State Dingji

Chapter 80 Two Robbers

"Would you like to run? Come on!" Che Yeyuan smiled and turned around in the air. In an instant, he merged with the three-meter light turned into a pink sword, making a sharp sound of breaking the air and chasing the forest. Depending on its speed, it is not far from the feather light.

Ling Fei, who heard the sound of breaking the sky, was stunned. With a move in her right hand, a small dark green flame appeared in her hand. Ling Fei quickly turned her lips a few times, but made no sound. But the flame in his hand kept jumping with the closing of Ling Fei's lips, which was very spiritual. Finally, Ling Fei's hand pointed in the air, and the dark green flame suddenly disappeared in his hand. When it appeared again, it had appeared outside the blue lightsaber. After a burst of beating, the green light flashed and turned into Che Yeyuan's appearance. The only difference was that Che Yeyuan's face was expressionless and his eyes were dull as dead. .

"Go!" Ling Feijiao shouted, and two burning dark green flames appeared in Che Yeyuan's eyes, adding a little ferociousness to the original ugly face. Then Che Yeyuan looked up and roared, making a strange "hissing" sound. He moved and flew towards the Cha Yeyuan who was chasing behind.

Ling Fei's whole body was sore and soft after the magic, and her pale face was even whiter. She leaned forward and threw herself on Linshang. Lin Shang was shocked and quickly stabilized Ling Fei's body with her shoulders and put Ling Fei's arms on her shoulders. She kept moving and hit a formula on the feather light under her feet. The light of the feather light flashed, and the speed was three points faster.

At this time, the two cars have already met.

What kind of move is this? Is it the magic of the Magic Palace?

Che Yeyuan looked at himself and remembered the evil and unpredictable of the legendary necology. His mind shook, and his movements slowed down by half. Before there were any other movements, the pink light hit it.


The pink light just hit the chest of Che Yeyuan, making a "poof". The "Che Yeyuan" with dark green flame was instantly broken by the pink light, and the green light flashed and disappeared into the air.

Che Yeyuan was relieved when he saw that the fake himself was so easily defeated. With a smile, I had to say something like magic palace gimmology, which suddenly changed sharply. A strong force was applied to him out of thin air, making him unable to move. Then, Che Yeyuan only felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if he had been hit by a fast-flying sword. His fast forward figure stopped for a moment, and his internal organs were like being pricked by a needle. As soon as Che Yeyuan stroked his chest, he snorted and spit out a mouthful of bright red blood.

After the blood spewed out, Che Yeyuan's chest was no longer so painful. His mind sank, but he found that there was no scar on his chest, but his internal organs were shaken by great force and suffered a heavy internal injury.

"The magic palace is really powerful! In this way, you deserve to die..."

Che Yeyuan wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, looked gloomyly at the corner where the blue lightsaber disappeared, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the pink flying sword under his feet trembled slightly. The speed actually accelerated by three minutes, and he crossed the corner in an instant, only 100 meters away from Linshang and others.

How can this car Ye Yuan be so powerful? Not only is his cultivation higher than that of the two of them, but also the flying speed of the flying sword is incredibly hidden and flat! You should know that Yu Mang can be refined from a thousand-year-old wind gold stone. Coupled with the sword meaning of the wind you understand, the speed should also be among the best in the flying sword in the world of cultivation. Today, you didn't expect to meet your opponent.

Linshang complained for a while, but the movements in his hand did not stop. He completely saw Ling Fei's just attack. Looking at Ling Fei's appearance at this moment, it is not easy to perform the magic. It may damage himself. In addition, he was originally injured internally, and the injury was injured at this time. This appearance is also understandable. As for the effect of the magic, you will know by looking at Che Yeyuan's angry appearance.

The magic of the Magic Palace is really weird, which can turn a flame into a human appearance. Most people will be shocked when facing the same self. Even if they wake up, they will inevitably hesitate between actions. Unfortunately, it is too fragile and breaks with one blow. If the car Ye Yuan has his own cultivation, it will be cool. Linshang's heart is YY.

Of course, Linshang doesn't know that Ling Fei's magic is an extremely difficult magic. This magic is called True Fantasy, which can turn the summoned life fire into a human illusion and has a certain attack power. However, the real killing move of this magic is that the damage caused by the false attack can be directly reflected in the real person. Although it is only 50% less powerful, it is unprepared and enough to change the war situation.

The two quickly walked through the cave. Although Che Yeyuan's speed was comparable to Lin Shang's speed, the two had a distance of 100 meters when they started. In addition, Ling Fei's injury made Che Yeyuan stop for a while. The two are now nearly one miles apart, which is a safe distance.

What should I do? If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that my real yuan will not be able to support it. Because of the manned flight, the consumption of Zhenyuan was much faster than usual. Feeling the rapid reduction of Zhenyuan in his body, Linshang was a little anxious.

spelled? Although his cultivation is not as good as him, he should not be defeated in a short time with the sword of the wind. It's really unwise to fight with people in this strong flesh and beast. Even if you step on dog shit and win, I'm afraid you won't be able to resist the monsters attracted by the fight.

Hmm? Monster? By the way, it's a monster! There are many monsters in 100,000 mountains that can't beat him, but there must be monsters stronger than him. Even if he doesn't, it can stop him for a moment and give him some chances of escape. After attracting the monster, as long as you are careful not to attack the monster and Che Yeyuan, there is a possibility of escape.

As soon as Linshang made up his mind, he saw that the mouth of the cave was close in front of him. The narrow hole is not enough for the blue giant sword to pass through, and Linshang is too lazy to make the lightsaber smaller, allowing the lightsaber to cut open the stone wall and make a roaring sound.

If there is no Che Yeyuan, Linshang will definitely carefully go to the entrance of the cave to see if there are monsters nearby. But at this time, this roaring sound can just be used to attract the attention of monsters. If there are monsters nearby, they will definitely be attracted as soon as possible.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Linshang broke through the hole and flew out. The seven-foot-high and three-foot-wide hole was nearly doubled by the feather light. The big stones flew around, and the stone crumb powder covered the whole hole.

Linshang had just rushed out of the mouth of the cave and wanted to find a direction to continue to escape, but he was attracted by a huge thing in front of him. In shock, the feathermang stopped in mid-air.

I saw the golden scales roaring at me with golden eyes as big as copper bells, and his eyes were full of surprise and joy, and an expression of joy appeared on the ferocious beast's face.

This is over, and the two robbers are present. It seems that they have died this time. Linshang smiled bitterly and held Ling Fei from behind to his chest, ready to escape. At this moment, there was another roar at the entrance of the cave on the mountain wall, and a pink light rushed out, which was Che Ye Yuan, who was chasing Lin Shang closely.

As soon as Che Yeyuan rushed out of the cave, he saw Lin Chang holding the beauty of the magic palace and stopping in the air. He was about to rush there in excitement. Suddenly, he noticed the huge thing next to him and quickly stopped in place with a defensive face. He carefully looked at Lin Chang and the monster and guessed the relationship between the two.

At that moment, except for Linshang, Che Yeyuan and Wang Tianhao were looking at each other with vigilance and guessing the relationship between the other party and their prey. The field suddenly fell into a brief silence. After a while, I couldn't help looking at the sky and breaking the quiet situation.

Wang Tian roared in the direction of Linshang, and his eyes suddenly opened wide, and his eyes showed anxiety. His front paws caught a few times in the air, and his eyes roared at the ring of Linshang's left hand, and his voice was quite questioning.

It wants thorns, by the way, thorns!

Linshang was shocked at first, but an idea came to his mind in an instant, secretly gritted his teeth, instantly disguised as a sad face, angrily pointed to the ring of his left hand, and then pointed to the car Ye Yuan next to the hole, which meant that the thorn was taken away by the man.

Although Wangtianhou is a beast, as a monster, it is still a little wise. At present, he turned his head and sniffed his nose in the direction of Che Ye Yuan, but he still didn't smell the thorns. He immediately roared at Linshang, with a questioning voice.

Yes, well done, that's it!

Listening to the suspicious roar of Wang Tian, Linshang was secretly happy and almost laughed out loud. He quickly suppressed his smile, pretended to be helpless, and pointed to Che Yeyuan's stomach.


First update, looking forward to your comments~