State Dingji

Chapter 110 First acquaintance

Lin Zhangqiang's eyes were fierce, his silver teeth clenched, and he endured the severe pain and persisted.

Every minute and every second, Linshang is suffering in an abyss full of boundless pain. He trembled strangely all over, and sweat surged out of his forehead, turning into bean-sized sweat dripping from his chin. His muscles were raised, and thick blue veins were coiled around his neck and head, and his face looked ferocious like a devil from the abyss. Anyone can see such a scene at a glance that he is suffering unbearable pain at this time.

Even so, Linshang still gritted his teeth without saying a word.

"You can't fall! Can't give up!"

"I can do it! I can definitely do it!"

Linshang constantly hypnotized himself in his heart. Although these words did not have the power to relieve the pain, they made Linshang's intention to persist to the end more and more firm. I don't know how long you have suffered from the pain. How can you give up halfway? Isn't the previous pain in vain?

Moreover, Lin Shen deeply knows that she can't have the slightest desire to give up at this time. Once the word "give up" rises in your heart, the pain will be unbearable, which means failure, which means that you are not even qualified to practice the anti-God formula! The first time I absorbed the anti-sky formula was because I was unprepared and didn't know that the golden light contained information like mountains and seas. Now that Lin Shang is psychologically prepared, how can he give up?!

So, he insisted!

In the boundless pain, time seems to have slowed down.

I don't know how long it took, the golden light in my mind was still not absorbed, and the tide-like information was still stuffed into Linshang's head, and the boundless pain always stimulated every inch of Linshang's nerves. It seems that the nerves have felt numb or tired. At this time, Linshang has stopped shaking, but her body has convulsed from time to time, and the blue veins on her body are still high, but they are no longer as scary as before. Linshang's eyes have begun to be a little loose, but in the slightly enlarged pupil, there is still an unwavering and never giving up light.

"Non't give up!"

Time flows like water, little by little, and I don't know how long it has passed.

When the last golden light was absorbed by the mind, the endless pain stopped. Linshang only felt a darkness in her mind, and her mind retreated.

As soon as his mind withdrew and didn't have time to look at the changes in his body, Lin Shang felt a soreness spreading to every muscle all over his body. His clothes were soaked with sweat and sticking to his body. This feeling was like he had just had a day of extreme training. Linshang frowned slightly and didn't care at all. It is not surprising that this kind of muscle soreness has been encountered every day for the past three years. Moreover, after the mental torture has survived, what is the physical pain?

The cool wind blew in from the window and brushed on Lin Shang. Lin Shang only felt sticky and uncomfortable, so he frowned and took off his coat. He sat up on the chair and began to check the information absorbed in his mind.

At ordinary times, Linshang will definitely practice the mysterious secret when the body is in a tired state, which can not only restore physical strength, but also absorb true qi and strengthen the body. At this time, the anti-sky formula has occupied all his information, and he can't wait to know what is mysterious about this skill that makes him die in pain.

The mind is slightly moving, and all the information about the anti-sky formula has been presented in my mind. After being absorbed by the mind, the anti-sky secret has been firmly engraved in the depths of memory.

"The secret against heaven is created by my understanding of nature. When I fly up, I have a sense of it, which is summarized as the four words of Taoism."

"Taoism is natural, the power of Taoism, endless, endless, natural, ghosts and emperors are all differentiated by the natural functions of Taoism, without any artificial factors. Tao is a kind of natural power. It has neither for any reason nor for anything. It is originally like this. It has not moved, no end, no before and no end, and no life and no destruction. From this inno lifelessness, it has created all life and formed a natural phenomenon of birth and death, resulting in time and space before and space. Later unconscious consciousness.

Linshang seemed to understand the introduction of hundreds of words. She only felt that what Dayu said was very reasonable, but she couldn't say where the reason was. She seemed to understand something, but she couldn't say what she understood. Frowning, Linshang continued to look down.

"The secret against heaven is divided into five stages of practice. There are five realms: human law mother, human law land, human law heaven, human law and human law nature.

Seeing this man Linshang meditated for a moment, there are only five realms of anti-heaven secrets, which are completely different from practicing real skills. Although Linshang used to be only the realm of innate real elixir, he is very clear about the realm of practicing true skills. Most of the skills in the real world are divided into eight realms: acquired, foundation building (congenital), congenital virtual elixir, congenital real elixir, congenital golden elixir, into the gods, out of the gods, and the strongest. Lin Shang, a monk below the realm of entering the gods and the realm of the gods, have only heard of the strong people in the two realms of divination and the strongest. It is said that Qinling Heavenly Emperor, the founder of his sect Xuantianzong, is the strongest realm. Coupled with Da Yu, who passed down the secret against the sky, there are only two. As for the divine realm second only to the strongest realm, I have never heard of it. The people who can reach this realm are probably old monsters who have not entered the world for thousands of years.

Although there are only five realms of the anti-God secret, after all, it is normal that it is different from the direction of practicing real skills. Linshang nodded silently and continued to watch.

Time always passes quietly when people don't pay attention, especially for those who devote their whole heart to something they are interested in. When Linshang roughly looked at the whole secret against the sky, the moon had already hung high, and it was already midnight.

"Have I reached the realm of human law now?" Linshang got up and moved her body, walked to the window, looked at the moon hanging high in the sky, and muttered to herself.

The bright moonlight shone on him, pulling his shadow long, and the long shadow melted into the dark place in the corner of the wall, like the anti-sky formula that melted into the depths of Lin Chang's memory.

During this period, Linshang has roughly understood the stratification and cultivation methods of the anti-heavenly formula, and combined with the realm of cultivation he knew to produce some unique understandings.

"The secret against heaven, that is, the traceability of innate. The direction of cultivation is to return to the innate point. Layers of innate restoration, and finally return to chaos, to achieve a roundness, gather and scatter nature, gather and form, and disperse into the highest natural realm.

The above paragraph is a summary of the skills in the anti-sky formula. Linshang doesn't quite understand this sentence, because the whole skill is not about how to exercise the body, but more about the hidden words of Taoism, which looks like practicing real skills than refining the body. However, combined with some knowledge learned in the previous life, Linshang also grasped some of the key words.

Innate! Chaos! Naturally!

This innate is not an innate in practice, but relatively innate, and does not refer to a specific realm. The so-called five realms of the secret are also a process of cultivating oneself and returning to nature.

As for chaos and nature, Linshang attributes them as part of the Tao sought by practicing true qi, or an external manifestation of Tao.

Although Linshang does not understand the true meaning of chaos and nature at this moment, he also knows that this is the ultimate goal of practicing this skill, and can faintly feel that the ultimate pursuit of true skill and body refining skill is the same. That is to say, although the two techniques of body refining and qi refining are different in practice and direction, sooner or later they will go to the same road, or it can be said that their end is the same.

After figure out these points, Linshang no longer doubts about the hidden words of Taoism in the anti-sky formula. On the contrary, when looking at the specific skills of the anti-sky formula, his thinking is clearer and easier to understand.


The first update, and there will be another update later. Isn't the introduction of Xiaochen's book a little weak? Let's give some advice.