State Dingji

220th drunken brother Shao

"Brother Jiang and Jiang, what are you saying bad about your brother, me and me?"

One tall and one short were talking, and a voice came from the sky from afar. If you only read this word and don't listen to the tone of the voice, ordinary people will definitely think that someone is questioning the tall and thin man. However, if you listen carefully, you can hear the joke in the sound. Obviously, the owner of the voice is just teasing the tall and thin man, and does not really mean to blame him.

As soon as the sound fell, more than a dozen foreign disciples and a tall and short two people in the square turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Brother Shao?"

At a glance, the eyes of the disciples of the outer door showed uncontrollable worship, and the two people, the tall and short, looked at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile.

I saw a golden light flying aimlessly in the sky, like a headless fly. In the middle of the golden light was a young man with a long face, thin sword eyebrows and thin lips, and a heroic face. His cheeks were red, his eyes were blurred, and his eyebrows were turned upside down, and a sword spirit mixed with wine was overflowing.

Behind him, a long golden wing flashed with dazzling golden light, making him look more like a holy angel than a headless fly, but even an angel is an angel driving drunk.

The person was in mid-air, but a smell of wine came from the air and permeated the whole square. Suddenly, everyone's faces turned pale, and the impulse to vomit hit the defense line in their hearts without listening for a moment.

"Brother Shao, why did you drink like this again? Let the master see that he will punish you." The short and fat man turned his head and looked around and whispered.

Brother Shao smiled, and suddenly his face was full of indescribable laughter. However, with his tone at this time, it just made people feel that a free and unrestrained atmosphere spread. He only heard him say loudly, "Brother Song, go ahead. I will receive guests for you today."

The tall and thin man suddenly rejoiced, and then smiled helplessly and said to the short and fat man beside him, "Brother Song, you see... Brother Shao hasn't woken up yet and began to talk nonsense again."

"Uh..." The short and fat man looked carefully at Brother Shao and nodded helplessly. Without looking at Brother Shao's face, the smell of alcohol in the air is enough to confirm that he is the most confused. If he was asked to receive other sects at this time, wouldn't he lose the face of the Shushan faction? The so-called dead lips and teeth are cold, and the sect is strong, and his status will naturally rise. He still understands this truth.

"Don't you believe me?" Brother Shao's confused eyes suddenly lit up, emitting a strong and sharp sword spirit all over his body. His eyes were instantly clear, and his drunkenness immediately disappeared without a trace, and his temperament suddenly changed, as if he had suddenly changed to another person.

"Brother Shao..." The two tall, thin and fat men looked at each other, and there was a trace of surprise and nostalgia on their faces, as if they suddenly saw a pig arched an elephant. In their impression, no matter when they saw Brother Shao, he looked drunk. It was really shocking that he suddenly changed so much today.

Brother Shao smiled, and his wings behind him waved a few times. The golden light flashed and instantly turned into a golden arrow and shot to the ground. The power shocked the people in the square to take a step back, and even the two men in Xuanyi in the realm of congenital Shidan were not spared. However, when it landed, it moved lightly, like a feather in the air, and fell to the ground lightly. The contrast is so great that people feel like they want to vomit when they see it.

The two men in black looked at each other with a shocked look on their faces. The whole Shushan knew about Brother Shao's intoxication. However, few people knew that even if he was drunk, his cultivation was still so strong. Looking at his breath just now, if he hadn't known that he was still the peak of the late period of the congenital solid elixir realm, he would have thought that he had reached the congenital golden elixir realm.

After falling to the ground, Brother Shao smiled and the golden light flashed, and the two wings behind him turned into golden light all over the sky and penetrated into his body. Two steps forward, he walked to the crowd, looked at the dozen outer disciples and nodded with satisfaction, and turned his eyes to the two tall, thin and fat men. He smiled lazily and said, "Brother Song, Brother Jiang, you have worked hard these days."

"Brother Shao..." The two looked at each other and arched their hands and said, "Brother works for the teacher. I don't feel hard."

" bullshit, no matter who you work for, you are tired or tired. Why is it not so hard?" Brother Shao raised his eyebrows, and his spirit of staring at the world emanated.

"Uh..." The two looked at each other and said helplessly, "I'm tired."

"Retired? That's right. People who are not tired have already entered the coffin. Brother Shao said with a smile.

"..." The two had nothing to say, but felt that they had been completely defeated. When I meet such a big brother, I'm afraid that few people can calm down.

"Well, children can be taught." Brother Shao's normal face suddenly turned red, and he suddenly burped, and a smell of wine began to permeate again. Of course, he himself did not notice it. He also patted his two brothers on the shoulders desperately and said loudly, "Today, let other factions see the literary style of my Shushan School!"

With that, the golden light flashed on his body, and hundreds of golden swords appeared in the air at the same time, chasing and swimming around in disorder. Several times, he wanted to form a golden wing, but he was scattered by Brother Shao's wine hiccup. In the end, it simply surrounded him into a large circle. In the golden light, an extremely fierce breath came out, warning others not to approach.

"Brother Shao... sprinkled wine and went crazy again..." The short and fat man in Xuanyi looked bitterly, looked at the tall and thin man, and carefully preached his voice.

"Well, I thought he was rarely sober, but I didn't expect that it was a precursor to drunkenness..." The tall and thin man looked at Brother Shao, who was dancing around hundreds of golden swords, and couldn't wait to find a piece of tofu to death.

"We can't let Brother Shao continue like this, otherwise other sects suddenly come, then the face of our Shushan faction will really be lost..." The short and fat man carefully glanced at Brother Shao and continued to preach.

"Well, that's good, but how to do it?" The black and thin man stared at the small eyes of the short and fat man, "Once Brother Shao is drunk, he dares to be angry even if he sees the master. Listen to what he just said, is that what he should be said as a disciple of Shushan? That's not the case!"

"Er... What Brother Shao just said is indeed a little too much. However, his last words sounded a little reasonable. The short and fat man's eyes suddenly lit up and muttered, "Are you tired? That's right, people who are not tired have entered the coffin. This is just like my way of practicing truth is like sailing against the current. If I don't advance, I will retreat. It's really wonderful, it's really wonderful!"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you..." The black and thin man glanced at the short and fat man who had been influenced by Brother Shao, turned his eyes to Brother Shao, crossed his heart, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes, and said loudly, "Brother Shao! Brother Shao! Did you hear that?"

Huh? Who is calling me? Brother Shao, who was dancing, was suddenly stunned and froze in mid-air, while the golden sword circulating in the air flashed golden light and flew back into his body. His face was red, his expression was strange, and his stiff figure was even more strange, which made people palpitate.

Two men in black looked at Brother Shao speechlessly. Suddenly, their faces turned red. They took two steps back and pretended not to know this person. And the dozen foreign disciples had already been thundered by Brother Shao and couldn't speak. A voice sounded in their hearts at the same time. It was the sudden broken sound of something called an idol, which made them freeze in mid-air like Brother Shao.

For a long time, Brother Shao, who was stunned, moved his eyes and looked around blankly. He stared at the short and fat man opposite him for a long time and suddenly rushed over. Unway, the short and fat man was immediately caught by him. When he wanted to break free, he thought that the person in front of him was his big brother. He was slightly surprised and slowed down half a bit and let him go.

Brother Shao looked at the short and fat man with a smile, like a child who got his beloved toy and said happily, "Did you just call me? Isn't it? Isn't it? Tell me, how do you know it's you if you don't tell me? Right? If you say it, I definitely won't think it's you, don't you think?"

As he spoke, Brother Shao shook the short and fat man's shoulder violently.

While resisting the sword spirit from his shoulders with Zhenyuan, the short and fat man looked at the tall and thin man for help, hoping that he could help him solve his current predicament.

However, as soon as his eyes focused on the tall and thin man, he saw that the tall and thin man suddenly trembled and jumped far away like a lightning strike. He turned around in the air and stopped looking at himself. That look seems to be eager to stay away from yourself.

"Dead master, no righteousness!"

The short and fat man cursed secretly before he wanted to refute Brother Shao's words. As soon as he remembered that he was entangled with a drunkard at this moment, he pulled down with a fat face.

People who are more serious than fools are crazy, people who are more serious than crazy people are fools, and people who reason with drunk people are crazy and stupid!

Although the short and fat man feels that he is not very smart, he has nothing to do with the word fool, let alone the word crazy. At present, his heart was horizontal, and his body gave up resistance, allowing Brother Shao to swing hard without changing his color.

Come on, I'm a big man who is afraid that you will eat me?!

Just as the short and fat man was about to sacrifice his righteousness to sensitize Brother Shao, Brother Shao suddenly trembled, his eyes lit up, and his shaking movements suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Did the big brother think of a new way to play?

Looking at the light in Brother Shao's eyes, the short and fat man couldn't help tremble involuntarily. He left the idea of sacrificing his life and asked for mercy. However, he saw that Brother Shao's eyes had already recovered. His eyes were opened, and a fierce sword spirit overflowed. At this time, Brother Shao, there was no trace of drunkenness. What does it look like?

"Brother Shao?"

The short and fat man asked doubtfully.

Under the surprised gaze of everyone in the square, Brother Shao looked straight, looked at more than a dozen stunned disciples, and said loudly, "There are guests coming. Why don't you stand up quickly?"

With that, without waiting for the disciples to react, he turned his eyes to the short and thin man and arched his hand and said, "Two brothers, come with me to greet them."

The two were stunned at the same time and looked at Brother Shao speechlessly. Anyone could see the surprise in their eyes.

Is this guy playing us again?

The people in the square looked at Brother Shao strangely and thought about it in their hearts.


Seeing that they didn't move, Brother Shao was stunned, smiled bitterly, and arched his hand and said, "I just made a joke with you brothers. Don't mind. The disciples of our Shushan School are too serious, and this atmosphere is not good. Also, there are really guests coming, and they are amazing guests. If you don't believe it, you can see!"

said, turning to the eastern sky.

Everyone looked at each other and was helpless with such an unscrupulous brother. They shook their heads entangledly and looked east doubtfully.


The second update.