State Dingji

Chapter 284 Wind and Rain are coming

"I admit defeat."

With three words, Shao Yifei was not depressed, but relaxed, and even a satisfied smile appeared on his face. Obviously, he was not affected by failure at all.

However, the three words he spit out were like three sharp steel nails firmly nailed to everyone's hearts.

Lin Zhang was stunned.

More than 2,000 disciples of various factions watching the test in the square were stunned.

Five old men in a hundred feet of height were also stunned.

There are more than 2,000 various monks in the square whose cultivation is only in the early stage of the congenital real elixir realm, and the highest is in the middle of the divine realm at the peak of cultivation. Among them, there were personal participants in the test, bystanders, and even advocates of the test. Regardless of their identity, the same expression appeared on everyone's faces, unexpectedly!

Looking at Shao Yifei with a relaxed face and even a smile, Lin Shang suddenly felt very aggrieved, like playing mahjong all night. He finally gathered the stage for Sixi. When he wanted to win the four directions, the card he wanted was robbed by his superiors. The feeling of saving energy for a long time but hitting the air directly made Linshang's chest feel depressed, and he couldn't wait to spray a few mouthfuls of blood to be happy.

When the first golden flying sword was controlled by himself, Lin Shang had already guessed the end of the game, but he only guessed the beginning, but not the real ending.

In his heart, Shao Yifei is a free and unrestrained person with an extremely strong heart. People like him will not give up until the last moment, even if they see that the battle has been decided.

This kind of person who persists to the end can often surprise and do things that others think are miracles!

Although Linshang knew that Shao Yifei's golden whirlpool had lost a lot of real yuan and was unable to fight with him crazily again, deep in Linshang's heart, he vaguely hoped that Shao Yifei would suddenly burst out stronger power and fight with him at a critical moment.

Linshang is a person who does not give up easily. In his eyes, other people are naturally such people. Otherwise, Linshang will surrender decisively when the golden vortex that is almost irresistible to him now appears.

However, Shao Yifei's performance disappointed Linshang.

As soon as his attack started, he easily admitted defeat!

Even if there is a task, even if you go down the mountain to kill demons in the future, it will not affect the current battle, right?

Looking at Shao Yifei, who was still smiling on the opposite side, Linshang was completely helpless.

On the ring, Lin Shang was silent, and more than 2,000 disciples of all factions were also silent under the ring and above the ring. The expressions on their faces were not as complicated as Lin Shang's, but they were surprisingly consistent, with more than 2,000 faces printed in a mold.

The competition lasted a long time, but for a longer time than any competition in the previous two days, the two people in the ring were silently confronting each other. They did not release the flying sword to attack far away, nor did they release dazzling fairy magic tricks to bombard their opponents from the ring. Even the two of them, as innate golden elixir monks, did not fly into the sky.

The time of this game was very short, so short that the two of them made a total of four moves to win and lose. Among them, there is another trick that has only been used for half.

There are no gorgeous fairy magic formulas, and there are no thousands of rounds/wars. Although the moves they each display are unparalleled and irresistible, just in this case, this competition is also a little boring.

Seize the opponent's flaws, and even attack the opponent with the opponent's moves. If you don't move, you will destroy the world.

Is this the comparison between monks in the realm of Jindan?

Thinking, the eyes of most of the monks in the square gradually showed deep thinking. With a higher understanding, their eyes have brightened and their eyes are full of clear light.

This comparison between monks in the Golden Dan realm has benefited all the disciples present. Although they can't imitate the way Linshang and Shao Yifei fight, they see the way they will go in the future, which simply opens a door to Jindan Avenue for them, who are only innate Shidan realm.

Although the door only opened a gap, it was enough to arouse their ambition and make them brave and fearless to climb the mountain of enlightenment that was still unreachable at this time.

Compared with this understanding, Shao Yifei suddenly admitted defeat, which has been completely ignored by them.

Even if a few monks think of it, they will just wave their heads and ignore it.

If a monk cultivates the truth and understands the Tao, he will naturally live for a long time. With a long life, there are naturally more opportunities to fight with people. What is the loss of a battle?

It doesn't matter if you fail, but if you can get up and continue to fight!

Only by repeated defeats and battles, constantly learning lessons, and understanding the way of heaven and earth can we reach the peak!

More than 2,000 people in the square were silent, but there was a faint sound in the height of 100 feet. Of course, their voices can't be heard by everyone in the square. A hundred feet away, but the fact that the five people are all in a state of concentration is enough to make everyone's hearing unconsciously ignore their dialogue.

"If you make a break, you won't procrastinate. It's really envious that Brother Li can have such disciples." Zhao Wenyuan slowly brushed his snow-white beard and said to Li Jianfeng with a smile.

Li Jianfeng smiled with a happy smile when he heard the words and waved his hand, "The bad disciple is disappointing, which makes your brothers laugh."

"Where, Brother Li is too polite. If Shao's nephew is just a bad disciple, won't our disciples be a group of useless people?" Before Zhao Wenyuan could speak, the other three old men laughed with a smile on their faces, and the pleasure in their eyes showed undisguised.

The disciples of Xuantianzong won, that is, the disciples of the Shushan School lost!

They didn't mind winning the disciples of which of the four faction they won, but what they like was that the Shushan faction finally lost! Although the decent alliance exchange conference is not over, it may still win a high ranking with the strength of the Shushan faction. But the important thing is that the eldest disciple of the Shushan School lost and lost before he entered the finals.

For hundreds of years, the myth of Shushan's invincibility has finally been broken!

This incident made the other four factions that had been pressed on the head by the Shushan faction for hundreds of years relieved, and Zhao Wenyuan, as the uncle of the winner Lin Shang, was even more proud, and made him eager to drink a few cups immediately to be happy. However, after all, I am now in the Shushan School. I am a guest, and the guests can't take the master. No matter how proud you are, you can't reveal it too presumptuously, otherwise how can the lost Shushan faction be embarrassed?

In this way, the above few dialogues appeared.

Looking at the pleasure in the eyes of the four people, Li Jianfeng shook his head with a bitter smile, took his eyes away from the two people in the ring and slowly swept around the square.

As the head of the Shushan School, Li Jianfeng is naturally a smart and well-versed person. In addition, he has lived for hundreds of years and has long seen all the right and wrong of the world. Naturally, he understands the thoughts of the four people.

However, when their cultivation reaches their level, they will not easily show their emotions. What's more, although his disciple lost, Li Jianfeng did not feel any discomfort. In his heart, good steel can only be refined by thousands of times. Shao Yifei is intelligent and indifferent. He needs all kinds of circumstances to hone it well. Otherwise, how can he easily give him the huge Shushan faction?

Birds that don't experience wind and rain will never fly high. Flying children have high expectations for you as a teacher!

As his eyes swept over the disciples of various schools, Li Jianfeng turned his mind quickly. When he saw the same expressions on different faces, he was suddenly stunned. After a long time, a gratified smile appeared on his face, pointing to the more than 2,000 disciples who were silent in the square, turned to the four people beside him and said, "Brothers, in the near future, I'm afraid that many monks in the realm of Jindan will be added to my generation of disciples in the real world."


Add a lot of monks in the realm of Jindan?

The four people were stunned when they heard the words and looked in the direction Li Jianfeng pointed.

At this glance, the eyes of the four people lit up.

Looking at their meditative look at this moment, they clearly realized a lot of things in the comparison between Linshang and Shao Yifei. These monks are all elite disciples of all schools of the righteous world. If someone has the opportunity to enter the realm of Jindan because of this, won't it add another arm to the righteous people in the world of cultivation?

Thinking of this, the four old men's faces showed obvious excitement, and they looked at the disciples of various schools in the square one by one, as if the monks in the innate realm of Shidan in the square had all become Jindan monks.

In the face of the decent interests of the whole world of cultivation, the gains and losses of their own sect are nothing.

After all, although there are many sects of the righteous world, they are ultimately one. The so-called glory is both glorious, both damaged, and the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If the decent in the world becomes strong as a whole, the five schools that will benefit the most will naturally be the decent schools.

"What Brother Li said is very true. It seems that I am about to prosper!" Everyone arched their hands with a smile on their faces.

Li Jianfeng smiled and was about to speak, as if he suddenly found something, and his face suddenly sank.

For a long time, a trace of coldness suddenly appeared on Li Jianfeng's face, his eyes flashed a few times, and he said to the four old men around him: "Brothers, Brother Yuwen has news."

"Have you caught that demon?" The black-faced old man's eyes lit up, and a trace of murder flashed in his eyes.

"Well, they are in the Sword Pavilion now. Let's go there now." Li Jianfeng smiled coldly, and his body was about to float up.

"Wait, Brother Li, what will they do?" Zhao Wenyuan quickly pointed to more than 2,000 disciples from all walks of life in the square and said.

Li Jianfeng was a little stunned when he heard the words, his eyes flashed a few times, sighed, and said meaningfully, "A storm is coming. Let them compare with the disciples of the demon religion."

"Well, that's the only way." Zhao Wenyuan sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"Let's go. Let's find out what kind of conspiracy the demon demon has." Li Jianfeng turned his eyes, glanced at the square, and then said slowly, "If our five old guys can smooth this storm, let these descendants be more comfortable for a while, if not..."

With that, Li Jianfeng's body flashed a light and suddenly disappeared into the air. Obviously, he had left.

Although he didn't finish his words, "If not..." the other four old men understood the meaning behind. Looking at each other a few times, they sighed slightly, and four rays of light flashed and immediately flew to the top of Shushan Mountain.

At this time, more than 2,000 disciples in the square were still silent, and no one refused to break the silence of that moment.

The sky suddenly darkened, the mountain wind suddenly rose, and a storm was coming.


The first update. When I code words, I suddenly thought of the three words "Butterfly Spring". Well, it's old and deeply touched...