State Dingji

Chapter 181 Healing

Linshang's face, which was immersed in sword spirit, changed, and he only felt an invisible pressure pressing on him like a mountain, making himself breathless. When he saw nearly a hundred magic weapons flying towards him, Linshang's face turned pale, and what he was most worried about appeared.

As the saying goes, three punches are invincible to four hands. No matter how strong your body is, you can't resist the attacks of so many magic weapons. If there are too many ants, they can bite the elephant to death. What's more, there are many monks who shoot magic weapons in the realm of congenital Shidan, and their attacks can cause a lot of damage to themselves.

What's more, I'm fighting with a master of the realm of the innate golden elixir. If I'm suddenly distracted, I'm afraid that I won't be cut by Che Yunbo without waiting for the nearly 100 magic weapons to hit me.


The idea of running away instantly rose in Linshang's mind. In this case, he still wanted to kowtow, which was the real stupid X.

As soon as the body moves, you will leave the regiment with a false move. However, Che Yunbo had already thought that Linshang would escape and turned a blind eye to Linshang's shaky move, and the black flying sword shot at Linshang's neck like lightning.

Linshang was stared and quickly returned the sword to block the black flying sword. He kicked his feet hard and quickly stepped back a few steps, trying to take this opportunity to leave. But he didn't expect that Che Yunbo seemed to completely see through his mind and unrelentlessly controlled the flying sword to chase him.

Seeing that the many magic weapons were about to shoot next to him, Linshang suddenly gritted his teeth, crossed his heart, and split the flying sword hard. The golden light on his body flashed quickly, and the ground was unfolded.

"It only takes a second! You can escape into the ground in a second!"

Linshang roared in her heart, looking forward to this second passing quickly. However, the more you struggle, the slower time passes.

In a second, it passed in the blink of an eye, but at this time, the scene in Linshang's eyes seemed to become slow motion. He saw a cold light in Che Yunbo's eyes, and the black flying sword flew towards him again, less than two meters away from him. In the afterglow of his eyes, nearly a hundred magic weapons emitted various kinds of light to hit him, less than five meters. At this moment, time passed so slowly.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Linshang urged the local area to release a thicker golden light to protect his whole body, praying that this second would pass quickly.

Just as the golden light flashed, the black flying sword scratched Lin Xiang's shoulder, with a trace of blood mixed with golden light. At the same time, Linshang disappeared in place, and many magic weapons roared and hit the position where he had just stood.

Linshang only felt a pain in her shoulder and was already underground. Before looking at the injury, he felt a destructive breath coming from the top of his head. Linshang's face changed and quickly disappeared. As soon as I was ten feet deep, I felt a loud noise from the top of my head, and a strong force came from the top of my head, as if a mountain suddenly fell to the ground, and the earth trembled. In horror, Linshang gritted his teeth and eslid faster. It was not until she was nearly a hundred feet underground that she stopped.

I didn't feel any pain on my shoulder just now. As soon as I stopped, I immediately felt the pain, as if I had been stung by a scorpion. Linshang's mind was immersed in his body and suddenly found that a strange black Zhenyuan rushed into his body from around his shoulders and quickly spread to various parts of his body. At such a high speed, he occupied half of his body in a moment.

Where the black Zhenyuan passed, the meridians were in severe pain one after another. Although it had not cracked, it was also like someone taking a saw little by little. The golden land also retreated in front of this black Zhenyuan. In the end, it shrank into the eight veins and brains and dared not come out again. If the land can't come out, the black Zhenyuan can't attack, so it began to flow along the meridians all the way, constantly destroying the meridians along the way.

"What kind of Zhenyuan is this? It's so weird. It's better to find a place to heal first!"

Linshang frowned, forced herself to endure the severe pain of her body, and did not look back to escape in the direction of the inn.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. If you run out of the city, it will be just right for Che Yunbo. In the city, because he is afraid of the people, it is difficult for him to exert all his strength. If he goes outside the city, he may not even have a chance to escape. Keeping the green mountains, I'm not afraid of having no firewood. I already know where they are, and I'm not afraid that they will run away.

However, what Linshang didn't know was that after he sneaked into the ground and left, Che Yunbo immediately gathered all the children of the Che family, divided them into more than a dozen groups, quietly walked through the streets and gathered in a big house on the corner of the city. The house is empty, but it can accommodate nearly thousands of people. The warehouse is full of food and clothing, which is obviously the hidden base of the car.

After arriving at the big house, Che Yunbo immediately activated the formation in the house, and a thin transparent shield completely covered the whole house. In order to prevent Linshang from escaling into the underground, Che Yunbo sent people to dig three feet of the ground and set up layers of prohibitions underground to ensure that he could find Linsang as soon as he appeared. After taking various protective measures, Che Yunbo ordered the clan to be on guard with a pale face and walked into a room and never came out again.

Besides, Linshang, he endured the pain and went to the vicinity of the inn, found an empty corner, and jumped out. He wrapped the wound casually and staggered back to the inn.

When he walked into his room and closed the door, his white face was covered with a faint black, and his lips turned purple and black. Obviously, the domineering black Zhenyuan had flowed all over his body. If it hadn't been for the local heart and eight veins, I'm afraid Linshang would have lost consciousness.

"What should I do? Even the local area has nothing to do with the black Zhenyuan. How can it be excreted from the body?

Linshang staggered to ** and began to think about how to drive away the Zhenyuan of Che Yunbo in his body.

"That black Zhenyuan is Che Yunbo's Zhenyuan, black... Is it his sword meaning? If that's really sword, can't you use the sword of the wind to drive it away?

Lin Shang's eyes suddenly lit up, and his mind was immersed in the sword of the wind. His mind moved and condensed the sword into a cyan sword, which was led by his mind to slowly explore the black Zhenyuan that was destroyed arbitrarily in his body.

As soon as the cyan sword entered the meridians, it trembled gently, like a shark smelling fishy, and madly rushed to the black Zhenyuan. Through the mind attached to the cyan sword, Lin Shang can clearly feel the tyrannical breath of the black Zhenyuan and the strong rejection of the cyan sword.

While the cyan sword rushed over, the black Zhenyuan quickly recalled the black Zhenyuan, which was circulating all over his body as if he met a close opponent, and even condensed into a small sword. In the black light, he fought with the cyan sword.

Two small swords you come and go, never defend, you stab me with a sword, I stab you with a sword, and the moves are all killing moves.

This is an extremely tragic battle!

Linshang never thought that he just wanted to rely on his sword to drive away the black Zhenyuan in his body, but he evolved into such a situation!

He completely forgot that it was just healing himself. His mind was completely immersed in this battle, immersed in the cyan sword. In the end, he actually began to control the cyan sword and stabbed the black sword again and again as if fighting with Che Yunbo.


The second update.