State Dingji

Chapter 307 How to Solve Worry

"What's the matter, little sister?"

Li Biao was stunned when he heard the words, turned his head and looked around. Seeing that no one passed by, he immediately asked doubtfully.

"Nothing, my toes were stoned." Ling Fei quickly turned her eyes, gently kicked away a stone under her feet, and then turned her eyes to Li Biao, "Big brother, sister, I advise you to let go of the master's affairs recently. Seeing that the Donghai Kui Niu is about to be born, maybe the decent guys will come to make trouble. We have a lot of things to do. Although the matter of the master is very important, the matter of my divine religion cannot be put aside.

Li Biao frowned and pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then said, "The little sister is right. The decent people are insidious and cunning. Maybe they are peeping at us somewhere. For the sake of our divine cause, we'd better be careful."

"Well, maybe there are decent people eavesdropping under our feet." With that, Ling Fei smiled playfully and stamped the ground with her right foot.

"The little sister laughed, not to mention whether the decent man can find this Liubo Mountain, that is, the whole world of cultivation, and she has never heard of anyone who can escape underground, unless he is a mole." Li Biao smiled and waved the ban with his right hand, and then a crescent shovel with black smoke appeared in the air. "Little sister, Brother Yu went patrol first. The little sister's warning that Brother Yu will remember it. I hope the little sister will not forget the kindness of our master."

Ling Fei straightened her face and arched her hand and said, "Master, Ling Fei dares not forget it. Brother, please take your time."

"Hmm." Li Biao nodded with satisfaction and turned into a black light with the crescent shovel and body. In an instant, he had integrated into the many demon monks flying in the sky.

Watching Li Biao leave, Linshang finally breathed a relaxed breath and quietly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead that did not exist.

Just when Ling Fei made a "h" sound, Linshang knew that her whereabouts had been discovered by her. Although Linshang was confident that his voice could not be heard by ordinary monks, he lost that confidence in the face of strange magic.

No, as soon as he made a sound, he was flying beside Ling Fei. The insect in the dark green flame was discovered, and then Ling Fei knew it.

Although I don't know where Ling Fei knows that she can perform local skills, it's good to find that the person she is. Otherwise, even if she can escape from this wave mountain, she will be shocked.

However, do you want to say thank you to her?

Just as Lin Shang was entangled, Ling Fei looked around, found a clean stone and sat down, held her cheek in her right hand, and stared at the increasingly bright fish belly in the eastern sky.

Looking at her like that, it seems that she has forgotten that Lin Chang is under her.

It's the most difficult to accept beauty's kindness, say it! It's just a thank you. Now there is no one around except her, and she will never expose her deeds.

Linshang crossed his heart and gritted his teeth. The word "thank you" was about to come out. However, at this time, he heard Ling Fei mutter gently.

"Lin Lang, I know you haven't left yet, and I also know that my current path can't change your decision at all. However, I still want to tell you that you go. There are thousands of my divine disciples in Liubo Mountain, and there are many elders and priests. It's too dangerous for you to stay here.

"I can save you once, but I can't save you twice..."

Lin Sheng was stunned for a moment, his face sank, and the words in his mouth were also rigidly suffoed back into his stomach. At this time, Ling Fei's voice continued to ring above her head, but she held her cheeks with her right hand and gently fiddled with a few small stones in her left hand, like a naive girl playing at the seaside. Who could have thought that she was a demonist?

"From the day I met you, I knew that sooner or later we would have a relative day on the battlefield. After all, we are a demon, and we are not compatible with heaven and earth."

"I don't expect you to participate in my magic religion. I just hope that you can take care of your safety when I am fighting. If you meet me... don't show mercy..."

Listening, Linshang couldn't help but feel irritable, like hundreds of rabbits churning in his heart, making him eager to jump out of the ground immediately and hold the sad woman tightly in his arms to warm him.

However, tens of thousands of reasons made him motionless, and he could only listen to the green woman continue to mutter.

"Okay, you go quickly."

"I'm leaving..."

Then, a rapidly distant roar came to Linshang's ears.

Lin Shang looked up and saw that the stone where Ling Fei had just sat was empty, but the first light shone from there and dyed the whole Liubo Mountain golden in an instant.

It's dawn.

Looking at the golden sunshine all over the earth, Linshang felt inexplicably irritable. Ling Fei's words just woke him up like a basin of cold water. But what he thought of was not only Ling Fei, but even Liu Xiangzhen.

When your decent alliance comes, you may really meet them.

At that time, can the two sides only think that they don't know each other for themselves and for them?

In his irritability, Linshang waved his hand helplessly and simply disappeared down.

Ten feet!

50 feet!

A whitezhang!

With the distance from the ground, layers of rocks finally blocked Linshang's eyes and let the golden sunlight disappear in front of his eyes.

Until he escape to the ground 300 feet, Linshang only felt empty, shocked, and stopped in the air in an instant.

Looking around, a small cave appeared in front of him under the faint blue light.

This cave is different from what he saw in the past, or it can be said to be small and pitiful. There is only one ordinary room of less than ten square meters, and the perimeter of the cave is oval, as if it was trampled by something.

glanced at the cave, and a trace of fatigue flashed in Lin Shang's eyes. With a "poof", he fell on the ground of the cave like a broken bag. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

During his sleep, he still frowned, as if there were countless troubles in his dream.


At this time, the first sunshine in the morning was on a small island thousands of miles west of Liubo Mountain. At the same time as the sunshine, there was Shao Yifei with golden light all over his body.

"Brother Shao is back, Brother Shao is back!"

Seeing Shao Yifei's figure, several Shushan disciples who stayed on the island immediately cheered, while Yu Lianzhou, who was meditated with the disciples of Xuantianzong, frowned and flashed a trace of uneasiness in his eyes.

Brother Shao is back, but where is Brother Lin?

"Brother Shao, where is Brother Lin?"

As soon as Yu Lianzhou stood up and met him, Su Yuqing had already flown to Shao Yifei's side. Although his face was full of frost, the worry in his eyes showed undisguised.

Looking at the stunning woman in front of him, Shao Yifei sighed slightly and said quickly, "Sister Su, don't worry, Brother Lin is fine. He will come back soon. Come with me."

With that, Shao Yifei fell to the beach in the golden light. At this time, many disciples who stayed on the island had gathered on the beach and looked at Shao Yifei with bright eyes, waiting for him to talk about the harvest of this trip.

Shao Yifei glanced at the crowd and saw that the four major disciples were there. He breathed a relaxed breath and said slowly, "Brothers and sisters, Brother Lin has guessed a good guess. Thousands of miles east of this island, it is where Liubo Mountain is."

As soon as Shao Yifei's voice fell, everyone's eyes lit up, but the eldest disciples of the four schools and the monks of Xuantianzong frowned.

Other people may not be familiar with Linshang, but these people are very familiar with Linshang. The two went together last night, but now only one person has come back. A lot of things must have happened.

However, this is not the time to ask questions. If something really happens, Shao Yifei will definitely tell everyone.

"As for Brother Lin..." Shao Yifei frowned and said with a serious face, "Although Brother Lin and I have found Liubo Mountain, there are countless demons on it. It is really not easy for us to talk about the reality of the demons of the Qing Dynasty. After discussing with Brother Lin, I decided to inquire about it, and I came back to tell you the news, so that even if something happened to someone, the whole army would not be destroyed.

"What about Brother Lin's safety?" Su Yuqing's face was cold, and the blue shadow suddenly appeared in the air. In the green light flashing, the tip of the sword pointed to Shao Yifei from afar.

"Sister Su! Calm down!" Yu Lianzhou looked at Su Yuqing in surprise, but he admired Linshang very much in his heart. This sister Su has always been extremely cold, but at this time she is so concerned about Brother Lin's affairs. What's more, she did not hesitate to draw her sword to Brother Shao for the sake of Brother Lin's safety. It seems that Brother Lin is indeed not a mortal, which can make such a frost beauty move her heart.

"Hmm!" Su Yuqing snorted coldly and was not moved by the status of Yu Lianzhou's eldest brother at all. He still looked at Shao Yifei coldly. Looking at that, if she hears the news of Linshang's accident, maybe she will really stab the blue shadow to Shao Yifei.

"Don't worry, Sister Su." Shao Yifei smiled bitterly and pointed to the beach under his feet and said, "No one else knows Brother Lin's ability. Don't you know Sister Su yet? When it comes to cultivation, the whole world of cultivation is countless higher than him, but if it is compared with escape, I'm afraid no one can match Brother Lin.

Su Yuqing was stunned when he heard the words, and the coldness in his eyes slowly eased. He arched his hand and flew to Shao Yi and said, "It's offensive." After saying that, he walked aside and found a clean stone to sit down. The blue shadow did not take back, but gently turned around her and pointed far away in the direction of the sun rising.

Looking at Su Yuqing's back, Shao Yifei and Yu Lianzhou looked at each other, shook their heads with a wry smile, and turned their eyes to the east, with a trace of complexity flashing in their eyes.

Brother Lin, you'd better come back safely...


The third update. This chapter is hard. Somehow, my mind is always a little restless. I hope it will be better tomorrow.