Repe: Destroying Immortals and Gods

Chapter 403 The Spirit of God!

The hazy gravel's more than 300-meter-long body lay there, and his body was burning with a red flame more than one meter high, "" The spirit of the hazy gravel was constantly exploding because it could not withstand such a high temperature.

\"Roar..." A dragon chant came again, and the huge body of the hazy gravel swayed painfully. With the swing of his huge body, there were bursts of crackling in the air around him.

Although Shengyuanguo is a good thing, after taking Shengyuanguo, the gravel suddenly felt a violent energy shuttled freely in his body, destroying his thick veins.

At the same time, the energy of the riot actually helped the gravel to repair the tendons and veins, which made the gravel feel speechless. Since it helped itself repair the tendons and veins, why did it destroy its own veins? However, the gravel is very clear that Shengyuan fruit is the favorite thing of all mythical beasts. There will never be any accident when taking Shengyuan fruit, so the gravel does not feel nervous at all.

Xuanxing naturally knows the role of Shengyuan fruit. Shengyuan fruit is a top god, which can be taken directly without having to be refined into an elixir.

So Xuanxing was not worried about the gravel. At most, he was in pain for a while.

A few days later, the body of more than 300 meters of the gravel actually grew a large part, and at this time, the body of the gravel still seemed to be growing at a certain speed.

Xuanxing only knew the fire dragon, and he had never seen the original members of other dragon clan.

According to the foreign beast, the cultivation of the members of the dragon clan is very special. When their cultivation breaks through, their own dignity will inevitably grow up.

So they can roughly infer their level of cultivation according to their original size.

As for how many meters a dragon can grow.

Xuanxing is not clear, because these are not recorded in the Alien Beasts.

At this time, the Buddha is growing rapidly, which means that his cultivation is also improving rapidly! More than ten days have passed, and the original body of the gravel has grown from more than 300 meters to more than 400 meters. At this time, the pain in the body of the gravel seems to have eased a lot.

He lay there quietly, moaning comfortably from time to time. He was enjoying the pleasure of the moment after the breakthrough.

In just over a dozen days, the head of the gravel has grown by 100 meters, and his cultivation has directly broken through to the peak of the middle of the god! The gravel, who was lying there quietly, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body, even stronger than before.

"Roar..." A slightly trembling dragon chant sounded again, and the body of the hazy gravel began to swing violently again.

At the same time, his body ignited a red flame more than two meters high.

"Can you break through?" Xuanxing was a little shocked. He thought that the hazy gravel had completely absorbed the medicinal power of Shengyuan fruit, but he didn't expect that the medicinal effect of Shengyuanguo still existed.

It seems that the gravel is likely to break through to the late stage of the god in one fell swoop! At this time, Xuanxing suddenly frowned slightly, moved his eyes away from the gravel and looked to the right, because he just felt the inexplicable call again.

After the hazy gravel subdued the holy fruit, Xuanxing felt three inexplicable calls, and the direction was on his right side, which made Xuanxing very confused.

Is there really something on the right waiting for you to collect it? Bb!" Just as Xuanxing was puzzled, a loud noise suddenly came. Looking for the sound, he saw the huge body of the hazy gravel slapped the ground fiercely, and suddenly.

An eye-catching huge raine appeared on the originally flat ground.

And the hazy gravel has actually increased by a large part. In a blink of an eye, his master has reached more than 500 meters! The growth rate is too terrible. If the hazy gravel cultivates to the realm of the god king, won't his master reach thousands of meters? The later period of the gods.

Xuanxing immediately found that the basal at this time had broken through to the late realm of the god, and his foundation was very solid. Xuanxing had to sigh that this holy fruit was indeed a rare treasure.


The flames on the surface of the gravel body converged.

Everything calmed down again, and a slight dragon chant sounded from time to time.

At this time, the gravel is enjoying the pleasure of the breakthrough.

But to the surprise of Xuanxing, three hours passed, and the gravel still lay there motionless.

"Is it that he hasn't fully absorbed the medicinal power of Shengyuanguo?" Xuan Xing thought doubtfully.

Immediately, Xuanxing released his divine consciousness and leaned into the body of the gravel.

When Xuanxing saw the tendons in the body of the hazy gravel, he couldn't help feeling a little shocked, because his tendons were so thick that he had a thick bowl mouth, and the tendons in his body were at most the thickness of his thumb. No wonder the dragon clan was so strong.

After exploring the body of Xuanxing in the gravel for a while, he found that everything in the body of the gravel was normal. All the divine power was flowing quietly in his veins, and there was no sign of rioting, but why didn't the gravel wake up? Since the gravel did not wake up, Xuanxing had to continue to cross his knees and wait for him to wake up.

Xuanxing dares not wake up the gravel at will, because his cultivation has just broken through, and he is likely to realize something.

"It doesn't work? It's a waste of three hours for me."

At this moment, the hazy gravel suddenly turned into a human form and said to himself with regret.

After hearing the complaints of the gravel, Xuanxing felt speechless. He had broken through two realms in a row, but he actually hoped to break through to the early stage of the main god.

"How do you feel about the gravel?" Xuanxing got up and walked towards the gravel.

"It's not bad. I'm in the late stage of God now."

Hazy grinned, and at this time, he also realized that he was a little greedy.

"How long is the limit of your dragon members?" Xuanxing is very curious about this.

"It depends on the level of the dragon. Like the lower mythical beast Qinglong, they can grow up to 1,000 meters at most, and our fire dragon should have more than 5,000 meters. As for the superior mythical beast Golden Dragon, their limit is 10,000 meters.

And the five-clawed dragon is said to grow to more than 100,000 meters.

Hazy gravel murmured.

"A hundred thousand meters..." Xuan Xing felt a trace of shock. A dragon of more than a hundred thousand meters, this piece was a little too horrible.

"Don't believe it.

I'm telling the truth, and I just said it conservatively.

I have seen my father's dignity. He is now the later cultivation of the god king, but his dignity has reached more than 10,000 meters. If he breaks through to the realm of the god king, it is said that he will soar ten times or even dozens of times!" Xuanxing nodded..

He has believed it. After all, the dragon clan is one of the strongest races in the whole divine world, and it is normal for them to have such a horrible body.

He chatted casually with the gravel for a while, and then Xuanxing continued to the right with the gravel.

And the gravel was in a very good mood at this time, so he didn't complain any more.

Since the top god of Shengyuanguo appeared here, he even felt that there might be anti-blood grass in this heavenly realm, so he kept releasing divine consciousness all the way.

Search for the traces of the divine array.

"Xuan Xing, why have you been moving in this direction? Is there really something good in front of you?" The gravel asked casually, and his consciousness still searched every corner of his body.

"Anyway, the realm of heaven is so big.

It makes no difference in which direction we go. Let's walk in one direction and have a look.

Xuanxing answered casually.

Because he can't be sure if there are any treasures in front of him, Xuanxing is not ready to tell the strange feeling of his strange feelings.

Three years later, the two of Xuanxing kept moving forward all the way, and on the way, they found more than a dozen divine arrays, but there were no special medicinal materials such as Shengyuanguo in these divine arrays.

After three years of progress, that inexplicable induction appears more and more frequently in the heart of Xuanxing, and whenever that feeling appears, the bead in Xuanxing's body will always beat.

"Is there something ahead that has something to do with purple beads?" Xuan Xing secretly guessed.

After a while.

The hazy gravel found another divine array. He walked directly over and used the best divine sword to break the divine array. He saw a small blue tree growing there, and thousands of red fruits the size of thumb hanging all over the tree.

There are so many divine arrays hidden in this heavenly realm.

Xuanxing can't figure out what's going on.

"This is good, at least you can eat it."

The hazy gravel directly picked a fruit and stuffed it into its mouth.

This red fruit is a relatively precious divine product, and some super sects will use this kind of divine product to receive guests.

After Xuanxing walked over, he waved his right hand and directly put the little tree into his Yundanpu.

And the hazy gravel looked at Xuanxing reluctantly. This divine product was discovered by himself. The hazy gravel was going to eat a few more, but Xuanxing actually put it away directly.

"I can't lose you. I'll wait until I go out.

I transplanted it to the gourd planet.

Eat whatever you want."

Xuanxing is too lazy to pay attention to the hazy gravel, if he is allowed to eat it slowly.

I'm afraid it will take a few more days.

After the two advanced for hundreds of miles, the bead in Xuanxing's body suddenly beat a few times. After a moment, the strange feeling surged into his heart again, and this time, the feeling in Xuanxing's heart was very clear, and the thing calling him was dozens of miles away in front of him! Immediately, Xuanxing accelerated his pace and walked forward rapidly.

Although the two Xuanxing walked on their legs, their speed was not weaker than the speed of Jindan's practitioners, so in just a moment, the two of Xuanxing rushed dozens of miles away.

"Xuanxing, why don't you leave?" Hazy gravel asked doubtfully. Xuanxing, who had been in a hurry just now, suddenly stopped and didn't know what he was going to do.

"There should be a divine array around here."

When Xuan Xing came here, the inexplicable feeling became very clear, and the thing that called himself was nearby.

But my consciousness has just thoroughly searched the surrounding kilometers, but it didn't find any hidden divine array.

"Oh? Is there a divine array here? Hazy gravel felt a trace of surprise. Although his alchemy and refinery level were really poor and did not dare to see people, he had a lot of research on the divine array.

"Let's separate and search carefully within this kilometer."

After Xuanxing threw down a sentence, he immediately sacrificed the sword and attacked the open space and mid-air in front of him.

Don't bother so much. Just leave it to me."

The hazy gravel suddenly opened his mouth, and his body suddenly began to deform. In an instant, a red dragon of more than 500 meters appeared in front of Xuanxing.

The huge body of the hazy gravel began to swing, "" The sound of cutting through the air came.

The gravel is more than 500 meters. As long as he swings around for a week, it is equivalent to completely attacking within a square kilometer. His method is really effective.

After a moment, "Bun..." There was a loud noise, and the tail of the gravel hit a golden energy mask. "There is really a divine array hidden here."

Hazy gravel said to himself in surprise that this divine array is so clever that it can't be found at all with its own consciousness.

And Xuanxing... It seems that he has not found this divine array, but how does he know that there is a hidden divine array here? This made the gravel very confused.

Xuanxing immediately came to the hidden divine array, and the sword in his hand attacked the open space in front of him fiercely, "Bow..." A golden light flashed, and the divine array was still intact.

This made Xuanxing feel a little curious. He just injected part of the Zhenyuan into the sword. In the realm of heaven, Xuanxing also encountered many hidden arrays, but these arrays could not withstand the blow of the sword at all.

And the divine array in front of him seemed to be a little special... Xuanxing didn't think much about it. He continued to control the sword to attack the divine array in front of him fiercely, and the gravel also sacrificed his best sword and attacked with Xuanxing.

After dozens of attacks by the two of Xuanxing, "Shh..." There was a soft sound on the ground, and the divine array was finally broken.

When the divine array was broken, the hazy gravel immediately retreated hundreds of meters away with a frightened face.

But Xuanxing still stood still, looking ahead with a little doubt.

A round hole made of black energy appeared in front of Xuanxing, and the silky black energy kept gushing out... "God's spirit?" Xuanxing has heard of this kind of thing, which is the same as the evil spirit that exists in the evil land of the real world.

If he is stained by the spirit of the gods, even the god-level master will not be able to survive, unless he can make an immediate decision, give up his body, and escape from the divine baby. If he hesitates a little, he will inevitably end up in the end of his soul.

However, this divine spirit has no impact on Xuanxing. Xuanxing even absorbed a trace of divine spirit around him and refined it smoothly.

At this time, the inexplicable call appeared more strongly in the heart of Xuanxing.