
The dragon group is full of strange people

"Are you forcing me?" Yu Weiming said angrily when he saw the three people rummaging through the suitcase and packing.

Zhang Lun said, "Ah," "I'm sorry, we didn't expect it, but we have agreed."

Zhu Wangchen also said, "Yes, yes, we didn't expect that Jiang Hongbo's goal was to bring you to Beijing. Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Fang Bingtao echoed: "Yes, we have agreed. Now let's refuse him. I'm afraid we will be cross-provincial."

You three can install it! Yu Wei understood them at a glance, don't you know? Nothing is better understood than you! I guess you have guessed the reason why Jiang Hongbo would lie to me to Beijing, right?

"Yes, Jiang Hongbo asked me to give you this." Zhang Lun took out a plane ticket and said, "He said he also wanted you to join the dragon group."

Yu Weiming took the plane ticket. To be honest, it doesn't matter whether An Yanyan let himself go to the dragon group or follow these three bad friends to Beijing. Even if he really joins the dragon group, he is not afraid, but he really doesn't want to see that "dad".

"Go away!" Fang Bingtao pulled Yu Weiming, " catch the plane!"

"Hey, I haven't paid attention to my things yet."


There are only 500 members of the dragon group, only one fifth of whom are powers, and the remaining four fifths are composed of the most elite special forces and warriors. Because there are branches all over the country and many people carrying out tasks all over the world, there are only more than 100 people who are really resident in Beijing - this is also one of the many flaws revealed by Jiang Hongbo. If it is really for Zhang Lun and the four people to join the dragon group, it will be fine in Shanghai, and they don't have to go all to Beijing at all.

The car carrying four people stopped at the door of a small building without any signs and signs. Jiang Hongbo asked the four people to wait outside the door and went to the doorman's office. First, he swiped a lot of cards, then pressed his fingerprints, checked the pupil, confirmed that it was correct, and then put his mobile phone in one. In a safe, he took out another mobile phone and dialed a number: "Group leader Shi, yes, I'm Jiang Hongbo. Those four people have arrived at the door."

At this time, a searchlight on the side of the door suddenly lit up. The doorman instructed Yu Weiming to walk over and stand in front of the light. The four pressed their fingerprints in turn. After about ten minutes, Shi Tangyue's voice sounded: "Let them come in."

The doorman said, "Take off your mobile phones, cameras and all communication tools and video tools."

The four people did what they said, but at this time, the four of them had amazingly similar ideas: are there any loopholes in such a security system?

When I entered the building, I found that the interior was not as dilapidated as it looked outside, but more like a top scientific research institution.

"This is really a failure, among them." Zhang Lun said.

Jiang Hongbo slowly walked up the stairs with four people and said as he walked, "In this building, the most taboo thing is to ask questions, or look around. Don't ask or even look at things that have nothing to do with you."

Fang Bingtao smiled and said, "I'm more concerned about whether there are entertainment facilities."

Jiang Hongbo said, "Of course, there is an entertainment room on the top floor, which is quite complete. The dormitory building is in the back, but it's too early to tell you these things. Come with me to see the team leader first."

Jiang Hongbo took the three to the innermost office on the fourth floor and knocked on the door. It was just an ordinary office. There were two people sitting at the desk, a young man in his thirties and an elderly man.

Jiang Hongbo nodded to the young man: "Group leader Shi, they are coming."

It seems that he is Shi Tangyue, the leader of the dragon group. Yu Weiming is indeed a little surprised by his youth, and they don't think there is anything special.

Shi Tangyue said with a smile, "Xiao Jiang, this is Professor Wang. Do you know him?"

Jiang Hongbo nodded: "I know, I know. Hello, Professor Wang.

Professor Wang also nodded back, and then kept looking at Weiming and Zhanghua and said, "The two of them... Was it originally a man?" After saying that, he still wanted to stare at their breasts carefully like an old pervert.

"This..." Shi Tangyue said shyly, "Professor Wang, can you go to your laboratory to do your work?"

Professor Wang nodded, walked out of the office and said, "You two, come with me!"

Yu Weiming and Zhang Lun looked at Shi Tangyue and asked with their eyes, "Are we going?"

Shi Tangyue waved his hand: "Go ahead!"

After the two left, there were only four people left in the office, and the atmosphere was suddenly a little scary.

Shi Tangyue took out two files and asked Zhu Wangchen, "Your name is Zhu Wangchen, right?"

"Yes." Zhu Wangchen nodded.

Shi Tangyue looked at the file and asked, "Your parents are chefs, right?"


"Can they do martial arts?"

Zhu Wangchen nodded: "Yes."

"Where did you learn it?"

"My father created it himself, and my mother learned it from my father." Zhu Wangchen said sincerely.

"Self-created?" Shi Tangyue couldn't believe it. He stared into Zhu Wangchen's eyes and couldn't see any sign of lying.

"Yes, my father liked to play flying knives when he was young, and he learned it unconsciously."

Shi Tangyue nodded. I guess he couldn't ask anything, so he had to put down Zhu Wangchen's information, turned his head and asked Fang Bingtao, "Your name is... Fang Bingtao, right?"


"I heard that your intuition is very good?"

"It's okay."

Shi Tangyue pointed to the file in his hand: "How many pieces of paper are there?"

"18, a total of 36 pages."

It really lives up to its reputation! Shi Tangyue was surprised, but on the surface, he just nodded calmly and put away the files of the two. "Your ability is very special. I think you still need specific research. Well, Jiang Hongbo, you can also take them to the research institute."

Jiang Hongbo nodded and took the two away.

Research Institute? Is that where Yu Weiming and the others went? Zhu Wangchen asked.

"Yes, this is the dragon group's own scientific research site, including the training ground." Jiang Hongbo took the two downstairs and took the elevator to the underground: "This research institute is built underground, but the whole site is not in the urban area, but in the suburbs, so you have to go through the underground tunnel. The whole tunnel is three kilometers long, but don't worry, you don't have to walk. There is an underground cable car to walk. ."

"Why use underground tunnels? The cost is high, isn't it? Zhu Wangchen was surprised.

"God knows," Jiang Hongbo said, "maybe the decision makers in those years have their own considerations."

"Three kilometers leads to the outside of the city? No wonder the headquarters will be built on the Sixth Ring Road.

The three of them talked and walked. Soon, they had arrived at the entrance of the tunnel and saw Yu Weiming and the others, "I thought we were going to be apart for a while!"

Professor Wang said, "It's almost the same. When you enter the research institute, you will be separated. They will go to the biology laboratory, and you will go to the ability laboratory."

"Yes," Jiang Hongbo also said, "After entering the dragon group, you may not be able to meet often. Just take advantage of the cable car to say goodbye."

Zhang Lun pulled down his face and said, "Isn't that exaggerated? It's like a life-death separation.

After a while, the cable car was ready. Six people got on the car and drove directly to the research institute.

Entering the research institute, Jiang Hongbo handed each of the four people a file package, which contained passes for each level of the dragon group, and even a meal card, including everyone's code, password, etc.

"The code names of the four of you are familiar with each other, and you will call each other pseudonym in the future. Your real names can no longer be used." Jiang Hongbo said.

The four people looked at their respective names, full of black lines. Zhu Wangchen's pseudonym is "*new", which is normal; Fang Bingtao's pseudonym is "Tao Binfang", which actually just reverses the original name; Yu Weiming's name is "Mingweiwu", and she knows the meaning of the name to change her surname to her father. , and then the other way around, her "father" is not so boring. It should be a masterpiece of someone in the dragon group; Zhang Lun is even more miserable. Her name is actually "Zhang Yu" and "Damn! Did the person who named it do it on purpose?

Jiang Hongbo shouted, "Okay, don't complain so much. This is also to protect you. I will give you three minutes to remember your passwords, and it will be burned in three minutes."

The four people don't have time to complain about their bad names. It's not difficult to remember a ten-digit password within three minutes, but it's not so easy to remember it and never forget it.

Three minutes later, Jiang Hongbo took four passwords and rubbed them into a ball of ashes.

Six people officially entered the research institute. After a few steps, they saw a large stone tablet standing in the middle of the research institute.

"Does the dragon group still have this kind of decoration?" Fang Bingtao said strangely.

Jiang Hongbo explained: "This is the Dragon Soul Monument. As long as the members of each dragon group are not the notorious kind, their names will be engraved after death, which is their real names."

Zhang Lun smiled and said, "Will our names be on it in the future?"

"Yes, as long as you don't betray the dragon group."

Fang Bingtao sighed: "This country can be as prosperous as it is now, and the people on the monument are indispensable..."

Zhu Wangchen patted him on the shoulder: "Do you also have such an emotional side?"

Yu Weiming also nodded: "Of course, that's why the dragon group exists, but... Why is there a box there?" With that, he pointed to the bottom of the Dragon Soul Monument, a place that should not have been engraved with an abrupt wordless box, "The line on the box has been dyed. Should it refer to someone?"

Zhang Lun is also looking at: "I can't see it at all... Mingweiwu, you have good eyesight. You can see it from so far away.

"Because this is my ability." Yu Weiming said.

Jiang Hongbo shook his head: "I don't know who that is, Professor Wang, do you know?"

Infinite memories flashed in Professor Wang's eyes. Every expression was telling the five people that he knew the story, but he chose to shake his head: "I don't know."

Jiang Hongbo knew that there was no need to ask much about this, but just said, "My predecessor told me: 'As long as you know that the box represents a person who has made great contributions to the whole dragon group and even the whole China, that's enough. Now I will also give you this sentence."

Speaking of this, Jiang Hongbo took several people to walk around the laboratory: "This is the first lounge, a clean place. There is also a second lounge in the research institute, which is a very yellow and violent place, and it is also the dirtiest place of the whole dragon group. I suggest you not go to avoid polluting your pure hearts. If you are tired from work, just come to this first lounge.

Then Jiang Hongbo took his group to a window: "There is an outdoor training ground outside. Do you know what it is for?"

Four people expressed puzzlement: "What's it for?"

Jiang Hongbo said angrily, "Of course, the training ground is for training, idiot!"


Then Jiang Hongbo took several people to introduce the canteen, indoor training ground, and a lot of research laboratories.

"Well, that's basically the introduction. Regarding the staff dormitory, the dormitory of these researchers is in the research institute, but we practical personnel have to return to the city through the tunnel, and the staff dormitory is in the building behind the headquarters," Jiang Hongbo said, "Tao Binfang, * new, you two come with me."

After saying that, Jiang Hongbo took Fang Bingtao and Zhu Wangchen into the ability research laboratory, and Yu Weiming and Zhang Lun left with Professor Wang.

Entering the ability laboratory, Jiang Hongbo stayed there: "Yan... Yan Ziyi, are you there too?"

A long-haired girl dressed in white was sitting on the floor of the laboratory and looked leisurely at Jiang Hongbo: "Are you back?"

"Who is she?" Fang Bingtao is puzzled.

"Who are you?" Yan Ziqi.

"I'll introduce it!" Jiang Hongbo hurriedly stood between the three and said, "Don't talk! Let me say it!"

Zhu Wangchen asked Fang Bingtao strangely, "Why is he so nervous?"

Fang Bingtao: "It should have something to do with this girl's personality."

Jiang Hongbo pointed to Yan Ziyi: "Yan Ziyi, my good friend and best partner." Then he pointed to Zhu Wangchen and Fang Bingtao: "Tao Binfang, * new, new member of the dragon group."

Yan Ziqi played with his hair with his fingers and said without raising his head, "I know."

Jiang Hongbo sat next to Yan Zixuan and said, "Yan Zixuan, what are you doing in the research room?"

"I have a fever." Yan Ziyi said.

"If you have a fever, you should go to the infirmary!" Jiang Hongbo touched Yan Ziqi's forehead with his hand, and then touched his own.

Zhu Wangchen was surprised: "Are you still sitting on the ground with a fever?"

Yan Ziqi suddenly looked up and stared at him fiercely. A trace of coolness flashed on Zhu Wangchen's body and suddenly felt something on the ground crawling towards him. Looking down, it turned out to be a circle of ice crystals, which were rapidly attacking him.

"Drink!" Zhu Wangchen's palm knocked on the ground, and the ice crumbs splashed in an instant, and the movement of the ice crystals stopped.

Seeing that the two sides said a word, Fang Bingtao quickly withdrew from the laboratory.

Yan Ziyi's attack was unsuccessful, but there was no next step. He just played with his hair.

Jiang Hongbo picked up Yan Ziyi's whole body like a ball. Yan Ziyi suddenly took out a shiny little man from nowhere and handed it to Jiang Hongbo: "Well, it's for you."

Jiang Hongbo said, "I hold you in my arms, but I can't hold it!"

"Forget it." Yan Ziqi's face darkened and bit off the little man's head. He chewed it hard and swallowed it.

Jiang Hongbo said to Zhu Fang with some embarrassment, "Well, you are waiting here now. I'll take her to the infirmary."

"I don't want to go to the infirmary," Yan Zi said angrily, "I want you to hold me."

Jiang Hongbo said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'll hold you."

Yan Ziqi breathed a sigh of relief and continued to play with his hair.

Old Zheng! What about you?" Jiang Hongbo shouted, and after a while, several people ran out trembling from the back of the laboratory.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Hongbo asked.

Those researchers looked at Yan Ziqi like a demon, and Yan Ziqi directly ignored their eyes and were still playing with their hair.

Jiang Hongbo suddenly understood: "Well, these two are new. Some of the files should be sent to you. Lao Zheng, you have to help them understand their abilities in detail."

When the old Zheng looked away from Yan Ziyi and looked at Fang Bingtao, his expression suddenly changed 180 degrees, as if he suddenly changed from fish to a knife. "You two, come with me."

Of course, Fang Bingtao and the two understand what's going on. There is no doubt that Yan Ziyi belongs to the demon-level character in the dragon group, but even so, what?


"Tao Bin, right?" Old Zheng asked Fang Bingtao.


"It is said that your intuition is very accurate, but the explorer can find that there is no power reaction on you. Do you know what's going on?"

Fang Bingtao smiled and said, "If I know, do I still need to come here?"

Lao Zheng nodded and wrote down a paragraph: "The intuition is very strong, but I can't rely on intuition to feel why my intuition is strong."

Fang Bingtao nodded: "That's right."

Lao Zheng looked at Fang Bingtao with some surprise. It should not be easy for ordinary people to understand when they hear this sentence for the first time, right?

Fang Bingtao shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, let's see how strong your intuition is." With that, he took out a piece of paper and wrote a number: "Within 100, guess what the number is?"

"Ye, between 80 and 90." Fang Bingtao closed his eyes and thought about it.

"Yes!" Old Zheng Qi said and spread out the note in his hand, with a big "85" written on it.

But Fang Bingtao didn't open his eyes: "I'll guess again, huh, I think it's eighty-five."

Lao Zheng strangely put his hand in front of Fang Bingtao and shook it to make sure that he couldn't see it.

"You don't talk, is it because I guessed right?" Fang Bingtao smiled, then opened his eyes and saw the "85" "Really guessed!"

Lao Zheng looked at him like a monster: "Can you know everything by intuition?"

"No," Fang Bingtao shook his head. "I've tried. I can probably guess one out of 50, but if I choose one out 100, I can't guess."

Old Zheng Qi said, "But you clearly guessed it just now!"

"That's because it was not a process of choosing one hundred just now, but two processes of choosing one out of ten." Fang Bingtao said, "If you don't tell me that I guessed right after guessing between 80 and 90, then it will be difficult for me to guess the following 85."

Lao Zheng wrote a few more notes on the paper: "I just wrote about a province in China. Guess where it is?"

Fang Bingtao shouted, "Qinghai!"

Put down that piece of paper, and it is indeed the word "Qinghai".

"You are incredible!" Lao Zheng thought for a moment, and then hesitated to record the whole test process in his notebook.

"What else? Do you think there is anything special about you?"

Fang Bingtao shook his head: "No more."