State Dingji

Chapter 177 Che Yunbo

"Thank you, ancestors! Qing'er will do his best for my car, and then die!" The young man in white saluted and said righteously.

"Well, go down to recuperate first and don't go out until you recover." The old man in black nodded with a rare smile on his face.

"Yes, the ancestor, Qing'er left." The young man in white turned around and walked out.

"Grow up quickly, the car family is still waiting for you to inherit."

The old man in black looked at the back of the young man in white and sighed secretly in his heart. He turned his eyes to the square-faced man and the man in blue. His face darkened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He said coldly, "The young man is back and sound. I will spare you two lives for the time being. The whole clan will be on guard. If there are suspicious people, etc. , all of them will be killed!"

"Yes." The square-faced man and the man in blue saw the cold light in the eyes of the old man in black, and their bodies trembled together. They quickly bowed their heads and responded.

"Okay, go down. If nothing big happens, don't bother me again." The old man in black frowned and waved his hand.

"Yes." The two breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left the room like a beast.

The old man in black robe looked at their trembling backs, frowned and sighed, waved his hand gently, closed the door, and slowly closed his eyes. A cloud of black fog emerged from all over his body, which completely enveloped him in an instant, and the small room regained its tranquility.

More than ten meters underground of the room, a handsome man covered with a golden shield was looking up at the old man in black and foggy. He clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, and his golden pupils flashed with fierce murderous intent, staring at the old man in black. Obviously, he wanted to kill him quickly. The ordinary three-foot sword at his waist also seemed to feel the murderousness from his master, trembling gently in the scabbard, making a burst of dragon-like sound.

The murderous intention inside the shield is surging, but there is no trace of murderousness, and they are all blocked in the golden shield. The murderous intention became stronger and stronger, and after a moment, it condensed into a needle-like substantial murderous intention. On the contrary, the man's mind became calmer and calmer, and his eyes were surprisingly calm, but his eyes stretched out, hiding a cold and piercing murderous intention. It's like an boundless sea, seemingly calm, but in fact the dark tide is surging.

"Che Yunbo, I finally found you! Today, I'm going to end my feud between Yuhang Town and you. Let me send Linshang to another world for trial!"

Lin Shen's whole body is tight, like a leopard ready to hunt. His body and mind are condensed to the extreme, and his whole body is full of extreme power. If it hadn't been for the strong breath of the old man in black robe above his head, he would have warned him not to act rashly. I'm afraid he would have rushed up and fought with the old man in black robe.

Linshang has been under this room for half an hour, and he came closely behind the young man in white named Qing'er.

Last night, after Linshang stunned the young man in white, he used his skills to escape outside the city. I thought that the young man must be a disciple of the Che family, but he searched his whole body, but did not find any signs about the Che family, and he could not conclude that he was also a member of the Che family because his flying sword and Che Yeyuan were the same color. In desperation, Linshang had no choice but to wait for the rabbit and let him reveal his identity.

Hide first. When the young man wakes up, he will definitely return to the clan. At that time, as long as you follow him, you can find his family. Whether he is from the car family or not, as long as he is in a Xiuzhen family, he will not be without gains.

In this way, Linshang followed the young man in white to the car house. At first sight of the old man in black, Linshang recognized him as Che Yunbo. The murderous and sinister look was the culprit who often woke him up from his dreams.

As soon as he saw Che Yunbo, Linshang almost couldn't help rushing up. However, when he saw the other three people in the room, two innate solid elixir realms, and one innate virtual elixir realm, he forcibly endured the fire of hatred that burned his heart. They will not fight alone, and they are not sure that they can avoid the attacks of the other three when fighting with the strong innate golden elixir realm.

In this way, Linshang endured the increasingly violent murderous intention in the shield and remained motionless and dormant deeply. By the time the other three left Che Yunbo's room, Lins restless mind had slowly calmed down. At the same time, the violent murderous intention emanating from his body gradually calmed down and condensed into a sharp substantial murderous intention.

Although anger can double people's strength, it is easy to make people unable to see the truth. In front of monks who are stronger than themselves, anger can only lead to faster destruction. Linshang is very clear about this, so he has to move later. Only when he calms down can he hope to defeat Che Yunbo.

After thinking for a long time, Linshang determined the tactics of this battle. First of all, using stone thorns to distract Che Yunbo's attention, his consciousness is not as good as that of Master Li Mubai, and he will definitely not find himself underground. When he couldn't find the enemy for a long time and became anxious, he rushed out to fight with him in an instant. Even if he is a strong man in the realm of golden elixir, he is certainly not as good as himself in practicing physical skills in close combat. At that time, as long as he fights quickly and does not fall into the encirclement of the car family, he can leave.

Of course, although this tactic looks good, it may not work.

First of all, if Che Yunbo summons others immediately after encountering an attack, Linshang can only retreat. Secondly, if Che Yunbo is also good at close combat, Linshang will not be able to solve the battle quickly and will still fall into the encirclement of the Che family. Linshang knows these two points very well, but for him, as long as there is a 50% chance of success, it is worth a try!

Opportunity doesn't wait for people. Only when you do it can you know whether it's right or wrong!

The black fog on Che Yunbo's body is getting thicker and thicker, which is obviously a critical moment in cultivation.

"It's not the right time."

Lin Shan told herself in her heart, took a deep breath, gently pulled out the three-foot sword at her waist, slowly stroked the shining blade, and muttered like a conversation with an old friend: "Yu Mang, my old friend, we are going to fight side by side again today. It's really wrong for you to put you in this scabbard.

The long sword in Linshang's hand seemed to be spiritual, responding to Linshang with bursts of clear sound. One person and one sword, like two old friends who have not seen each other for many years, greet each other and talk to each other.

The feather light in Lin Shan's mouth is naturally the flying sword given to him by Li Mubai when he practiced qi, and at the same time, it is also the three-foot long sword in his hand at this moment. Two swords are not only the same name, but also the same sword.

To be precise, this three-foot sword is made by Li Mubai refining the feathers of the flying sword. After Linshang's internal elixir was broken, he could no longer use magic weapons. Li Mubai refined the feather light of the flying sword into a long sword feather light and gave Lin Shan to protect himself. Although Lin Shang can't fly with its sword, as a top-grade flying sword, its fierceness has not decreased at all. In order to increase the power of the long sword, Li Mubai has added more prohibitions on the sword. The power is so great that it is better than the feathers of the flying sword.

At the suggestion of Lin Shang, Li Mubai refined Yu Mang into a three-foot sword with the same appearance as an ordinary Qinggang sword. Although the appearance is ordinary, the sword body exudes a fierce sword spirit all the time. In order to cover people's ears and eyes, Linshang found an ordinary scabbard and put the feather light into it.

Everything he did was for today, in order to kill Che Yunbo. If Che Yunbo can see through Linshang's thoughts, he will definitely be surprised by Linshang's forbearance and persistence.

The black fog wrapped around Che Yunbo's body is getting thicker and thicker. Up to now, it is as thick as ink, always emitting a strange and powerful atmosphere around. He has been completely immersed in cultivation.

"It's now!"

Lin Shang's eyes suddenly lit up, and suddenly shot two inches of long golden light. His mind moved and launched an attack on Che Yunbo during cultivation.


The second update.