Repe: Destroying Immortals and Gods

Chapter 193 The strong will be the first!

The two worlds of immortals and demons communicate with each other! Xuan Xing was shocked to hear this. What does the communication between the two worlds mean? Everyone who cultivates understands this.

It is a fact that no one can change the fact that no one can change. If the two worlds really communicate with each other and the people of the demon world come to attack, the fairy world will definitely kill and injure a large number of immortals, and the fairy world will greatly damage their vitality.

But the demon world will also pay a lot of price to attack the fairyland, because the fairy world is full of fairy spirit, and the energy absorbed by the demon's cultivation is the demon spirit, so the fairy world is absolutely not suitable for the demon's cultivation.

Therefore, the battlefield of the battle of immortals and demons plays a key role. If the demon world launches an attack and pushes the battlefield to the immortal world, the strength of the demon world will be limited, which is very beneficial to the fairyland.

On the contrary, the strength of the fairyland will also be limited.

Over the years, there have been several wars in the second world of immortals and demons. Perhaps because of the demon's killing, there have been several wars, and the battlefield has been placed in the fairyland.

"Xuan Xing, we have to go back. See you later."

Luo Suo was a little reluctant to do so, but Luo Suo must obey the orders of Emperor Tu Meng.

"In that case, you'd better go back early."

Xuanxing did not keep the two of them. Whether Luo Suo stayed with Emperor Tu Meng's side, or with Emperor Tu Meng beside him, Luo Suo's safety would be guaranteed.

After sending Luo Suo away, Xuan Xing returned to his room.

If the two worlds of immortals and demons communicate with each other, the normal life of immortals will be disrupted, and the business of Xuanlin Restaurant will also be affected, so they will lose a lot of fairy stones.

But Xuanxing doesn't care about the loss of Xuanlin Restaurant. He cares about hundreds of disciples of Xuanlin School, especially Batian and Lin Lin.

If the two worlds of immortals and demons go to war, the fairy world will be in chaos.

The disciples of the Xuanlin School will definitely be implicated.

Xuanxing hopes that the senior officials of the two worlds can resolve this matter peacefully again and try to avoid war between the two worlds.

The two worlds of immortals and demons are interconnected. There have been precedents of war between the two worlds and peaceful settlement, most of which are peaceful solutions.

is war and peace. This is not what ordinary immortals can decide. Even the five immortal emperors can't decide. Only a few people can decide the fate of the two worlds of immortals and demons.

That's a few super masters in the fairy and demon world! Demon Lord and Immortal! They decide the fate of trillions of immortals and demons! As far as Xuanxing knows, there are three immortals in the fairyland at this time, namely Hao Lian Xianzun, Shen Tu Xianzun and Duanmu Xianzun. Only the five emperors in the fairyland have seen three immortals, and the rest of the immortals have never seen the immortals.

Therefore, the immortals only belong to the legendary existence. Except for the five emperors, the rest of the people have no chance to meet them at all.

But there are rumors in the fairyland that there is a fourth immortal in the fairyland.

This mysterious immortal was born in the Xuanming Sect of Langhuan Fairyland, but no one in the fairyland can prove whether this rumor is true or false.

But Xuanxing hopes that this is a rumor, because he will retaliate against the three major factions in the future, and Xuanming Sect happens to be included, if Xuanming Sect has the immortal level.

It will be much more difficult for you to get revenge.

Whether Xuanmingzong has an immortal or not, Xuanxing doesn't want to think too much about it, because there is a possibility of a war in the second world of immortals and demons. What he can do now is to find Ba Tian and Lin Lin as soon as possible. Only by finding the two of them can he be at ease.

Xuanxing decided to go outside again to look for the two of them.

Xuanxing did not take the sky out.

Xuanxing asked him to stay in Xuanlin Restaurant. As for Xiaotian, he only had immortal cultivation, and he was injured. Xuanxing would not let him leave Xuanlin Restaurant casually.

So, Xuanxing set out alone, looking for Ba Tian and Lin Lin.

In a blink of an eye.

Thousands have passed.

Until this time, the channel between the two worlds of immortals and demons has not been fully connected.

There are still some divine prohibitions between the two channels that have not dissipated, so there is no movement in the demon world.

Although those divine prohibitions have not completely disappeared, according to the speed of dissipation, the two worlds will be fully connected in less than a year.

After searching for thousands of years, Xuanxing still didn't find any clue about the two of them, so Xuanxing couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Ten months later, the real world, the demon area.

In a secret cave, a middle-aged man who was practicing suddenly opened his eyes! The passage of the fairy and demon world is connected..." The man said to himself, but soon, the man closed his eyes again and continued his practice.

This man is the super master in the demon area! After about a column of incense, the man opened his eyes again, "No, those bastards in the demon world must be playing big this time. The little guys of the Xuanlin School are still in the fairyland. No, no, no..." The man shook his head as he said, and then he got up. Gradually, his figure turned into fragments... The center of It is the junction of the five fairy realms. It is like those barren planets, and there is almost no fairy spirit.

However, the Xiuzhen world and the fairyland channel, the temple, the fairy and demon world channel, and the fairy and demon world channel are all located here, all of which are distributed within nearly ten star domains.

In one of the star domains, a huge black hole appears in the void.

At this time, there are three people standing in front of the black hole, and they seem to be waiting for something.

One of these three is a white-haired old man, but he has a ruddy face and sharp eyes.

There was also a burly middle-aged man who was dressed in a golden robe, and a sense of domineering dissipated from him.

In the end, the man was actually a beautiful fairy. He was wearing a long white dress and looking at the black hole in front of him with wrinkled eyes.

Soon, six figures flew out of the black hole. In a blink of an eye, they had appeared in front of the three people.

I saw six people in black standing against the previous three.

"Haha, Hao Lian, Shen Tu, Duan Mu, we meet again."

One of them said with a smile.

"Yi Hao, haven't you ascended to the divine world yet?" The old man in the fairyland asked in surprise.

"Not yet, who knows when it will fly up."

Qi shook his head with a sigh.

"How is your demon world going to solve this problem this time?" The fairy asked. "
