State Dingji

Chapter 95 Physical Fitness

"Speed...flexibility...sensitivity...power... explosive power..." Linshang tapped the table rhythmically, muttering these dozen words.

"Ah! I remember it!" Suddenly, Linshang's mind flashed, and the familiar thing in his mind suddenly became clear.

A few dozen words are the external expression of people's basic physical quality, and it is more manifested in physical exercise in people's life, study and labor. In the previous life, the best in various sports were the people with outstanding qualities. And the person described here must also be extremely strong in these five qualities, so it can make the master look at him with new eyes.

After figured this out, Linshang couldn't help standing up, with excitement shining in his eyes.

All body refining techniques, or eagle claw skills, or iron leg skills, or other things, are just methods of attacking to exercise a certain part of the body to make it stronger than steel and have amazing attack power. No matter what kind of physical skills, the body is fundamental and the body is the foundation. A person who is as fast as lightning and lifts a thousand pounds must be much more powerful than a scabisher to practice any external skills, or eagle claw skills, or iron leg skills. It's like people with good spiritual root qualifications practice faster than people with poor spiritual root qualifications.

Physical exercise requires various qualities at the same time, otherwise it will cause many physical weaknesses. Like the man who refines his power, his strength must be very strong and his muscles must be very hard, but his speed is relatively slow. A person who is faster than him may only need a dagger to cut his throat in an hour.

A perfect body must have strong strength, good flexibility, strong explosive power, fast speed, sensitive response, and strong fighting ability. Linshang thought to herself.

There is a standard for physical exercise, and how to implement it is still a question. Linshang frowned slightly, walked to the corner of the wall, came back, and began to wander around the house. As I walked, I kept thinking in my mind.

According to what was learned in the previous life, the external performance of the five basic qualities of the body is basically reflected by muscles.

The muscles of the human body are divided into smooth muscle, myocardial and skeletal muscle according to their structure and function. Smooth muscle mainly constitutes internal organs and blood vessels, and the heart muscle forms the heart wall, neither of which contracts with people's will, so it is collectively called involuntary muscle. If there are random muscles, then there must be random muscles. Skeletal muscle, also known as random muscle, is distributed in the head, neck, trunk and limbs, and usually adheres to bones. Skeletal muscle contracts quickly, powerfully, easily fatigued, and can be stretched with human will.

The five qualities of the body are reflected through the contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscles. Therefore, if you want to exercise your body, what you need to exercise is the skeletal muscles that can be controlled by yourself.

Thinking of this, she remembered that she had not forgotten what she had learned in her previous life. Linshang couldn't help but feel a little complacent, but when she thought of nearly 600 pieces of skeletal muscle, she couldn't recognize it at all, let alone exercise so much that she had no muscle. Thinking of this, she couldn't help wrinkled her face with worry.

It hasn't reached that point yet. If you continue to analyze it, it will be solved at that time. Linshang comforted herself.

Muscles are composed of two parts: abdomen and tendons.

The muscle and abdomen have the ability to contract. The strength of its contraction ability is the standard to measure the strength of a person's body, which is closely related to the strength, speed and explosive power in the five basic qualities of the human body. Although the tendon cannot contract, it has strong toughness and tension, and is not easy to fatigue. It is a vital component of human flexibility and sensitivity.

That is to say, when the muscles and abdomen of the human body are strong, it can bring strong strength, speed and explosive power, and can also additionally enhance people's fighting ability, so that people are not easy to lose combat effectiveness due to injury. The tendons enhance people's flexibility and sensitivity, making many complex movements beyond the basic movements of the human body. The transition between movements is faster and more agile, and more sensitive to the outside world to avoid attacks from others.

Thinking of this, Linshang has basically thought of the direction of exercise in the future, that is, to exercise muscles, make it stronger, and make it more sensitive and tough. In the future, if your speed and reaction are far higher than that person, you can avoid his attack and not get hurt. If his strength is enough to break his protective weapon, he can take revenge.

Linshang must have slowly exhaled in her heart. When the direction of exercise is available, then you begin to think about the exercise method.

Thinking in his heart, he began to move his steps and walk around the room.

The human body has more than 600 muscles, each with its own functions. If you train in just one place, it will cause bad results. The strength is strong but slow. Or the hands and feet are strong, but the body is not sensitive enough. The speed is fast, but the body is not strong enough...

Do you want to exercise all the muscles? Linshang frowned, and the idea just came to his heart. He shook his head and threw it out of his mind.

Although I have more than 20 years of experience in my previous life and know more about the human body than people in this world, I still can't recognize where all the muscles are distributed. What's more, there are so many muscles in my whole body. It's not enough to exercise every muscle by practice alone. I need to experience it. How many generations of research can achieve it? I only have a hundred years. I'm afraid that every muscle will turn into a handful of loess after the study.

Even if there is this method, it is not advisable. The cultivation of true skills lies in the combination of hardness and softness, the harmony of yin and yang, and the refining of the body should also be the same. You can't practice alone. Similarly, you can't swallow dates and practice everything. Otherwise, in the end, due to insufficient energy allocation, nothing will be achieved.

A perfect body must have strong strength, good flexibility, strong explosive power, fast speed, sensitive response, and strong fighting ability. Linshang couldn't help thinking of this sentence again.

Since you can't exercise all of them, do you start from the part? Lin Shang thought about it and thought of the eagle claws on the scroll. The picture shows that the little man who practices eagle claw skills can easily crush the bluestone as soon as he grabs it. Although it is nothing for monks who have advanced cultivation, if he can go further, it may be used as a killing move.

No, no. Looking at the deformed big hands in the picture, Linshang shook her head.

If you want to practice eagle claw skills, you must exercise your fingering. In addition, you also need to often apply medicinal wine, let the palm absorb the medicinal power of medicinal wine, and continuous exercise to make your palms like steel. However, because of this, the skin of both hands is completely stiff, and they can't even feel pain. It's just a glove. In this way, the sensitivity of both hands is completely lost, and the palms are protected from being completely rigid. In order to attack, the palms can hold knives, hold swords, and use various weapons. After losing the power of cultivation, Linshang has long been unable to fly with his sword, and he will rely on his hands to attack in the future. A hand that has reached a perfect tactile state is more accurate than a hand that has no sense of pain and no sense of touch.

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and Linshang looked at her hands and suddenly realized.

Hands can be attacked with weapons, which is a manifestation of strength and explosive power. Speed, flexibility and sensitivity are also reflected in all parts of the body through this method. It turns out that everything is too complicated for myself. Linshang stopped, touched his chin and nodded.

Hands are flexible and fast, not as powerful as legs, but they can attack arbitrarily with weapons. The leg's muscle strength is greater than that of the arm, which is extremely aggressive and determines the movement of the body. Therefore, the explosive power of the legs must be strong, fast and sensitive. Whether it is a master battle or in thousands of troops and horses, if your legs are extremely fast and sensitive to a terrible level, they can even be unharmed at all in thousands of troops and horses.

Legs, which determine a person's body style, speed, explosive power, and responsiveness are of course crucial.

Hands and feet are the top priority, and the body trunk is the core body...

Throughout the day, Lin Shang was carefully examining the way to exercise his body. It was not until the branches on the moon that he slowly stopped and finalized his future exercise plan.

Walking out of the door and looking at the waning moon in the sky, Linshang sighed with emotion.

Although the master said that the strongest among them is just the foundation-building level in practicing real skills, how can they finally find a way to regain strength?! What they can do, they can do better, and what they can't do, they can do it themselves! Human potential is unlimited!! Fate is not determined by nature, success or failure is free!!!


Second update, upload on time. Thank you for your support~