Repe: Destroying Immortals and Gods

Chapter 520 The Cultivation of Wind Whirlwind

"Hehe. What friends does Xuanxing have in the divine world? Almost everyone in the divine world knows it. But we have never heard of the old man's relationship with Xuanxing. What evidence do you have to prove this? The leading god pointed to the already subdued wind whirlwind and smiled. Xuanxing is a popular figure in the whole divine world. Especially a few days ago. Xuanxing almost killed a god king. Therefore, the status of Xuanxing in the divine world is no less than that of the god king! Naturally. His friends around him are also known by countless gods. Besides... even if he is a friend of Xuanxing. Even a lifesaver. So what can this do? Although the strength of Xuanxing is beyond our reach. But Xuanxing has to be reasonable. Could it be that he can't kill his friends wantonly? After saying this, I changed my words. The leading god looked at the short and sloppy old man in front of him with a joking look.

"What the senior said is very true." The wind echoed the road with a flattering face. At the bottom of my heart, I was a little reluctant. Although the cultivation of the wind is not very high. It's just the middle of the gods. But he has always been confident in himself. He is sure that he can become a god-level master in 100 million years. So it's in my heart. He has never paid attention to those arrogant and domineering gods. Usually, when I meet the god-level master, I don't bother to glance at him. But the situation is a little special at this moment. He must think about the wind. That's why the dragonfly wind shows a respectful look.

"But... the wind is in a state of magic. Presumably you can all see it. Therefore, the whirlwind is not the kind of murderous demon that everyone imagines. I hope you can be a little considerate. Let's talk about it. Our cultivation world is a place for the law of the jungle. Say something unpleasant.. As long as the strength is strong enough. Even rampaging in the whole divine world doesn't matter much. This is already the unspoken rule acquiesced by all practitioners. Right? It is said that 300 million years ago. Your Beiqing Shenjun Mansion... It seems that there is also a god who has gone crazy. As a result, a large number of innocent gods were killed and injured. The god who died in the catastrophe. I'm afraid the number is far more than a thousand, right? And I also heard that your god was only imprisoned for hundreds of millions of years as a punishment. I should be right, right?" The wind smiled and said. In order to help the wind as much as possible. The wind did not hesitate to expose the bottom of the other party.

Sure enough. The words of the wind made the gods on the opposite side look a little embarrassed; just now he insisted that anyone who killed innocent people indiscriminately should be punished. No matter what backer he has behind, it's in vain. But the sloppy old man in front of him immediately gave a counterexample. This is equivalent to slapping himself in the face.

"The situation at that time was a little special. Please don't judge at will." After a short sank. The god of the leader reminded him in a loud voice.

"That's right. The god you are talking about. At that time, he went to the Demon God Realm to carry out a mission. But the local gods didn't cooperate at all. It even made him go crazy in anger. So those gods deserve to die. No wonder our god." At this time, another god came forward to defend himself.

"Ha ha..." The wind defended them with a faint smile. At the bottom of my heart, I was extremely disdainful. A god was actually driven to the point of being possessed by some ordinary gods. It's okay to deceive some rookies who have just embarked on the road of cultivation. But I am a god no matter what I say. How can you be deceived by their rhetoric? If the ordinary god man can force the god king to go crazy. Isn't the god too worthless? But he didn't say these ideas. After all, the other party is more than a dozen gods. What's more, everyone present knows it well. There is no need for me to continue to refute.

"This wind whirlwind is indeed a friend of Xuanxing. Even if you want to kill him. Should I say hello to Xuanxing in advance? At least Xuan Xing can see the last side of him as a savior. The wind continued to smile.

"In that case... then let Xuanxing come." It was still the leading god who murmured. He naturally knows the weight of Xuanxing. If Xuanxing ignores his reputation. This whirlwind will never worry about life. But I have to say bad words in the front. This whirlwind was ordered by the King of Beiqing to take it back. Even if Xuanxing comes forward, he has to follow us to the God King's Mansion. The god added. If Xuanxing comes forward. They are not qualified to interfere in this matter again. Therefore, this mess can only be handed over to the King of Beiqing. As for the result. This has nothing to do with me." Of course it's okay." The wind nodded and answered. Can you lift the ban in the wind cyclone first? At this time, Feng Xuan was looking at himself with a confused look. And the blood in his eyes has disappeared. It seems that he has already regained his mind.

"This is not urgent. You can contact Xuanxing first. After he arrives. We will lift the ban in the body of the wind cyclone. The god looked at the wind jokingly. As far as he knows. There are many gods in the divine world who claim what their relationship with Xuanxing is. But as a result... they all repaired the gravel and Zilin fiercely. The origin of the sloppy old man in front of him is unknown. He said that he and the wind whirlwind have a lot to do with Xuanxing. Naturally, these gods will not believe it easily.

"This... since I flew to the divine world. I have never had contact with Xuanxing. Can we get to the Blue Star? The wind rubbed the tip of his black and dirty nose with his right hand. His summons could not reach Xuanxing. Therefore, the dragonfly can only get in touch with Xuanxing through the store of Blue Starland.

The words of the dragonfly wind made more than a dozen gods of the other party suspicious. Could it be that this sloppy old man just slapped himself in the name of Xuanxing? Otherwise. If not. Why can't he contact Xuanxing? But the other way around. If what he said is true... then this sloppy old man's cultivation talent is quite high! The Xuanxing soared to the divine world in less than eight million years. This is well known in the whole divine world. And the old man means that the time he flew up to the divine world is far less than eight million years! It can be cultivated to the early days of the gods in tens of millions of years. This is already a genius. And this sloppy old man. At this time, he actually practiced to the middle of the god. And his cultivation is quite stable! How many such talented people are there around Xuanxing? So far. At least everyone has known that there is a Qianyuan beside Xuanxing. And the two perverted super mythical beasts, Zilin and Bble.

"Of course. Let's go now." After thinking for a while. The god immediately nodded and agreed. Anyway, more than a dozen of them are not afraid of this sloppy old man's tricks. At worst, I will wait for someone else to accompany him for nothing.

"This matter has come to an end. I won't participate." At this time, Ai Ye Shenjun beside him smiled and said. The wind was captured. My own goal has been achieved. So he is not interested in the follow-up development of this matter. Even if Feng Xuan is a friend of Xuanxing. And he was saved by Xuanxing. Then it is impossible for him to continue to kill wantonly in the divine world in the future. He didn't believe that Xuan Xing would indulge his friends so much.

"It's okay. We can catch the whirlwind. Ai Ye Shenjun's achievements are indispensable. We will definitely report this matter to King Beiqing. The god of the leader smiled and said.

"Hehe. This is what I should do. As for the report to Beiqing God King. That's unnecessary." Ai Ye Shenjun smiled and shook his head. Move away directly.

I heard that the other party agreed to his request. The wind breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart. If you want to rush to the blue star alone. He is really a little worried. Before the wind came, he had to express his sincere gratitude to the other party. He suddenly felt dizzy. Since flying to the divine world. The wind experienced the feeling of moving for the first time...

"Do you think these two old men are friends of Xuanxing?" After the gods left with the two people, the wind and the wind. Immediately, many gods around began to discuss. Maybe it's jealousy. They don't believe that these two old men can have anything to do with Xuan Xing.

"If that Feng Xuan is a friend of Xuanxing. This is still possible. As for another sloppy old man... It's hard to say. One of them is the master of the gods. The image of the dragonfly is too sloppy. It feels pretty bad. In any case, it is impossible to associate him with Xuanxing.

"That's not accurate. Xuanxing has a friend named Red Blood. It is said that this person is more sloppy. It's even much sloppy than the sloppy old man just now. At this time, another god took over the topic. He said with fluttering eyebrows.

This man's words silenced the nearby god man. He is right. There is indeed such a No. 1 character as Red Blood around Xuanxing. The shocking shape of red blood. There is no need to rely on Xuanxing to be famous in the divine world. Because he is too sloppy. The dragonfly wind is obviously much inferior to him. People's red-blooded hairstyles are always greasy. Wet ground. The ground is wet. Just meet him. I'm afraid I will never forget it for the rest of my life. Since Xuanxing has such a sloppy friend as red blood. Then he has another friend like this. It seems to be in the past...

And at this time. The gravel that has just left the customs is bored on a hilltop of the gourd planet. After evolving into a five-clawed dragon. The cultivation of the gravel broke through to the peak of the middle of the divine king in just 10,000 years. He is about to become a master of Shenjun in the later stage. Looking at the three floating at the foot of the mountain, they were playing carefree. The gravel couldn't help thinking of drifting. As a result, I thought of Zilin. Zilin actually took Yinling and Little Phoenix. And drifting to the ground to be obedient. Such ability makes the gravel envious. If only I could have a few female super mythical beasts by my side all the time. This is both affordable. It also has a unique face.

Just when I envy Zilin's beauty in the bottom of my heart. There was a sudden movement in his summons. After a while. The face of the gravel turned strange. It became strange. Because he just received a summons from the shopkeeper of Lan Xingxing. And he passed on the names of the two gods. And its images. It is said that the two of them are friends of Xuanxing? But the gravel has never been mentioned by Xuanxing.

Suddenly, a bad smile appeared on the gravel's face. He, who was extremely bored, suddenly came to his spirits. He felt that the origin of these two was unknown. And the coquettish god is likely to just want to use Xuanxing's reputation to get out. The gravel is no stranger to this situation. Because many gods have come to join Xuanxing before. As a result, they were sent away by himself and Zilin. So the gravel was ready to teach these two ignorant gods and men. Especially the dragonfly wind. His sloppy shape is surprisingly similar to the red blood that has been making him feel uncomfortable all over! The gravel who didn't believe this matter very much. When he saw the image of the dragonfly wind. His mood became even more wonderful.

In an instant. The gravel has been moved to the blue star. And it is easy to meet the twelve gods of the dragonfly wind and Beiqing Shenjun's mansion.

"Demon cultivation?" The gravel ignored those gods.'s. Instead, he looked at the wind in front of him jokingly. I didn't expect this sloppy guy to be a demon. And he is still a snow crane. The snow crane is a relatively low-level monster. Few of them can fly up to the divine world. Therefore, the snow cranes in the divine world are quite rare.

Hazy gravel is a god-level super mythical beast. Only the dragonfly wind in the middle of the god can't resist the special smell emanating from the hazy gravel. After the appearance of the gravel. The wind's body has been trembling sharply. After a few breaths. The wind is not being strong. I directly restored it. A snow-white crane ten meters high appeared in everyone's sight.

The dragonfly's body trembled for a long time before he barely adapted to the breath of the super beast. At this time, he finally dared to look up at the gravel.

"Why didn't Xuanxing come?" The voice of the dragonfly wind trembled slightly. The shopkeeper was quite efficient just now. They were summoned to Xuanxing, Zilin and Hazy gravel respectively. In this case. At least one of them will arrive in time. But as a result, Xuanxing did not appear. Instead, the gravel rushed over. However, the heart that the wind had been hanging was finally relieved. Naturally, he has heard of such a number one person as the gravel. A lot of things. He can make the decision for Xuanxing. So there is a scourge to come forward. The wind should be able to save lives.

"He can't be separated from his business now. So it's up to me to come forward." The gravel smiled and said. When you speak. He has completely restrained his breath. This wind has been very embarrassed by its own land. But his tone did not show any emotion at all. Therefore, the first feeling of the hazy land is quite good. However, he looks like he has a headache.

"You must already know what happened, right?" After returning to the humanoid state. The wind asked tentatively in a sweat. In his opinion. Whether it's a black star or a gravel. Zi Lin. They will definitely save the wind.

"Um." The gravel nodded. "." But Xuanxing didn't mention you two to me. What do I believe in your identity? The gravel smiled and said. If this sloppy guy can't give a reasonable explanation. Then I can only teach this flatty guy a hard lesson. As for the wind, whether it is dead or alive. It's none of your business.

"This... You can ask Xuanxing. And Qianyuan. Xiaotian, Lin Lin and others. They all know me." The wind felt a little depressed about the mage's answer. Unexpectedly, he didn't believe that he had a friendship with Xuanxing.

In fact, the wind is not very lucky. Because in recent years, the three major factions may be difficult to Xuanxing at any time. So Xuanxing. And everyone around him is practicing in isolation. At this time, only the hazy gravel in the whole gourd planet is awake. Otherwise. If not. The gravel will definitely ask Xuanxing and others.

"I can swear. Feng Xuan and I are all friends of Xuanxing. Especially the wind. When he was in the realm of cultivation. At the critical moment, it helped Xuanxing a lot. There is no change in the expression on the face of the gravel. The wind swore directly.

"Oh?" The gravel frowned slightly. " I hope you didn't lie to me..." Because the wind dares to swear. So the bottom of my heart can't help believing a little. Wait a moment. I have to go back and confirm it." Turn around. It's The gravel said indifferently to the twelve gods. After saying that. He has launched the move to rush to the gourd planet. He was ready to wake up Xiaotian or Lin Lin from the state of practice to ask about this matter. With the cultivation of the gravel. It is not difficult to wake up Lin Lin and others. And it won't have any negative effect on them.

"Are you?" By this time, the whirlwind had completely regained its mind. He looked at the wind doubtfully. At the same time, there was a trace of gratitude in his eyes. If it hadn't been for the wind to show up in time to help. I'm afraid that at this time, I have already been the king of Beiqing. Or these gods beside him were killed.

"I'm the wind. I've heard Xuanxing mention you. The wind turned around and smiled at the wind. How could this whirlwind go crazy? The bottom of the wind is quite strange.

"Alas... I started to kill again just now." Feng Xuan sighed. His eyes were full of self-reproach. And helplessness.

"Put the person alone." After just a few breaths. The gravel has rushed back.'s back. And he said coldly to the twelve gods in a commanding tone. At this time, the gravel had been learned from Lin Lin. This wind whirlwind and the dragonfly wind are indeed good friends of Xuanxing.

"Hazy gravel. Nearly a thousand innocent gods died in his hands. So he must follow us to the divine king's house. I saw that the gravel looked bad. The god in the leader was a little unhappy. Even if Xuanxing comes forward, he has to make face. After all, there are countless gods watching around. He at least took a step down for himself and others.

"Reason with me. All I know is that whoever has a big fist can walk horizontally. At the beginning, the three major factions tried to consolidate the foundation of the divine world. There are at least tens of millions of innocent people who died in their hands. Even hundreds of millions, right? At that time, why didn't you gentlemen fight against the three major factions? The gravel said disdainfully. I took him away. If the King of Beiqing has any comments. Just let him come to me. I'll be with you at any time." The gravel does not give everyone a chance to react at all. He rushed directly to the gourd planet with the wind and the wind.

"This..." The arrogant attitude made several gods feel incredible. Are super mythical beasts so arrogant? They and others did not have the determination to kill the wind. I just want to cooperate with the gravel to go through the scene. Who would have thought that this gravel didn't even have this little patience? But think about it. There is really no need to linger with yourself and others.

"Let's go." The leader of the god sighed. The gravel is a five-clawed dragon. Even the King of Beiqing dared not offend him. What can you do to others?

After the people of Beiqing Shenjun's mansion left. Many gods in the blue star sighed in the hearts of the people. Although the gravel's attitude was a little rude just now. But his flipping words reached the heart of everyone; in the world of cultivation, he spoke with fists. The truth is only for people with low strength. As long as the strength is strong enough. It is completely possible to create a terrible slaughter just to stabilize their position in the divine world like the three major factions!

The strong attitude of the gravel was seen by everyone. It made countless gods realize the importance of strength again. So they also dispersed one after another. Some gods even directly announced the retreat...

And at this time. The hazy gravel has appeared on the gourd planet with the two people.

"Senior Li Feng. Mr. Feng Xuan." Hazy gravel and others have just arrived at the gourd planet. Lin Lin immediately greeted her. The gravel just woke her up. Simply ask yourself two questions and leave in a hurry. This made Lin Lin confused. So she has been waiting for the return of the gravel. I didn't expect that the gravel brought the two of them.

"Lin Lin." Xiao Feng rubbed Lin Lin's head with a smile. The headquarters of Xuanlin School in the Xiuzhen Realm is located in the realm of all demons. Naturally, the wind is very familiar with Lin Lin.

"Don't be polite. The wind is swirling. Let's talk about what's going on first. At this time, the gravel beside him interrupted everyone's greetings. He is very strange. Now that the wind is spinning and going crazy. Then why can he stay sober at this time? And it is hard to believe that the divine power in the wind spin is quite meek. There is no sign of riot. This also means that the wind is not crazy at all! But... In recent days, the wind has slaughtered thousands of gods like a madman. This matter is really puzzling.

"Hehe." The wind whirled bitterly. This is related to my practice method. When I was in the world of cultivation. I only have the practice method before the infancy period. So I have to try my best to break through the realm. It's a shame. I didn't expect that I really found some ways. So I practiced all the way in this way. At first, I didn't think there was anything wrong. But in recent years. Its negative effect is also shown. There seem to be countless souls of gods in my sea of knowledge. The power of these souls is murderous. Extremely tyrannical. Even I... can't calm it down. Especially since the last one. I will even lose my mind. Do something that some people share with God's indignation. The wind whirlwinded his face was gloomy.

"Oh?" The gravel felt a trace of surprise. I didn't expect that this wind spin and fire had nothing to do with the divine power in the body. It is because of the power of the soul in the sea. It's the first time I've heard of such a situation. So... can you absorb the power of the soul?" The gravel asked tentatively. Absorb the power of the soul. This is quite a horrible practice of Dharma.

"It should be. How to say it. I always feel that this kind of soul power is very strange. It seems to be... the fragments of the soul left after the soul of the practitioner flew away. Maybe you can't understand. Then let me put it simply; after the soul of the practitioner is scattered. His soul also disappeared with ashes and smoke. Completely dissipated in the world. This should be common sense that all practitioners agree with. But I think... the dissipation of the soul does not mean that it completely dissipates between heaven and earth. It's just that their souls are forcibly divided into countless pieces. And these fragments are still scattered throughout the universe. Looking at the confused look of several people. The wind cyclone explained in detail.