State Dingji

Chapter 150 Yang Taizi

"Seeing that he has no sign of lying, it seems that he really doesn't know where the car is... However, it's still a little rewarding, at least he knows the name of the murderer. Che Yunbo, Che Yunbo, that car Ye Yuan was not killed by me. You even slaughtered more than 100 people in Yuhang Town, even a three-year-old child. If I don't frustrate you, it will be difficult to dispel my hatred! I will find you!!"

Lin Zhang silently read Che Yunbo several times in his heart and said gratefully, "Thank you, senior. What do you call me?"

"Brother, you're welcome. If I know, I will definitely tell you." The white-haired old man sighed gently and stroked his beard, "Where's my little brother?"

"Mu Yizi? What a strange road. Since he has nothing to do with this matter, there is no need to deceive him. Let him know his real name. I want to let the driver know that I am Linshang!"

Linshang's eyes flashed with a sharp light, sighed slightly, and arched his hand and said, "I have seen Mu Yizi's predecessor, the younger generation's surname is Lin, with a single name. My parents lived in Yuhang Town, and as a result..." With that, Lin Shan's eyes dimmed again.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry for the change." Mu Yizi sighed and brushed his beard. "Your parents' death is a fact. No matter how sad it is, it won't help. Presumably your parents under Huangquan don't want to see you like this."

Lin Shan nodded and said, "Thank you for your guidance." He stopped, glanced at the tomb, and arched his hand and said, "Thank you for these years."

"Good to say, good to say." Mu Yizi smiled and said, "Since you are here, I don't have much to do. After all, you are their relative."

"The senior is too modest." Lin Xiang was suddenly stunned, thought of a clue in an instant, and arched his hand and said, "The younger generation has something to ask for."

"Say, if I can do it, I will definitely help you." Mu Yizi smiled and brushed his beard.

Linshang paused, frowned slightly, and said with a serious face, "Mu Yizi's predecessor travels around the world and has a wide range of knowledge. Do you know what magics in this world can find a person who has never been masked, or even his family?"

Mu Yizi was stunned, frowned quickly, and quickly said, "Brother Lin laughed. How can there be such a spell in the world? Even the curse of Cang Limen can only be used by knowing the other party's name, not to mention that if you don't know anything, you can find a person.

"Well, thank you for your advice." Linshang nodded gently and said in her heart, "This is strange. The black light that attacked me at the beginning will certainly not let go of Che Yeyuan and the roar of the sky. That is to say, Che Yunbo can't know my name, and there is no such spell in the world. How did he find me? Did I lose anything else enough to prove my identity? Even if it is lost, it should be my Xuantianzong's thing. Anyway, it should not be found in Yuhang Town. It's strange.

Just as Linshang was thinking about the reason why Che Yunbo found Yuhang Town, Mu Yizi glanced at the huge tomb, brushed his beard and said, "Brother Lin, it's getting late, and I will stay soon."

Lin Shang was stunned, and a light flashed in her mind. Suddenly, she remembered that when she was in the 100,000 mountains, the shoulder of the black light landing fighter was penetrated and shed a lot of blood on the ground. Could it be because of blood that she found Yuhang Town?

Thinking about it, he arched his hand and said quickly, "Senior Mu Yizi, the younger generation has another question to ask. Please don't hesitate to teach me!"

Mu Yizi shook his head gently, sighed and said, "Say it."

Linshang quickly sorted out his thoughts and said, "Excuse me, if a person has my blood, can he rely on that blood to find my family?"

Mu Yizi's pupils shrank, and his body trembled slightly like lightning.

Seeing this, Linshang thought he knew this spell, and his eyes lit up and quickly asked, "Which school of spell is this?" Can Che Yunbo do this kind of spell? Please tell the younger generation!"

Mu Yizi looked at Linshang, sighed slightly and said, "I do know this spell."

Linshang's eyes lit up, as if he saw the dawn in the dark, and quickly said loudly, "Who can do this spell?"

Mu Yizi looked up and stared at the crescent that had just appeared. After a long time, he said leisurely, "That sect is called Tianyanzong. This sect is not strong, but it is good at all kinds of strange methods. The spell you mentioned is one of those spells, called blood introduction, which can be used with a person's blood. In order to guide, find the location of the man and his close relatives.

Linshang clenched his teeth, his ears stood up straight, and he didn't say a word. The light in his eyes flashed and listened to Mu Yizi quietly.

"When I was practicing around more than 100 years ago, I met a Taoist friend who was good at all kinds of exquisite spells. After getting to know each other, he knew that he was the last descendant of Tianyan Sect. Listening to him, the station of Tianyan Sect had already been defeated, so he traveled around like me.

Mu Yizi's voice was low and desolate, as if he had lost his own sect.

"When Che Yunbo found Yuhang Town, he must have used the magic of Yanzong that day. If he found that person, he would definitely find Che Yeyuan! That man helped Zhou to do evil, he deserves to die!"

Lin Shan pulled the man into the death blacklist, and a trace of murderousness flashed in his eyes. He quickly asked, "What's that man's name?" Where is he?"

Mu Yizi looked at Linshang with murderous eyes, sighed heavily, and said slowly, "You can't find him..."

"Why! As long as you tell me, I can find him!" Linshang quickly retorted.

Mu Yizi looked up at the dark sky for a long time before he said quietly, "Yang Taizi, the human name, died in the fight with others a hundred years ago..."


Lin Shang was stunned, his eyes were round, and his left hand clucked the hilt of the sword.

"Then Yang Taizi is the last descendant of Tianyanzong. Then if he dies, won't no one know how to introduce blood again? Impossible! How can the clue I just found be broken like this!! Then Yang Taizi, a monk, can die like that! He doesn't even accept an apprentice. Is he embarrassed?! Apprentice? By the way, it doesn't matter if he dies. As long as he takes his apprentice, the clue will not be broken!"

Linshang was like a drowning man who grabbed a straw, and his eyes lit up. He quickly asked, "Senior, did Yang Taizi accept any disciples?" Do you have it?"

"No... When he died, it was only in the early stage of the realm of congenital Shidan. Who would worship him as a teacher?" Mu Yizi shook his head gently.

"Confiscation of the apprentice..." Lin Shan's eyes repeated gloomyly several times and breathed heavily, "Thank you, Elder Mu Yizi."

"I don't want anything else, I'd better concentrate on looking for that car Yunbo. As long as you find him, everything will be clear. Whether the spell is performed by him or others, as long as the people involved in this matter must resist their lives!"

Thinking in his heart, he turned his head and stared at the huge tomb, nodded gently, and regained the light of confidence in his eyes.

"Brother Lin, there is a saying that I don't know whether to ask or not." Mu Yizi said with complicated eyes.

"If you ask, the younger generation knows nothing." Linshang said gratefully.

Mu Yizi not only helped his parents and villagers sweep the tombs for several years, but also told himself so many things to avoid some detours. Linshang was very grateful to him.

"Then I asked." Mu Yizi pondered for a moment, brushed his snow-white beard and said, "Brother Lin wants to avenge Che Yunbo?"

"Hmm! He has an feud with me, and he must die!" Lin Shan's eyes flashed coldly and said without hesitation.

"If the person who did such a terrible thing is indeed him, then he really deserves to die. However, I heard that Che Yunbo is a strong man who has already entered the realm of innate golden elixir, but little brother Lin..." Mu Yizi looked at Linshang and shook his head gently.

In Mu Yizi's eyes, Lin Shang is just a monk in the innate realm. Although he holds a good sword, compared with Che Yunbo, he is an underground and a sky. Although Mu Yizi is optimistic that he is still neither humble nor arrogant in the face of a strong man in the realm of innate golden elixir, if you look at it from the perspective of his cultivation, it is good to say that he is an egg hitting a stone. To put it unpleasantly, it is to block the car with his arm and is not over your ability.

Of course, Linshang knew that his current cultivation was enough to fight with the master of the innate golden elixir realm, but Mu Yizi did not know it. No wonder Mu Yizi's strength mainly lies in the strength of his body. From the appearance alone, it can't be seen that his seemingly thin body contains the power of destruction. Not to mention Mu Yizi, even Li Mubai, Linshang's master, if he didn't experience it first-hand, would never imagine that Linshang's body, which seemed to have only the innate realm, could burst out the power to compete with the master of the early stage of the innate golden elixir realm.

Lin Shang was stunned first, and then came to her senses. She heard that Mu Yizi said that she didn't have enough cultivation and could not revenge. She was afraid that she would also send her life. At that moment, she smiled and said confidently, "Thank you for your concern. However, as long as you find Che Yunbo, the younger generation will naturally have a way to kill him!"

Mu Yizi was stunned and stared at Linshang's eyes carefully. He thought he was overwhelmed by hatred, so he said that kind of big words. However, when he saw the confidence and determination in Linshang's eyes and the convincing breath emanating from his body, he instantly thought that he had misread Linshang's cultivation. But if you look carefully, Linshang is indeed an innate realm, not even the foundation period. Where can a young man with only the innate realm come from with confidence to kill a master of the innate golden elixir realm?

Mu Yizi looked at the calm, confident and firm eyes of the young man in front of him, sighed and looked up at the dark and endless night sky.

Perhaps, this young man really has the ability to kill Che Yunbo in the innate golden elixir realm with the cultivation of the innate realm.


The third update. Three thousand words have been updated! If you think it's awesome, send a ticket to Xiaochen! You know, on the whole website, there are not many novels with 10,000 words a day. ^_^