Repe: Destroying Immortals and Gods

Chapter 171 It's time to bleed

Three years later, the red blood and the alcoholic beasts are constantly moving on the planets in various desolate star domains, and the Xuanxing is also constantly moving with the red blood.

In the past three years, Xuanxing followed the red blood to thousands of desolate planets. Their purpose was only to let the alcoholic beasts find the fairy grass needed to make wine.

The alcoholic beast can only feel whether there is the necessary material for thousands of miles, and no matter how far it is, it can't be.

So the red blood had to keep moving on the planets with it.

Stop moving in the barren area. This kind of day is very boring, but in order to brew the unknown top fairy wine, Red Blood and Xuanxing have to continue this monotonous and boring process.

"Squeak...squeak..." The alcoholic beast suddenly shouted, and then it flew out of its red-blooded arms and flew into the distance.

Red Blood and Xuanxing follow it closely behind, because the alcoholic beast does this every time it senses a material.

Soon, the alcoholic stopped in one place, and then it fell to the ground.

At this time, Red Blood and Xuanxing also arrived here.

The alcoholic beast shook its tail, constantly circled in front of a blue plant, and then shouted at the red-blooded two people.

Xuanxing and Red Blood stepped forward and carefully looked at the blue plant in front of them.

This plant is like a small tree. It is more than one meter high. Its trunk has arm thickness and some branches, which grow oval blue leaves.

This plant is tender blue as a whole, especially its trunk, which is crystal clear and charming.

Although Xuanxing knows a lot of rare treasures, he does not know the blue plant in front of him, let alone what its effect is.

This blue plant has no energy fluctuation at all, but it looks beautiful. Even if a fairy sees it, they won't pay attention to it. Who wants to collect something useless? If it's not the confirmation of the alcoholic beast.

Xuanxing won't care about this plant either.

"Brother, what is this?" Xuan Xing asked the side of the ground with red blood.

"This is called Lanlingzhi, which has the effect of improving the realm or stabilizing the mind."

Red Blood explained, "Actually, I don't know this kind of thing either. This is what the little drunkard told me."

Xuanxing has to admit that alcoholics know too much about it.

I can't compare with it at all.

Red blood stepped forward and used Xianyuan to throw the soil around Lanlingzhi aside, so that the roots of Lanlingzhi were exposed.

Because the roots of these herbs must also be picked out when picking them, otherwise the medicinal properties of Lanlingzhi will be much weakened.

Lanlingzhi's roots spread deep under the ground, and finally, a diameter of five meters appeared in front of the red blood.

A big pit up to five meters deep, and Lanlingzhi was also completely picked out by red blood.

Red blood carefully put the huge blue lingzhi in a jade box to save it. Although the jade box in the red blood hand is only the size of a palm, it is covered with a virtual array, and even a big tree up to a hundred feet can be loaded.

"It's just the same in the end."

Red blood smiled and said, three years have passed, with the help of alcoholic beasts.

Finally, the materials needed for brewing are almost ready.

Up to now, there is only one material left.

As long as you find the last material, you can start brewing fairy wine immediately.

"Then let's keep looking for it."

Xuanxing nodded. Over the years, he and Red Blood have had thousands of barren balls, but the two of them only got more than a dozen materials, which shows that these materials are not easy to find.

Xuanxing himself has also brewed fairy wine, but the materials needed for those medium fairy wine are not difficult to find.

But the materials they are looking for now are used to brew the top fairy wine, so these materials are also extremely rare, so it takes a lot of trouble to find them.

Eight years later.

Xuanxing and red blood appeared on a barren planet again.

"It's so hard to find..." Xuan Xing couldn't help sighing.

"Ha ha, it's only been more than ten years. At the beginning, I spent thousands of years to find the materials of floating soul fairy wine."

Red-blooded smile.

Suddenly! The alcoholic beast in the red-blooded arms flew up again, "woo...woo..." The ground shouted to the red-blooded and Xuanxing twice, and then it quickly flew forward.

Seeing alcoholic beasts like this.

Xuanxing and Red Blood couldn't help smiling.

The last material has been found.

"Roar..." Suddenly, a beast roar came in front of him.

Red blood quickly moved forward, and Xuanxing also followed closely.

Nowadays, alcoholic beasts have no attack power at all.

Any fairy beast will be in danger, so the red blood seems to be a little flustered.

When Red Blood and Xuanxing arrived at the scene, they suddenly saw an interesting scene.

I saw a fairy beast more than ten meters tall chasing the alcoholic beast in the air. Because the volume of the fairy beast was too large, it could not catch the petite alcoholic beast at all.

After the fairy beast chased in the air for a moment, he fell to the ground, and then roared at the alcoholic beast in the air, as if venting the anger in his heart.

"The beast" said to himself, Xuanxing also knows something about this kind of fairy beast.

The beast, the intermediate fairy beast, its defense is extremely strong, even the Daluo Jinxian may not be able to hurt it, of course, except for the best fairy weapons.

The beast has a special skill, that is, paralysis. It can secrete a kind of ** in its body, which can be ejected from its mouth. If someone is touched by this kind of **, he will lose the ability to move, and then let the beast **.

Although the beast seems to be very powerful, it has a fatal disadvantage, that is, it moves very slowly.

So at this time, it can't even be an alcoholic.

The alcoholic beast in the air wanted to fly to the back of the beast, but the beast below always stopped it. In this way, the two beasts formed a deadlock there.

"The material we are looking for is not far behind the beast."

Red blood said, because the alcoholic had told him just now.

"This beast should be the guardian beast of that material."

Xuanxing guessed.

The red blood flew directly to the side of the drunken beast, and when the drunken beast saw its owner coming, it immediately flew into the red blood's arms and screamed at the subordinate beast.

"Get out of here, I don't want to hurt you."

Red blood is facing the beast below.

Fairy beasts can understand people's words, not to mention intermediate fairy beasts, so Red Blood doesn't worry that it can't understand.

I saw the beast circled in place, as if thinking about something. In the end, the beast decided to leave, because the red blood above brought it a strong sense of oppression.

The beast naturally understood that it was not a red-blooded enemy, so it chose to retreat. It slowly walked into the distance, and looked back from time to time, and the direction was just behind where it was just now.

Seeing the beast leaving, the alcoholic beast immediately jumped out of its red-blooded arms and flew forward.

Soon, the alcoholic stopped 100 meters ahead.

And Red Blood and Xuanxing have always followed the alcoholic beasts.

I saw a light yellow plant appearing in front of the two of them. There were five golden fruits on the light yellow plant. Xuanxing was sure that he still did not know the plant.

"The little drunkard said that this fruit can play a strong paralytic effect, but the fruit is not ripe now, and it will take a few more days."

without waiting for Xuanxing to ask, Red Blood explained first.

Red blood is also very confused about this. Since this fruit only plays a paralytic effect, why do you use it to make wine? But this is the secret recipe given by the alcoholic beast. Of course, Red Blood will not doubt the authenticity of this secret recipe.

A month later, Red Blood and Xuanxing finally waited for the fruit to mature.

"Xuan Xing, let's make wine here."

Red blood picked the five golden fruits and said to Xuanxing.

"Um, let's do it this way."

Xuanxing nodded and agreed that there was almost no one to disturb on this desolate planet, and it was also good to make wine here.

For the sake of safety, Red Blood still arranged some formations and prohibitions nearby, while he and Xuanxing were in the formation.

After everything was ready, a fairy artifact more than one meter high suddenly appeared in front of Xuanxing. This was the fairy artifact used for brewing wine, which was taken out of his ring with red blood.

"The best fairy weapon."

Xuan Xing was surprised.

This red blood is so rich that even the fairy weapons used in brewing wine are the best.

"I'm ashamed to say that the fairy armor on my body was rubbed from those old guys in the past, and my best fairy armor has long been damaged. Now there is only this fairy weapon and a best fairy sword. My current fairy armor is only the best fairy weapon."

Red blood explained.

While talking, Red Blood has put all these materials into the fairy weapon and added some water to it.

Then a white flame appeared under the wine-making fairy.

A day later, "Xuan Xing, it's your turn."

Red blood suddenly opened his mouth.

Xuan Xing understands that it's time to bleed...nk"