from low to high, and the number of human practitioners is as dense as ants catching the tide.

The god-level practitioner travels through the air quickly, while the god-level practitioner directly performs the teleportation skill, which is hundreds of miles away in a blink of an eye.

In the extreme distance, the high and unattainable imperial palace stands above the void, with golden light.

The huge pressure is transmitted in waves, covering a wide range of empty cities, with an extremely strong and solemn atmosphere, which makes all the strong people who come in are frightened.

Carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions, dragon stone pillars, all shining golden, especially the top nine huge dragon chairs inlaid with countless gems, which invisibly transmit an invisibly domineering atmosphere.

A human practitioners in white appeared over the hall out of thin air and slowly walked towards the nine dragon chairs. It seemed to be very slow, but in fact, it was less than a hundred millionth of a second. It seemed that he had crossed tens of thousands of miles of miles out of air, and stepped across a space. He sat down on one of the dragon chairs and sat down. .

The energy was visible to the naked eye, and the millions of human practitioners in the whole hall were silent in an instant, all looking at the strong man in white on the dragon chair quietly.

"Hahaha, Bai Zhan, I didn't expect that your strength has improved again, and it's faster than my Qingluan." In the majestic and domineering words, a cyan fog appeared in the void in an instant, and the situation could not be seen clearly. After the straight cyan fog slowly landed on one of the dragon chairs, everyone saw a man in a cyan gown. Undoubtedly, he was also a sacred human giant.

Before everyone could exclaim, the strong men appeared one after another.

"The second universe, the ninth universe, you two guys came so early. Are you ready to fight and fight in front of my universe?" This sacred-level practitioners are the Lord Luzi from this universe. He has always been cultivated from this universe to the current level of strength, and he is also one of the three sacred-level strong men in this universe.

Then, before the voice fell, two sacred strong men of the universe, Lord Yuwen and Princess Luohai, appeared behind him at the same time. The three sat on the dragon chair almost in no particular order.

"Brother, why are you calling us all here in such a hurry?" As soon as Princess Luohai sat down, she looked at the saint doubtfully.

Several other saints also looked over. As for the millions of earth god generals and god-level practitioners in the hall, they could not hear the saints talking above the dragon chair at all.

"Hence, wait and wait until the saints of the four universes, the seven universes and the eight universes come, and then explain it to everyone." Lu Zi glanced at everyone plainly and couldn't see his inner thoughts, but everyone also realized that there might be a big event.

As the eldest brother of the universe, the son is absolutely the most powerful among human practitioners, and the saints of the other universe are not as powerful as the one.