
Xinsi Captivity

When Lori saw that her steel balls were caught in the telescope, she did not detonate them. It is not difficult to detonate steel balls in the air, but it is very difficult to forcibly detonate the beads bound by hard objects such as cement. Anyway, Liu Ruyue has caught the target and dived underground at the moment of landing. So Lori didn't fall in love with the war, and she decided to retreat immediately.

However, it really makes people care. The woman who caught my beads is an acquaintance. Lori thinks about it while tidying things.

At this moment, a person suddenly popped up on the ground.

"Sister Yue!" Lori was shocked.

Liu Ruyue was embarrassed and seriously injured, but Dai Zhitong was not in her hands.

Luo Binghong slowly appeared not far away with Dai Zhitong in his arms, "Comparing speed with me in the soil?"

Liu Ruyue coughed blood and said, "This man is very powerful..."

Luoli understood what was going on. She waved her hands and two steel balls hit Luo Binghong.

Luo Binghong smiled coldly: "Do you dare to be creative?"

Earth art, Xiao Qiang.

Luo Binghong waved his hand casually and a dirt wall rose.

Two steel balls were embedded in it. As soon as Luo Binghong closed his hands, the earth wall wrapped the steel beads into it.

Earth art, trapped beast.

"This is..." In an instant, Lori's legs were entangled by two mud snakes drilled from the ground. Before she could take out the steel balls, her hands were also entangled.

Luo Binghong quickly flashed in front of Luo Li and held a dagger against Luo Li: "I caught you."

Luoli sighed, "That's awesome. Where did you come from?"

Luo Binghong was stunned. Didn't Lori know that she was not a power? What's going on?

However, even when he was puzzled, Luo Binghong still controlled the whole audience.

"Don't want to run, little mole..." Luo Binghong turned his head and said to Liu Ruyue, who was about to dive, "Land art..."

Don't leave the road.

"Ah!" Liu Ruyue screamed, and her whole body was pressed on the ground by a thin layer of loess, and the surrounding ground became very strange. Liu Ruyue found that she could not dive.

Luoli frowned: "What do you think I should do?"

Luo Binghong said, "I'll ask you about someone."

Rolly asked, "Who?"

"A powerman with ultra-high dodge and mobility should be with you."

Lori asked, "Why should I tell you?"

Luo Binghong raised the dagger in his hand and said, "Can't this dagger be used as a reason?"

At this time, Li Qi fell from the sky. He looked at Liu Ruyue, who was pressed by the loess on the side, and sighed that Luo Binghong could do such a strong prison technique. He said, "Miss Luo is so powerful that she will deal with them so quickly."

Luo Binghong said, "What about An Yanyan?"

Li Qi said, "It's good. I showed them the documents and they didn't say anything."

"Are you still a senior official?"

"You know that what I enjoy is sub-provincial treatment..."

Luo Binghong waved his hand: "I know you are rich and handsome, so I want to ask our deputy governor, what about these two people?"

"Of course, I'll take it back. Let me take over. It's not easy for you to move this bondage." Li Qi said.

Luo Binghong nodded and moved away his dagger.

Heavenly power, coffin bird.

Two coffin-like boxes made of air loaded Lori and Liu Ruyue, and then flew up with Li Qi.

Luo Binghong also sank into the ground with Dai Zhitong, who had not yet woken up.


"Consultant Li." Tang Weiyang saw the two women sleeping in the air coffin in front of him and said, "Consultant Li is really awesome!"

Li Qi shook his head and pointed to Luo Binghong: "This time it's entirely thanks to Miss Luo. I just brought them back."

At this moment, Dai Zhitong opened her eyes and woke up: "Why is it so noisy..."

Li Qi said, "Miss Dai, are you awake? How do you feel?"

Dai Zhitong looked around for a week and found that there were several more people, so she asked, "Who are you?"

An Yanyan introduced Dai Zhitong in turn.

Liu Xiang put Li Qika aside and said, "Brother Qi, the matter is not over yet. I guess there will be another wave of kidnappings."

Li Qi asked, "Why?"

Liu replied, "Well, you see, Xiao Dai now is equivalent to Xiao Luo at that time, right? If Xiao Luo will take action in person, then why won't he take action against Xiao Dai? What's more, there are two more prisoners who may reveal his details this time.

Li Qi was too lazy to complain about Liu's habit of calling people. He thought for a moment and said, "If that man comes in person, I guess the four people in the dragon group can't stop it... Do you want Miss Dai to follow us?"

Li Qi and Liu Xiang discussed a few more words and said to Tang Weiyang, "Mr. Tang, we estimate that Miss Dai is not safe now, and there should be someone else who will come against her."

Tang Weiyang asked, "Is there anyone else? Do you want me to send her back to Beijing for protection?

Li Qi calmly denied, "Well, I guess that dragon group can't prevent it, so let me take her away."

Tang Weiyang showed an unhappy look on his face, but it was hard to say anything, so he had no choice but to nod.

At this moment, the mobile phone seized from Lori rang, and everyone was shocked. Li Qi took it out and opened it. It turned out to be a text message: "I don't want to aim, stop acting. J."

"This..." Li Qi wondered, "What's going on?"

Tang Weiyang shouted to Pang Weihao and Lei Ling, "Quickly trace the source of the signal!"

Leiling Pang Weihao began to act according to his words.

Liu asked, "Are you sure this mobile phone didn't send a signal to the outside world just now?"

Pang Weihao said, "No, as soon as you come in, we have blocked the external signals of all the communication tools on these two people. We can only accept signals and cannot send signals."

Liu said, "What if the mobile phone itself is constantly transmitting signals? As soon as you block it, don't you let the other party know that something happened to the two of them?

Pang Weihao shook his head: "No, we have detected it before shielding."

Liu thought for a moment and said to Li Qi, "If you want to attract that person, call him now."

Pang Weihao shouted, "No, we haven't caught the signal source yet!" Don't startle the snake."

"It doesn't make sense to catch him. If you can't catch him, you might as well let him send it to your door."

Tang Weiyang said, "We may not be able to do it, but there is always someone in the headquarters who can deal with him."

Li Qi said seriously, "Mr. Tang, your task of contacting Miss Dai Zhitong has been completed. You should go back and recover."

Tang Weiyang said, "No, our task this time is to contact Miss Dai and include her in the file of the powers. If there is anyone against her, we should naturally protect her!"

Li Qi took out his mobile phone: "Do you need me to call Team Leader Shi?"

"You!" Tang Weiyang was speechless.

Liu waved his hand and said, "Lao Tang, don't worry, Brother Qi, do you think this is okay? First, ask the people in their group to deal with the man. If you can catch it, it's best. If you can't catch it, they will tell the person he wants in our hands."

Li Qigang wanted to say something, but when he saw Liu wink at himself again, he said to Tang Weiyang, "Okay, but we will take these two women away. You just need to catch that man, you don't need bait, right?

Tang Weiyang thought for a moment and nodded.

Liu went on to say, "And Xiao Dai, we also want to take her away for the time being. Don't file her yet."

Tang Weiyang agreed again, but suddenly felt something was wrong. Liu went back and said, "Just for the time being, if your superiors are blamed, we will be responsible."

Li Qi also said, "I'm your superior!"

Tang Weiyang said, "Okay, if you want to take it away, but she will come back to the file after the main perpetrator of the kidnapping case is caught."

Liu went with a smile and agreed, "Of course."

An Yanyan suddenly shouted, "Wait!"

Li Qi frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I...I'll go with you."


An Yanyan said righteously, "I want to take care of Tongtong!"

Dai Zhitong said, "Senior sister..." She always felt uncomfortable. These people had been discussing her going and staying just now, but they didn't ask for her opinion at all.

An Yanyan patted her on the shoulder and said, "If you have a senior sister and I follow you, you don't have to worry at all!"

Li Qi looked at Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang nodded. Li Qi asked An Yanyan, "Doesn't your studies matter?"

An Yanyan said, "It's okay. Anyway, it's still a holiday now. I said ask for leave. My tutor is very good."

Li Qi agreed when she heard that.

"Then let's say goodbye... Goodbye, Mr. Tang." Li Qi said.

Liu suddenly interrupted: "Wait, we will also take this thing away." He picked up Liu Ruyue's mobile phone and said, "You can use that little Lori's mobile phone. You shouldn't need this thing anymore, so we will take it away."

Tang Weiyang said, "You..."

Without waiting for Tang Weiyang to say the second word, Liuxiang shouted, "Thank you! Goodbye!"

"Bye!" Everyone said goodbye, and An Yanyan gave Liang Yihua a warm hug.

Li Qi finally left a sentence: "You did a good job in this mission..."

In the words, two air coffins hung up and left with Li Qi.

Lei Ling said angrily, "This Li Qi is too arrogant!"

Tang Weiyang sighed and said, "Stop it, he has a big head."


Nation: There will be no manuscript in two more days, and the coding speed is far from keeping up with the update speed. What should I do...