State Dingji

Chapter 166 Yin's Night

Late at night, in a secret room deep in Yin's house in Guangling City, Yin Tianjie and Yin Tiansheng sat opposite each other on the futon. The secret room is very simple, three futons, two oil lamps, that's all.

"Second brother, what do you think of this Mr. Lin?" Yin Tianjie said.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Yin Tiansheng's eyes lit up and asked quickly.

Yin Tianjie slowly exhaled and said, "Let's talk about Mr. Lin's cultivation first."

"As he said, Mr. Lin's cultivation should be higher than the innate elixir and lower than the innate golden elixir." There was a trace of hesitation in Yin Tiansheng's eyes.

"How do you feel when you play with him?" Yin Tianjie was silent for a moment, not knowing whether it was possible or not, and asked another question.

Yin Tiansheng's face straightened, frowned, and his eyes sank, as if there was a trace of fear. After pondered for a moment, he said word by word, "It's unfathomable!"

"How do you say this?" Yin Tianjie raised his eyebrows and asked quickly.

"Let's talk about cultivation first. I feel that Mr. Lin has been suppressing his strength during the competition. His speed is very fast, but it can be seen from his action of avoiding the flying sword that his speed should be faster. Moreover, the most surprising thing is his power. It's really horrible to shatter my fish spirit's light shield just by physical strength. Yin Tiansheng said, with a trace of panic in his eyes, as if the silent but heavy fist like a mountain was in front of him.

"What else?" Yin Tianjie frowned, pondered for a moment, and asked.

"And..." Yin Tiansheng's face changed, with a suspicious expression on his face, and he continued: "The whole process of my defeat seems to be under the control of Mr. Lin. That is to say, from the beginning of the competition, Mr. Lin thought about how I would react and defeat me in turn.

"Hmm." Yin Tianjie nodded slowly and said, "It's almost the same as I thought, but there are some points that you didn't notice."

"Where?" Yin Tiansheng said strangely.

Yin Tianjie's eyes moved to the oil lamp in front of him and said, "First, Mr. Lin only used that kind of stone thorn once. It does not rule out the possibility that he can continuously use stone thorns. I even guessed that his first time he used stone thorns was just to attract you out."

Thinking of the strange stone thorn, Yin Tiansheng nodded with lingering flinity, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he nodded slowly.

"Second, after the light shield transformed by your fish spirit was broken, you were injured, but he didn't. The violent force only tore his clothes, but did not cause any damage to him, even a red mark on his body. This shows that he is not only powerful, but also strong!"

Yin Tianjie said, and the light in his eyes was getting brighter and brighter, as if the person he said was himself. When Yin Tiansheng heard the words, he was stunned and meditated for a moment before he nodded in surprise.

"Third, it is the driver asked by Mr. Lin, and at the same time, this is also the most important point for my Yin family."

"Why? That's the enmity between Mr. Lin and the Che family. Why is it related to my Yin family again? Yin Tiansheng was shocked.

Yin Tianjie shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Second brother, it is certain that Mr. Lin has a grudge against the Che family. Although he didn't say it clearly, when he talked about the Che family, the murderous spirit that flashed over him exposed his intention." With that, Yin Tianjie suddenly turned his eyes, and his eyes sparkled in the dim light. He stared at Yin Tiansheng's eyes brightly and said, "Who do you think will win or lose against Mr. Lin against Che Yunbo and home?"

Yin Tiansheng was scared by Yin Tianjie's problem. Thinking of Lin Sheng's abnormal speed, strength and fighting ability, Yin Tiansheng's eyes lit up. However, he remembered that Che Yunbo had entered the realm of innate golden elixir for decades, and the strength of several strong men of the Che family who were not lower than his own innate real elixir realm. As if he were crushed by a mountain, he couldn't move painfully.

For a long time.

Yin Tiansheng breathed slowly and whispered, "I don't think... Mr. Lin has much chance of winning."

"That's it. I think so too." Yin Tianjie nodded.

"Why did the big brother tell him the address of the car? Wouldn't that let Mr. Lin die?" Yin Tiansheng had a good impression on Lin Sheng. As soon as he heard his eldest brother say that Lin Sheng had no chance of winning, he couldn't help frowning.

"Because, I believe that Mr. Lin is not alone!"

Yin Tiansheng was scared by Yin Tianjie's words and couldn't speak, and Yin Tianjie's voice continued.

"If Mr. Lin's cultivation and skills were a person, his reputation would have spread throughout the whole world of cultivation. It is impossible for us not to know. Moreover, looking at his way of doing things, he is by no means a person who practices in isolation. Therefore, I can conclude that there are other people behind Mr. Lin. It may even be a sect.

"What the eldest brother means is that Mr. Lin is not Sanxiu?" Yin Tiansheng was stunned, and then he understood the meaning of Yin Tianjie's words.

"Well, not only is it scattered, but also his sect should be a large sect. Therefore, we not only have to give him a map, but also at the critical moment..." Yin Tianjie's eyes flashed coldly and said murderously, "We can also avenge him!"


"Dad, mother, folks in Yuhang Town, at dawn, Zhang'er is going to find the murderer."

Lin Shang lay up on a chair by the window, looking at the dark sky outside the window, and the murderousness appeared from time to time. It has been two hours since the young man in blue took him into this room, and he has been lying like this.

If you know the location of Che Yunbo, you can kill Che Yunbo to avenge your parents and villagers, and at the same time eliminate the obsession in your heart, and then... Then you will slowly forget this matter in the long river of time...

Excited, relieved, and reluctant, all kinds of complex emotions made him confused, unable to practice at ease, and unable to sleep peacefully, so he could only stare at the sky like this and wait for the dawn to come.

"Dong, Dong"

The slow knock on the door woke Linshang from her memory of the past. She was stunned for a moment, slowly sat up straight and said, "Come in."

The door opened with a creak, but no one came in for a long time.

"No one?"

Lin Sheng was stunned for a moment, pricked up his ears and listened carefully, but heard a rapid breathing sound from the door. Someone.

"Come in, at your Yin's house, you don't have to be polite." Linshang didn't get up, but turned his head and said lazily.

"Uh... Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, it's me..." Mr. Yin's voice came to Lin's ears from the door, but he was still motionless.

Linshang stood up helplessly and walked to the door, but saw Mr. Yin standing in front of his door, clenched and loosening his hands, with an embarrassed face. Lin Shang instinctively wanted to close the door, but suddenly thought of the news that the Yin family had told him about Che Yunbo. She suddenly softened and said, "Come in. If your father or your uncle saw it, you would think we were in love."

Mr. Yin was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know what "jiqing" meant, he was scared by Linshang's first half of the sentence. He quickly turned his head and looked around before he quickly walked into the room. Entering the room, he didn't sit down, but looked at Linshang awkwardly, looking at him as if he wanted to stop talking.

"Say, what can I do for you?" Lin Shang really couldn't look at Mr. Yin's appearance. He rudely sat on the chair and asked lazily.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, no, Elder Lin, what happened yesterday was that Jiang'er was wrong. Please forgive me." Mr. Yin said nervously.

"Senior Lin? Did this one take the wrong medicine? Or did I fall asleep in a daze? Jiang'er?"

Lin Shang was stunned for a moment and secretly pinched his thigh. After feeling the pain, he knew that Mr. Yin in front of him was a real person. He immediately waved his hand and said, "It's all over. Don't always take it to heart. It's not too late for you know your mistake now."

"Does the senior really think so?" Mr. Yin's face was full of surprise.

"Well, when you think it's too late, it's exactly the earliest." Linshang said casually.

Mr. Yin was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and pondered for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "What Elder Lin said is really profound..."

"General, general..." Lin Shang smiled. Although a celebrity in his previous life said something, "Can it be called stealing about a scholar?" One kind of words, but Linshang still feels guilty for plagiarizing things from her previous life.

"Elder Lin..." Mr. Yin twisted like a little girl.

"What?" Listening to Mr. Yin's voice, Linshang only felt a chill and couldn't help fighting a cold war.

"I heard from my father that Mr. Lin practiced physical skills. I don't know if he can..." Mr. Yin's voice became lower and lower, and in the end, his voice was smaller than that of mosquitoes flying. If he hadn't seen his lips moving, he would never have thought he was talking, and even Lin's strong ears could not hear what he was saying.

After saying that, Mr. Yin looked at Linshang with an expectant face, like a cute dog waiting for his master to feed. Linsang couldn't help wondering if he had done anything unreasonable to him.

Although he didn't hear the last few words he said, Linshang knew what he wanted by looking at his expression. He straightened his face and said slowly, "Do you want to learn my body refining skills?"

"No, no, Jiang'er just wants to give advice from the seniors, and the younger generation wants to become stronger! I don't want to be an idle waste all day!" The former dboy blushed and waved his hands repeatedly, as pure as a teenager next door.

Linshang did not expose his lies or make fun of him, but just looked straight and asked faintly, "Do you really want to become stronger?"

"Think, dream!" Mr. Yin was stunned for a moment, and then a touch of ecstasy appeared in his eyes, and immediately replied without hesitation.

Linshang was slightly stunned, and a red figure appeared in his mind. After pondering for a moment, he smiled and said, "Okay, I'll teach you how to become stronger. Just listen to it."


The third update. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival ~ Xiaochen is rude here, please collect it!