State Dingji

Chapter 77 I would like to be a thorny bird

"There is a cave over there. Let's go in and hide." Listening to the roar of the approaching beast, Lin Shang couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He suddenly found a narrow hole in the mountain wall, hidden behind a huge stone. If you look at it with the naked eye, you can't see it.

Ling Fei looked at the mountain wall, nodded and said, "Well, I listen to Lin Lang."

Lin Shang scratched his head, took Ling Fei's hand and jumped up, like a flexible ape on the mountain wall, and climbed to the side of the boulder in a blink of an eye. The cave was about seven feet high and more than three feet wide. There was a layer of moss on the ground at the entrance of the cave, and dense vines covered the whole cave entrance.

Lin Shang smiled at Ling Fei, pulled her straight into the cave, and then carefully arranged the messy rattan one by one to restore the messy appearance.

Linshang pointed outside and made a silent gesture. Ling Fei smiled and nodded in response to Lin Zhang. At that time, the cave fell into silence, and even the breathing of the two was slightly inaudible.

For a moment, the sharp roar in the sky came from far and near, as if something was approaching quickly in the air. Linshang reached out and gently patted Ling Fei on the shoulder, signaling her not to worry, while Ling Fei turned her head back with a silent smile.

The roar of breaking the sky stopped abruptly over the cave, as if it had found the trace of Lin Shang. Lin Shang could even hear the heavy breathing of the monster outside.

In the dark, suddenly a jade hand grabbed Linshang's arm. Linshang turned her head and looked at it. Ling Fei stared at the mouth of the hole. Her body trembled slightly and subconsciously grabbed the arm next to her. Lin Shang smiled, reached out and stroked Ling Fei's hand and patted it gently. Ling Fei's body suddenly trembled, and she could still see her pretty face turn red in an instant, thinking that Linshang was going to do something to herself. After a moment, she found that Linshang was just gently grabbing her hand. The warm palm seemed to have a calming power. Ling Fei secretly spat herself in her heart and gradually recovered. Calm down.

Time will pass extremely slowly when waiting. Lin Shang silently counted the numbers in his heart, one second, two seconds, ten seconds... However, after more than 30 seconds, he began to doubt whether he was slow or fast. In the end, it is simply countless. You have to wait for the ruling of fate for a second, which is the most painful.

I don't know how long it took, there was a loud noise outside the cave, and the sound of flying at high speed gradually faded away, and the monster seemed to have left.

Ling Fei breathed a relaxed breath and turned her head to speak, so her lips were covered by Lin Zhang. Ling Fei's body softened and leaned against Linshang's arms, raised her head slightly, and her cheeks were red to look at Linshang.

Lin Shang pointed to the outside of the cave and made a silent gesture. Ling Fei was stunned and nodded understandingly.

After a while, I only heard a thunderous roar outside, which made the rubble on the mountain walls fall one after another and make a "clap" sound. Ling Fei stared at Linshang with dazzling eyes, and the gentleness in her eyes could simply melt people.

The roar sounded for a while, and suddenly stopped, followed by a sharp sound of breaking the air. At first, the sound was extremely loud, but slowly became smaller and smaller until it was slightly inaudible.

Lin Sheng patted Ling Fei's arm and whispered, "Okay, it's safe now."

Ling Fei took two steps forward slightly, separated from Lin Shang, looked outside the cave and said, "This roar is really cunning. It actually wants to attract us to throw ourselves into the trap. But fortunately, Lin Lang is more cunning than it, er, no, he is smart!"

Lin Shang smiled bitterly and slowly said, "This roar has been tracking us for two days. If you hadn't guessed that it could find the traces of Zhenyuan, we would have been caught up by it or encountered other monsters."

Ling Fei slowly lowered her head and whispered, "It's all I've impliced you. If it were only you, you would have flown out of 100,000 mountains."

Linshang laughed and shook his head and said, "We are friends. How can I leave you alone? Besides, don't I have to expect you to help me get rid of my dementia*?"

"Ah?" Ling Fei suddenly exclaimed, with a regretful expression on her face, knocked on her little head, and blushed, "If you don't tell me, I almost forgot. Wang Tianhou seems to have some mysterious connection with the thorns. Now I have recovered most of Zhenyuan, which will help you relieve your infatuation*."

She finally opened her mouth~ Linshang shouted in her heart and nodded. The ring flashed white, and a thorn the size of the tip of her little finger appeared in the palm of her hand.

"Give." Linshang stretched out her hand and handed over the thorns.

Ling Fei waved her hand, smiled mysteriously and whispered, "You can take it." With that, the magic formula in her hand changed like the wind, and a dark green flame flew out of her chest and fell straight into Lin Shang's hand holding the thorns.

"Nine ghosts, gods and demons, led by blood, trample on my true feelings. Your body and my body, your heart and my heart, only for love, although I will never leave you"

Ling Fei closed her eyes, her arms danced gently, and her little mouth opened and closed, but there was no sound, and the illusory sound seemed to be emitted from heaven and earth, pouring into Linshang's ears from all directions.

Under Lin Xiang's surprised gaze, the thorns in his hand emitted bright red light and were entangled with the dark green flame. The power of the two seems to offset each other, the dark green flame is getting lighter and lighter, while the thorns are getting smaller and smaller. After about a cup of tea, I only heard a crisp sound, and the dark green flame and thorns disappeared into the air at the same time.

"It's over?" Linshang asked in a daze.

Ling Fei smiled, and there was a slight frustration in her smile: "Well, the idiot has been relieved."

Lin Shang was stunned and hurriedly scanned his heart with divine knowledge. The pink light curtain that originally enveloped the heart disappeared without a trace, and glanced all over the body, and there was no other abnormal place. Then he was relieved and said to Ling Fei, "Thank you, er, I'm sorry..."

As soon as she said thank you, Lin Shang felt that her head had been kicked by a donkey, and then she spit out apologe. Lin Shang felt that she was messy and her relationship with Ling Fei was complicated enough. In such a situation, she didn't know what to say.

Ling Fei smiled sadly and said silently, "You don't have to thank me. It's right for you to plant a fool* and relieve it for you. You don't have to say sorry. You're not wrong. It's me.

"..." Linshang smiled bitterly and didn't know whether he should speak or not.

"However," Ling Fei continued, "I just used the wrong method, that's why I came to this end. You can't accept the way I like you, but you can't refuse my feelings for you!"

With that, he looked at Linshang with bright eyes, as if you couldn't stop.

Lin Zhang was stunned. After a moment, he woke up and laughed and said, "Well, we are friends now, aren't we? Whatever you do comes step by step, doesn't it? Don't worry about our business. When fate comes, there will be a result, won't it?

As he spoke, Linshang's forehead was sweating, and it was really shameless for him to say such grand words.

Ling Fei's expression was a little more lonely when she heard the words. She slowly lowered her head and didn't say anything for a long time. It was not until Linshang couldn't stand his inner condemnation and was about to collapse that he raised his head slightly, looked at Linsang's eyes gently but firmly, and slowly said, "I would like to be a thorny bird and sing for you all my life."

How can this girl say such touching words? How can this make me feel like a person from the 21st century on earth?

Lin Sheng was stunned. After a long time, he nodded and whispered, "Well, I respect your choice."

After saying that, without waiting for Ling Fei to speak, he looked inside the cave and then said, "I don't think this cave is that simple. Maybe it's the cave left by the ancestors. Let's go in and have a look."

"Hmm." Ling Fei nodded obediently and followed Lin Shang to the cave.

The cave is not big, but it is extremely deep and wide. The two have walked for more than half an hour, but they still haven't reached the end of the cave. Under the light of the blue light, most of the stone walls in the cave have traces of manual excavation, but they are not opened with true power, but seem to be excavated little by bit with axes and shovels. As Lin Shang walked in, he marveled at the perseverance of the people who dug the cave.

"Lin Lang, look there!"

Suddenly, Ling Fei seemed to find something and grabbed Linshang's arm.

"Hmm?" Linshang answered and turned her head to look.

In the light of the blue light, a huge circular square appeared in the eyes of the two people.


The second update, there are only two update today. Xiaochen is not in good condition, but he still works very hard to code words. Please forgive me.