heavy pupil

Chapter 9 Unintentionally hide evil guests here

Chongguang opened his eyes and found a big bright light above his head. Mr. Ou had been missing for a long time and must have left from this exit. Without hesitation, he jumped high and jumped to the ground.

In front of us is clearly an underground cave, but it is extremely open, and the surrounding rock walls are crystal clear, and it is actually covered with crystal. This cave is purely natural, and there is no trace of axe carving. Looking around, there is an empty scene, and the rippled crystals are freely distributed in the cave, and there are many messy ravines under the ground, with thousands of heads.

Mr. Ou stood nearly a hundred steps away from the underground exit, with big sleeves fluttering and a solemn look. Chongguang quietly came to him and saw that he was concentrating on twisting the magic formula and flying in the air with his hands. Just in front of him, a bottomless natural pit was prominent. With the current vision and consciousness of Chongguang, hundreds of miles can be seen, and the hole is like a fire, but even if he is exhausted, he can't see the source of the hole.

He was secretly shocked, but his face remained calm. He held his breath and quietly watched Mr. Ou's movements. There was a trace of excitement on Mr. Ou's face, and his eyes emitted a strange look. With the movement of his hand, Chongguang Shenzhi faintly sensed a suction from his body, circling deep into the deepest part of the bottomless pit.

The dead silence in the cave can't hear any sound at all, and it seems that even the flow of air has been frozen. Mr. Ou's eyes were faintly glowed with some fanatic light, and he seemed to have been looking forward to it for a long time. The flash of brilliance can be faintly seen at the mouth of the pit, reflecting on the surrounding crystal walls, emitting dazzling brilliance.

Chongguang stared at the flash, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out. Mr. Ou's movements gradually accelerated, and the two wide robe sleeves were airless. They should be stirred by the true air overflowing up and down, and the whole body was covered with a faint golden light.

The colorful and bright in the pit is reflected on the surrounding crystal walls. Suddenly, it is like opening a dyeing workshop, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, colorful, colorful and extremely gorgeous. With a sharp roar, it broke the stagned water-like silence. A pure black light shot out of the pit, leaving a bright silhouette on the wall, followed by a meteor across the top of the blue cave.

Mr. Ou shouted softly, and a light and shadow flashed above his head, flying up in mid-air, turning into a human figure, and suddenly another Mr. Ou. The new Mr. Ou flew at a fast and incoherent speed in the air. In an instant, he rushed to the edge of the fleeting streamer and opened his big hand to sacrifice a black jade pot. With just a turn in the air, the streamer was taken into the mouth of the jade pot by an inexplicable suction and never came out again.

With the overflow of this downstream light, it broke the original calm peace at the mouth of the pit. Like rushing to the market, all kinds of strange lights flew out one after another and fled in different directions. Mr. Ou was not in a hurry. His body was still casting spells at the mouth of the cave, but the splits emerged one by one from the top of his head, intercepting these five-colored lights in all directions.

Chongguang was dazzled from one side, which was also the first time he saw the method of distraction. This is a realm that even Chongxu Zhenren has not seen so far, while Mr. Ou is a small test of a cow knife and is skillful. He is worthy of being the top master in the world of practice for thousands of years.

Luo Hou has also used this method, but he is by no means as easy as Mr. Ou. As for Ao Bing, the South China Sea Dragon King, who claimed to have broken through his cultivation, his cultivation is far worse than that of Luo Hou. When he met on the island that day, he was only able to break through, and he couldn't even send and receive it.

This time he saw Mr. Ou perform the highest realm of the monk, which really opened his eyes and gradually realized the mystery and key. Dimly, he seemed to have touched the legendary threshold, but this feeling was purely a subconscious reaction, which only jumped in the sea of knowledge for a moment, and even It is too vague to capture.

He was immersed in it, mobilizing his consciousness to sense the vitality changes between heaven and earth, and the circulation of mana around Mr. Ou. Although the realms of Taoism are very different from each other, some of them can be touched. Chongguang knows that such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even the most humble impressions, will have great benefits for his future practice.

After several waves of peaks in the middle, the light spots splashed like flash floods in the pit finally gradually stopped and gradually became sparse and depressed. Most of Mr. Ou's split body has returned to the noumenon, and only a few are still staying in mid-air until there is no more brilliance overflowing, and everything is dusty and dusty. The rare master of Taoist practice has received his magical powers, with a tired and excited face, carefully holding the jade pot and turning around and walking away. To the exit.

Chongguang followed, walked to Mr. Ou and said, "Senior, have you got it?" Mr. Ou shook the jade pot in his hand and was quite interested: "I got it. This small pot has cost me 40% of my vitality, and it will take at least half a month to recover. Although there are many mysterious water essences in this divine mountain eye, it is really not easy to get it.

Chongguang was surprised and said, "What can I do with this small pot?" Mr. Ou said, "Don't underestimate that there is not much in this area, and the weight is comparable to the whole North Sea. The water in Tianyi Lake itself is the essence of all waters, and this mysterious real water is the world's jellyfish, a secret treasure that evolved from the beginning of heaven and earth. This pot of Xuanming water essence is enough for me to open the furnace to refine a peerless divine soldier.

Chongguang sighed: "The cultivation of the predecessors is rare in today's world. Why do you still be greedy for these things outside the body? It's better to put aside everything and hit the supreme road with all your strength. Maybe it has already soared.

Mr. Ou laughed: "What you think is too simple, not to mention a best flying sword, even for the monks after soaring, it is also a magic weapon. I have made up my mind just by relying on such materials as Haishen Iron. The world only knows that the red-haired ancestor refiner is the first in the world, and the older generation of people more admire Kunlun Xuanxiao. No one remembers that I am the real world's first refiner. In my lifetime, I have the honor to use Dinghai Shentie as the material to refine the flying sword. I really have no regrets in this life, and I will not regret my death.

Heguang also heard a little blood boiling. Unexpectedly, there was such a slightly young and frivolous dream hidden under Mr. Ou's Gujing's face, which made him feel that the distance between the two had narrowed a lot.

Mr. Ou took the pot of Xuanming Zhenshui, threw it casually, put the jade pot into the universe bag, and looked back at it again: "Let's go! It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. The two returned one after the way they came. The water of Tianyi Lake is still more than ten thousand, but the footsteps of the two are much easier.

This lake is naturally able to isolate vitality, which seems to be clear and turbid. Heavy light cannot be seen underwater. Only by divine perception can it touch the way. It was only more than halfway on the way back, and suddenly there was a little fluctuation in the sea. He was shocked, and he faintly felt a fierce cold air swept in his consciousness, and he couldn't help shivering.

A clear roar came from Mr. Ou's ear. He couldn't see the movement at the bottom of the lake, but he knew that someone had been lurking under the water. At this time, he had already made friends with Mr. Ou. He was unable to intervene in this level of fighting, so he had to flash aside and try his best to avoid suffering from the fish in the pond.

The momentum of the comer is very domineering. Although he can't see the heavy light, he can vaguely perceive the general situation of the two people's fighting method in the sea, and the continuous sound from his ear makes him have a general judgment of the situation in the field. Mr. Ou probably lost his vitality in the underground cave and tied his hands and feet, which was far from the usual grace. But he is worthy of being the same level as the Sand Prodigy. Even if his mana is damaged and he is suddenly attacked under the water, he still fights with the people.

Chongguang is not clear about the specific fighting situation of the two. The difference in Taoism between them is too big. He can only roughly judge by the induction of his own consciousness and the movement of the surrounding water flow. The methods of the people are extremely strange. The heavy light only detects the climate change in the water, cold, hot, poisonous, Xuanhuang, wind, thunder, all kinds of different vitality in the water like watching flowers, which is unexpected and overwhelmed.

Although it has not become the main object of the two people's casting spells, the fish in this pool is by no means uncomfortable. The heavy light transported the whole body in the water and used various means to resolve it. It still made the qi and blood surge, and had to grope to hide in the distance.

The cultivation of the comer should be the object of Mr. Ou's previous guess. The two fought fiercely in the water for a long time. On this day, the water of a lake condenses the essence of the world, which is extremely heavy, but the waves of their fighting methods can roll up a shocking whirlpool in the water. The heavy light was affected by the current several times, and for a moment, it was involuntarily involved in the center of the whirlpool.

He held his breath and tried to find a safe way while avoiding the airflow generated by the fierce battle between the two. Gradually getting farther and further away from the center of the airflow, he had vaguely sensed the location of the lake, took a deep breath of Dantian's gas, and a warm current hit his body. With this heat, his feet gently at the bottom of the lake and rushed to the surface like a dragon going to sea.

With the sound of water, the heavy light rushed out of the lake. Without the strong vitality barrier at the bottom of the lake, the sight suddenly returned to Qingming, and the originally suppressed sea of knowledge also returned to its inherent induction. He stepped out in the void, shaped like a swallow fishing for water, and landed on the cobblestone beach by the lake.

After he rushed out of the lake, the lake returned to its usual calm. At this moment, his external feeling has returned, and his consciousness has become stronger. He has seen that the dark tide under the water is surging, and waves of water sweeping the bottom of the lake, and the hidden sound is extremely amazing.

Chongguang doesn't know whether the person is good or bad, whether he is an enemy or a friend. Although Mr. Ou is not a good person, at least he is familiar with the other party's temperament and his character is quite reliable. At this time, in the face of this new high man, he was three points of curiosity and three points of fear.

The dark tide under the water lasted for another half a quarter of an hour, and the heavy light waited patiently on the shore. His realm is not enough to distinguish between victory and defeat, and judging from the appearance, the two seem to be indistinguishable. Just as he looked up, the huge Tianyi Lake was suddenly divided into two from the middle, with thousands of feet of waves on both sides, which were extremely powerful. In the middle of the lake, a road to the sky has been given up. Chongguang's eyes turned around and saw Mr. Ou's face flushed, and a blue-black light swam in front of him, whining.