
Geng Yin Awakening Girl

Fang Bingtao thinks that he is the most boring person in the world now, and of course, the group of researchers in front of him. How boring should they be...? It has been three days, and they have been doing the same thing for three days, that is, taking a lot of cards to guess and guessing everything, from poker cards, mahjong cards to Tarot cards, Wanzhi cards, and finally even the Killers of the Three Kingdoms. Anyway, the cards that have appeared in human history have basically been placed in front of Fang Bingtao.

The beautiful name is to exercise his ability, but the effect of such painful and close to compulsive exercise is not high. Fang Bingtao's accuracy of one out of 50 has been hovering at about 85 percent.

"I said, such a practice is useless," Fang Bingtao shrugged his shoulders. "Dr. Liu, you can't force yourself to do it."

Dr. Liu said helplessly, "What can I do? Because the dragon group is very short of investigators now, I want you to fill in the number, but the 85 percent probability is too unreliable, and the judgment method of choosing one out of 50 is useless on the map. Didn't you say before that your ability can be improved through exercise?

Fang Bingtao felt very bitter: "But that can't be a transitional exercise!"

"But do you know that according to statistical laws, the ability of power people only improves after transitional use." Dr. Liu said.

Professor Wang, who passed by, heard this sentence and said loudly, "Xiao Liu, maybe what he said makes sense, because Tao Binfang is not a supernatural person. His ability should be a kind of talent-like thing, and it is also possible to be different from the power."

Dr. Liu showed a helpless face: "But Team Leader Wang, what do you think? The task assigned to me is to increase the accuracy of Tao Bin to 95% within a month. If you don't train, how can you do it?"

Professor Wang gave him a white look: "That's your business. Don't ask me." Speaking of this, he suddenly felt a vibration from his mobile phone. Their researchers were not allowed to turn on the ringtone when they were working, even Professor Wang, as the team leader of the scientific research team.

"Hey, I'm Wang Jiajun, Secretary He, what's wrong?"

"Oh, Team Leader Wang, I'm calling to tell you that Luo Ke's matter has been approved."

"What is the result?"

"Abandon the investigation."

"What?! No way?" Professor Wang shouted in surprise. Suddenly, he found that everyone around him looked at him and realized that his voice was too loud. He had to hide in a corner and whisper, "Luo Ke's disappearance is likely to have something to do with that person. How can he give up so simply?"

"You have to ask Premier Wu directly. Anyway, I just want to convey the meaning. However... I guess my superiors may not want to deal with that person, even if it is a kind of respect for the seclusion of the meritorious officials of the Dragon Group.

Professor Wang thought that maybe there was a reason why it was not humane, so he asked again, "What about Fang Bingtao? Does his training continue?

"I don't know about this. Anyway, if no one informs you, just follow the rules."

Professor Wang scolded in his heart, "Nonsense!" He nodded repeatedly: "Okay, thank you, Secretary He."

"It should be."

The mobile phone called the internal line of the dragon group, so the two stopped being polite and ended the call.

Professor Wang walked back to the laboratory slowly and found that people were looking at him and asked, "What are you looking at?" Work!"

"Yes, yes..."

Compared with Fang Bingtao's pain, Zhu Wangchen is much more relaxed and proud, because he can wander around in the dragon group and greet all kinds of people in the dragon group when Fang Bingtao is in pain. Zhu Wangchen wanted to laugh when he thought that Fang Bingtao was now facing a lot of poker cards and had to guess the color of each of them.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhu Wangchen felt someone patting him behind him.

"Jiang Hongbo, what a coincidence. I met you again."

Zhu Wangchen saw Jiang Hongbo and Yan Ziqi sitting on his back and said hello.

Jiang Hongbo pulled the knotted hair and said, "Because like you, I like to walk around in this cold research institute."

Yan Ziqi was very unhappy that his knot was untied, and a frozen sword condensed in his hand and stuck it on Jiang Hongbo's face: "Cold? Does that mean that?

Jiang Hongbo ignored her. He knew that Yan Ziyi would not hurt himself: "Although walking is our common hobby, I still want to tell you that there are some places you can't go, such as the downstairs you are going to now."

"Are there any monsters downstairs?" Zhu Wangchen pointed to the stairs in front of him.

Jiang Hongbo said, "If I knew, I could go down."

Yan Ziqi asked, "Jiang Hongbo, do you want to see it? I can show you what's downstairs.

Jiang Hongbo said with a little fear, "Don't mess around!"

"It's okay. I often do this." After saying that, Yan Ziqi clicked his hand in the air, and a thin and long ice pipe condensed in the air, and then continued to extend downward. After a while, Yan Ziqi condensed into a mirror in the air. The mirror showed a sleeping face, just like a picture from a camera. "Look, this is the first What it looks like in a room.

Zhu Wangchen was curious: "Come on, zoom in."

Yan Ziyi said and pulled the camera a little further away. The three people saw that it turned out to be a sleeping tank with a long-haired girl in white lying in it. Whether it was dress or temperament, she was a little similar to Yan Ziyi, but she was a little old.

"Hey, isn't this your sister?" Zhu Wangchen said.

Yan Ziqi shook his head: "Of course not. I don't have a sister, but my tube can also transmit sound. You can ask her directly."

"Hey," Jiang Hongbo said, "This is not good. Although I don't know who she is and why she sleeps underneath, since she is asleep, she shouldn't wake her up, right?"

Suddenly, a researcher in white appeared in the picture: "What is this ice stick? What's the matter?"

"Oh, it's been found." Yan Ziqi said coldly.

Zhu Wangchen smiled bitterly and said, "I can't see a 'bad' expression on your face at all."

Jiang Hongbo said urgently, "If you are found, why don't you take it back?"

Suddenly, the girl's eyes in the picture moved as if she was about to wake up.

Yan Ziyi said lightly, "Jiang Hongbo, I said that this thing can transmit sound. If you shout so loudly, you may wake her up."

The researcher in white also saw that the girl was about to wake up, and instantly showed panic and despair, as if the girl in white was a demon.

The next moment, he lay on the ground and did not move.

"What's going on?" Jiang Hongbo is puzzled.

Soon the researcher got up again, mechanically walked to the girl's sleeping slot, opened the slot door, and took the girl out.

Zhu Wangchen suddenly felt something in his mind, "Lies, these are all lies, all lies, they lied to you, they lied to you..."

What's going on? Zhu Wangchen covered his ears with both hands and struggled to look around. He found that Jiang Hongbo and Yan Ziyi were also covering their ears with their hands and shaking their heads as if they were going to shake something out.

The next moment, Zhu Wangchen's eyes also became blurred, as if there was an endless white space. There was only a little girl with long hair standing in white. The girl just kept saying to herself, "It's all lies. They are lying to you..."

"Is this an illusion?" Zhu Wangchen couldn't control too much. He immediately sat down cross-legged and began to recite the "Creation Curse" in his heart.

Back to Fang Bingtao's side, he was looking boredly at the content of each Wise card, and suddenly heard people around him saying: "Lies are all lies. They are lying to you. They are all lies..."

He looked up strangely and found that it was all the researchers who were chattering, "What's going on?" He walked to Professor Wang and waved his hand in front of him: "Professor Wang? What's wrong with you?

"Lies are all lies..."

Fang Bingtao looks at other people, and they are almost the same.

"I was only stunned for a while. Why did the world become like this?" Fang Bingtao thought strangely.

"Hey! Wake up!" He shouted and no one responded.

Well, it seems that something has happened. Fang Bingtao looked at himself doubtfully, "Why am I all right?"

He swiped his card and left the laboratory and found that the same was true outside the research room. Whether it was a dragon group combatants or a scientific researcher sitting on the ground, standing in a daze, or lying on the ground, he said: "Lies are all lies..." Only one or two sit cross-legged, with their eyes closed, and although their mouths are meditated on something, the content is not a "lie", but like some scripture.

"What the hell is going on?" Fang Bingtao forced himself to calm down, and then walked around the research institute and looked around. "The whole research institute is like this. Those who are cross-legged are all fighters. What can you think of this situation?" Fang Bingtao touched his chin and was sure that this was caused by someone's power. Looking at the appearance of these people, it should be mental powers. No matter why he was not affected, this power could actually affect so many people at the same time. Ten * is in the research institute. It is possible that whose power was out of control during the experiment.

Thinking of this, Fang Bingtao first went to several ability research laboratories, but everyone inside, like the people outside, was in a daze of chanting words, nothing special.

"It seems that it is not in the research laboratory, where will it be?" Fang Bingtao closed his eyes and opened his hands. The last time, I found the "eye of God" by intuition. If my intuition was really so effective, it would be okay this time.

"It's below!" I don't know why, such an idea came to his mind. Fang Bingtao ran downstairs in a rush, but saw three acquaintances at the top of a staircase.

At this moment, Jiang Hongbo was lying on the ground, staring blankly at the ceiling, with a "lie" in his mouth; Yan Ziqi was in a coma, with a bruise on his head and an ice brick fell on the edge. It seemed that he should have knocked herself unconscious with this, but her eyebrows were locked and her eyelids beating, as if it was also a dream. What did he get? Zhu Wangchen sat cross-legged, chanting some scriptures and spells in his mouth, just like those combatants rarely seen along the way.

A long popsicle fell from the side of the three people and connected it all the way downstairs.

Fang Bingtao looked at Zhu Wangchen like a warrior, so he didn't dare to wake him up. He just wanted to go down and have a look along the popsicle, but soon after he went down, he was blocked by an iron door. The popsicle reached through the crack of the iron door. Fang Bingtao kicked on the door, but the iron door was very strong, except for a sound. There was no response to the loud noise.

"Hey! Are there any living people?" Fang Bingtao shouted, but no one answered him.

Fang Bingtao looked inside from the crack of the door and faintly saw a white figure moving. Suddenly, the iron gate opened strangely, and a researcher stood behind the door with a pass in his hand. It seemed that he helped open the door.

"Thank you?" As soon as Fang Bingtao said a word, he found that the other party stood still and was still in a daze, but he didn't say any "lies" in his mouth.

In the distance, there is only one long white hair figure walking, obviously the one seen in the crack of the door, and everyone else is in a dull state.

"It seems that this long-haired woman is the key." Fang Bingtao thought so.

Who knew that the white-haired woman also found him. She just turned around slowly, her long hair naturally drooped, and there was no blood on her pale face. Her hands were naturally swinging on both sides, as if there were no bones.

"Who are you?" The first question was actually the girl. What was very strange was that while the girl asked, the researcher next to him also asked, "Who are you?"

Fang Bingtao nodded secretly: It seems that the girl is controlling him.

"Hello, my name is Tao Binfang. Of course, this is my dragon group pseudonym." Fang Bingtao walked directly to the girl and said indifferently.

The girl waited for Fang Bingtao to approach and suddenly raised her hand straight to his nose: "You are not human! Who are you?"

Fang Bingtao shook his head: "I'm a human."

"Then you don't have a heart." The girl said firmly.

"I have a heart and I'm still beating." Fang Bingtao pointed to his chest.

The girl wondered, "Are you also a superpower?"

"I'm not." Fang Bingtao said this and thought about it for a moment. A trace of hesitation flashed on his fat face and suddenly replied, "Maybe I am."

"I don't want to sleep in there. Can you let me out?" The girl asked.

"I want to ask you first if you can get these people back to normal."

The girl shook her head: "I can't get out when they return to normal."

"Can you tell me about you?" Fang Bingtao asked.

The girl shook her head: "I'm going out first."

"Where are you going?"

"No one can find anything other than the dragon group." The girl suddenly came to her senses, as if she suddenly had a spirit, "Are you also from the dragon group?! I know! Are you the Fan Caoting? No wonder I can't see through you. Look at me tearing off your mask!" After saying that, he rushed up and grabbed Fang Bingtao's face and squeezed it vigorously.

"Don't, don't, it hurts so much!" Fang Bingtao pushed the girl away and covered his face and said, "I'm not surnamed Fan. My real name is Fang. Can you say something easy to understand?"

The girl said doubtfully, "No, Fan Caoting is a woman. Do you think your surname is Fan?"

"Nonsense, why did I lie to you?"

"Then won't you stop me from leaving here?" The girl said.

"No." Fang Bingtao stood up and said, "But I want to know what's going on. Why are you here and why you want to control all the people?"

The girl shook her head: "You can't know. If you know, you will die."

Fang Bingtao thought for a moment: "Anyway, I'll take you away first." After saying that, she found that the girl's footsteps were very stiff and walked very slowly.

"What's wrong with you?"

"My feet should not have been used for three years and two months." The girl said slowly.

Fang Bingtao's heart was horizontal: "I'll carry you on my back!"

"You don't have to carry it," the girl pointed to one side. "Someone will carry me."

Fang Bingtao looked over and found that it was the researcher who opened the door for him. Yes, making his man's back far from being reliable for a person under her control, right?

Walking upstairs, Fang Bingtao pointed to Zhu Wangchen sitting on the ground and asked, "That's my friend. Can you untie him first?"

"No, I can't trust anyone." The girl shook her head decisively.

Fang Bingtao smiled and said, "Then why do you believe me?"

"My ability has no effect on you. I don't believe what else can you do?" The girl said.

Fang Bingtao pointed to the researcher: "Although your difference can directly affect me, you can control him to deal with me!"

The girl suddenly said, "Yes, thank you for reminding me!" After saying that, the researcher put her down and kicked Fang Bingtao.

"Stop!" Fang Bingtao shouted.

The girl really stopped.

Fang Bingtao changed his expression and said seriously, "If I guess correctly, you should be too capable to be imprisoned by the dragon group, right?"

The girl nodded: "It's not imprisonment, it's sleeping. As long as I'm conscious, even if I'm just dreaming, I can control others."

Fang Bingtao: "That's right. You are going to escape from the dragon group now, but the dragon group is all over China. Where can you escape? Even if you flee abroad, there are also power organizations abroad, not to mention that the Chinese dragon group is enough to fight all over the world. Where do you want to go?

The girl asked, "What does this have to do with whether I hit you or not?"

Fang Bingtao said proudly, "It's me, and there is a way to protect you."

"I just read the memories of those researchers. You are just a person who knows neither martial arts nor powers. In addition to being afraid of my ability, you also have a stronger intuition. What else is there?" The girl said disdainfully.

Fang Bingtao said mysteriously, "But they don't know that I know a great person, a figure who can compete with the dragon group."

"Who is it?"


The girl's eyes suddenly glowed: "Do you know the heavenly master?! How do you know each other?"

"You don't have to worry about it. You just need to know that I know each other." Fang Bingtao waved his hand, "Well, do you need to introduce it for you?"

The girl nodded vibly: "If the heavenly master can protect me, then I don't have to be afraid of the dragon group!"

"So, now, do you agree to tell me about me?"

The girl's eyes darkened again: "No, I won't say anything unless it's Tianshi himself. Can you contact him now?"

Fang Bingtao shook his head: "I can't do it now. The contact information is in my mobile phone, but you know, the mobile phone will be confiscated after entering the dragon group, so I have to get my mobile phone back first."

The girl rode on the researcher again: "Okay, let's go!"


Nonover: It's over. As soon as the girl wakes up, the main plot can't be hidden...