
Gengzi is so tired that he falls asleep and idle that he is bored

The military arranged several houses for Li Qi and his party upstairs in the warehouse. In fact, they are all offices, but there is a door on the side of the office. After entering, there is a bed. The bed is very large, which can sleep two people, as well as bathrooms, toilets, etc. Usually, the managers of the warehouse usually live in such an office, so As for what happened in the warehouse, measures can be taken to solve it immediately.

Yu Weiming slowly walked back to the warehouse and happened to bump into Hu Lan, who sent Jiang Hongbo back. He said hello and suddenly thought of something and asked, "by the way, have you ever fought with biochemical people before?"

Hu Lan laughed and said, "Of course, biochemicals are the main force of the American special combat forces, and they have dealt with a lot before."

"Have you ever got the body of a biochemical person? Or have you captured a biochemical man alive?"

Hu Lan hesitated. She didn't know whether she should say this. There is no clear provision. Of course, the research of a country's biochemical or biological and chemical weapons is undoubtedly confidential, but should the research results of hostile countries be kept confidential to her own nationals? And it seems that this is not a big secret, right? Yu Weiming is Li Qi's person. Li Qi's own authority is extremely high. If he doesn't tell him now, at most he will go back and ask Li Qi, and he will still know. Thinking of this, Hu Lan said calmly: "The body has never been obtained. Generally, a burning bag is placed in the biochemical human body. Once the biochemical person dies, the combustion bag immediately explodes, which can quickly burn the biochemical man to ashes from the inside, and there are strong corrosive substances against the biochemical human shell, so even heat resistance. Extremely strong shells are rarely left, especially the DNA in it, which is all completely destroyed. However, there have been several things that have been captured alive. Every time we encounter this kind of thing, it is said that our old men and old men and old men will be very happy.

"Why doesn't that corrodity be used as a weapon? That will be very effective against biochemical people, right?

Hu Lan shook her head: "You are too naive. That kind of thing takes a certain dose to have an effect. If it is sprayed, there is no problem for biochemical people to just wear a dress outside. If it is carried with ammunition, the quantity is too small, and there are technical difficulties. I don't know the details. Anyway, this question The question has been thought of for a long time, but it has not been adopted.

"Because this kind of thing can only penetrate into the biochemical human shell and destroy DNA, not the shell." Suddenly, a low voice came from behind Hu Lan. Of course, Hu Lan knew that this was Meng Renjun's voice. She asked without looking back, "But every time I look at the shells of those biochemical people, there is not much left?"

Meng Renjun replied, "That's because it has been burning for a long time, and no matter how heat-resistant the shell is, it will be burned out, not corroded."

"So that's it!" Hu Lan nodded, "I have always misunderstood."

Meng Renjun said, "Hu Lan, you are still a little wrong. How can you tell him these things? How high is his authority as a capable explorer of the martial arts alliance?

Hu Lan was stunned there and didn't know what to do.

Meng Renjun said with a pale face, "I must tell Jiang Hongbo and Li Qi about this matter, and let them deal with this person."

Yu Weiming waved his hand: "No, I asked this because this incident is a little strange."

"Why is it strange?"

"I counted more than 20 biochemical people this time, and all the bodies were recovered by us intact. Isn't it strange?"

Meng Renjun sneered and said, "What's so strange about this? It's common to replace biochemical people. Maybe it's impossible for Americans not to do a good job in the automatic destruction system this time."

"But there is another strange thing..."

"Let's talk about it when you see Jiang Hongbo."

Hu Lan said, "Maybe not. He is tired this time. I guess he will lie down in ** for a day or two."

Meng Renjun said, "Jiang Hongbo can't make the decision, and Li Qi can make the decision."

"Isn't he Li Qi's man?"

"He is Li Qi's original team, not Li Qi's original team, so he can't be regarded as Li Qi's person."

Hu Lan looked at Yu Weiming with a little doubt when he heard this, "Do you say it yourself? Shouldn't have asked?"

Yu Weiming replied, "I don't know if I have the authority to understand what you just said, but all I should ask." Think about it yourself, the purpose of the existence of those biochemical people is to buy time for the vaporizing power. If such cannon fodder is defeated, how can they not finally leave us some trouble and send us dozens of corpses? In addition, the faraway powerman has never done anything from beginning to end. If he can't help, why did he come here? Don't you think it's strange?"

Meng Renjun nodded: "It makes sense, but everything is one by one. It's not that anything illegal can be done for a reason. Your business can be big or small. It can be passed with one eye closed, or it can be theft of state secrets, which is treason.

Yu Weiming said, "I'm worried that if the bodies of those biochemical people explode after we drag them back to the laboratory, aren't those researchers dangerous!"

Meng Renjun shook his head: "It's impossible. Under the high temperature of Jiang Hongbo's flame, any flammable and explosives will not remain stable, and every body will be inspected when it enters the collection. It is impossible for the kind of thing you think."

Yu Weiming had nothing to say, but he was silent. He didn't know the details at all, so it was impossible for him to guess what the problem was, so he had no choice but to speak.

Compared with Jiang Hongbo, who is sleeping like a dead pig lying in **, Yuan Yi and An Yanyan's day will be more leisurely. They just stay in an office next to the warehouse and enjoy the leisurely life of a cup of tea on the computer. Occasionally, they also practice their skills and maintain a perfect figure. They live a very comfortable life. There were no enemies around. Obviously, their plan was very successful, and the Americans were completely misled by their own explorers. When Jiang Hongbo was dragged back to the warehouse to sleep, the two of them really felt a little sorry, but the task of guarding the "pseudo-warehouse" was not a power. No matter how high their martial arts skills were, they could not do it.

Yuan Yi asked An Yanyan in a low voice, "How about we serve him?"

Serving? How to say?" An Yanyan is puzzled.

Yuan Yi made a slave move: "Sir, please change your clothes and bathe... How about this?"

An Yanyan waved his hand: "Don't. The best thanks to him now is to let him sleep. You torture him by doing anything you let him."

"I understand that." Yuan Yi thought for a moment, "But we have to do something to let him know that we are still very grateful to him, right?"

"Then wait until he wakes up... Besides, how can you thank him? Promise with your body? Do you dare to give it to him?"

Yuan Yi glanced at An Yanyan, and suddenly a light bulb flashed from the top of her head. She quietly opened the door and gently came to Jiang Hongbo's house. She did not dare to go in, because most of the people in the dragon group had been trained to be vigilantly, especially in sleep **. If they usually sleep, a little person walking on the side would be aware of it. This time, Jiang Hongbo was "so tired to fall asleep", which was basically the same level as fainting, but Yuan Yi still couldn't guarantee whether they would wake Jiang Hongbo up if they opened Jiang Hongbo's door, so she began to cast spells outside the door.

Tiangong nourishes the heart.

Heavenly power, the source of life.

Whether it is useful or not, Yuan Yi's two restorative doors unfolded, directly hit the position of Jiang Hongbo's bed through the door, and then gently returned to his room.

An Yanyan saw this situation and didn't know what to say, but he was stunned for a long time and said, "This is too amazing. It blinded my dog's eyes. I'm going to abandon the present and ancient times."

Yuan Yi smiled proudly and suddenly thought of something. His expression became gloomy, but for a moment, she returned to normal.

An Yanyan doesn't care what sad things she thinks of. Anyway, this expression comes to mind that kind of things. She doesn't need to be so specific.

At this moment, Yuan Yi whispered, "Someone came. He is a master."

An Yan's research skills are insufficient, but he still said, "Isn't he the enemy?"

"Of course not. There are few masters at this level in the United States. It should be Hu Lan and others. I can feel the warmth of her Jiuyang magic skill three feet away."

An Yanyan envied: "Jiuyang's magical skills are much higher than my Zixia secret book..."

Yuan Yi was surprised: "Why didn't I find out that you were interested in internal power before?"

"You didn't ask me before, and I'm embarrassed to say it."

"You said earlier, then," Yuan Yi took out her mobile phone and sent a file with infrared, "I sent it to you."

"What is it?"

"Good thing, the full version of the Sunflower Book."

"What?!" An Yanyan said, "Do you call me Zigong? Even if I agree to be self-absorbed, how can a woman be self-absorbed? A cut on the lower abdomen?

Yuan Yi patted her heavily, "It's said that it's a full version. In fact, it's not called the Sunflower Treasure Book, it's called the Eight Chakrameridian, and you don't need to do it from the palace, but pay attention to practice a little bit. You have to read the whole book well at a time, and then practice it together. It's very dangerous to practice this skill without the overall view."

An Yanyan was surprised, "You seem to be very clear about it. Have you practiced it?"

"Several studies on ways and precautions to improve the efficiency of internal skills cultivation are one of the topics I am working on." Yuan Yi stretched out a finger and said, "Oh, don't worry about it. Anyway, remember what I said!"

"I know, thank you, Xiao Yuan Yuan," An Yanyan hugged Yuan Yi. "Thank you, I can let you be my second room."

"Why don't you die?"

"What? Do you want to replace Pupil as my main room? I want to think about it." An Yanyan said seriously.

"Come in!" Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the house. After the two agreed, Hu Lan pushed the door in.

"This..." Meng Renjun saw the ambiguous actions of the two people in the room and didn't know what to say. In fact, in this era, homosexuality is already open and upright, and it is said that it is about to be legalized, but people's views on heterosexuality are still similar to before, which leads to a very strange phenomenon. Heterosexuals are generally embarrassed. It's too close in public. Even if you want to be sweet, you have to be under a tree at night, and the two homosexuals can openly engage in ambiguity on the street. Although Meng Renjun is an old man born in the last century, he is still relatively open to this. He just said, "You think I didn't see it... However, Yu Weiming looked very anxious, so I couldn't quit. Come on, Yu Weiming, you said what you did.

An Yanyan saw that Meng Renjun and the other three did not quit. No matter how thick-skinned she was, she was embarrassed to hold Yuan Yi again, so she had to put her down.

Yu Weiming was pushed to the front by Meng Renjun. He looked at the two women and told the whole thing.