
Azi Poor Nightmare

"Hey, what happened last night?" Zhang Lun looked at the three people in the dormitory, Yu Weiming with an innocent face, Zhu Wangchen with a pale face, and Fang Bingtao, who seemed to have nothing to do with him.

He asked this sentence and waited for a long time. Seeing each of the three people bird himself, he first turned his head to Fang Bingtao: "Fang Bingtao, do you know?"

Fang Bingtao was reading a book. He didn't even bother to turn his head when he heard Zhang Lun's words. He said, "Don't ask me, I don't know anything..." Fang Bingtao said so, but he hit Xiao Jiujiu psychologically, "Xiaoyang, do you want to trap me? I think you and Yu Weiming know the most in this room, and still ask me?

Zhang Lun turned his head and looked at Zhu Wangchen for help: "Brother Zhu, why do I think your face is much worse when you wake up all night? Didn't you sleep well?"

Zhu Wangchen was originally lying on the table. When he heard Zhang Lun's question, he just glanced at Yu Weiming and said, "Yes, who slept well when it was so noisy last night?"

Zhang Lun said to Weiming with a smile, "You really don't know what happened?" But his eyes were saying, "Look, Yu Weiming, they don't know."

Yu Weiming is too lazy to white-eyed: "Idiot..."

Zhang Lun smiled awkwardly.

Yu Weiming picked up his mobile phone, and there was a message inspired by Li: "After examination, your chromosome is XX. Congratulations, you are now a real woman, and you have completely eliminated the danger of being a shemale."

Yu Weiming put down his mobile phone casually and thought that Li Qi must be laughing happily now, right? However, she will not be depressed or sad because of this. In that case, she will not be Yu Weiming.

Thinking of this, she returned to ** again: "I'll go back to sleep."

"Why did you lie down? Don't you always sleep sitting? Zhang Lun asked.

Yu Weiming turned over and ignored him. She has only recently begun to meditate instead of sleeping, so she is not used to it. Especially after a long quarrel outside last night, she was also worried for a long time. Now she is relieved to see Li Qi's text message and knowing that he is fine, so it is necessary to make up for a nap.

I can finally dream, and I don't know if those martial arts practitioners meditated and don't sleep every day. Will they miss the feeling of dreaming? Yu Weiming thought for a moment and suddenly felt wrong. He remembered that the night before she became like this, she dreamed of a woman, but that night she obviously meditated and didn't sleep?

Thinking of this, she suddenly woke up and saw that there was no one in the dormitory.

"I fell asleep just now? Have you slept for a long time?" Yu Weiming frowned puzzled.

No, it's so cold? Why is the sky gray? Should this be daytime? If it's night, why are the three people in the dormitory?

Yu Weiming suddenly became sleepless. She climbed out of bed, looked around the bedroom, and then opened the bedroom door. In the past few days, she rarely went out - the reason everyone knows - but now she has a strange feeling when she walks out of the dormitory.

Looking up, the sky is gray, as if there are dark clouds, but the air is still very refreshing in the morning? The whole dormitory building is surprisingly quiet, as if there is no one. Is there any group activity today? Obviously, there seemed to be a cold wind blowing in the autumn tiger's weather. Only then did Yu Weiming notice that he was dressed too thin, so he turned back to add clothes.

I just opened the wardrobe door and took out a dual-purpose shirt, but suddenly felt that there seemed to be something different from usual in the dormitory, as if something was missing... She put on a dual-purpose shirt, suddenly turned around and opened Fang Bingtao's wardrobe next to her wardrobe. There was nothing in it, no clothes, no hangers, no quilt covers, and it was empty, as if no one had ever lived...

Is everything that happens these days your own illusion? This also explains why she suddenly became a woman, and she may be a woman in the first place.

This idea flashed through Wei Ming's mind, but she quickly ruled out that the taste of clothes in the wardrobe has well explained her gender, and the layout of this bedroom room shows that this is a real male dormitory.

"It's not that no one has ever lived in this bed," Yu Weiming smiled. She saw the books, lamps, pens and schoolbags on Fang Bingtao's desk and thought to herself, "If Fang Bingtao has never lived here at all, where did these things come from? So are these things all put on when I was sleepwalking?

"So, why is everything on the table, but nothing in the cabinet?" Yu Weiming began to think about various possibilities, "If my three roommates who have been killed by thousands of knives are pranking, why not put away the things on the table?" This is obviously impossible."

"So the crux of the question is, what is the difference between those things that should have existed but disappeared and those things that have not yet disappeared?" Thinking of this, Yu Weiming suddenly had a guess. In order to verify it, Yu Weiming opened the cabinet of Zhang Lun and Zhu Wangchen again.

"Sure enough, it's normal in Zhang Lun's cabinet. What do you want? In Zhu Wangchen's cabinet... There are only a few knives. It was used when he attacked that man last night. Yu Weiming nodded slowly, "Everything that is still there is what I have seen, and what has disappeared is what I don't know. Yesterday, Zhang Lun and I opened his cabinet in order to layout, so I know what was in it. Last night, I saw Zhu Wangchen using these flying knives, so they were also there, but I don't know what other clothes Zhu Wangchen had, so there was nothing in the cabinet I saw, and so did Fang Bingtao.

Yu Weiming lay down to **: "It seems that the world is based on the cognition of my brain. The most likely thing is that I am dreaming, because I haven't slept for a long time, so my dream is particularly real? But it is also possible... Is it caused by something else?"

Thinking about Yu Weiming, he climbed out of bed again and took out the black card from his bookshelf, with his eyes staring at him.

"Is that what the hell you did? Try it and you will know." Yu Weiming said, and the card was pulled into two halves fiercely from the middle, "Is it really hard?"

It's just that although the card was broken, the sound of "bang" seemed to have an echo. Yu Weiming looked up and saw that the ceiling was torn in half, and the bed was torn in half with a crash, followed by doors, windows, books, etc. As long as it looked like it could be torn, one after another. It became two halves... Finally, it was his turn. Yu Weiming only saw that his body was torn in half with a crash.

Then she woke up.

"Do you look like you had a nightmare?" Fang Bingtao looked up at Yu Weiming.

But I saw that Yu Weiming just took a deep breath and said calmly, "Yes." Fang Bingtao felt that this person seemed to just "see" a nightmare, not "made" a nightmare.

"Which nightmare is so unlucky that you did it?" Fang Bingtao changed his words.

Yu Weiming climbed out of bed, took out the "eye card" from the bookshelf and said, "It."

Fang Bingtao picked up the card and looked at it carefully: "Have you dreamed of it? Fetish?"

"Oh, no, I dreamed of tearing it up."

"This... You won't dream of me again, will you?"

"It depends on your character."

Zhu Wangchen, who was sleeping on one side of the table, suddenly raised his head and said, "There is a lot of resentment on this thing. I guess it's some kind of spirit. It is very likely that it is the kind of thing left by someone before he dies, on which all the grievances are gathered to scare ordinary people like us. It is said that for this kind of ghost, only by fulfilling his wish before his death can he rest in peace.

Fang Bingtao smiled and said, "If a person's resentment was so strong, this person would not die with resentment. What can't be done alive? How can it be done when you die?

Zhu Wangchen made a bingo gesture and said, "So, I said it was a scare, frightening the living and asking the living to help him realize his wish. This is the experience of these grievances for thousands of years. It's also the wisdom of ancestors!"

Yu Weiming said, "You use inappropriate words. Anyway, it's okay if I tear it up, right?"

Zhu Wangchen suggested: "It's better not to tear it up. In case this ghost is too strong, it is likely to fall on you."

"So throw it away?"

"Do you want it to harm others?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Yu Weiming pointed to Zhu Wangchen.

Zhu Wangchen said, "Realize his wish and then tear it up."

Yu Weiming stared at the * eye and said, "I strongly suggest that when I fall asleep tonight, you come into my dream and tell me what your wish is, otherwise I won't go back and guess!" With that, he threw the card on the table.

As soon as Yu Weiming wanted to ask Zhu Wangchen something more, Fang Bingtao rushed to ask, "by the way, Lao Zhu, how do you know so much?"

Zhu Wangchen said with a smile, "My family has been a spiritual master for all generations. Well, he is what you usually think of as a Taoist priest."

"Oh..." Fang Bingtao suddenly realized, "So why did you support leaving this card before?"

Zhu Wangchen was speechless. He couldn't say, "I kept this card to test you."

In fact, if Zhu Wangchen hadn't been too tired to fall asleep just now, he would not have relaxed his vigilance and would not have answered Yu Weiming's question reflexively.

Just in a moment, Zhu Wangchen came up with a good reason: "Oh, I saw that this resentment is actually incompetentful and quite pitiful, so I wanted to keep it to help it realize its wish, but I forgot to bring it to Yu Weiming last night. Yu Weiming, give it to me now."

Yu Weiming said with a smile, "No, I have made an appointment to meet it in my dream. Don't be a light bulb." But what he thought was, "Here you are?" Let you try Fang Bingtao? This won't work. I'll try both of you."

Fang Bingtao smiled secretly in his heart: "Exorcist? Do you think I will believe your reason? What happened to the flying knife you used last night? Don't think that only Yu Weiming knows, and I heard it.

When Zhu Wangchen saw that Yu Weiming didn't want to give himself, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Anyway, he is a kid, and it's not difficult for you. If you want to be a good person, it's up to you."

Zhang Lun looked at the three people fighting helplessly and complained in his heart, "Can't you unite a little? What's the point of testing each other? If you want me to say, just take turns to have a showdown, isn't that all right?