State Dingji

Chapter 82 Wind and Rain are coming

Since the return of experience, Su Yuqing has been unable to calm down. Not only is he absent-minded when practicing and eating, but also often wakes up in his dreams when he sleeps, followed by sleepless all night. The sister and sister of the same family asked the reason, and Su Yuqing just slowly shook her head and responded lightly that it was nothing. However, she was more silent than before, and her body also had some traces of thinness.

"The night is long and I don't want to sleep. I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep. It turned out that Sister Su couldn't sleep either."

"I'm crazy... but not because of yesterday's match, but because of Sister Su."

In a fine house of Shuiyuefeng of Xuantianzong, a long-haired woman in white blasphemy lay on her side **, with a slightly bent body and a cloud-like black hair scattered around the pillow, revealing her heavenly and human-like appearance and pink jade-like ears. Except for the woman's slight breathing sound, no other sound could be heard in the house, and a quiet atmosphere lingered in it. The only discordant thing is that she frowned slightly, and her expression on her face was shy and angry, but she didn't know where the dream was. I turned over gently, but I still didn't wake up. It seems that the dream is still continuing.

"I don't break flowers and destroy them. In this case, why not let it stay at the most beautiful moment of its life?"

"There is a traveler walking in the desert. He is a mortal and has no magic power. Suddenly, a group of wolves appeared behind him, chasing him to devour him.


"For me, that drop of honey is the meaning of life."

The sound in the dream continued. Su Yuqing knew that she was in the dream, but she didn't want to wake up. Gradually, he realized that he was beginning to be infatuated with the voice in the dream. It seems to have a reassuring power to calm down your anxious heart and make yourself feel that things may not be bad.

Just as Su Yuqing was immersed in the reassuring voice, the picture in front of her suddenly turned, and a huge black vortex appeared in the dream, approaching herself at a slow and fast speed. The vortex seemed to have the power to destroy everything. At the same time, a strong suction slowly pulled Su Yuqing to the vortex, but he was so weak that he couldn't even move his fingers. He could only watch the vortex slowly approach. As the distance approached, the suction of the vortex became stronger and stronger. Su Yuqing had quickly flew towards the vortex, and she could even feel the desperate power in the whirlpool. She wanted to shout loudly, but the voice came to her voice, but she couldn't go up any further, and there was no sound in her open mouth.

Is that all? Is it all over? A trace of despair gradually appeared on Su Yuqing's face. At this moment, a thin blue figure suddenly appeared in front of him, turned his head and smiled warmly, and rushed to the horrible black whirlpool without hesitation.


Su Yuqing finally shouted, and the black vortex and blue figure disappeared. At the same time, she woke up from her dream. He suddenly sat up, gasped, raised his hand and stroked his forehead, but found that his forehead was full of sweat. After a while, her beating heart slowly calmed down.

In the dark, she sat in a daze, motionless, repeating the moment when the blue figure rushed to the black vortex in her mind, and the respent voice could be faintly heard in her ears.

"Dream... turned out to be a dream..."

I don't know how long it took, a faint murmur came from Su Yuqing's mouth. The sound is very light, like the moonlight walking quietly outside the window, but there is a faint regret that the moonlight does not have.

For a long time, Su Yuqing gently walked out of bed, put on a coat, walked to the door, opened the door and went out.

Water Moon Peak is the shortest of the five peaks, but it is also the most beautiful peak. The mountain is not as magnificent as Longshou Peak, nor as simple as Youlan Peak. She is like an intellectual but gentle woman, giving people a feeling of full of connotation and gentleness like water. At this time, the moonlight was like water and quietly sprinkled on her, adding a mysterious veil to her.

On a huge stone at the top of Shuiyue Peak, a slender woman in white stood in the wind, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on her body, pulling out a slightly sad figure. The night wind is coming, and the clothes are blowing with the wind. The beautiful and inesirable state seems to go with the wind at any time.

"Is it him? Why did he appear? Why did he do this? Why did he do this to himself? What should I do to him..."

"How is he..."

The woman let the night wind gently brush her long hair, raised her head slightly, and a pair of beautiful eyes like stars swam with thousands of thoughts, but her eyes moved to the clean and soft half moon in the sky.

For a long time.

A flying sword emitting a thick green light suddenly appeared beside the woman, and the green light shone on the woman like a nine-day woman, adding a mysterious veil to her. Gently stroked the long hair on his forehead to his ears, the green light flashed, his body moved quickly, and one person danced with one sword.

On the boulder at the peak, the moonlight is like water, the beauty is like jade, and the sword is like a rainbow, not like the world.

In the east of Shuiyue Peak, passing through the Longshou Peak towering into the clouds, it is Youlan Peak, one of the five peaks of Xuantianzong. In the moonlight, the whole peak was silent and silent, like a sleeping old man. Half the waist of the mountain, a little candle lit lonely and firmly, like a firefly competing with the sun.

In the fine house of Youlanju, a young man in a long gown and a jade-like face was sitting at a table made of thousand-year-old sandalwood, frowning slightly and looking at the dark sky outside the window, as if he was thinking about something. The dim candlelight lengthened his figure into the darkness of the corner of the wall. There is a set of tea sets on the table. The light green tea in the teacup next to the table has long been cold. Obviously, it has been poured for a long time, but the owner suddenly lost the desire to drink tea.

How is the man now? Other disciples who went with him returned to the sect more than ten days ago, but he disappeared for no reason. However, seeing that his life card has not been broken, there should be something delayed.

Li Mubai frowned gently, picked up the teacup on the table, and came to his mouth but did not drink it. After a moment, he frowned again, and the teacup in his hand slowly put back.

Although this is the case, why do you always feel uneasy these days? What's wrong with what's going on? If something happens, the life card will definitely be reflected, but the life card in the box is still intact, which shows that the life of the man is not in danger. But I feel uneasy. What's going on? You know, after breaking through to the realm of God, you don't feel this anymore. Is it a good omen or a bad omen?

Li Mubai sat at the table and kept thinking like this. The teacup on the table was raised and put down, put it to his mouth several times, but finally slowly put it back. If others see him like this, he will definitely be surprised that his chin will fall off. Not to mention his supreme position as one of the first five peaks of Xuantianzong, his peerless cultivation of the unity of life alone would not have such an emotion. At this time, he was so anxious, which only showed that he cared too much about his only disciple Linshang.

The moonlight is like water, quietly immersed in the peaks of Xuantian. How many people are there who don't sleep late at night like them, just for a young man who often shows a lazy smile?

At this moment, two uninvited guests came from the 100,000 mountains in the far west of Kyushu, a very ordinary valley.

One of them is an old man in his sixties, dressed in a black robe, of medium height, square cheeks, wide and thick eyebrows, and a gloomy color flashed between his eyes. Beside him, he was followed by a monk with immortal Taoism. The monk is quite old and has many wrinkles on his face, but he is quite elegant, which is in sharp contrast to the gloomy old man in black.

At this time, he was standing in the valley, holding a simple bronze mirror in his hand, constantly looking at it, and his hand was calculating.

"Yang Taizi, have you figured it out?" The voice of the old man in black was full of murder, and he said coldly.

After frowning and calculating for a while, the monk slowly nodded, pointed to the valley in front of him, and said, "Che Yunbo, your grandson died here."

As soon as the words fell, the old man in black robe gushed out of the spirit of killing, roared sadly, and disappeared in place. At the same time, a black figure in the valley quickly flashed and explored the whole valley in an instant. A moment later, a black light flashed and reappeared in front of the monk named Yang Taizi, spreading his hands, which were two piles of dark red powder.

"Che Yunbo, what does this mean?" The monk frowned.

"This is the blood stain of the old man Ye Yuan's grandson, and this" old man in black, that is, Che Yunbo looked sadly at the dark red powder in his left hand, and then turned his eyes to the powder of his right hand, which contained the color of resentment and murder. He reached out his right hand to the monk and gritted his teeth and said, "This is the blood stain of the murderer!"


I'm sorry, some things are updated late, but it's still here. There will be two more Updates today, and one more around 8 p.m. Please forgive me. At the same time, you are welcome to comment on this book.