State Dingji

Chapter 290 Pioneer

Hearing this, Linshang is completely sure that everyone will agree to send disciples to participate in the decent alliance exchange meeting to kill demons. Apart from the unimaginable training of many disciples, the addition of five strong people in the divine realm provides a great safety guarantee for disciples of all walks of life.

If all the people who come to the decent alliance exchange conference join the team to kill demons and go to the East China Sea, the lineup is not very strong.

Not to mention the disciples who came to watch the competition, there are nearly 1,000 elite disciples from all factions who came to participate in the competition, and all of them are elites among the elites of all sects, otherwise they will not be sent to win glory for the teachers. What's more, there are also observation disciples whose cultivation is second only to them, which adds up to nearly 2,000 people.

Nearly 2,000 are a team composed of monks from the congenital Shidan realm, which has already allowed the monks in the late stage of the Jindan realm to escape.

What's more, if those disciples go, I'm afraid that everyone present will follow. More than 2,000 monks in the realm of Shidan, plus more than 100 strong men in the middle of the Jindan realm, and five peaks in the realm of the divine realm. This is already the most powerful lineup that can be brought out by the decent people of the cultivation world at this moment, right?

After all, it is very important to kill demons, but it is also important to keep your own sect. In order to guard against the sneak attack of demons, all factions dare not send all the elites in the door. At least, all the strong people in the five sects dare not kill demons.

Anyway, the team that has been finalized at this moment is enough to stir up a huge storm in this world of cultivation. As for killing demons, if you are invincible, your current strength is enough to get out of trouble.

What Linshang can think of, others can naturally think of.

At this time, many Jindan monks who listened to Li Jianfeng's impassioned words were like chicken blood, their faces were red, and their eyes sparkled with excitement, as if they had seen the prestige of killing thousands of demons in the East China Sea.

"Like what Brother Li said, we are willing to follow Brother Li to kill demons. In addition, the disciples who came to participate in the decent alliance exchange conference will also go together to fight for the peace of my cultivation and Kyushu!"

"Yes! Entangled with those demons to the end! Never let them destroy the peace of my cultivation world!"

"Fight with them!"

Seeing everyone's reaction, Li Jianfeng straightened his face and said loudly, "Since you all agree, it's settled. However, there are many disciples of my sect, and the news is wrong and leaked, so I plan to send a few disciples today to quickly explore the East China Sea. We will wait for everyone to catch up tomorrow. What do you think?

"Brother Li is thoughtful and thoughtful. I don't know which disciples to choose to find out the news?" The voice of everyone came again from the crowd, which seemed to be a little uneasy.

Go to find out the news, and to put it bluntly, it is to be a pioneer. If the news is true, I'm afraid that the East China Sea is already full of demons, and as pioneers, they will naturally face many dangers. It is not only necessary to find out the whereabouts and the number of demons, but also to roughly understand their average cultivation. All of this must be done secretly, which is by no means an easy task to complete.

If it succeeds, it will naturally make great contributions to the decent people in the world of cultivation and is respected by many disciples. But if you fail, you will inevitably be despised by everyone. If you fail, you will have to carry all the responsibilities on your shoulders.

To put it bluntly, this is a very big but extremely dangerous task.

No one wants their disciples to go to this kind of task.

Seeing that no one in the crowd recommended himself, Li Jianfeng's eyes turned slightly and slowly moved from one person to another. Everyone he saw couldn't help blushing and turning his eyes away.

As if he had already guessed that it would be such a scene, Li Jianfeng curled his lips and shook his head. His eyes turned to Shao Yifei, who was standing behind everyone, and his eyes flashed and asked, "Feier, would you like to go for your teacher?"

Shao Yifei's eyes lit up when he heard the words and said loudly without hesitation, "Disciples are willing to go!"

"Good!" Li Jianfeng nodded with satisfaction, brushed his snow-white beard, and said loudly, "Go to the other nine disciples who participated in the decent alliance exchange conference and go to the East China Sea immediately."

Everyone was slightly stunned when they heard the words, and all kinds of eyebrows suddenly frowned.


Even if Shao Yifei is added, there are only ten people, right?

Although the fewer people go to listen to the news, the fewer the number of monks, the ten monks are too few. If it is found by the demons, I'm afraid I don't even have the ability to resist!

Besides, is Brother Li really relieved to let ten people go to the East China Sea?

Everyone was puzzled, but Shao Yifei nodded without hesitation, saluted Li Jianfeng, and turned around and was about to leave.


At this time, Zhao Wenyuan's voice came from behind Li Jianfeng, which immediately made Shao Yifei stop and looked at Zhao Wenyuan with everyone.

It seems that my disciples of Xuantianzong and other three factions can't run away this time. There are exactly 50 people in the five factions. If you go to inquire about the news, they are a team that can advance and retreat.

Looking at the light in Zhao Wenyuan's eyes, Linshang suddenly thought of what he was going to do.

Sure enough, looking at everyone's eyes focused on him, Zhao Wenyuan looked straight and said loudly, "How can such a big event only be allowed to be taken by the disciples of Shushan? As one of the five decent sects, I, Xuantianzong, have the responsibility and obligation to go together." With that, Zhao Wenyuan looked at Yu Lianzhou and said loudly, "Yu's nephew listened to the order. As the head of Tiandu Peak of Xuantianzong, I ordered you to take the other nine brothers and sisters to send everyone to the East China Sea with Shushan!"

"Yes, disciple obeys!" Yu Lianzhou answered without hesitation.

Looking at Yu Lianzhou's reaction, Zhao Wenyuan nodded with satisfaction and turned his head to look at the other three people around him, with a lot of urging in his eyes.

The other three old men looked at each other and nodded with a wry smile. They all asked the eldest disciple who came to lead the nine disciples who participated in the decent alliance exchange meeting to go with everyone.

In this way, as a pioneer, the disciples of the five schools gathered into a team of 50 monks as Lins thought.

These 50 monks are the most elite disciples of the decent five sects. It can be said that they are standing at the peak of this generation of disciples in the world of cultivation, not only now, but also in the future. After training, they will take the disciples of other sects farther and farther away.

Looking at the six confident people behind everyone, a smile finally appeared on Li Jianfeng's face. He brushed his snow-white beard with satisfaction and said loudly, "There is a long way to the East China Sea. Maybe there will be demons blocking the way. You should be careful!" With that, he turned his eyes to Shao Yifei and said with a serious look, "Feier, as the leader of this operation, you must be careful and don't be impulsive. As a teacher and many other predecessors look at you behind you!"

"Yes, the disciple will live up to the high expectations of the master and uncles!" Shao Yifei straightened his face rarely, then glanced at the five people around him and said, "Brothers and sisters, it's urgent. Let's gather people now. After a cup of tea, gather in Meiyuan and go to the East China Sea immediately!"

The five people looked straight and said together, "Yes."

Then, the six people retreated to the people in the hall, turned around and walked out of the Chongyang Hall, turning into six lights and flying away. Among them, five rays of light flew to the direction of Meiyuan, and another golden light flew towards another house in Shushan.

The matter is urgent, and the rules of banning ordinary disciples from flying have long been forgotten by everyone.

After everyone left, the hall returned to quiet again. Everyone frowned and looked at the void in front of them, and the complex color in their eyes quickly rotated. At the same time, a depressing atmosphere slowly spread in the hall, making everyone hold their breath, as if the sound of breathing would break this silence.

In the end, it was Li Jianfeng who broke the depressing silence.

"The vanguard who went to inquire about the news has been sent out. Now, you can go back to Meiyuan to tell your disciples about this matter. Tomorrow morning, I will leave for the East China Sea!"

"Yes, the younger brother will leave first."

Everyone was immediately relieved when they heard the words and arched their hands to Li Jianfeng and other famous old men. In the flashing light, hundreds of people fled out of the Chongyang Hall and roared towards Meiyuan.

"Four brothers, you can also go. Your nephews have become pioneers, and other disciples need you to comfort them." When the last Jindan monk flew away from the Chongyang Hall, Li Jianfeng sighed slightly and turned to look at the four old men.

The other three old men nodded when they heard the words, and the light flashed and suddenly disappeared into the hall. Zhao Wenyuan frowned and asked, "Brother Li, as the head of the Shushan School, do you really plan to go to the East China Sea in person?"

Li Jianfeng smiled majestically, turned to look towards the east, and his eyes flashed for a while. Then he slowly said, "The demon religion has been lurking for a thousand years, and at this time, they have reunited into a faction. Their strength must not need to be much weak a thousand years ago, and the disciples here are my decent elite disciples in the real world. I don't Go, if something happens, why do you face the many immortal predecessors in my world of cultivation?

"But if Brother Li goes, what about the Shushan faction?" Zhao Wenyuan asked quickly.

"Even if I go, there are five other brothers in the Shushan faction, which are enough to resist the raid of the demon religion. Besides, for so many years, I have also thought that no one in the world has lived as usual. Although we are strong in the divine realm above 10,000 people, compared with the way of heaven, we are just slightly stronger ants. Li Jianfeng brushed his snow-white beard and said thoughtfully.

Zhao Wenyuan was stunned when he heard the words and thought of the ethereal heaven. He sighed deeply and nodded involuntarily. But then he thought that if the nine-ding real person of the demon religion was really a divine cultivation, Li Jianfeng, as the head of the Shushan School, the head of the decent five sects, must be the first person to be attacked. If something happened, wouldn't it be the same as hitting this seemingly calm cultivation world with a giant hammer?

With a frown, Zhao Wenyuan arched his hand and said, "Although so, but..."

"I have made up my mind, and Brother Zhao can't say anything more." Li Jianfeng waved his hand and interrupted Zhao Wenyuan, looked at Zhao Wenyuan with bright eyes, and said with deep meaning, "Brother Zhao, I'm afraid you haven't improved your cultivation for a hundred years, have you?"

"... Er, Brother Li's eyes are like a god." Zhao Wenyuan was stunned for a moment and nodded with a wry smile.

"Not only you, but also my cultivation has not been in for a hundred years." Li Jianfeng sighed and looked at Dongfang's eyes suddenly lit up, as if the people who were deep in the Jedi saw the dawn of hope, and muttered, "Maybe this battle of demons is my chance to go further to heaven..."

Zhao Wenyuan was stunned when he heard the words, and his eyes flashed a few times. He also turned his head to the east direction. After a long silence, he said, "I just hope that the price paid is not too high. Although I have been recuperating for thousands of years, I can't stand too much storm..."

Li Jianfeng smiled and his eyes flashed and said, "Brother Zhao's words are bad. There is no death. Where did he come from? We are all old. It's time for them to walk out of the mountain gate.

"Hmm." Zhao Wenyuan nodded, was silent for a while, turned his head to look in the direction of Mei Yuan, and muttered deeply, "Growing up requires a price..."


The first update. To be honest, what would you do if you were given a crazy opportunity without taking any responsibility?