State Dingji

Chapter 41 There is an inn 1

On the way from Xuantianzong to Huiji City, the four most "excellent" disciples of Xuantianzong walked with the sword.

In the sky, four colorful lights pass quickly. Looking up from the ground, you can only see that the four lights of yellow, red, green and blue disappear rapidly in the sky. In the air, the four people flying with the sword are different.

Yu Lianzhou's face is heavy, stepping on a khaki flying sword, covered with a thin light yellow mask. He does not fly fast, but it gives people a feeling of maturity, stability and power. Ruan Mei emits a light red light all over her body, and a red flying sword under her feet. Her hair swings gently, with a faint smile on the corners of her mouth, as if she were visiting a spring garden, indescribably relaxed. As for Su Yuqing, he is dressed in white, with a cloud-like hair falling like a waterfall, a distant mountain-like eyebrows, a pair of beautiful eyes as quiet as autumn water, a beautiful nose, a slightly red jade cheeks, like two cherry lips with a dotted cherry lips, a flawless white jade-like face, and an exquisite flying sword shining with green light on his feet, a layer of thin The thin light green light enveloped her whole body, with fairies coming down to earth, extremely holy. Each of them has its own characteristics, but the most elegant one is Linshang. Lin Shang was dressed in blue, her eyes were like electricity, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, with a lazy smile, stepping on a strange blue flying sword, her hair was upright, her clothes were hunting, and she was indescribably handsome. What's more surprising is that his body is not covered with light, let the wind blow wildly in the air, and his body is as stable as Mount Tai, like the wind that is enough to blow thousands of jin of boulders has no effect on him. The other three people looked sideways at this.

Four people flew with their swords and crossed the mountains. A hundred miles passed in an instant. None of the four spoke. Obviously, they were thinking about something secretly.

Yu Lianzhou's eyes kept coming back and forth from the other three. He knew Ruan Mei's cultivation. After all, they were disciples of the same period, but Su Yuqing and Linshang surprised him. In just a few days, both of them have reached the realm of congenital elixir, and the speed of practice is so fast that he can only see it in his life. Not only that, but what surprised him more was that Linshang did not set up a forbidden light mask when flying with the sword. You know, the difficulty of high-altitude flight and low-altitude flight is different from heaven and earth. The higher the sky, the stronger the wind is. Coupled with the resistance generated by flying at high speed, it would have been blown away long ago without the light mask. Looking at Linshang's face, she is relaxed and comfortable, and obviously doesn't care about this huge wind. Is this the benefit of understanding swordsmanship? Yu Lianzhou suddenly remembered what the master had said that Uncle You Lanfeng and Li had a disciple who had already understood the meaning of the sword.

Although Ruan Mei in the flight smiled and looked light and refined, her heart was full of ups and downs. Linshang's cultivation suddenly improved, which did not surprise Ruan Mei. After all, there was an example of her little sister, but seeing that Linshang did not set up a light mask prohibition, her relaxed appearance in the wind shocked her and couldn't help thinking of Yu Lianzhou.

Su Yuqing passed by Linshang from time to time, with complex eyes, surprise, doubt, and faint melancholy...

As for Linshang, the idea is much simpler. Although I was only surprised to see that Su Yuqing has also reached the realm of innate real elixir at this moment and can fly with a sword. In a few days, others can also do it from the middle of the congenital virtual elixir to the early stage of the innate elixir. You can't judge that others can't have adventures because you have adventures. Lin Shang is immersed in the wind at this moment. The fierce wind blowing on him can only move his clothes, but it has no impact on him. His mind is relaxed, his consciousness naturally stretches, and he feels the freedom and wildness in the oncoming wind.

Huiji City is thousands of miles away from the Xuantian Mountains. When the four people went down the mountain, the sky was still bright. They flew with the sword all the way and never stopped. When they arrived at Huiji City, it was almost dusk and the sun was about to set on the mountain.

Four people fell into the forest near Huiji City and walked into Huiji City in the sunset. Along the way, Yu Lianzhou introduced Huiji City to the other three with a smile.

"Within a hundred miles, this is the largest and most prosperous place. There are at least 20 to 300,000 people living here, and the geographical location is good, and there are many business trips, which is even more lively.

Linshang listened to Yu Lianzhou's introduction with relish and turned her head to look at some novel things from time to time. Since coming to this Kyushu world, Linshang has only stayed in Yuhang Town for nearly half a year, and spent most of this half year lying in **. Other times, I practiced in Xuantianzong, occasionally went down the mountain to drink, but I also saw the appearance of an ancient town. Today, I am naturally curious about how magnificent the ancient city is.

Not only Linshang, but also Su Yuqing, who has always been indifferent, has a brilliant eye and favors several people in this majestic ancient city.

Ruan Mei smiled gently, and two small dimples appeared on the corners of her mouth. She said, "Brother Yu is really knowledgeable."

Yu Lianzhou said modestly, "It's nothing. If you come too much, you will naturally know."

"Did you sneak down the mountain?" Linshang suddenly came over and asked softly with a smile, with a sense of finally finding the organization in her eyes.

Yu Lianzhou shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Brother Lin misunderstood. Thanks to the appreciation of the master, he often sent me down the mountain to deal with some matters and often passed by Huiji City, so he knew a little more."

Lin Shang smiled and stopped talking.

Su Yuqing, who stood next to Linshang, turned her eyes and gave Linshang a white look, meaning: You think everyone is like you.

The cold beauty, who has always been expressionless, suddenly made this action. It was full of amorous feelings and charming. Su Yuqing, who was cold, suddenly had a more playful taste, which made Linshang look straight.

Seeing Lin Shan's eyes, Su Yuqing's face flashed red, and then regained his cold face. He turned his head and stopped looking at Lin Shan.

"Sister Ruan, it's getting late. We'll stay here tonight and go tomorrow." Yu Lianzhou stopped at some point and pointed to an inn in front of everyone.

Ruan Mei looked at Su Yuqing and Lin Sang, nodded and said, "Listen to your arrangement."

There was an inn. Linshang looked up and saw the signboard of the inn. Suddenly, she was stunned and laughed. Yuhang Town's own pub is called a pub. There is an inn called an inn in Jicheng. Is there a teahouse and a pawnshop... Is it possible that they have also seen Xing Ye's movies, or did Xing Ye travel from here to his previous life?

After thinking about it, I woke up and found that the other three had walked into the inn and quickly followed.

This inn is quite large. There are three separate courtyards in the back garden. The four of them live in Xiyuan, each with a house. After going back to rest, Yu Lianzhou called everyone and went to the restaurant in front for dinner.

There is an inn with its own restaurant, which is located on the busiest street in Huiji City. At this time, the sun is setting and it is the most lively time. Four people walked through the second floor of the crowded first floor and walked to the VIP hall on the third floor.

The lobby on the first floor is simple and strange, and the lobby on the second floor is magnificent, while the third floor is carved with dragons and phoenixes, mahogany beams, antique, which is completely different from the bottom.

The second floor on the first floor is full, but the VIP hall on the third floor is very quiet. There are less than ten tables in the spacious hall, and now there are only three tables of guests eating. Yu Lianzhou called Xiao Er, ordered a few dishes, and then passed the dishes to Ruan Mei and others, signaling them to order their favorite dishes. It seems that he is very familiar with this place, and most of them are regular visitors.

Ruan Mei took the dish with a smile, ordered a dish, and passed the dish to Su Yuqing. Su Yuqing took the dish card with a blank face, didn't look at it, and put it directly in front of Linshang.

Lin Shang picked up the dish board and looked at it. Both of them ordered light dishes. Without saying a word, they pointed to the first dish on the board and said, "Xiao Er, come to this golden lion fish."

The three looked at Linshang, and their eyes were different, but they didn't say anything.

The four of them sat at a table by the window. Ruan Mei took a look at the layout around and said to Lianzhou, "Brother Yu, isn't the price here cheap?"

Yu Lianzhou smiled and said, "This is the best restaurant in Huiji City. Naturally, it's not much cheaper. However, our Xuantianzong has a reputation here. Their boss is eager for us to come and won't charge us."

Ruan Mei said "um" and nodded yes.

Hearing what Yu Lianzhou said, Linshang just relaxed a little entangled. It seems that the silver in his ring has been saved. If he is not a disciple of Xuantianzong, I'm afraid that if Brother Yu doesn't have enough money, he has to pay his own pocket. How can he be ashamed to let the two women pay the bill? Besides, looking at Su Yuqing's immortal appearance that doesn't look like a woman on earth, I'm afraid he doesn't have a taels of silver.

Thinking about it, he looked at Su Yuqing, but he didn't expect that Su Yuqing was turning his head and looked strange. The two looked at each other, and then turned his head as if nothing had happened.

Yu Lianzhou looked at Su Yuqing and Linshang, who were sitting in danger at this time, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.


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