State Dingji

Chapter 275 Statue

As soon as the words fell, Wan Ziliang's face was straight, his eyebrows frowned into a deep word "chuan", and he shouted softly. The pale yellow sword slowly rotating across his chest immediately shone brightly. In several times of light swallowing, it forced Linshang's breath away a distance.


There was a sound of exclamation under the stage, and everyone's face was surprised. No one expected that a monk in the middle of the realm of the congenital Shidan realm could still have the power to counter his hand in front of such a powerful breath, let alone his clear extinction, as if the yellow light that would dissipate as soon as the wind blew, could force away the golden elixir. The hidden breath of the power of heaven and earth emitted by the master really surprised everyone.

You should know that the Jindan realm is a major watershed in the cultivation of the world, not only because Jindan monks can fly in the air and freely control magic weapons in the air, but more importantly, the minds of the innate Jindan realm monks are faintly integrated with heaven and earth, and can enhance their attacks and defenses with the help of the power of heaven and earth. Simply speaking, if the true element of the Shidan realm is ten, the true element of the Jindan realm is 100; if it is compared, the true element of the Jindan realm is much more pure and powerful than the true element of the Shidan realm.

This is also the reason why people are so surprised to see Wan Ziliang's sudden outbreak.

Look at Linshang again.

As Wan Ziliang's opponent, Linshang is the closest person to Wan Ziliang at this moment. He could clearly feel the bear fighting spirit emanating from Wan Ziliang's body and the flying sword. Although the fighting spirit was like a light of a candle in front of him, it was enough to completely change his view of Wan Ziliang.

Just now, Linshang made such a gesture not only to respect his opponents, but also to vent his inability to control his fate. But at this time, Wan Ziliang's performance completely ignited the war in his heart, forcing him to re-examine the seemingly weak warrior in front of him.

Facing the warriors in the ring, only defeating him with your most powerful strength can you truly respect him!

Thinking about it, Lin Shang's slightly restless heart finally calmed down. As his fierce eyes gradually became clear, the breath from his body slowly began to change. Without everyone's awareness, the chaos and resentment mixed in the breath disappeared little by little. At the same time, the power of heaven and earth contained in it became more and more solid, giving Wan Ziliang a sense of powerlessness looking up at the foot of the irreparable mountain.

No, I can't let him continue, otherwise I won't even have the strength to stand firm later!

Wan Ziliang took a hard breath and tried to stop his body from trembling. He bit his cold lower lip hard, and a fierce color flashed in his eyes. His right hand suddenly waved at Linshang, and a light yellow light flashed, and the flying sword shot at Linshang standing in the air like lightning.

The flying sword has just shot very fast, but when flying in the breath of Linshang, the edge of the pale yellow light keeps making a "crackling" sound, as if the invisible breath emitted by Linshang has launched an attack.

Under the pressure of Linshang's power of heaven and earth, although Wan Ziliang's flying sword can still fly forward, its speed gradually slows down. When the flying sword flew three feet in front of Linshang, the speed was so slow that a mortal who had not practiced any skills could easily avoid it.

Looking at the pale yellow flying sword slowly approaching him, Linshang frowned slightly.

Since he broke through to the realm of human law, today is the first time that he has fully demonstrated his cultivation. What surprised him and was happy was that although he still couldn't use the magic weapon, the breath emanating from his body could have a certain impact on his opponents, so that the power of the magic weapon could not be fully released. This ability is very advantageous in fighting with monks, and the effect should be more and more obvious in fighting with monks whose cultivation is lower than one.

Although this ability is very good, it is not good to appear at this moment. Although he has made up his mind to defeat Wan Ziliang with all his strength, according to his current performance, I'm afraid that Wan Ziliang's flying sword will be seriously damaged if it is not broken. Wan Ziliang's eyes when he looked at the flying sword obviously cherished it. Maybe this flying sword has any special meaning for him. If you really did that, wouldn't you have done something harmful to yourself?

Let the flying sword shoot on yourself? This idea is good. Anyway, according to my perverted defense, that level of attack is not paid attention to.

But isn't it a greater disrespect for Wan Ziliang to let the flying sword shoot on himself carelessly? Anyone will think that they look down on him, so let him attack at all...


At his current speed, even if he flies an inch in front of him, he can easily avoid it. But if you really do that, I'm afraid you are playing Wan Ziliang in the eyes of outsiders.

Don't hide early, don't hide late, but hide in front of you. What is this?


If the start of the test, he would have immediately flew over and waved a meat fist. I'm afraid that Wan Ziliang had already been lying under the ring to rest, and he had already sat in Meiyuan and Ji Ming's younger brother Hu Tianhai.

Well, if I had known it was such a trouble, I wouldn't have pretended to be a big head at that time. Vanity was indeed one of the original sins of human beings.

Of course, Wan Ziliang can't guess what Linshang thinks now. His mind is completely immersed in his attack.

When he saw his flying sword flying slowly, he couldn't help but feel impatient. At the same time, without the protection of the light of the flying sword, Lin Shang's breath pressed on his chest like a huge mountain, making him breathless.

All the signs are enough to show that you have lost.

Is that it?

Is everything stopped here?

His heart suddenly calmed down, and at that moment, he thought so faintly.

At this moment, in a short moment, the world is quiet and frozen, and everything is fixed there.

Only he stood stubbornly on the bluestone board, with his wide eyes staring at the flying sword with pale yellow light.

Flying Sword...

That's the master's own flying sword.

In order to achieve a better result, the master gave himself the only middle-grade flying sword, which is the only middle-grade magic weapon in my whole Kuixing Mountain. Even the two uncles used it is just a low-grade magic weapon.

With the expectations of dozens of people in Kui Xingshan, how can I lose like this?

Even if I know that I am not the opponent of Brother Lin in the realm of Jindan, I must stick to it and never humiliate the master!

In Wan Zi's conscience, his frown suddenly unfolded, and then smiled, frantically urged the true yuan of his whole body, and desperately poured it into the magic weapon with the divine consciousness.

The meridians in his body trembled violently, as if they could be torn at any time. The sharp pain made him involuntarily twitch like a swing, and the smile on his face that had just appeared was instantly covered by the overflowing pain.

Because of the pain, his expression has been completely deformed, but there is still a smile in his eyes. That faint smile made the high-hanging sun lose its color in an instant.

What is brighter than firefire is the stars in the sky; what is brighter than the stars is the moon that illuminates the night; what is brighter than the moon is the sun that shines on the earth; what is brighter than the sun is brighter than the sun, but people are persistent in moving forward!

Everyone under the stage clearly noticed the changes on Wan Ziliang's body. Under the unbelievable gaze of the previous pair, the pale yellow flying sword, which was flying slower and slower, suddenly burst into a dazzling yellow light. In the yellow light, the small and simple flying sword suddenly accelerated and stabbed Linshang's chest with lightning.

At the moment when the yellow light exploded, a dangerous feeling enveloped Linshang's heart.

Lin Xiang was shocked and instinctively moved to the right to avoid the direction of the dangerous breath.

However, just after he moved half an inch to the right, the yellow shining sword pierced his left shoulder. Originally, Wan Ziliang aimed at Linshang's left chest, but he didn't expect Linshang to move half an inch in that short and uncalculable time, so that the suddenly shot sword hit him in the shoulder.

The flying sword stabbed the blue light on Lin Shang's body, made a crisp sound, and then circled back.

However, Linshang just felt that someone patted her on the shoulder and had no other feelings. However, the fact that he was shot by Wan Ziliang's flying sword stirred up huge waves in Linshang's heart.

Although he has just been thinking about how to deal with Wan Ziliang's flying sword, he doesn't want to be shot by Wan Ziliang's flying sword. After all, whether it is his own cultivation or the sect he represents, he is not allowed to be hit by a monk whose cultivation is only in the middle of the congenital Shidan realm.

A monk in the realm of innate Jindan was hit by a monk in the realm of Shidan. Although his body would not be damaged, it was enough to lose his face. What's more, this innate monk in the realm of Jindan is not a nameless scattered cultivation in the world of cultivation, but from the Xuantian sect, one of the five sects of decent sects!

At the moment of being concentrated, there was a trace of regret in Linshang's heart. If you had bullied yourself at the beginning of the test, the battle would have ended long ago. Because of his vanity and male chauvinism, he actually bet on the reputation of the teacher.

Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

Be sure to save the face you just lost, and don't lose face to the teacher!

Linshang gritted her teeth, and her mind suddenly woke up. A trace of fierceness flashed in her eyes, and a blue light flashed on her body, and she was about to fly towards Wan Ziliang.

However, as soon as she flew less than three feet away, Linshang had to stop and looked at the opposite side in a daze, and a sense of confusion flashed in her heart.

At this moment, Wan Ziliang no longer needs Linshang to take action.

Opposite Lin Zhang, Wan Ziliang still stood stubbornly, like a statue that would not fall for ten thousand years. However, his face was full of blood, and the blood flowing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose had completely dyed his face bright red. His eyes were half open and his eyes were blank, but he still looked stubbornly at the direction of Linshang, as if he wanted to attack Linshang again.

He was in a coma, because he was desperate to use his uncontrollable sword moves, and because of the shock he received when the flying sword shot at Linshang, he fell into a coma.

However, even if he is in a coma, his figure is still not falling down, and the fighting spirit emanating from his body has disappeared, but on his body, Linshang and everyone can see the burning flame!

You can't defeat the opponent, but you can conquer the opponent's flame!

Linshang was stunned, but the people under the stage were silent.

In the face of an invincible opponent, he still launched his biggest attack, even risking his life. This kind of behavior is no longer the self-importioned power mentioned in the mortal world, but the will to never give up to difficulties that every monk in the world of cultivation should have!

Will anyone laugh at him?

There must be, but more than that, he was impressed by his fearless spirit!

Think about it, if you are in the same situation as him, can you do what he does?

"Dang! Xuantianzong Linshangsheng!"

In the silence of the crowd, a crisp bell tripod sounded in unison, followed by the voice of the elders under the ring. The two voices announced the end of the match one after the other, and drew a curtain for today's 100 games throughout the day.


The first update. Er, today is a little earlier than usual...