State Dingji

Chapter 51 Ghost

When Zhong Ling saw everyone's eyes, his pretty face suddenly turned red like a morning glow, and his eyes were full of shyness, but he did not hide in his senior sister Lan Ying's arms again. Instead, he straightened his small chest and raised his head and said, "I'm not afraid of the dead. This head is so cute that I'm not afraid!"

Although Zhong Ling blushed, his face was serious. Everyone looked at it, but it was not easy to laugh anymore. They resisted their laughter and looked at each other, but found that after Zhong Ling's disturbance, the original tense atmosphere also dissipated a little.

"Okay, let's continue." Yu Lianzhou shook his head with a smile. How could Xuanyin Pavilion send such a charming little girl down the mountain to practice? It seemed that either her peers had profound cultivation or a huge treasure. Thinking in his heart, he took a more look at the spinning golden bell.

Everyone settled down and then walked in. At this time, the whining voice like a demon also became louder at the same time, as if it were far away, and seemed to be beside him, around, left and right, everywhere.

After walking three or four feet like this, Yu Lianzhou, who was at the front, suddenly whispered, "Slow!"

Everyone's hearts tightened and immediately stopped. Xuanwu's yellow light shines on the wall of the cave.

"Ah!" Zhong Ling let out a delicate cry in his mouth, and with fear in his voice, he turned his head, but then turned around, frowned slightly, and looked at the wall again with a stubborn face.

The walls of the cave are uneven, and the canine teeth are intertwined, and there are traces of artificial reclamation everywhere. It is not surprising, but countless twisted faces appear on the mottled wall at this moment. Faces seem to be suffering from great pain and twisted. The eyes are dark, but they emit fierce and bleak eyes, a big black The hole replaced the mouth, as if it could swallow everything.

"Goul!" Shao Yifei's body shook and lost his voice.

It is ancient legend that life is old and death, only the soul is immortal, and at the end of the life, there will be a soul leaving the body, returning to life, life and reincarnation. However, there are resentment in the world. For the sake of the three poisons of greed, resentment and infatuation, fear, evil and fear, they love the world, look back on the past, and do not want to be reborn. It is for the "gloom".

Of course, the ghost is a thing that belongs to the shade. Naturally, it likes to live in a wet place. It is dark and humid in this cave. It is not surprising that there are such ghosts. Shao Yifei has been practicing for many years and often goes down the mountain to practice. Naturally, he has seen such ghosts, but it is also the first time he has seen so many. A ghost is not terrible, but thousands of countless ghosts together will bring unpredictable disasters.

When everyone saw the ghost, the ghosts on the wall also seemed to notice more than a dozen flesh and blood outside the wall. Their eyes were fierce and their faces were more ferocious. They desperately wanted to squeeze out the wall and devour more than a dozen flesh-and-blood lives outside the wall, like whispering whining dramas. Everyone was shocked, and all kinds of protective armor emerged one after another, like looking at the constantly struggling ghost in front of the enemy, and the fairy spirit in the dark cave for a moment.

For a long time, but seeing that the ghost kept struggling, some faces had left the wall, revealing their dark and thin bodies and bright claws, but about a foot away from the wall, a pale blue light curtain suddenly appeared. The face seemed to have met a natural enemy. As soon as they touched the light curtain, they immediately screamed sadly. Returned to the wall. Thousands of ghosts rushed to the light curtain one after another, but retreated sharply. The sound transmitted to the cave through the light curtain. For a moment, the cave was like a hundred ghosts at night, and thousands of ghosts cried, which was extremely permeate.

Seeing that the ghost was inseparable from the wall, everyone slowly exhaled and relieved.

"It's the same as the ghost released by the man in the inn." Yu Lianzhou frowned.

Ruan Mei and Su Yuqing nodded, but Lin Sang looked thoughtful. Although both are ghosts, Linshang always feels that there is something wrong. Although the ghost released by the man in the inn is terrible, it is eventually controlled by someone, and there are rules to follow in every move. However, the ghost in this wall always gives Linshang a feeling of coming out of the forest beasts. What will a group of uncontrolled and extremely hungry beasts do? It's terrible to think about it.

Shao Yifei also nodded when he heard the words and said, "Let's continue to move forward. Let's let go of our consciousness and act carefully." Everyone nodded. As soon as they released their consciousness, they only heard "Bo!" A soft sound seemed to ring from the side, and as if it came from a distance. Everyone was surrounded by a wary face. For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on the soft sound. Lin Shang, with sharp eyes, suddenly found that the pale blue light curtain on the wall suddenly disappeared when the sounded.

"Beware of ghosts!" Linshang shouted, and the dragon armor emitted a thick white light, and the feather light was even more blue, hovering around the chest and abdomen.

When everyone heard the words, they also noticed the dissipated blue light, and immediately urged the power of the body armor to the extreme. All kinds of magic weapons emitted strong light one after another. The cave was bright, and all kinds of colors were rotating and changing.

Under the gaze of everyone, countless ghosts poured into the crowd. Each ghost's face was twisted, his claws were black and shiny, and he screamed and rushed to the crowd. Everyone looked solemn and entered Zhenyuan into the magic weapon without hesitation. Zhong Ling, the little princess of Xuanyin Pavilion, turned pale and was very afraid at first, but she soon became normal. She shouted delicately, and the string of Jin Ling in the air made a crisp sound, turning into a thick golden mask, covering her whole body. Lan Ying and Fu You, who were beside her, protected Zhong Ling in the middle, left and right. To Linshang's surprise, Shao Yifei and Su Yuqing approached them a little, with a faint meaning of protecting themselves in it.

At the same time when everyone was ready, countless ghosts rushed in front of them. A very cold breath hit everyone's protective light shield like the Yellow River breaking the embankment. Fortunately, everyone had extraordinary protective armor. The ghost jumped on the light shield and made an extremely sharp cry, and dissipated. Although the ghost has dissipated, the cold breath contained in it still exists. Even if most of the cold breath is blocked, a small part of it still spread to everyone through the light shield. At first, everyone was not aware of it, but the ghosts are countless, and the cold air gathered less and more. After a moment, everyone felt the body hair Cold, the flow of true elements in the body is a little stagnant.

The ghost is almost endless. If the ghost continues to defend in this way, if the real element is exhausted and the ghost still does not disperse, the consequences will be unimaginable. Thinking of this, Yu Lianzhou's face turned cold and scolded angrily. The yellow light of the Xuanwu sword circled and flew over everyone's heads and turned into a light yellow light curtain, covering everyone. Countless ghosts hit desperately outside the yellow light, but the light yellow light curtain did not move at all, protecting everyone like a strong earth. .

"Gentlemen, release a flying sword to kill the ghost, and I will protect you!" A trace of flush flashed on Yu Lianzhou's face, but then a burst of yellow light surged from the Xuanwu sword, which will coat Lianzhou with a layer of yellow light, looking like a powerful golden statue.

Linshang and Shao Yifei made an action at the moment when they appeared in the yellow light mask. The feathers and blue light were in full bloom, but their body shape did not change. They shuttled past the incoming ghosts like lightning. At the moment when the blue light came into contact with the ghost, they immediately remembered the almost bursting sound of "sizzling". The current dozens of ghosts came to time. It turns into nothing, and the soul is scattered.

When Yu Mang flew out to meet the enemy, Shao Yifei's wings and golden feathers scattered left and right, and the two wings turned into two giant flying swords, one left and one right emitted dazzling golden light to meet the rushing ghost. Where the giant sword passed, the ghost flew away.

In the light, other people glanced at Yu Lianzhou and also took action one after another, shining brightly in the time mask.

Chunyuhao of the Five elements sect released a ring-like magic weapon, burning flames around the circle, hitting the ghost like a red glow. And Yingjin is a white flying sword. The body of the sword is like frost, crystal clear, emitting dazzling white light. Wherever it passes, the ghosts are frozen into white crystals, falling to the ground and making a "pop" sound, breaking into pieces.

The two Taoist robes of Tianjianzong are hand-made. His face was heavy, he stepped on seven-star steps, and he read words in his mouth. The pen-shaped magic weapon in his hand waved out of thin air. With the traces of dancing, spells appeared out of thin air, and then turned into lightning, shooting out of the light mask with a rumbling sound.

When Linshang was in the imperial sword, she still had the leisure to look at other people, but she saw that in addition to Shao Yifei, her sister Ruan and Sister Su of Xuantianzong were also the imperial envoy Feijian to attack the ghost everywhere. Although the momentum was strong, it was not very strange. On that day, the two people of Jianzong drew strokes and drew thunder with symbols, which was a little distinctive, but the three people who attracted Linshang's attention most were the three people in Xuanyin Pavilion.


Third update, ask for collection on weekends, ask for red tickets~