State Dingji

unnamed actors with or without audience

Title, title party...

Unconsciously, the number of words has exceeded one million ^_^, and finally reached seven digits! When Xiaochen just saw it, it really made Xiaochen excited and forget about it~

This book has been written for a long time, and it has exploded and been interrupted. In short, Xiaochen has encountered the problems that all newcomers and new books have encountered, and they have been swimming around. To be honest, this book is settled on the street, and some friends advised Xiaochen to simply wave the knife, but Xiaochen really can't bear it.

Whether you write a book or not, it has injected the author's great painstaking efforts. For others, this book may not do anything, and may not even have the value of collection. But for the author, this book is the author's heart and his own child!

Now that it has started, you have to take responsibility!

A great man said that it is not difficult to do a good thing, but to do a good thing for a lifetime. I think this sentence is also very practical in writing books and codes.

It's not difficult to code three thousand words, but the difficult thing is to code it every day.

It is not difficult to be responsible for one thing, but it is difficult to be responsible for everything.

Xiaochen is not a very responsible person. After all, during the period of typing, although there are not many interruptions, the time of interruptions is shocking--! But now Xiaochen is back and comes back to fulfill his previous promise.

State Dingji, no TJ, no unfinished!

Although the popularity is too little and a little lost, hasn't Dr. Chen ever sung it?

Nameless actors with or without an audience!

Xiaochen is not so arrogant, so he can only Q himself like this.